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Mature Woman New Job for Family Ch. 05

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Mature Married Wife continues Secretary Role to help family.
14.6k words

Part 5 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/05/2016
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This is the fifth part of my story about a mature married woman who becomes the family breadwinner after her husband has an accident. She becomes a Secretary for her Husband's Boss.

Please read the previous chapters first as this will tell you the background to how we have got to here.

As usual comments and ratings are appreciated and welcome.


William lay in his hospital bed on Saturday morning, one thought on his mind. How did his wife Lydia's previous evening go?

William had first met her when he was 22. She was working in a store in his small local town when one day he saw a number of younger guys harassing her at her till. Not knowing why, as he wasn't a particularly brave guy, he told them to stop. Luckily for him they were not too brave either and they left the store, knocking some items from the shelves to the floor as they exited. He helped her tidy up the mess and she thanked him, giving him the nicest smile he had ever seen. He was hooked from that moment.

For the next number of weeks he shopped there almost every day, disappointed on the days she was not present. He learned her name from her work mates and that she was only 17. She looked a bit older to him and he was concerned that she was so young. Nevertheless he eventually found the courage to ask her on a date but she turned him down, telling him that her parents would never allow her date an older guy. However, he persisted with his visits to the store, chatting to her, asking her out.

One day, from their discussions he discovered that her father was a volunteer worker in a nearby homeless shelter and that they were having an open day the following weekend to demonstrate their workings to the general community.

Attending the open day he found an opportunity to talk to her father and found himself surprisingly interested in the work they did on behalf of the homeless. He volunteered to help which was gladly accepted. Three months later he and Lydia were dating with her parent's consent.

Prior to dating her he had no serious girlfriends, having only dated a small number of girls, none more than twice. He was a firm believer in no sex before marriage and he discovered that most girls found that strange. To his relief Lydia shared this belief.

William was her first boyfriend. She was so beautiful to him and he was delighted and surprised every time he looked at her that she was his girlfriend. They spent a lot of time together, particularly helping out in the shelter. It was three months before they kissed and over a year before he even put his hand inside her blouse. Even at that young age it was her breasts that stood out, being very large for her slight frame.

He had started working in a local firm as a storeman and was really enjoying life. Most of his colleagues considered him boring with his role in the shelter, not being one to join them on their drinking sessions. While thinking her beautiful and sexy, often commenting on her breasts, they thought he was mad to be dating such a young girl. He had stupidly confided their no sex agreement to one of them and that made them believe him to be even more a boring wimp.

Within three years of first dating they married. They had not been able to live up to their no sex before marriage beliefs, giving into their desire for each other two months previously. Gradually they had progressed from him touching her breasts. The first time she had lowered his boxers and revealed his cock she had thought it strange to touch and when he asked her to taste it she looked horrified at him. On that first occasion she had reluctantly stroked him to climax. The third time she did take him into her mouth, hating when he came so quickly, hating the taste of it. She also didn't particularly like his rough fingering of her pussy but never told him so.

One evening both of them were babysitting her younger siblings while her parents were away for the entire night. After her siblings were asleep they started kissing and touching each other on the couch. Before long they were naked together for the very first time. As she reluctantly sucked him he fingered her, loving the sight of her nude body, her breasts as usual standing out, her nipples very erect. He stopped her sucking his cock, surprising her as he usually didn't stop until he came and that never took long.

He asked her if he could go down on her and reluctantly she agreed. He was down there no more than two minutes before he jumped on top of her, kissing her, spreading her legs with his hands. Very quickly he had entered her, cumming in her straight away. She had got no pleasure from her first experience.

Afterwards they looked at each other in panic realising what they had done. The panic increased when she failed to get her period a few weeks later.

Less than five months later they were married. Though not exactly happy with the circumstances both families were delighted that a grandchild was on the way, seeing it as God's will.

Over the next thirty years they lived a good life. The first child, Imelda, was followed by three others. He had continued working in the same firm, rising up the company ladder eventually reaching the operations manager role. Their sex life had never been adventurous or varied much, with routine sex a number of times a month for the first few years reducing over the years. Oral sex never again formed part of their routine. Neither of them ever expressed anything but satisfaction with each other and they enjoyed their simple family life.

Of course all of that changed when he had his accident five weeks ago, resulting in his hospital stay. Lydia had taken a job as his boss' secretary in order to keep money coming into the household. He had watched as his wife gained more self-confidence, this being her first job since that store job so many years previous. He watched on as she wore new clothes and became more concerned with the way she looked. She appeared to be enjoying her new role, her new independence. All their life she had been the stay at home wife and mother while he was the bread winner but now the roles were reversing. He was unsure if he would ever be in a position to go back to work and that worried him.

Yesterday she had spent the day at their boss' luxury country club, with the other secretaries, being pampered with beauty treatments. They were then to have dinner with James, their younger 30 year old boss, and some of his other managerial colleagues. William was aware of this annual secretaries treat day but he had never attended never having a secretary of his own. He had heard of some fun taking place between some of the younger secretaries and the managers. Lydia was much older than the others but that did not prevent a touch of concern of his part. What did concern him was what she had decided to wear, choosing a red dress that he was aware showed off her breasts and legs.

He had not heard from her yesterday or yet today and that worried him. He needed to know what had happened during the day. He needed to allay the fears going around in his head, though deep down he knew he could trust her. She was not a sexual woman, never liking men even looking at her. However that did not stop the nagging thoughts in his head.

Lydia had not slept well after arriving home from her country club visit. Her mind was in turmoil at what had happened and even more so at what else could have happened. The day had been wonderful with many new experiences. For the first time she had received new beauty treatments such as a facial, pedicure, manicure, professional make-up session and new hairstyle.

She had never thought herself to be beautiful or sexy but the results of the day had her thinking that very thing. In addition she had received a full body massage from a hot young guy and she had loved the feeling of his firm hands on her body.

At dinner James had continually told her how good she looked and how desirable she was. They had danced together during which he had held her tight, stroking her back, and exposing her to the band members when he raised her dress and touched her bare ass. She had been wearing stockings, suspenders and matching push up bra and thong, all of which he had bought for her. Of course she had not known he had gifted them to her presuming that her predecessor, Emily had bought them for her. She was shocked when he confessed he had bought them for her and that he wanted to see them.

Luckily they had seen sense and realised that she, as a married woman, could not behave in such an unacceptable manner. He called a car to take her home. She had kissed him once before leaving, her thoughts very confused. She was glad she had left before things had gone too far but she also realised that she had experienced feelings of lust and desire that were not familiar to her. She had never wanted any man to touch her like she had the previous night. She had never before considered any man but William touching her. Byran, the masseur, had touched her in places no man other than William had ever touched her before but at least he was a professional. James had touched her bare ass, had kissed her cleavage. What surprised her most was that she had loved it all so much.

She looked in the mirror seeing her new look but also a guilty wife. She loved her new younger sexy appearance. When she went downstairs the children looked at her strangely. The youngest boy asked what had she done to her hair, her eldest son telling her it was nice. Thankfully her son had no match this weekend so she did not have to rush anywhere. He asked if they were going to see William and she told him that they would that afternoon.

She was not looking forward to seeing him, knowing he would have lots of questions about her day. She was scared that he would see her guilt, her feelings, her desires. She had not told him she would be getting a massage or about the gifts she had received. She had also woken up that morning with her period which thankfully did not trouble her as they did in earlier years where she used to be in a lot of pain each month.

James woke up that morning, seeing the sleeping naked woman next to him. Gemma, one of the other secretaries, had accompanied him to his room after Lydia had left. By then he was totally horny, needing to be released in a big way. From past experience he knew that Gemma was a slut when drunk so he had used her to satisfy his needs. Looking down at her slim young body he visualised a naked Lydia there instead, her large tits, her mature body. The thought of Lydia made him erect again so he slapped Gemma hard on her bare ass, waking her up. When she looked at him with her sleepy eyes she smiled and saw him glance towards his erect cock. Knowing what was expected she immediately took it into her mouth, sucking on it slowly, taking it deep into her throat. It wasn't long before he spilled his seed into her. He rose from the bed to shower, telling her to go back to her own room and to be gone by the time he had finished his shower.

Lydia tidied up the house a little, not being able to concentrate too much. After preparing some lunch for her son they went to the local shopping mall, doing their weekly food shop before getting him some new football gear. In the mall she met one of her housewife friends, Ava, with whom she would occasionally have a coffee some mornings before she had started her job. They proceeded to the Starbucks café getting coffee, cakes and a coke for her son. While he played a game on her iphone she chatted with Ava who asked her about her new job. Ava told her how good she looked, admiring her new hairstyle and makeup. After about a half an hour they said their goodbyes and headed home.

That evening the two of them went to the hospital. While parking her car she was surprised to see James' car in the carpark. She was surprised at how fast she felt her heart beat. She wondered who he might be visiting.

On entering William's room she saw James sitting at his side, laughing and smiling. She looked at him, nervous at his presence here. She knew that William would question her on the previous day and she didn't want to answer with James present as he would be aware that she was not telling her husband the entire story. She went to William, kissing him in the forehead, aware of James staring at her. William stared at her.

"You look wonderful Love, I love the new look"

She looked at both men, James winking at her, her husband obviously admiring her new look.

"James was showing me some pictures. I must say his dad looks great."

Looking at her boss, she wondered how many pictures he had shown, particularly if he shown any of her and James. She assumed not, given that her husband had not mentioned her. She watched as her boss pass her his phone, "Here, have a look yourself."

Nervously she took the phone seeing a picture of his dad and Emily, recognising the position they had been in when the photographer had taken the pictures the night before. She swiped her fingers across the phone to see what other pictures he had as he chatted to William about the business. She saw several pictures of Emily and his dad, a group picture and then some of her and James together. She looked at the two men chatting, wondering if he had shown William these pictures.

Assuming not, she swiped her fingers again and nearly fainted on the spot when she saw the next picture. She was stunned looking at a picture of Gemma dressed only in heels and bra. Afraid to keep swiping but needing to see what other pictured he had, she continued, next seeing Emily naked on the bed first awake and later asleep.

James looked up at her knowing what pictures she was looking at, "Doesn't she look good?" putting out his hand for her to return the phone. Quickly she swiped off the pictures.

William looked up at her, "Retirement seems to suit her, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does, she was in good form," knowing he was talking about Emily.

She was in shock at seeing the pictures, knowing that after she had left the club he had obviously gone back to Gemma. Was there no-one he would not have sex with? How could he say all those things to her then turn around and do that with one of the other secretaries? She was so distracted that she hadn't noticed James get out of his chair and talk to her.

"I better go and let you two catch up, here take my chair," giving her a huge smile, "You take care William."

"Thanks Boss, thanks for calling in."

"No problem, see you on Monday Lydia," as he left the room.

She looked at her son, "Tell your dad about your week," trying to get some time to compose herself, the picture of Gemma burning in her head.

She listened as her son told William every detail of his week not noticing that her husband was staring at her the entire time. She could not help being jealous of Gemma, feeling within her that she would have liked to be the one on his bed, that thought both shocking and exciting her. She looked up to see William glance away from her.

He had seen all the pictures as well. James had shown him the pictures of Emily and had swiped his phone, allegedly too far, displaying the picture of Gemma in her bra. Apologising to him for showing that one they laughed about it just as Lydia had entered the room. He thought that Gemma had looked wonderful with her fabulous young body.

He was pleased to see that James had spent the time with Gemma meaning that he was still into younger women, more importantly meaning that Lydia had been safe from him. As he listened to his son he watched her, wondering why she seemed to be so far away in thought. He wondered if perhaps she had seen Gemma's picture and maybe that had upset her. He could imagine how disgusted she would be that he would have such a picture on the phone.

He decided not to mention it in case she had not seen it. He thought she looked stunning, loving her new look, amazed at the difference in her. He turned his attention back to his son just as she looked up at him.

"So what's the latest from your doctors?"

"They're happy with my progress. They say maybe I can go home in about three weeks."

"That's great."

"So are you going to tell me about your day yesterday?"

"There's not much to tell really. We had a lovely day, I had a facial, manicure, pedicure, beauty treatment and as you can see a new hair style."

"You look amazing love. It takes years off you."

"Hardly, but I do like it. We had a lovely evening as well, great dinner. James really knows his food and drink."

"Yeah, his dad was the same."

He could see in her expression that she was remembering the day, reliving it in her mind as she spoke about it. He was glad she had a great day. She deserved to be spoiled a little after all the stress of recent weeks. He was so glad he had seen Gemma's picture as looking at how good his wife looked he would not have been surprised if James had made a move on her.

After some more discussion on his treatment she told him that they would see him tomorrow and that afterwards they were spending the day with their pregnant daughter. With a kiss on his cheek they left and went home. She knew that she had not told him everything that had happened and that made her feel guilty again.

That evening all of her three kids still living at home were staying in so she got pizza and drinks before watching an action movie that they had chosen. She could not concentrate on the movie, lost in thoughts of the previous day, James' touch and comments, his exposing of her ass to the band, Gemma's picture. She had so many conflicting thoughts revolving around her head as she sipped her wine, seated on the large couch with her kids.

While she was seated on the couch deep in thought James was having dinner with Stella. He was surprised at how much he was enjoying his time with her. They discussed their lives to date, he being very honest with her on his previous drug addictions but not sharing his liking for submissive women. She told him about her five years in Europe, a mixture of work and travel. He asked her about European men and she laughed telling him that they had the same faults, the same body parts as all other males. He laughed loudly at her response, loving her sense of humour. At the end of the evening they shared a taxi, first dropping her off at her riverside apartment. While the taxi waited he walked her to her door where they kissed before agreeing to meet again.

He left her there, resuming his taxi trip home. When home he switched on his PC and looked at the various pictures and videos in the directory named "Lyds". He looked at the images of her shopping trip with Emily, his massaging of her in his office and the pictures the band had taken for him. He loved the look of her long legs dressed in the stockings and he especially loved the look of her tight looking ass. Oh how much he looked forward to feeling it and being in it one day. He was confident that it would be soon.

The following day she did not rise from bed until almost noon, surprised at how deeply and long she had slept. While showering she looked down at her hairy pussy, now conscious of it for the first time having seen the trimmed and bare pussies of the other women the day before. She wondered whether she should trim it before deciding to leave it alone. Going downstairs she saw that all of the kids were engaged on their electronic devices, all no doubt playing games. She got some coffee and toast, telling the kids that they would be leaving at 2.00 pm.

They all went to the hospital, William loving seeing them all together. After a visit lasting about an hour they went to the house of their daughter and sister, Imelda. Imelda was experiencing a very happy healthy pregnancy and they had a very pleasant day with her and her husband, Sean. Both Sean and Imelda told Lydia how good she looked, how much younger the new hair style made her look. Sean made her blush when he said;

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