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Mature Woman New Job for Family Ch. 07

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Married Woman to decide to stay or leave her secretary role.
13.5k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/05/2016
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This is the next part of my story about a mature married woman who becomes the family breadwinner after her husband has an accident. She becomes a Secretary for her Husband's Boss.

Please read the previous chapters first as this will tell you the background to how we have got to here. Lydia has to decide what she wants after discovering how James is willing to treat her

As usual comments and ratings are appreciated and welcome.


The following morning saw Lydia wake up very early, 5am, still deep in thought about the events of yesterday. As was now usual for the last number of weeks her mind was in turmoil, totally confused by what she was doing, how her life had completely changed in a very short period.

She thought back to the previous afternoon when she had visited her boss' apartment, delivering important papers that he needed to conclude a key contract, vital to the continuation of the company. That at least was the pretence he had for her being at his home.

James had planned for all of the events to take place, for her to please Gerry, the key client with whom he was trying to conclude the contract. Gerry had not been aware of her presence until he arrived but he was more than willing to take his reward for signing the contract.

She had known that Gerry was attracted to her from a dinner they had the previous week. She had hoped in going to James' home that she would have some sexual contact with him but she had not been prepared for his willingness to share her with Gerry.

What confused her most was that she did not know if she was upset with him or not. She knew, deep down, that she had enjoyed stripping in front of the client and that she had been very turned on by her part in finalising the contract, helping James and the company. Being taken by both of them at once had been the best sexual experience of her life to date. On the reverse side she had felt used and humiliated and that she didn't like.

Of course she was also feeling very guilty for cheating on her sick husband, William. He had now been in hospital for many weeks and it was uncertain if he would ever be able to return to work. That was the reason she had taken the secretary job in the first place, her first job since before she had been married, more than 30 years ago.

William had been the only man she had ever been with sexually before her encounters with James, and now Gerry as well. William would be leaving the hospital soon and she realised that he would need constant care and attention. She felt really bad for cheating on him but she also knew that she had got more satisfaction and fulfilment in the last few weeks than in all the years with her husband. She also felt guilty at the way she was behaving because of her kids. She wondered what might have happened if she had allowed her daughter Gillian, aged 21, to take the secretary role rather than continue in college, as had been the first choice put on the table by James.

She could not help but think whether Gillian would now be in her position, pleasing James however he wanted. She did not like the image of her under James' desk or sandwiched between him and Gerry. She did worry what her kids would think or do if they discovered what she was up to.

She looked at the bedside clock to see that it was almost 6.30am, time to get up and get ready for the day. She did not know how she would react to James today or how he might treat her. She started to shake in a way she did not understand and had to throw water on her face and drink some water to calm herself down. She wondered if she was having a panic attack and lay down again on her bed. After another 30 minutes she heard movement of her kids rising and showering and she rose from her bed, putting a gown on, before going downstairs to get her son his breakfast. On entering the kitchen Gillian was sitting down at the table, eating her muesli.

"Are you ok Mum, you look terrible."

"I don't feel great to be honest Love."

"What is it," worried at how pale her mother looked.

"I don't know, I just feel very shaky all of a sudden, maybe I'm coming down with a cold or something."

"Well you look terrible, you can't go to work like that."

That gave her another sense of panic. How could she not go to work, what would James think.

"I'll be fine after a coffee."

"No, you will not, let me call James and tell him you're unwell."

This gave her even more feelings of panic. There was no way she wanted Gillian talking to James about anything, "No, I will call him myself, you're right, I'm not able to go to work today."

Her daughter looked at her. She was worried at how her mother had been acting over the last number of weeks, how she had changed in terms of how she dressed, going out at night, coming home looking very flushed and at times stressed. She had thought about speaking to her father about it but decided against it as she didn't want to worry him more. He needed to recover from his accident and worrying him would do no good. She had even thought about going to see James and asking him if her mum was stressed at work but decided against that for now. She would watch her more closely to make sure she was ok.

After Gillian had left for college she got her son out to school with a hug and a kiss, the hug longer than usual, in time to get his 8.15 school bus. She was still feeling very shaky and unstable on her feet and headed back upstairs to her bedroom to lay on her bed. She wondered how she should inform James of her absence and worried about his reaction. She decided on a text message and typed, "James, I'm sorry I will not at work today, I don't feel well," looking at it several times before pressing send.

James had woken a number of hours earlier, very pleased with the events with her and Gerry. What pleased him even more was the signed contract in his hand. This contract gave the company some security for the immediate future though he was aware that they still had some financial difficulties that he was trying to hide from his father, the founder of the company.

He knew that he was testing Lydia the previous day but he had done so with some confidence that she would submit to him and Gerry, if she thought that she was helping him and the company to survive. He had surprised Gerry by asking him if he wanted a signing bonus, looking at Lydia at the same time. Of course he knew the older man wanted her so he told him to delay signing the contract and to convince her that she needed to close the deal.

He pretended to leave the apartment and watched from the bedroom as Gerry had his fun before joining them for the final act. Part of him felt guilty for treating her so badly, particularly the way in which he dismissed her afterwards. He could not help his desire to use, humiliate and degrade women but he felt guilty for doing it to her.

He heard his phone beep and looked at her message. The first thought that crossed his mind was that he had gone too far, that he had pushed her limits too fast. His sense of jubilation from the previous day left him quickly as he read and reread her message. He wondered how to respond. He decided to wait for a while before doing so.

At the same time William was meeting with his doctors to discuss his treatments. They told him that he could go home on Friday, just two days away. They asked him if his family had made preparations for his return. He responded that they didn't know what was needed but that he would contact his wife.

When they left him alone he lay on his bed, deep in thought as to how his wife would react to the news of his homecoming. It worried him that he was unsure whether she would welcome the news or not. He had seen many changes in her, seeing her gain a lot of self-confidence since she had started her job, noticing how much socialising she was doing. All of this from a woman that had never worked outside the home, without many friends, who had been content to be a wife and a mother, looking after the home and family while he worked. He worried that she would not be happy to give him the attention he needed. An hour later he sent her a message asking her to call him when she could.

She lay on her bed, trying to sleep, yet listening out for her phone to beep to let her know James' reaction to her absence. She still felt bad and now did start to think whether in fact she had picked up something, that she was ill. It was now after 9 and she had not heard from him. That worried her more, making her feel even worse. She jumped when she heard her phone beep and was disappointed to see it was a message from her husband. She read it before lying down again on her bed, thinking about what he could want. After 20 minutes she rang him, he answered immediately.

"Hi Love, how are you?"

"Actually, I'm at home in bed, I'm not feeling too good."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I don't know, just didn't feel well when I woke up."

"Was it something you ate yesterday perhaps?"

Her first thought was the cock she had in her mouth yesterday, "No, I don't think so."

"Are you going to see a doctor?"

"I'll wait to see how I feel later, what's your news?"

"The doctors told me I could go home on Friday."

For a moment she was silent, feeling the panic grow in her stomach, shaking more, "That's great news."

He had noticed her momentary silence, "Are you sure, it's not going to be easy."

She felt guilty for her silence, "Why would you say that, of course we'll all be delighted to have you home."

"The doctors asked if you had prepared for it."

"What do we need to do?"

"I will need to live downstairs for a while. I will not be able to use the stairs. We also need to put some exercise equipment and a special bed which they will supply."

Her first guilty thought was relief that he would not be coming back immediately to their bedroom, "We can convert the study to your room, who do I talk to about what is needed."

He gave her a name and a number, "Sorry to push this on you now Love, especially if you are not feeling well. Maybe you might ask James for some time off."

His mention of James made her shiver, "I will ring that person and we'll take it from there."

He noted that she had not responded to her request to James but put it down to her not feeling well. He still had some concerns about James and how he was known to treat women but he assumed and hoped that was reserved for young women and that Lydia would be of no interest to him.

"Ok Love, thanks, I am looking forward so much to coming home."

"Me too."

"Love, you go get some rest, get yourself better."

She ended the call laying down, wondering how she was going to cope. Maybe this was the best thing to happen; maybe William coming home would mean she had to stop this foolishness with James. She had to look after her husband now. She would not have time to be out after work hours. She would ask James for some time off to sort out the house and the preparations for William's home coming.

The feeling of unease and panic seemed to lessen with these thoughts. This was the opportunity for her to get her act together and resume her wife and mother roles.

Almost as soon as she reached this conclusion she heard her door bell ring. She got from the bed and looked out the window to see James' car in her driveway. The feeling of panic returned as she rushed to put a gown on and go downstairs to open her hallway door. She watched as James walked past her into the house, carrying a huge bunch of flowers in his hand.

"Hi Lyds, how are you feeling?" handing her the beautiful flowers.

"Not good, not sure what it is."

He looked at her, seeing that she looked very pale, very tired and worn out. She looked her age, the first time he had thought that of her.

"You don't look good, is anyone else home?"

"No, they are all out, sorry I'm not at work."

"Don't be stupid, you're obviously not well enough. What do you think caused it?" looking at her closely to see if he was the cause of it.

"I really don't know, I just didn't feel well when I woke this morning," afraid to tell him that she was feeling panicky and stressed, "and William just called to say he would be home on Friday."

"That's good, isn't it?"

Not sure how to respond she looked at the ground, "yes, it is, but there are a lot of preparations to get ready before he gets home."

"Well, first we have to get you better. Then you should take a few days off when he gets home."

Immediately she felt relief, she would not have to ask him for time off. Maybe he too realised that what had happened to date would have to stop once William was home. That also brought a feeling of dread and disappointment to her.

"Thanks James, that would be very useful."

He was going to correct her addressing of him as James but decided against it. He watched as her gown had opened slightly, giving him a sight of her huge tits under her night dress. The view gave him stirrings of desire for her.

"What do you need to do to prepare for him coming home?"

She told him that she had to call the hospital to find out what she needed to do.

"Give me the number, I'll get someone to call them and I'll sort out what's needed. You're in no state to do anything."

"James, that would be too much," seeing him looking at her breasts, noticing that her gown has opened a bit but not closing it. She could not believe that she was aroused by him merely looking at her, "where are my manners, would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please, coffee would be good, and nothing is too much for my Lyds."

As she waited for the coffee to boil she thanked him for the beautiful flowers. As they drank the coffee she looked at him, giving him a smile, "James, you do know William coming home changes things."

"Time will tell Lyds, don't make any quick decisions. I will help you to look after William, we can get some people to come in and help you."

"That's too much."

"Stop now, I will help and that's the end of the discussion, give me the hospitals number."

He watched as she went upstairs to get the number. Yes, she looked older than before, but he still wanted to bend her over the kitchen table and fuck her. He would resist for today though, he would give her some time to prepare for her husband's return but he had no intention of allowing her to stop pleasuring him.

She returned and gave him the number. He noted that she had closed up her gown again, much to his amusement.

"I should go and let you go back to bed."

She felt disappointed that he was going to leave, part of her wanted to take him upstairs, "ok, thanks for everything."

"Lyds, you're the one we have to thank for everything."

That was their first reference to yesterday's events and she didn't know how to respond so she remained silent.

He smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, "I will call you later and let you know what is going on, go to bed, get yourself better," before he turned and left.

She watched him leave before putting the flowers in a large vase on the table. She looked at them, they were without doubt the most beautiful flowers she had ever received. She had been surprised at his offers of help. He seemed to be even taking over the running of her house. She looked in the mirror seeing herself look very haggard and old. Looking at herself she wondered if the way she looked today had stopped him wanting to have sex with her. She was saddened at the thought.

Later that day she received another visitor. She was very surprised when Emily had called her, saying she had heard about her illness and whether she would be ok for a visit. Just after noon she arrived, giving her a big hug when she entered the house. After her call Lydia had showered and dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

Emily explained that she had called the office and that Gemma told her she was at home.

"Thanks, why did you call in the first place?"

"I was going to ask you for lunch to see how your first month in the job had gone."

"Thanks, that's kind of you. It's going grand."

"Let me make some coffee for us and you can tell me all about it, any scandal from the workplace?"

She looked at Emily, her predecessor in the job, wondering if she knew or suspected anything.

"No scandal, nothing new really," but she looked at the floor as she spoke.

Emily made the coffee and brought it to the living room. Both sat on the large couch as the coffee was poured.

"Lydia, you look wrecked, is James making you work too hard?"

"I'm just tired I guess, not used to regular work hours."

"And irregular hours?"

She looked at her, worried as to what she might know, "What do you mean?"

"Well if he's anything like his dad he will expect some later hours as well, he often needed me to stay later to help him out."

"No, not much of that thankfully"

Emily could not help but notice her blushing as she spoke, or her discomfort. She thought that it was time to tell her some truths.

"Lydia, I am going to tell you something but I need you to promise me you will keep it to yourself."

Worried even more now, "yes of course, what is it?"

"I was his dads lover for over 20 years."

She looked at the older woman, stunned at her statement, "His lover?"

"Yes, well probably more, I was his submissive lover."

"What does that mean Emily?"

"It's simple really, whatever he wanted I would do."


"Yes anything"

It was obvious to Emily that she was shocked hearing this and she knew that Lydia was thinking that her son was exactly the same.

"Was this only after you lost your husband?"

"Yes, so I suppose it's different for you."

She looked at Emily, utterly stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Lydia, I know that James is just like his father and I think he's already made his move on you, am I wrong?"

Her feelings of panic started again, "How could you know that?"

"From experience, Lydia, I could see he was making his moves the night of the dinner."

She started crying, "Oh Emily, I don't know what to do."

Emily moved next to her on the couch, putting her hand on Lydia's right knee, "It depends what you want, I had a great time with his dad but I wasn't married at the time. Is he cruel to you?"

"Depends what you mean by cruel."

"Do you want to talk about it, I never had anyone to talk to, I would have loved to be able to talk to someone who might understand."

"I'm not sure I can tell you."

"Ok, it's up to you, you know you can tell him to stop if that is what you want."

"I'm not sure I want that either."

Emily smiled at her, touching her on the knee again. She could see in the look on her face that Lydia was totally confused at what was happening. What she did not know was that James had called her and asked her to check on Lydia.

"Emily, I really don't know what to do, can I tell you what's happened?"

"Of course, we can compare notes," laughing to attempt to relax her a bit. That brought a smile.

"It started just after you left. He had me massage him in the office and then he gave me one. Then, you're right about the night of your dinner. All evening he was coming onto me telling me how good I looked."

"He's right, you were stunning on the night."

"Thanks, he wanted to sleep with me but I couldn't do it so I went home. The thing is that I wanted to be with him but I knew it wasn't right."

"Well, he is a bit of a hunk, isn't he."

Lydia smiled at her, "after I left he went and had sex with Gemma."

"Oh that's not nice."

"I know I have no rights but that upset me, almost as if any woman will do for him."

Emily knew that James would have sex with anyone but didn't say anything. His father had been different limiting his extra martial activities to her alone. She remained silent waiting for her to continue.

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