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Meeting Andy: Slut Wife V

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A step back in time to when I first met my hubby.
3.7k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 03/24/2024
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Meeting Andy


Greenville's center for nightlife could be found in the crosshairs of West 5th Street and Cotanche where places like Club 519 and Rehab Lounge drew some serious student attention from around campus and beyond. East Carolina is a party school. Make no mistake. Study when you can... and only if you give a shit.

Buried under my first year of nursing school academia and rooming off campus in a three bed, two bath rental house, I had no business downtown mingling amongst the drinking and debauchery. Exams were lingering on Wednesday. I needed to be studying like my other two roommates, even though it was Friday night.

Angela, a senior ECU undergrad finishing up a degree in psychology, wanted to park her car in our drive and escort me into some action. I had just turned twenty, and she insisted I needed to celebrate. It wasn't that I hadn't been downtown before. I had a purse full of fake ID's and a license for danger, but duty to career had taken over since starting professional school.

"You don't understand," I explained. "Nursing school isn't the same as tromping around campus taking a few psych courses. I don't have time for this. I've got a whole semester's worth of crap to cover in four freaking days!"

"What I understand," Angela replied, "is that you haven't been laid in almost a year, and you just turned twenty. Do you have any idea how many guys would love to help you take your mind off the books for one night? I'm talking about hot guys, Megan... freshmen to senior, take your pick."

"What about grad students?" I sarcastically chaffed.

"Oh, they are the best." Angela plopped her keys down on the counter and rummaged through her purse for the necessities she could cram in her pockets... credit card, student ID, driver's license, cash, and three Ultrathin Trojans.

"Going prepared I see." I picked up one of the condom packages. "How do you know the right size before you even meet the guy?"

"You've been out of the game too long, Meg. One size fits most. If he's too big for these, we will stop by a gas station and get what he needs."

"And if he's too small?"

"I leave his ass at the station and go back downtown," Angela smirked.

"That's not very nice," I cackled.

"Save nice for Sunday School, Meg. This is about dick. I don't have time for losers."

The truth is that I shared entirely too much private information with my friend. It was probably because she was a psych major and knew how to get in my head, although she was totally a riot during conversation... and I talk too damn much. Still, she might not have known about every guy that had gotten into my panties.

The last guy I had actually dated was a varsity baseball player named Chris who had totally rocked my world. All he really wanted was somebody to write his English papers. I stubbornly refused his request until he stretched me out on the kitchen table and plowed me like a field. Then, I became more cooperative.

I knew better than to expect a long-term relationship with Chris or even monogamy. Chris was one of the hottest guys on campus. He probably couldn't make it to class without some bimbo rushing him and unzipping his pants. We just sort of hit it off in English Literature, which was only an elective for me.

I wanted to think I was cute enough to hold his attention, but ECU was loaded with prime Grade A Pussy. It probably still is. That's why all the guys come rolling into Greenville every weekend from every university in the state.

"I'm telling you, Angela, I don't have time for this."

"Well, that's just fine," she quipped. "The least you can do is walk me down there. You've told me before that I shouldn't go alone, and you know parking can be impossible."

Trapped again. I put on a T-shirt and jeans, nothing special. Neglected a bra. I generally don't need one. We took off. An hour later, I had no idea where Angela had gone, and I had some lumbering giant of a football jock drooling in my hair. You can't tell football players anything. They're all deaf. It's a prerequisite. Plus, the excruciating music was pounding every eardrum into mush and every brain into wanton recklessness.

"Don't you live in the athletic dorm with the other guys on your team?" I was trying to clarify the circumstances. He was asking me to come home with him.

"Yeah. They don't care who we bring up there."

"But don't you have a roommate?"

"Yeah. I can ask him to leave. It's no big deal, Meg. Come on."

"I need to go to the little girl's room. You just hang right here, okay Bubba?"

He nodded his approval and took another swig from his longneck. I made a slow trek through the crowd looking for an exit. That's when we crashed into each other.

It was my fault. I was looking behind me, making sure I wasn't being followed. I slammed right into Andy. He spilled his cup of draft all over me. DAMN! My white cotton Nordstrom scoop T, too tight and too thin for a beer bath. No bra. Perfect.

"Shit! I'm sorry. Oh wow..."

Those were the first five words my future husband uttered when he saw me. Needless to say, he saw more than I intended to show him, and he wasn't alone. I quickly folded my arms over my chest, but how exactly do you do that with a bottle of beer in your hand? Fortunately, he took it from me and relieved me of that burden.

"I'm really sorry," he repeated. That smile. Those lips. That dark hair against those bright blue peepers. Well, I was a little drunk, but I still liked the view. So did he. "I'm Andy. I apologize. I didn't notice you coming."

I lifted my arms off my chest just slightly and looked down to survey the damage. Oh, it was bad. Nipples on parade.

"Hey, I'm Megan, the queen of bad decisions, particularly when it comes to downtown fashion." I poked out my finger as an alternative to shaking hands, keeping my arms over my breasts. Andy hooked it with his pinkie and a chuckle. A clean-up team moved in quickly to mop up the mess. Andy and I slipped out of the way, and I noticed a crowd of people was staring at me... including Bubba from across the room. Ugh.

"You see that guy over there? That really big guy?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Andy took a swig of my beer, apparently assuming ownership. He could have it.

"Well, that guy plays varsity football, and he wants to fuck me."

"He told you this?"

"Yep. I was just talking to him before you tried to drown me."

"I'm sorry. I really am." It was Andy's fourth apology. So cute. "Did I screw that up for you?"

I took a quick glance at Andy. "Look at that guy a second. He probably weighs 350 pounds. Can you seriously imagine that guy on top of me? Can you envision that in your mind?"

Andy closed his eyes and lifted the beer bottle to his forehead as if concocting the mental spectacle of me having coitus with an elephant. He opened his eyes. "It's still cloudy for me. If you take your arms off your chest, I might get a better picture."

"Very funny. What's the problem? You didn't get an adequate inspection?" I couldn't help but smile. "If that lineman gets on top of me, I become an archeologic relic."

"I can see that," Andy laughed. "What can I do to help?"

"Sneak me out of here." I took another look at my shirt. "I think I need to go home."

"Fair enough. You take the lead. I've got your back." Andy pointed towards the door as we slithered between patrons and carefully made our way out the front. We were both on the shorter side so we could easily stay hidden. Outside, the streetlights were brighter than I ever remembered. My buttons were bursting through with a vengeance.

"I've got to go," I said, setting a rapid stride up the sidewalk. As cute as Andy was, the whole situation was way too embarrassing for small talk.

"Wait!" Andy was skipping behind me like a puppy. "You got a car?"

"No, I just live a few blocks from here. I lease a house with two other girls. We're all nursing students."

"What? I'm finishing up in hospital administration. I'm a senior this year."

"Congratulations." I didn't mean to sound snarky, but it just came out that way. "Why are you following me?"

"I can't let you walk alone at night. I'll walk you to your place. That's the least I can do."

"I'm seriously okay, Andy. You can go back to the bar. I'll be fine."

"No way. I'm not a serial killer, I promise. I'm not going to let you fall victim to one. Let me walk you back home, Meg."

Why does everyone call me Meg no matter how I introduce myself?

"We have a real problem with serial killers around here, Andy. Downtown is teaming with them."

"I'm being serious, Megan. I'm not leaving your side."

I shrugged. Andy wasn't a big guy, and he didn't look dangerous. Had I stayed with Bubba, I certainly would have died an agonizing death, crushed beneath his sweaty bulk. My longevity seemed more promising with Andy. I slowed my pace so we could talk.

"You go to ECU?" I asked. I wasn't aware of any medical administration program in Greenville.

"No, I'm at UNC. I came down here with some of my frat brothers. They are all staying at this guy's house a few blocks from here."

"They are all staying?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be staying there too. I'm not really looking forward to that. The place is pretty crowded. I'll probably end up on the floor."

"Do you have a car, or did you ride with somebody?"

"I hitched a ride," Andy admitted. This sounded more like a setup every second. I wondered if I should be alarmed. That little boy face had put me at ease.

"Let me guess. You'd like to stay over at my place."

"Oh no...I don't want to put you out or anything, Meg. I just want to be sure you get home alright." I took a long look at Andy. He was smiling. Always smiling. And I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"You're a smooth operator for such a little guy."

"I'm not that little. I'm taller than you."

"You're wearing cowboy boots," I giggled. "I'm wearing sneakers. Of course, you're taller. But you're cute. I'll give you that much." We had reached the back door under the carport, and I stepped up the series of concrete stairs, inserting my key in the lock. The house was dark. It was late. My roommates had gone to bed... serious students with serious attitudes.

I'm going to flunk out of nursing school, I thought to myself. This is seriously a bad idea.

"Okay, you can stay here tonight, but this isn't anything more than a housing arrangement. Got it? I don't do one-night stands, especially with guys I met less than an hour ago."

"I can sleep on the couch right here," Andy whispered as we passed through the den. "You won't even know that I'm here. Can I use your bathroom, by the way? I'm about to explode."

"It's right over there, blue eyes, and please don't explode. We've already made one mess tonight." It took me a second to consider the implications of my comment. Andy seemed oblivious as he rushed right by me. He did look uncomfortable, and I would need to be next in line. "Put the seat down when you're done," I instructed through the closed door. (I grew up with a brother)

Once Andy finished his business in the bathroom and I finished mine, I made a B-Line for my bedroom and then returned to the living room where Andy was on the couch. "You wouldn't have an extra blanket I could use, would you?"

I had changed to a sweatshirt and shorts. "This isn't going to work, Andy. My roommates aren't going to like this at all."

"What do you mean? You're kicking me out?"

"No, I'm not kicking you out, blue eyes. I just can't have you lying out here when they get up in the morning. The girls won't take well to some strange guy greeting them on the way to the kitchen. They wander around half naked most of the time anyway."

"So, what are you saying, then?"

I took a big breath and blew my bangs out of my eyes. "I'm saying you're staying in my bedroom with me. I'm sure as hell not sleeping on the couch."

"Okay," Andy agreed. "I'll sleep on the floor, then." He followed me into the bedroom. I closed the door behind us. I had a queen size bed with a frilly bedspread, stuffed animals, and lots of pink.

"You're not sleeping on the floor, Andy."

"I'm not?"

"No, you're not. And you're not sleeping in jeans with a button down either. I know you can't rest while you're wearing all that, so you can just take it off. I've seen guys in their underwear before."

"What makes you think I have on underwear?" I froze in my tracks and looked at him. Andy broke into the loudest laugh of the night.

"Keep it down!" I motioned with my finger to my lips. I couldn't help but giggle. Then I straightened myself up and folded my arms expectantly. "Okay, cowboy, take it off. You've seen me in a wet T-shirt. I get to see you in your undies. Or maybe no undies."

As it turned out, he had on underwear. I think they were Under Armor. Black. Tight. He had a cute body, muscular but by no means massive. He had definition, athletic prowess.

"You work out, don't you?" I was sifting through my drawer for a night shirt. I constantly change clothes when I'm nervous.

"Yeah, sometimes."

"I'd say pretty often. You've got a nice body."

"Thanks. I probably shouldn't say this, but I like your tits."

"You're right. You shouldn't say that. But thanks... I guess. I know they are small. That was as much as you get to see, so don't get your hopes up... or anything else."

"I can't promise not to get anything else up, Meg. You're very pretty, and certain things have a mind of their own."

"Keep it to yourself then, cowboy. I can't have you waking up my roommates with your howling."

"No howling, I promise."

I held up my ECU football jersey. I thought it was appropriate. "You have a thing for football players?" Andy asked. It took me a second to make the connection between the shirt and Bubba from the bar. The shirt was too small for any legitimate football player.

"Would it bother you if I had a thing for big boys?" I asked playfully, not intending to make an issue of Andy's shorter stature.

"It's none of my business, I guess. Just making conversation." Andy blushed. It made him look even more desirable. Most guys don't think twice about intimate questions. I don't think twice about kicking them in the balls.

"For your information, I bought this myself. I don't harbor men's clothing over here no matter how well I know them. By the way, can I trust you to turn your head while I change, or do I need to go back to the bathroom across the hall?"

Andy put his hands over his eyes and turned around smartly. I slid out of my shirt and shorts while I stared at his ass. It was a nice ass. Probably his best physical attribute. Definitely. I wasn't sure how big he was up front, but his ass was fine. I let the jersey fall over me like a tent and left on my thong, though I rarely wear those things to bed. It wasn't like it provided protection. Maybe it was more of a tease.

"So, Andy, are you going to need a towel tonight, or do you still have wet dreams?"

"Can I just use a pair of your panties?" Quick come back. Touché.

"You most certainly cannot," I snickered. I turned out the light and we both climbed into bed. A moon ray beamed across the length of the room, spotlighting a teddy bear that my first boyfriend gave me. I met him in the library during my initial week at ECU. He ultimately took my virginity in his dorm. It was less than a memorable occasion. We broke up after he walked in my rental and found Chris banging my brains out on the kitchen table.

You could say I led a sheltered life in high school, never dating one guy long enough to call him a steady or staying out late enough to get properly deflowered. My dad scared the hell out of suitors. He found it amusing.

I always imagined that bear as being some secret spy camera that my boyfriend left behind to keep tabs on my love life. Chris fucked me a million times in front of it. He tied me to the bed and made me suck him off. He shot cum all over my tits, in my mouth and my pussy. Teddy never said a thing. He must have liked what he saw.

"Can I kiss you goodnight?" Andy's voice was a song, sleepy and suggestive. Yeah, I liked it. I liked his body. Why was I hesitating? What in the hell was my problem? What would Teddy say? I leaned over and kissed him. In an hour, our lips were chapped, and we were totally naked. My thong was hanging at the top of a bedpost. My hand was wrapped around his dick.

"Do you have a condom?" I mumbled, stroking his erection with my tongue in his ear. He had a finger inside me and was sliding in a second.

"I can go get one."

I groaned against his scruffy cheek. "At three in the morning? What are you going to do, Andy? Go ask a neighbor?"

"Is it really that late?" Andy looked over my shoulder at the clock.

I suddenly remembered the Trojans in Angela's purse and wondered if she had dropped by to retrieve all her things. I popped out of bed and walked nude into the kitchen. Her car was still parked in the drive.

Yep, I thought to myself. She's getting laid... and so am I. Happy Birthday to me.

I rifled through her stash of makeup and receipts until I happened across her blisters of prophylactics. I ripped off a single serving and proudly carried my prize to the bedroom.

"Guess what I found." I softly closed the door behind me, then clicked on the reading lamp atop my desk, providing some light to operate. I handed the package to Andy. "Would you like me to put that on for you?"

He had this deer in the headlights stare. I couldn't figure it out. I tore open the package and plucked out the condom, then proceeded to roll it on his cock. The sleeve was too long, and it was loose at the base. I tried to check out the package for a size.

Even in the dim light surrounding us, I could see the humiliation on Andy's face. "I stole this from Angela, the girl I accompanied downtown. Her boyfriend is huge. Fuck, I'm so sorry, Andy. I wasn't thinking. This obviously isn't going to work."

"She went to meet her boyfriend downtown?" Andy slipped off the condom and dropped it on his clothes beside the bed.

"Probably not," I smiled.

"Oh," he said solemnly. "But her car and her stuff are still here, so I'm guessing..." Andy paused. "How do you know he's so huge? Have you seen him?"

"No, she just talks about him."

"What do you consider to be huge, Meg?"

"Andy, will you stop it? That's enough. Jesus, I'm sorry I brought Angela up. I just owed you an explanation."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did... and I owe you something else." I began stroking his cock back to life as I looped my arm around his neck. We fell back on the bed, kissing. "All good boys should be dreaming by now, Andy. So, I ask you again. Do you still have wet dreams?"

"I feel one coming on, Megan. I hope it's not really a dream."

I slid down the length of his body, no blanket, no sheets to cover us. He was lying there, bobbing in the half-light with anticipation. I stroked him into readiness, stroked him to the very edge of climax, dribbling down his shaft.

"It's not a dream, cowboy. Do you think you can hold it? How many licks will it take?"

It took three. He shot ropes all the way up his chest. "Maybe I better get you that towel," I laughed.

Once I wiped him off, Andy splayed me on the bed and licked me into oblivion. His tongue was amazing, the best I'd ever had. I climaxed too many times to count. I soaked the mattress. We ushered dawn into morning before falling back to sleep. I took him to lunch, then we met up with his frat brothers across town.

That evening he returned with takeout for supper and a box of ultra snug condoms. I'd been studying for several hours when he finally arrived, hopelessly behind in my exam preparation. My roommates were badgering me with questions about this stranger.


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