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Meg Swims Naked

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Meg discovers the pleasures and perils of exhibitionism.
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I dumped Jake in April. I had just turned 22. He was my third boyfriend and a resounding confirmation that I was only attracted to men that eventually turn out to be assholes.

In late June, the weekend of a camping trip we'd planned arrived. My two girlfriends Caroline and Tara were still in happy relationships, so I knew that I was going to be a fifth wheel.

Whatever, I liked camping and I had a bunch of reading to do.

One good thing about Jake was that he'd been really enthusiastic about camping. He had much better equipment than I did, but we'd never actually been camping together, so I'd be back in the leaky old tent my younger brother and I had shared for family trips when I was in high school. The weather forecast was great, so I'd be fine.

The reason that I dumped him was that he started to get really pervy. He wanted me to wear increasingly revealing clothes. He'd tell me to not wear underwear when I came out to meet him for a date. I like to think that I'm adventurous, but I guess I'm not adventurous in that way. I want the guy I'm dating to make me feel safe. I want him to make me feel sexy too, but first, I have to feel safe.

When I balked at some of his suggestions and he got more insistent, I dumped his ass.

Both Caroline and Tara liked Jake. They said that I'm too much of a prude and that I should have given him more of a chance. They made fun of me because I got uncomfortable when they referred to "tits", "ass" and "pussy" where I stuck to "boobs", "bum" and "junk".

Anyway, I didn't give Jake another chance. So now I was going on a 3-couples camping weekend as the only single.

We arrived on Friday night and we had the spot until Sunday at noon. The site Tara's boyfriend Paul had booked was fantastic. It had been an hour and a half hike with packs from the parking lot, but it had a nice private bit of beach next to a lake.

We'd grabbed a bite during the 3-hour drive and it was already starting to get dark when we got to our site. When we arrived we put on our headlamps and set up the tents. We'd left after work, so we were all pretty tired. We just crawled into our respective sleeping bags.

Saturday was beautiful. We swam, we had surprisingly good meals, we girls lounged in bikinis and soaked up the sun, Paul and Trent found us plenty of firewood.

After dinner, Trent rolled a joint and we passed around a mickey of Fireball. We had a nice fire going and, despite the fact that my companions were two couples, I still felt included. It was only my second time trying weed, so I coughed a bit.

It got dark and, after we finished laughing at one of Tara's crazy office stories, there was a lull in the conversation. I sat on my towel on a well worn section of log and enjoyed how the snap and pop of the fire punctuated the silence. The air smelled sweet, the sky was clear and there was a full moon.

"I'm going for a swim!" Caroline announced. She stood up and started walking toward the lake.

"I'm with you babe," Trent said launched himself after her.

Caroline was wearing her bikini, but she was discarding it as she walked. Trent was hopping to remove his shoes and his pants soon followed.

Tara looked at Paul, raising her eyebrows. Paul looked at me, shrugged and the two of them got up. They turned toward the lake and started shedding their clothes too. "You coming?" Tara asked, but they didn't wait for an answer.

Being out of the firelight's glow, their four bare bums were blue-grey as they finished stripping and charged into the lake.

Pretty soon they were all laughing and splashing about. "Come on in Wilson," Caroline called, "the water's amazing!" Everyone calls me Meg except for Caroline, who insists on using my last name.

I'd been swimming all day, so I couldn't imagine that it would feel even more amazing at night. I'd never skinny dipped before, though. Could I strip naked in front of my friends? If it had been just Caroline and Tara, sure, but with the two guys there?

"Yeah Meg, come swim with us!" Tara called. "We won't judge if you keep your swimsuit on."

I had a nice buzz going and getting in the water was very appealing. I got up and walked down to the water. I still had my bikini on.

I thought about taking my bikini off and swimming naked. I was intrigued but I felt my familiar shyness. Away from the fire, my eyes adjusted and there was no problem seeing four heads bobbing in the water. And they'd have no problem seeing me if I stripped.

I admit it, I was embarrassingly prudish about taking my clothes off in front of people!

I know they were all disappointed when I just walked into the water still wearing my bikini.

"Tara may not judge you," Caroline said, "but I'm going to. Seriously, swimming naked is so much better!"

Trent and Paul were smart enough to not say anything.

I swam about a bit. I felt stupid for not being brave enough to take my swimsuit off. It was night and these were my friends. None of them had a camera with them.

"Okay," I said.

"What?" Caroline swam towards me, grinning. "My prudish friend is going to get naked?"

I was close enough to shore that I had to crouch down a bit for the water to go up to my shoulders. I removed my bikini top and... "Oh wow!" I gasped. The sensation was so much better than I was expecting. The water was so soft and cool against my bare boobs. It felt wonderful!

Laughing, I threw my bikini top up on the beach.

I was grinning madly. My friends were all watching me. I stared right into Caroline's eyes. Nothing could have wiped the smile off my face at that moment. She stared back.

"Bottomless is even better," she said.

I reached down under the water and pulled my bikini bottoms off. The cool water swished between my legs in my most intimate places. My jaw went slack. Caroline was right. This was such a simple thing and yet it was so incredibly great.

I tossed my bikini bottoms up onto the beach.

Caroline laughed at the look of pure delight on my face. I was genuinely shocked that removing so little clothing could make such a profound difference. It felt better than anything.

"This is amazing!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My friends all laughed and we splashed about for a while.

I don't know how long I swam and floated out there feeling completely joyous and blissed. I was aware that my companions eventually got out of the water. They're all going to go and have sex, I thought. That's what I'd be doing if Jake were there.

But they didn't all go and have sex. They went back to the fire, dried off and put their clothes back on. Trent put another couple of logs on the fire and they all started chatting and passing the booze around again.

Eventually I decided to go and join them, so I floated to shore and looked around for my bikini. Neither part of it was where I'd tossed it.

"Come and join us by the fire!" Caroline said.

"Okay." I was still looking around me. "I don't see my bathing suit anywhere. Can you throw me a towel?"

"You don't need a towel," she said. "It's nice and warm by the fire, you'll dry off quickly."

I covered my boobs and my junk as best I could with my hands and edged closer into the firelight. "Not cool, guys!" I said. "Give me back my suit and my towel."

"You need to loosen up a bit, Wilson," was Caroline's reply. "So you're naked. We're all friends. Nobody has their camera out. Relax and come join us."

"Right," I said, "I'm naked and you guys aren't. It's not fair."

"But we like Naked Meg," Tara said. "Naked Meg was just telling us all how skinny dipping was the best thing she'd ever experienced."

"I'll just go get some other clothes out of my tent," I said.

"Wait. Don't." Caroline pouted at me. "We're your friends and we all really want you to stay naked. Is it so terrible?"

I stood there at the edge of the firelight's glow. They were all staring at me. Trent and Paul's eyes were wandering a lot more than those of Tara and Caroline. At least they probably couldn't see how intensely I was blushing.

"It's not terrible," I said. "It's just unfair. If I have to be naked, then you guys should all have to be naked too."

"I'll tell you what," Caroline said, "next camping trip, someone else will be naked. Tonight, it's you."

"Yeah, right."

"Look Wilson, you're too much of a prude. You know it. We all know it." I rolled my eyes but Caroline kept talking. "Tonight you skinny dipped, and you loved it. I'm really proud of you. You always tell me that I have to build on my successes. Tonight, you're going to build on your success at skinny dipping. The way to do that, is for you to relax and come join us by the fire. Let us decide when you put your clothes back on."

I stared at Caroline. She'd laid my choices out very simply. I could just sit down, share another joint, sip some booze and see what it's like to be the only one naked, or I could go back to my tent and get some clothes, and then join them by the fire. If I put on clothes, they'd all be disappointed.

Standing there naked, having this conversation with my clothed friends, I realized that I was experiencing quite a thrill. There was something other than booze and weed in my veins. Some other drug. It felt like it might be a more dangerous drug, but I knew that putting clothes on would shut it off completely.

If I put on clothes, I'd be disappointed too.

I actually squirmed a little. I don't think they noticed.

"Fine," I said and walked to a space next to Caroline and sat down. The logs we were sitting on were well worn, so I knew I wasn't going to get splinters in my bum.

My friends all let out a big cheer.

We proceeded to get nice and buzzed. Paul got out a Bluetooth speaker and put on some tunes, really quietly. The other campsites were a fairly good distance away, but it was getting late, sound travels across the lake and we didn't want to disturb anyone.

Caroline and Tara teased me about what a prude I'd been for so long. I mostly kept myself covered, but I could see Paul and Trent each trying to not be too obvious when their gaze drifted to my bare hips or some sideboob. I finally said, "okay, I'm officially cured of prudishness. You guys clearly want to get a good look, here you go!"

I stood up, lifted my arms and turned around 360 degrees. They clapped and cheered me on.

I loved it!

I did a little bow and sat back down.

The dynamic changed a bit after that. Or maybe it was just how I felt that changed. From that point on, I found reasons to get up and I enjoyed the thrill of them all staring at my naked body when I did so. I was discovering that being the only one naked was fun!

It got pretty late and the fire was starting to die down. My favorite dance tune of all time came on. It didn't matter that the volume was really low, I was on a high, so I got up and danced. The others sat and watched as I let loose. I felt free and supremely horny. I didn't care one bit what the others thought of me, as long as they were watching!

When the song ended, I felt a little embarrassed and sheepishly went to sit back down.

Tara looked at Paul. "We need to go to bed," she said, "now."

Paul nodded and said, "yes. Yes, we absolutely do."

Caroline and Trent exchanged meaningful glances. Caroline got up and Trent said, "are you staying up Meg?"

I was blushing, having understood that they were now all going off to have sex and that my naked dancing had a part in the sudden urgency they all felt. "Um, no, I'll head to bed too."

Trent quickly helped me douse the fire and took off after Claudia saying, "goodnight!"

I rubbed one out as soon as I was in my tent, still naked, lying on top of my sleeping bag. I came quickly and more intensely than ever before. I finished before my friends because, when I was done I could hear little slapping and grunting sounds from their nearby tents. I'm not sure if it was Caroline or Tara, but one of them started whimpering and that built to a moan that lasted quite a while.

If I had some part in inspiring the sex that night, I'm glad that it sounded pretty good. I wished that I had someone to crawl in my sleeping bag with. Not Jake, though I'm sure he would have liked Naked Meg quite a bit.

It got quiet and I fell asleep quite quickly.

I woke up a while later needing to pee. It was liberating to crawl out of my tent completely naked, go pee and wander around the campsite. The moon was still shining brightly. I put my hair up and went out for a quick swim. Like before, it felt fantastic.

This time I dried myself off with a towel. When I crawled back into my sleeping bag, I fell into a deep, happy sleep.

When I woke up, I heard the sounds of my friends already up and getting breakfast ready. We had to clear out by noon, so there would be time to enjoy the morning. Not enough time though. I wanted to spend another day there skinny dipping. I wanted to be the only one naked sitting by the fire for another night!

It was back to reality though. I grabbed a clean t-shirt, clean panties and my shorts out of my backpack.

I held them up and frowned.

Then I remembered something Caroline had said from the night before.

I put the clothes down and I unzipped my tent. I crawled partway out into the vestibule and unzipped the fly. I was almost blinded by the intense morning sun shining right in my face as I crawled out. I stopped partway out of the vestibule to reach back and zip up the screen door of my tent.

"There's our sleeping beau..." Caroline started to say then cut herself off with a chuckle.

My four friends were all at the picnic table working on breakfast and they all looked over at me as I stood up.

"Whoa," is all Paul said.

Trent slowly said, "Nice!" He then immediately looked self-conscious and glanced over at Caroline.

Tara looked me over and said, "Naked Meg has returned."

I walked toward them. I was nervously playing with a hair tie. It was one thing to be naked by firelight at night. I was now bathed in golden morning sunlight as I stood in front of my friends.

It was intensely thrilling. Even as I was blushing, I desperately wanted them to keep staring at me.

"I think we've created and exhibitionist monster," Caroline said.

"No," I retorted, "last night, you guys said you would tell me when I was allowed to wear clothes." I looked around the group. "Can I put on my clothes now?"

They all saw right through me, but I had plausible deniability.

"You know," Caroline said, "we can hear you when you're in your tent. You didn't have to come out here stark naked to ask us that." She gave me a mischievous smile. "We all know you're loving this. I think you should stay naked for a while."

"All in agreement?" Paul said, raising his hand.

Hands went up. Apparently I was going to be naked for a while. This is what I wanted, but I still didn't want them to know how desperately I wanted it.

"This is going to be fun," Caroline said. "How long should we make her stay naked? Until Wednesday? Thursday?"

"Wait a sec, guys." I knew she was kidding, but the thought of being deprived of my clothes for an extended period flipped another switch on, causing a surge of adrenaline to wash through me. "This is just a camping thing."

"Our newly discovered dirty little exhibitionist slut seems a bit reluctant," Caroline teased, "pretty soon she'll be getting naked at the drop of a hat and shaking her cute bare bottom for anyone who wants a look." As she said this, Caroline lifted her hands up and did a little dance, wiggling her bikini-clad hips.

This was getting silly. "I won't be staying naked until Wednesday or Thursday," I said. "I won't be staying naked until we get home. I won't even be staying naked while we hike back to the car."

The next thing I did was premeditated. It was the reason that I had a hair tie in my hand. I did because I knew it would feel sexy. "What I am going to do," I said, "is go for a swim before breakfast." And as I said that, I lifted my hands up, still holding the hair tie, and started gathering my hair to tie it up in a ponytail so it wouldn't get wet.

When I'd thought about it beforehand, gathering my hair seemed like an innocent thing to do, but when I actually did it, I felt really dirty. I was deliberately exposing myself and standing completely nude in the sunshine. Giving all of them an extended and unobstructed full frontal felt electric. I involuntarily stretched myself taller, my toes curled and I tried not to squirm.

I held the pose for a moment, fiddling unsuccessfully with my hair as they all looked directly at me. I noticed Tara glance away. Had I embarrassed her?

"Okay! Yes! I'm a 'dirty little exhibitionist slut'!" I knew that I was busted. "But I won't be 'shaking my cute bare bottom for anyone who wants a look'." I emphasized the word "anyone" and, as I said it, I let my hair drop again as I lifted my hands up and did my best to imitate Caroline's little hip wiggling dance. My version may have gone on a bit longer than hers. Dammit, that felt really, really sexy.

As I resumed gathering my hair to tie it up, I saw that all four of them were now glancing away.

"I guess you should tell them that," Caroline said, gesturing behind me to my left.

I could have just turned my head and looked, but I turned right around.

There were two men in park ranger uniforms, standing about 10 feet away from me. I stared at them and they stared at me. I still had my hands up fiddling with my hair. It was maybe 2 seconds before an alarm sounded in my brain. HELLO!?! YOU'RE STARK FUCKING NAKED! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

I immediately dropped the hair tie and tried to cover myself up, looking down at the ground.

"Hello," the older of the two men said. He looked about 30. "My name is Ryan and this is a trainee, Elton. We're here to check your camping permit."

We all stood there for a couple of seconds, then Tara said, "Don't you have the permit, Meg?"

"Yes," I mumbled, "it's in my tent. I'll get it."

"I advise you to put some clothing on as well, miss," the older guy said, "public nudity, even when at your own camping site, is in violation of park policy and state law."

"Oh god," I said in horror as I hurried past the rangers toward my tent, still staring at the ground.

"Don't worry," the ranger kept talking as I went past, "we're not going to slap the cuffs on you and haul you off to jail. We won't fine you or report you. The law is just there to make it clear who is in the wrong in case there are any complaints."

Meanwhile, I had gone down on my knees, bum on my heels and lowered myself partway leaning my head and upper body into my vestibule.

"Um, Wilson?" Caroline was saying, "you..."

"Hang on!" I said abruptly cutting her off in my panic to get into my tent. I was fighting with the zipper. The two zippers along the bottom of the door opened fine, but the one that went up the center had gotten stuck.

I can't really remember what was going through my head. I was basically in a haze from the embarrassment of being naked and the zipper was an intense frustration on top of that. I don't think that I was aware that my bum was still sticking out of the vestibule. I certainly wasn't aware of how well lit my bum was by the morning sun.

The most urgent thing, as I was struggling with the fucking zipper, was that I get inside my tent. I had to get away from the whole, horrible, humiliating situation.

The zipper wasn't budging, so I did what anyone would do. I lowered my head and shoulders and pushed myself through the bottom opening on my stomach.

Take a moment to visualize what that looked like, dear readers. As my shoulders went down, my bum went up.

Having passed the two rangers who were facing my friends, I didn't consider that they might turn and watch me get into my tent. I didn't consider how my tent was angled vis-a-vis the forest path that entered our campsite. I didn't consider that the two rangers were less than 10 feet away, almost directly behind me.


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