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Megan Pays the Rent

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Megan's mother arranges for her to pay the rent to Mr. Cane.
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"Come in!"

Megan opened the door to the office and hesitated a bit before entering. He was sitting behind a large, oak desk with a dark marble top, a big man, well over six feet with a full beard, dark hair and muscular torso. His dark suit made him look older, but she thought he was only in his late 30's. A pair of blue icy eyes caught her brown ones and he gave her a little smile.

"Come in and shut the door, Miss Love," he said in his deep voice.

Megan did as she was told. His voice was commanding and in the dozen or so times she had interacted with him she found it hard to resist his directions.

"Sir, my mom sent me to pay the rent," she said, as she stood there, fidgeting.

For the last six months Megan and her mother had rented a set of rooms in Mr. Cane's large, Victorian house. The house was old, but kind of cool and was filled with ancient, but interesting stuff. She wasn't sure what Mr. Cane did for a living, but it seemed to be something to do with buying and selling art and antiques, many of which stood in the halls or hung on the walls of the house. Megan felt it made the place a bit spooky.

Not that she didn't like living there. The last six months had been the most enjoyable and stable of her life. She didn't have a dad and her mom, though Megan loved her, was at best, unreliable. She couldn't hold a job mostly because she used too much booze and drugs. For most of Megan's life they drifted from place to place, sometimes living with her mother's boyfriends or in women's' shelters, or well anyplace that would take them in. With no dad, no home and practically no mom, sometimes Megan felt like she had been robbed of her childhood.

In the last six months though, they had lived in the nice apartment in Mr. Cane's house. Megan had just finished her senior year at (finally!) a decent high school and last night they had actually eaten out to celebrate her graduation. Her mom had even given her a gift: The cute strapless, yellow sundress she was now wearing.

This afternoon when she had come home from school her mother had told her to change into the pretty sundress and heels and put her long, brunette hair into pigtails before going to Mr. Cane's office. It was the first of July and now that Megan had graduated from high school and was an adult (hadn't she really been an adult when she turned 18 last September? Well, never mind), she would need to "pay the rent" her mother said. When she asked her mother where the money was, her mother answered that she should go to Mr. Cane's office and he would explain.


"I assume from your expression that your mother hasn't told you about our... arrangement for the rent," said Mr. Cane, as he stood.

She looked up at him. He was so tall! Especially as she was a petite five- foot-one. "Not really," she said, quietly.

"Please, undress, and I will explain to you the agreement your mom has made with me. Take your clothes off, fold them neatly and put them on the chair. You can leave the heels on," he said.

"Undress?" she said, in shock. "No!"

"Well," he replied. "You were not party to the deal, so you are free to not cooperate. However, you and your mom have been living here for the last six months with the understanding I had with your mother that when you finished high school you would do certain things for me. If you refuse, I will have you and your mother out on the street within the hour. Your mother will owe me half a year's rent, and I think I would have a mind to have the police search her apartment to see if there are any illegal substances in there. Do you think they might find anything?"

Megan's heart skipped a beat. Her mother didn't even have the cash to buy a few cans of soup, let alone pay back six months of rent. And if the police searched the apartment...

She was horrified that her mother would make such a deal, but in her heart she knew it was exactly the type of thing her mother would do and not tell her about. Megan felt she had no choice but to start unbuttoning the yellow sundress. It fell to the floor. Her bra and panties came next. She neatly folded them and placed them on a chair, trembling as he watched her follow his directions. She had just shaved her pussy for the summer so she didn't have to worry about stray hairs peeking out of her bathing suit, but it left her cunt completely exposed to his gaze now, making her feel more than naked.

It wasn't as if Megan had never had sex before. During her senior year she had pursued relationships with several boys and had become quite good at blow jobs and P in V. These liaisons never lasted more than a couple of weeks, however, and she came to realize that what she was really seeking, a type of male guidance, authority, security and care, wasn't something a teenage boy could give.

"I hope you liked the sundress, I bought you," Mr. Cane said as he opened a drawer in his desk. "You looked nice in it, though I daresay you look even better out of it!" he smirked. So, she realized, it hadn't come from her mother after all! Another deception.

He removed some leather items from the drawer that Megan identified as a collar and cuffs. Stepping behind her he slipped the collar around her throat, tightened it and locked it. The cuffs when on her wrists attached together by a short chain behind her back.

Megan heart was pounding. It was clear Mr. Cane was intending something more than just a blow job, or a quick fuck. What did he have in mind?

He brought out a leash and clipped it to a ring on the front of her collar. "This way!'" he ordered, pulling on the leash. The teenager, naked except for the heels, collar and cuffs, followed. They approached a bookcase in his office and he reached up onto one of the shelves. There was a click, and the bookcase swung open and exposed a doorway and a set of steps leading down.

Megan's head was spinning as she followed Mr. Cane down the steps, placing each foot carefully as she went. Balancing when your hands are bound behind you, while wearing high heels was not easy. This whole thing was so crazy: hidden doors, secret staircases, it was like something from a movie or book!

The steps went down and down and down and by the time they reached the bottom and Megan realized they were well below street level. Here there was another heavy, padded door. Mr. Cane used a key to unlock it and flipped on a light, then waved her inside.

The basement was chilly, but not freezing and it almost seemed as if the temperature had been chosen to keep the nipples on her small, but well shaped tits, in a constraint state of erection.

The room only had a few lights, but Megan could tell it was almost the size of the house. As she waited by the door, Mr. Cane lit a match, used it to light a candle, then carried the candle through the room, lighting more than a dozen additional candles attached to sconces on the walls and columns that supported the roof. When he was done she could finally get a sense of the whole space in the flickering light. The walls were of rough stone as were the columns. Sitting on the floor scattered about the room were...well, machines for lack of a better term.

Suddenly it occurred to her what this was: a dungeon. A real dungeon! And those machines were for...

"Does it remind you of your special book?" Mr. Cane asked.

"W-what book?" said Megan, startled.

"The one you hide under your mattress. The one you think your mom doesn't know about," he chuckled.

A while ago Megan had come across a copy of "The Story of O" at a yard sale. She read the back and something about it looked...intriguing. Too embarrassed to buy, it, she slipped it into her purse without paying. At home she read it from cover to cover many times: The story of a woman, "O," voluntary and erotically trained, used and abused by a powerful man - Sir Stephen. There was bondage, whips and even branding in the novel that aroused dark, subservient desires in her, but what Megan most of all took away from it was that she wasn't alone and the submissive urges that she struggled with were something other girls had too.

"How did you know?" she said meekly.

"Your mother told me," he replied. "After hearing about your interest in it, and seeing some photos of you on social media, I decided to see you for myself and followed you for several weeks without your knowing. Satisfied you were what I wanted I made my arrangement with your mother and you moved into my house."

Taking her leash and putting a hand on the small of her back he guided her forward through the machines. "This is my unique collection. Devices of pain and pleasure. Some I have bought, others I have invented myself. I'm quite proud of my efforts, but I'm missing one thing: the right girl to enjoy them with. A girl who will appreciate them the way I do. A girl willing to be trained by me in the art of carnal desire."

Part of Megan wanted to run out of this place an never come back, but another part of her, perhaps the stronger part, felt... interested. More than interested, maybe even aroused. It was just like the book. Mr. Cane wanted to train her as Sir Stephen had trained O.

They finally reached the back of the basement. Mr. Cane flipped a switch and the lights came on in a room attached to the dungeon. A huge, wide arch connected the room with the space in which they stood. Blocking them from entering the room was a set of vertical iron bars that followed the curve of the arch and Megan realized this space was a cell. The walls were of rough stone, like the dungeon, but the rest of the room was very different.

It was decorated like a bedroom in pastel colors. On one side was a canopy bed. A soft rug covered the floor. There were shelves with books, dolls, stuffed animals and a large overstuffed chair. In one place was a retro looking TV and on top of it a selection of movies. Some were Disney and other were... much more adult in nature. Hanging from the ceiling and walls were fairy lights in different colors. Megan realized it was the bedroom she had always dreamed of having as a young girl when she was sleeping on a thin mattress in somebody's hallway.

Mr. Cane undid the chain on Megan's cuffs freeing her hands, then unlocked the cell. "Go ahead and look around," he said. "There will be times you will need to stay here overnight and this will be your room."

Megan walked around the room, examining everything. Despite it being a bedroom that was fit for a princess, there were things, well, perverted about it too. On the walls were hung framed, beautiful, drawings of women engaged with machines like those in the dungeon.

On the back wall hung a chalkboard and in front of it a antique school desk. Perhaps a fantasy school room? Taped to the board were a number of photographs. Telescopic images of her walking to or from school last fall. There were also a half dozen pictures of her in her underwear and even of one of her nude, that she knew must have been taken surreptitiously by her mother.

She had been stalked since last fall with her mother's assistance. She knew she should be frightened and angry, but that not how she reacted. She felt...honored? Megan had never considered herself a beautiful girl. She wasn't tall, blonde, blue eyed and certainly her tits were not huge. At best, people referred to her as "cute" with an "adorable" face. In fact, the best compliment she had ever gotten from a guy was that she was "definitely fuckable."

Even so, Mr. Cane had chosen her and spent time money to study her closely. He got to know her in a way nobody ever had before and then he carefully selected her and took the necessary steps to obtain her. She found that flattering...

At the back of the room was a toilet next to a large, old looking claw footed tub. Oddly, the tub was made out of a clear material so that anyone using it could be seen from head to foot. Also, no walls hid these from view and it seemed to Megan things were laid out so that anyone standing outside the cell had a full view of anything going on inside. Then she spotted the video cameras hidden in the ceiling. The designer of this room intended that the tenant have no privacy at all.

On the other end of the room was a wardrobe. Megan found a dozens of outfits in it all in her size. How long had Mr. Cane planned this for her and how much money had he spent? There was a school girl type uniform, a bunch of sexy dresses with a retro style and very short white baby doll dress with lots of lace and bows. On a whim she slipped it on. It had a pink sash that ran just under her breasts. Mr. Cane came up behind her and tied it behind her back in a big bow. The room had a stunning, antique, full length mirror and looking at herself in it, she thought she would have killed for a fancy party dress like this when she was growing up.

"What do you think?" asked Mr. Cane, his deep voice echoing through the room. "Do you still wish to leave and cause your mother to be thrown out on the street? Or do you wish to explore your urges here with me?"

Megan realized he was asking her to be his submissive. He wanted to be her "Daddy Dom" to her "Little Girl" even though she was an adult now. How nice would be to be able to do that kind of age play with a confident, powerful man...

"How...how often would you bring me here, sir?" she whispered, in a quiet, curious voice.

"The arrangement with your mother was that you would give yourself to me one night a week. However, since you have a backlog of months that you did not pay for, you will need to spend every weekend here with me for the next two months to make things up," he said. "Perhaps we should do a session now, to see how it affects you before you decide."

Megan nervously nodded, hung the dress back up and he reattached the leash to her collar, and led her to the center of the dungeon.

Mr. Cane stopped at a machine. Made of polished oak with brass fittings, it was shaped a bit like a large saw horse, but the top was padded with leather and on one end was a brass U shaped padded bracket. On the floor at the same end was a small foot stool.

"Step up on the stool and place your hips in the bracket," Mr. Cane commanded. She did as she was told. Grabbing her gently by the neck, he had her lean over so her body lay on the padded crossbar of the horse. Taking her wrists he stretched them out toward the feet of the horse near her head, where leather straps were slipped around them. These were tightened, pulling her arms, until her body was held tight between the bracket at her waist and the straps around her wrists. A leather belt was buckled tightly between the ends of the bracket, to further hold her in position.

Megan's heart pounded. In reading her special book had imagined be restrained like this many times, but now it was for real.

Behind her she felt leather cuffs placed around each of her ankles and chains attached to them leading to the feet of the saw horse opposite her head. There was the sound of a winch being cranked and slowly her ankles were pulled apart as the chains tightened until the high heeled shoes were dragged off the stool and her body rested solely on the padded bracket at her hips and the cross bar. When Mr. Cane finally finished tightening the chains, she found her feet spread wide and slightly forward leaving her ass and pussy fully exposed.

Mr. Cane brought out his phone, snapped a photo her, then showed it to her. It was the type of thing she imagined when reading her secret book, but it was real and she was the girl strapped to the machine. Was this a nightmare, or maybe just a dream?

He walked to a cabinet near the wall and opened it. Hanging inside were a collection of tools. Paddles, floggers, whips, riding crops and things Megan couldn't even identify. He picked up a whip and smacked it against his palm, then looked at the terrified expression on her face. He smiled and said, "Well, perhaps not tonight. Let's go with something more conventional." He picked up a floppy, leather paddle with little hearts cut out of it.

He walked up behind her, but it was almost impossible for Megan to see what was going on there. Then she felt him gently stroke her ass and inner thighs with his long, strong fingers. "You have beautiful skin, Miss Love," he remarked. "Almost like velvet. It should show the marks of the leather quite well."

She then felt his thumb slide into her tight, little cunt as his fingers massaged her clit hood. She let out a gasp of pleasure, feeling her pussy start to lubricate at his touch. None of the teenage boys even tried to do anything like this to her.

Suddenly there was the loud slap of the leather paddle against her ass. She let out a little scream. More of surprise than pain. Strangely it seemed to intensify the arousal she felt as Mr. Cane continued to massage her pussy and clit and she let out a deep moan.

"You are responding very well, Miss Love," he said. "Good girl."

Nobody had ever called her a 'good girl' before. The words nearly made her swoon. Then Megan heard herself say, "Please, sir, do not call me Miss Love."

In his deep voice, Mr. Cane responded, "What would you like to be called?"

Megan replied without thinking, "Princess."

The paddle came down on her ass again, but harder. Another cry followed by a tears welling up in her eyes.

"Very good, Princess it is," his deep voice intoned.

She had always wished for someone to call her Princess growing up and it sounded very nice coming in Mr. Cane's cultured voice.

"And would you like to call me Daddy?" he asked.

Another slap of the paddle.

Megan, feeling the burn on her butt and his hand still inside her pleasuring her pussy, moaned, "Yes, Daddy."

He continued to use the paddle on her, leaving her ass red with tiny white hearts where her creamy skin was spared. He also continued to use his hand to stimulate her, rolling the base of her clit between his thumb, in her pussy, and his finger on her clit hood. She could feel the tension building in her thighs and started to whimper.

Then she heard the sound of his zipper and glanced back to see his enormous manhood emerge from his pants.

"I'm..I'm not using birth control," she groaned.

"I know," he answered. In his hand she saw a plastic bottle that reminded her of the kind that they used to dispense mustard, with the long, pointed nozzle on top. He positioned it over the top of her butt and squeezed, allowing a string of thick, viscous liquid to run down her ass crack onto her anus and then on to her pussy. He scooped up some of it with his hand and started working it into her butthole.

Nobody had ever tried this before with her and a shiver ran through her body. "Please, no," she begged. "It will hurt."

"Yes, it will, Princess," he acknowledged. "But it will be very pleasurable for Daddy. Besides the lubricant will make it a bit easier for you to bear. However, feel free to cry and beg as much has you want. It will only increase Daddy's enjoyment and the room is soundproof." He took the nozzle of the bottle and pushed it into her butt, then squeezed. She felt the lubricant fill her. "In the long run we will get you on a contraceptive to give me some more options, but for tonight, you still have to pay the rent."

He dripped some of the lubricant on his cock, then stepped behind her. She felt the tip of his manhood press against her butthole, the slowly, but firmly move forward opening her up by force.

"Oh, Daddy, please no!" she begged. It hurt, but she had to admit to herself it felt good at the same time. How could pleasure and pain be the same thing? Unlike her pussy, as he impaled her she could feel every inch of him as he worked his way up her butt. How long was he? Five, six, seven inches, more?

Finally she felt his massive balls, thump against her ass and she took a deep breath and let out a sob. Suddenly he brought his hand round her thigh and something smooth and plastic touched her clit. There was a click and vibrations radiated out from her pubes sending waves of pleasure through her body. At the same time he started moving his cock inside of her. She could feel her tummy bulge with each thrust he made into her. He was so, so hard, like a steel rod and her soft body just seemed to give way to it, like her sole purpose was just to service the lust of the unyielding intruder in her belly.


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