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Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 36

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Pippa visits Dave's elderly Indian friend.
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Part 36 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Getting off the bus I was hit by an icy blast of wind and sleet that this month of february kept dishing out.

My plan had been to walk to beaulah grove as it wasn't far from our house, however the cold and sleet had changed my mind.

Thrusting my hands deep into the fur lined pockets of my big winter coat, I strode on, hood up and head down.....towards Beulah grove, I was a little late, it was gone three thirty.

That morning seemed like a thousand years ago, when I'd waved John off to work.

My shift at the supermarket had dragged at an unbelievably slow rate.

Not even immersing myself in daydreams had helped.

Once back home I had a quick shower then did my hair.

Put the lingerie carefully on, checking my look in the mirror....good...he was going to like it....if...


This was openly a chat over a cuppa with Dave's elderly friend, but what if?

My mind raced as I continued getting dressed.

On top of the white lingerie I wore a smart grey skirt, below the knee, didn't want to look tarty and draw attention to myself.

White blouse and a big sweater, it was winter after all.

Boots finished everything off.

My hair I'd just tied up with a bobble. I knew he liked long blonde hair so I was going to wear it long and loose, just take the bobble out on arrival.

Dave had phoned me before I set off, asking if I was ok and reassuring me there was no pressure to do anything and that Sammy was very easy to get along with.

Speaking to Dave did ease my nerves a little.

I recall the first meeting with Alan, at the pub, I was nervous then.

And I already knew Alan a little, from the emails and phone calls. Sammy was like a stranger.

Also, Alan had been more nervous than me. I didn't know what Sammy would be like, although he was very eager to meet apparent nerves.

"Wish the same could be said for me." I muttered into my buffeted hood, glancing up off the pavement, squinting against bitter wind....I see the place, beaulah grove, looming in the distance.

An ugly grey building, a relic from the seventies.

I got my head down and quickened the pace, despite my nerves I was eager to get somewhere warm.

My mind really was reeling, at work that morning I'd kept making mistakes and being generally clumsy....I just couldn't stop thinking about Sammy and our meeting.

Those two things, age and race....the fact he was eighty six...and Indian...stirred my imagination like nothing before.

I was beside myself with nervous excitement...doubts too...crept in.

Would he even be able to do anything?

Would it go that far on this first meeting?

I brushed these thoughts aside, or tried to, as I strode up to beaulah groves main door.

Studying the security intercom, looking for number ten, Sammy's flat.

Seeing the faded number I pressed call....


The sound was loud even in this wind.

Sammy answered on four beeps... and I thought the call noise had been loud....

Not that Sammy had a loud voice, it was just that the intercom had an amplifier or something on it, probably for the hard of hearing.

Well, I winced and drew back away from it, muttering, "Shit!" Under my breath.

Instantly hoping he hadn't heard me. A second, "Hello?" echoed across the car park....."Sammy?.... it's Pippa....Dave's friend." I replied quickly.

There was an instant and enthusiastic response, "Ah nice of you to come....please come on in... I'll buzz you."

The big door suddenly buzzed and a click could be heard.

I pushed open the heavy door and entered a type of foyer area.

Continuing forward through some double doors with bubbled glass, into a reception area.

Two things hit me at once, a musty smell and the dated decor and furniture inside.

The reception was large and resembled a hotel checking in area.

A large front desk stretched out directly before me, to my right and left corridors led off.

As I took in my surroundings, I noticed a man busy typing behind the front desk, he stopped what he was doing and looked up, "You alright love?....who are you looking for?"

I replied with a cheery 'hello', then told him who I was there to see.

The man's face lit up in familiar recognition, "Ah yes...good old Sammy he's in flat ten...down'll see...there all numbered."

He pointed at the corridor to my right, and promptly went back to typing.

I thanked him and set off down the brightly lit corridor...feeling my heart thumping....ever faster, as I drew near the end of my journey.

My boots made a dull, fud...fud....fud noise on the thin old carpet beneath them.

Beaulah really needed a makeover. It wasn't exactly grotty but, not far off.

The flat doors to my left were even...2...4....6....8

The door to number 8 was open, fully.

While passing I could see inside part of the living room.

A shadow near the open door moved, and I got a strong feeling that someone was just behind that door.

It gave me the creeps so I quickly moved number 10.

Coming to a stop outside Sammy's door, I glanced behind me to the open door of number 8....nobody there.

Looking back, I swallowed hard, my throat feeling dry....then I knocked 3 times...and waited.

A faint noise... approaching footfalls just audible.

The door squeaks open.

I recognise Sammy's beaming smile from the picture Dave showed me and before I have time to say anything, Sammy is welcoming me into his flat with excited greetings.

"Pippa!....your here....thank you...come in.. come in....oh my....thank you for coming to see me...."

He continued in this fashion as we went inside, Sammy closing the door behind me.

I now have my first good look at him.

Sammy's not very tall, just a few inches higher than me, and he's quite thin, frail looking in fact.

He's stooping a little and is wearing baggy looking suit trousers and an equally baggy long sleeve shirt.

It looks as though he's tried to make an effort with his appearance but not quite made it.

His skin colour looks even darker than it did on the mind suddenly flashes back to a daydream I was having about him just that morning....a very explicit image...

I push it away, trying to concentrate on our greeting but I can feel my face burning, I'm blushing.

Luckily he doesn't seem to notice and continues his enthusiastic welcoming.

"Oh Pippa you look even more beautiful than your've made me so happy coming to let me take your coat."

I thank him and tell him that I'm happy to see him too.

I do note that despite living in this country for many years he still has an Indian accent.

Although he has picked up a few yorkshire slang expressions.

He offers to take my coat and while he hangs it up I remove my boots.

Dave had previously told me that Sammy is a clean freak and as I look around, the place is indeed spotless.

The odour has gone too, it smells nice in his flat, fresh.

As he turns around to face me again I notice he's watching me sort my hair out, the old man's big dark eyes seem to widen a little as I remove the bobble and shake my head.

I know he has a thing for long blonde hair.

It's a bold move for me given my nervous state, but I cannot resist the tease.

Just this little act of playing with my hair in front of him, knowing he's watching and enjoying....sets my pulse racing.

As I finish there's an awkward moment where Sammy just stares at me, looking me over.

It seems I've impressed him.

He swallows, then asks me to follow him into the kitchen.

Time for tea and a chat...

The kitchen is tiny, a small rectangular table fastened to one wall is where two chairs are sitting waiting.

Atop the table, a steaming pot of tea and two cups....all laid out ready.

Sammy invites me to sit....which I obediently do.

He sits opposite and pours me a cuppa, then, the conversation begins.

We talk for a long time, I can't remember everything that was said and I won't bore the reader with finer detail.

However, the conversation that afternoon was divided into two very different parts.

The first of which Sammy fitted into the charming, friendly old man bracket quite snuggly.

He behaved like a true gentleman. A good conversationalist too.

It was true what Dave had said, he was easy to get along with.

He asked lots of questions, getting to know me. Enquiring about my job, family etc.

I too, found out many things about him.

Some of which I'll go into detail about later, but first, I'll describe what happened in the latter part of our talk.

Throughout our conversation, Sammy hardly took his eyes off me.

Every time I looked away and back again, those big dark... wise eyes were fixed upon mine.

I can usually tell if a man is dominant within the first few moments of meeting him...I'm attuned to it.

Most men are, but with some it's buried below the surface.

They sometimes aren't even aware of it themselves, but I know how to remind them.

With Sammy I knew right from the start, when we had that awkward silent moment in the hallway, I saw it then in his eyes.

Dominance has a greedy look, and in that brief moment I saw all that I needed to see in his gaze.

And so, for the latter part of our talk, Sammy's dominant side....came out to play.

A subtle change in both the conversation and atmosphere as Sammy's questions slowly became more personal.

Despite the slow shift away from sweet old man....I still blushed as Sammy brought up the subject of my secret fetish...for old men.

It began with all the nice things Dave had said about me then progressed to the inevitable line of enquiry.

He was understandably curious, while also assuring me that he wasn't complaining... we had a bit of a giggle at that.

He asked how long I'd had these feelings for? I answered truthfully, since a young age.

He then asked a much more personal question, had I ever 'acted' upon these feelings before with anyone?

At this point I lied, made out that so far it was just a fantasy.

It took a lot of courage to use the obvious bait of saying 'so far', by then I was sweating into my blouse alright.

And I was very damp elsewhere, but not with sweat.

Upon hearing those two words Sammy's eyes widened, he grinned then said, "So far?...what do you mean by this?"

At his question my heart leaps up into my throat, a loud beating in my ears.... mouth dry.

'Here we go..... you've done it now sweetheart.' The mocking voice at the back of my mind struck again.

I must admit, at this point, I'm so nervous I can't reply vocally, his gaze is on me... penetrating.

My only reply is to look down at the table, feeling my face burn.

"Ah Pippa...I see." Sammy says in a mocking tone, the 'ah pippa' part being said slowly.... overemphasized.

What is wrong with me? I'm going to piece's!

Sammy skipped his unanswered question and began talking about John. A seemingly innocent line of begin with.

"So Pippa....your husband is at work today?"

I nod in reply.

"And of course.. he doesn't know your here?"

My head shakes from side to side as a quiet, "no." Leaves my mouth.

Sammy shakes his head and tuts in mock disapproval.

"Oh are a naughty girl aren't you?"

I nod, instantly feeling foolish.

"So...while your hubby toils away hard at pay a sneaky visit to Sammy....humm...that is crafty of you dear...but...I'm not complaining."

He winks, then reaches out his hand over the table...up to my hair.... grasping...feeling.... stroking, I don't object.

While doing this he leans in toward me a little and says in a lowered voice.

"It's alright....I won't say anything if you don' can be our secret."

Then Sammy leans right in toward me and brings a handful of my hair up to his nose....he breaths in deeply...closing his eyes.

Concentrating on the smell.

He slowly opens his eyes and moves back, letting go my hair, but not letting go of my eyes....with his.

That solid gaze holds me...and I can't look away.

Presently he speaks again, his voice soft, the Indian accent seemingly stronger.

"Why did you come here today Pippa?....tell me."

My heart is thumping so hard I'm sure he can hear it.

Somehow I find my voice and reply in not much more than a whisper, "I....I came here to see you."

He grins confidently, never looking away, "That's did."

The grin slowly disappears and I'm left with that greedy.... determined stare that excites me so much.

"Here....give me your hand."

I obediently offer my hand to his, he takes it, squeezing gently.

Sammy leans forward again, while grasping my hand, " seems to me...that you are a lady who enjoys being told what to I right?"

Even though I'm having difficulty speaking at this stage, I manage a whispered, "Yes."

Sammy's response is the most wicked grin I think I've ever seen, followed by these unexpected words.

"In the hallway blushed...why?...tell me why you blushed?...and don't lie."

At this point I'm totally under the old man's spell... I'm his...and I cannot resist.

I do as I'm told and tell Sammy the truth about the reason I blushed.

I'd been daydreaming at work that morning about him and me being together intimately, and the memory of it in his presence had caused me... embarrassment.

The old man's wise eyes studied me carefully, before he replied.

"I.. see."

Sammy lets go of my hand, and goes to stand up.

"Pippa dear....I think it's time we explored this... daydream of yours...."

He begins walking past me towards the living room.

"....follow me."

Sammy doesn't look back to see what I'm doing, he just walks away... knowing I'll obey.

Swallowing hard, my heart hammering, I go to follow him on legs of jelly.

Everything feels surreal....this is I really going to do this?

I was suddenly reminded of Dave's words...'you can't get one past him.'

'He may be getting on but... he's sharp.'

Dave wasn't kidding, Sammy is very observant.... shrewd too.

I really believed that he hadn't seen me blushing earlier....the sly old fox.

My...old man, walks over to the front door of his flat and locks it, looking around at me before saying, "You can't be too here."

I watch him as he walks away from the front door and goes to another door at the far end of the living room on my right.

Sammy goes inside, I follow, dutifully.

Reaching the doorway, I see that this is Sammy's bedroom....

He stops at the foot of a single bed, turns to face me.

That determined glare catches my eyes once more...

I'm ordered to come in and close the door behind me.

If I had any second thoughts, this is the time to back out.

But I don't.

I close the door gently, noting that my hand is trembling with excitement... I wonder...what indeed...awaits me.

To be continued.

End of chapter 36.

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Gazza6969Gazza6969about 1 year ago

For me, being an older person this is one of the hottest yet Pip

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm wondering if after Sammy is through with her and she leaves she might find out who is lurking in room #8.

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit51over 1 year ago

Anticipation, and an undercurrent of lust and longing. Amazing how quickly Sammy picked up on your desire to let him lead you as he wished. Dave said he was quick, and so he is! I wonder what else Dave might have said in private? My guess is Sammy knew why you were there. Just a question of how to open this flower, or make it bloom with a word, a glance. This is unfolding nicely!

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 1 year ago

You do these teases so well, don't you my dear! Fabulous. Of course, all of us readers are wondering what's behind door number 8! You can't be too careful, after all. Is Sammy going to share you? Is he going to take you in ways you don't expect and can't imagine? I guess we'll find out in the next chapter or two. So, I'm looking forward to Chapter 37. Way to go, Pippa, and five stars of course. ~~JB

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