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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 06

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Summer of 82 - Week 2.
10.1k words

Part 6 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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It was Wednesday morning and the twin cylindered BMW hummed as I made my way back to Lincoln. Once out of Nottingham's suburbs the roads were traffic free and I could open the bike up and enjoy the ride. Getting the BMW on the road had made it easier to visit Lesley and we'd agreed that on Tuesdays I'd come over and stay at hers. As long as the weather was good taking the bike was much more enjoyable and meant less strain on my long suffering Mini.

Lesley had arranged for us to meet Rachel and Pete on Tuesday evening for a pint and to talk about their engagement party which was the coming weekend. Instead, she'd spent most of the evening talking about Sunday's ride to the coast. Lesley had thoroughly enjoyed riding pillion and now everyone was going to hear about it, whether they wanted to or not. Rachel and Pete took it in good humour and they both seemed genuinely happy for her.

We did manage to discuss some of their plans for Saturday, which involved Lesley and me as part of the decorating committee for the party which was to be held in a village hall near to Rachel's parents' house on the outskirts of Nottingham. We were both looking forward to doing normal stuff as a couple so were happy to be included in the preparations.

When we'd got back to Lesley's apartment we fucked. Not like animals, but tenderly, then we'd fallen asleep in each other's arms. That Wednesday morning, I'd left her bleary eyed and still half asleep, telling her that I loved her and that I'd be back on Friday.

I made good time on the bike and was back at Ruth and David's by 8.00 a.m. too early for breakfast but with no time to go for a run. I changed out of my bike gear and into my work clothes then hung around the flat until I was sure I could smell cooking. When I opened the back door to the house I could see that Ruth and David were both in the kitchen. Ruth made a comment about the dirty stop-out returning for breakfast then asked how Lesley was. I said she was fine and told them about the preparations for Lesley's friends' engagement party on Saturday. I told David that the BMW was running sweetly and that he should try it, but Ruth quickly closed that topic down.

As I left them to get on with the decorating Ruth said, "Don't forget Wednesday club tonight. I need you to finish up by five." I turned round to look at them both, surprised that the three of us would be having this conversation but David smiled at me and rolled his eyes.

"I have no idea what's happening but I'll be there!" I said.

David left for Nottingham at around 4.00 p.m. and half an hour later Ruth called me in for a cup of tea and a chat. "I don't know how much you know about the world of publishing Steven," she said, "but having the right publisher is everything. A publisher has to invest in you with no guarantee of a return and although David's books are a safe bet now, that wasn't always the case. David's publishers are owned by a man called Daniel Davidson. Daniel's a self-made man. He started off with nothing and with the help of a couple of wealthy backers he built a large venture capital company in London. One of the companies they bought along the way was a publishing company and Daniel decided to run it almost as a hobby. It's small change for his company nowadays but it gives Daniel a certain respectability that his upbringing and his day job don't give him. We met him and his wife at a swinging party about fifteen years ago when David wasn't really having any success with his writing. Daniel had a thing for me and I did my best to make sure that I pitched David to him. It worked and Daniel's company became David's publisher. I'm not sure if Daniel has ever read one of David's books but I've lost count of the times he's fucked me."

"Ruth I'm shocked," I said in mock surprise.

"Well, anyway it all worked out in the end. The books sold, David and Daniel's wife also hit it off and Daniel and I kept seeing each other."

"I like a happy ending."

"Except," said Ruth. "Three years ago Daniel divorced his wife and married a girl almost 20 years younger than him. It was such a shame as we both got on so well with his first wife. She took a settlement and lives in Provence these days. His new wife, Kate, is a bit of a gold digger to be honest but what else can you expect when a thirty year old woman marries a fifty year old man. But Daniel's not stupid, he knows that. As for swinging she's clever enough not to say no to Daniel but shows no enthusiasm. We met them once and it was a disaster."

"I'm beginning to see where I fit in but what makes you think she'll be interested in me?"

"I don't know, I'm just hoping that maybe you can occupy her while I spend some time with Daniel."

"Well, I said I'd be your wing man so count me in but why are you making such an effort. David's a best-selling author now. I'm guessing any publisher would want him."

"It doesn't hurt to keep Daniel on side but if I'm honest I've always fancied him. He's an influential man and well, I find that sexy."

"Ok, so what's the plan?"

"Well, they are coming up from London and staying overnight. I'm going to cook supper for us all. I hope you don't mind but I bought you a shirt and some new jeans to wear." Then she added, "Oh a couple of other things. Kate only does separate room swinging so you'll be on your own I'm afraid and Daniel hates university educated people, he thinks they are all wasters. But don't worry I told him you head butted somebody in Nottingham the other week and he's curious."

"No pressure then! What time do you want me?"

"They are coming at seven so l'd say around eight"

"Great. I've got time for a run then!"

I packed my ladders and paint away, changed and went out for a run. I'd missed a couple of runs recently and was keen to get back into the swing of it even though the heat of the early evening was oppressive. I really had to push myself to keep up the pace but when I eventually got back it felt good to have made it round. I ran up the driveway drenched in sweat only to see a pale blue Aston Martin Vantage parked in the drive. Just as I drew level with it Ruth and her guests came out of the house to fetch their bags in.

"Oh, hi Steven," said Ruth, not expecting me to be there. "God, you look exhausted. Are you alright? This is Daniel and Kate by the way."

"Hi." I said. "Excuse the appearance it's a bit hot out there. Probably best if I don't shake your hands."

"No worries," said Daniel and extended his hand to shake mine. "You look like you could use a beer."

"To be honest I could do with several but I'll settle for a glass of water and a shower for now".

Daniel laughed. He was a big guy, almost six foot, but still reasonably trim for his age. Kate however remained silent throughout the whole exchange. She seemed a cold fish for sure, very attractive, very well dressed but she never smiled once or offered any acknowledgement. Just for a moment though I thought that I caught her checking me out.

"We'll see you around eight then Steven?" said Ruth, but as they made off with the luggage back to the house Kate stopped them.

"I'm sorry," said Kate. "I didn't realise that you were joining us this evening. I thought you were the handy man."

"I am and I am," I said. "Ruth and David have been kind enough to give me a job in the summer break from Uni and I'm systematically eating them out of house and home under the pretence of fixing up their house for them."

The penny dropped and Kate immediately softened. A smile came over her face and she stuck her hand out to shake mine. "Hi, I'm Kate, pleased to meet you."

I showered and shaved, drank plenty of water to rehydrate and then went to put on some clothes. The shirt Ruth had chosen was a plain white tailored shirt that was so well fitted it left little to the imagination. The jeans were a fresh pair of pre-shrunk Levis which also fitted well. I checked myself in the mirror then walked across to the house.

Ruth and Daniel were in the kitchen alone when I got there and I had the feeling that I might have walked in on something but I couldn't be sure. Ruth took a look at me and said, "You're looking a lot better than you did an hour ago," then walked up to me and kissed me on the lips as if to demonstrate the extent of our arrangement. She had a figure hugging dress on and as I put my hand on her hip I could feel that she had stockings and suspenders on underneath.

"Kate will be down in a moment. Can I get you that beer now?" asked Daniel.

"I've been looking forward to it," I said and he handed me a can.

"Right you two," said Ruth. "I'm going to serve dinner now so why don't you go into the dining room and take the vegetables with you. Mind the bowls they are hot."

Daniel and I carried our allotted crockery in with us followed by Ruth who was holding a platter of four pieces of succulent beef wellington. The three of us sat down and then Ruth remembered that she'd left the wine in the kitchen. "Don't worry, I'll get it," I said and went back to the kitchen to fetch it.

As I was returning to the dining room Kate came down the stairs wearing the shortest of silk toga dresses. She walked up to me and said "I hope that you like what you see," then continued into the dining room.

"Wow, you don't know how long I've been trying to get Kate to wear that dress," said Daniel.

The dinner conversation flowed and covered a variety of topics starting with what Daniel and Kate had been up to. This included Daniel's business interests, Daniel's new car, Daniel's boat, their house in London, their house in the Cotswolds and their recent holiday destinations. Then it moved on to Ruth and David and how well David's book was doing and how they still hadn't managed to find a house in Provence. It really was a tale of how the other half live.

I'd hoped that I wasn't going to have to sing for my supper but I wasn't getting off that easily. It started with where and what I was studying but after that I wasn't sure where to go, nobody else had mentioned sex or swinging so far and since my presence at the table was entirely due to those topics I was stuck. Daniel threw me a life line and asked me where I was from.

"Stepney," I said.

"Oh right," he replied. "I'm from Romford originally."

"I had an Auntie who moved to Romford. The rest of the family thought she was mad. It was as if she were emigrating even though Romford was only twelve miles away." They all laughed at this.

"The East End is changing though," said Daniel. "It won't be long before the old ways are a thing of the past."

"Tell me about it," I said. "My old man was a porter at Billingsgate for many years. Now they're going to move the market to the Isle of Dogs"

"A porter eh!" I bet he led a colourful life."

"He was a hard man when he was younger, boxing, unlicensed fights that sort of thing but he gave it up for the love of a good woman."

"And did you follow in his footsteps?"

"Which part?"

"The boxing."

"It was a matter of principal for my dad that his son could box."

"Which gym did you go to?"

"Repton," I said.

"Not just any old gym then?"

"My father knew one of the trainers there from the old days."

"Were you any good?"

"As a boy and a junior I was competitive. I enjoyed it."

"When did you give it up?"

"Competitively? When I was seventeen. I carried on training until I went to Uni though."

"So, answer me this?" said Daniel. "Why does a man who has spent all those years training at Repton of all places head butt someone outside a Nottingham nightclub?"

"Daniel, that's enough!" said Ruth firmly.

"It's ok Ruth. It's a fair question." I responded. "Boxing is an art. It requires precision, control, years of training and mastery of moves and countermoves, but most importantly it requires rules. Real life fights don't have rules. Biting, kicking, gouging, hitting below the belt, head-butting, knives anything goes. Just ask Repton's most infamous students. Growing up where I did you learn that. What boxing did teach me however and what probably saved me from a night in the cells was self-control and knowing when to stop."

"Who are Repton's most infamous students?" asked Ruth quizzically.

"The Kray twins, Ruth," said Daniel. He thought for a moment then followed it with, "So if we were to fight what would you do?"

"Daniel, you really are sailing close to the wind," said Ruth.

"Honestly, it's ok Ruth," I said again. "You're a big guy, you're taller than me, you look fit and you're well built. I've no idea if you've ever fought before or how hard you can punch. You're older than me so you'll be slower than me and less flexible. But you're considerably richer than me and even if I could beat you I might find that you had friends willing to take over where you left off. So I might have to take that into consideration," I said, half joking.

"But if it was just you and me and your life depended on it."

"If my life depended on it?" I thought before answering then said, "Your knees. I'd break one of your kneecaps. It would be relatively straightforward after that."

"Right you two that's enough fighting talk for one night," said Ruth.

"I apologise Ruth," said Daniel.

"All this testosterone has left me in need of some fresh air," said Kate, who was looking flushed. "Steven, why don't you come outside with me? Ruth, thank you for a lovely meal, Daniel I'll see you in the morning." With that she got up and taking me by the hand we left, leaving Daniel and Ruth with slightly stunned expressions on their faces.

We made it outdoors before we started to kiss, then she was all over me. I pushed Kate up against one of my newly painted walls and pressed myself against her. She fumbled trying to get my jeans undone and so I stepped back to help then lifted her dress up and groped her pussy. She sighed and pushed her hips forward to give me better access then grabbed my cock and tried to position it inside her. It wasn't working so I pulled Kate's panties down and hoisted her up by the arse cheeks. Using the wall for support she then guided my cock into her surprisingly tight, but well lubricated pussy. I made the first thrust a hard one and she took a deep breath as I went in then relaxed, putting her arms around my neck for support and wrapping her legs around my waist. With the wall for support I could push myself all the way into her. I took it slowly making sure she felt my cock deep inside but she wanted more and urged me to fuck her harder.

Whether she was easily aroused or whether it was through pent up frustration Kate came within minutes. Real gushing cum too, I could feel it down my legs. Afterwards she went limp and so I steadied her against the wall. This had the effect of pushing my cock deeper into her and she gasped. We kissed with my cock still skewering her to the wall then she said, "Thank you. You don't know how long it's been since I came like that."

"I'm glad I could be of service," I joked.

"Now give me a moment to recover then I want you to fuck me up against the Aston. Every time I look at that car I want to think of you doing me up against it."

I let her down so that she was standing on her own two feet and we kissed for a while, then she got hold of my cock and led me to the back of the Aston. Bending over she pressed herself against the trunk of the car and supported herself on her elbows. I inserted myself into her and began to fuck her, slowly at first but gradually upping the pace. Again it wasn't long before she orgasmed and her body went limp again. I hoisted her tummy onto the Aston's boot and continued to fuck her from behind. She was orgasming almost constantly now and urging me to cum inside her. The position was doing wonders for me and given she'd already orgasmed multiple times I let myself go and thought about my own pleasure. I fucked her with long, hard strokes until I came inside her.

When she'd regained her composure I helped Kate off the car and as I did a couple of drops of cum fell out of her and onto the Aston's chrome bumper. I went to wipe them away with my hand but Kate said, "No, leave them there, we've christened it now." As we walked back into the house I looked up and could see two faces staring down at us from Ruth and David's bedroom.

We went back indoors and I suggested to Kate that we got a drink. In the kitchen we found an unopened bottle of white wine in the fridge. Kate said, "Let's take it upstairs and get a shower. I know I could do with one, you probably could too". We went back to the guest bedroom and no sooner had the door closed than she let her dress fall to the floor. Her knickers were still somewhere on Ruth and David's driveway and so she stood in front of me in nothing but a pair of high heels. She was a classic English beauty, brown hair, pert C-cup breasts and legs to die for. Her face, now that she allowed it to smile, was a picture.

Kate undid my shirt buttons and ran her hands over my chest and abs then pulled the shirt off me, dropped my trousers and led me to the shower. She let me soap her all over and every time I massaged her pussy she shuddered. I began to get the impression that she hadn't been getting much sex lately, but she could just have been sensitive.

When we got out of the shower we could hear Ruth and Daniel in full flow. We sat on the bed drinking our wine and listening to them. Neither of them were holding back. Daniel was making sounds like a rutting moose while Ruth was urging him on to new heights. It was hard not to giggle as we listened to them.

"Don't laugh," I said, "we probably sounded like that earlier."

"Did you see them watching us?" Kate said.

"Only when we'd finished."

"I saw them as I was bent over the back of the Aston." Then she added, "It's the first time David's seen me fucked by anyone else. In fact it's the first time I've fucked anyone else since we've been married."

"Oh," I said. "I assumed that you'd met other people before as a couple. Ruth said that you'd been with David once."

"Yes, that was embarrassing, but David bless him was understanding. I mean he's sweet but what thirty year old girl wants to fuck a fifty year old bloke."

"Well, you I'm guessing," I said jokingly.

She laughed then said, "I must look like a gold digger to you. I guess I am. But when I first met Daniel I was in awe of his power as much as I was in love with his money. I loved the way that people did what he wanted. Power is such an aphrodisiac. But our sex life has gone downhill lately and the swinging thing has come between us. All of Daniel's swinging friends are so much older than me."

"It's not necessarily about age you know. I mean Ruth is old enough to be my mum but I have had some of the best sex of my life with her. And to answer your previous question I can actually think of another girl who wants to fuck David, and she's younger than you."

"Who?" said Kate.

"My girlfriend."

"Hang on, is your girlfriend Lesley?" Kate asked.

"Yes, have you met her?"

"No, but Daniel's mentioned her. I think he was hoping for an introduction but David and Ruth have been very protective of her. If you don't mind me asking, what does she see in David?"

"When they first met I think she was a bit star-struck in a literary sense but I think that now she admires his imagination. He's a writer after all and a pretty imaginative lover." I then told her about the day that I'd been up the ladder and he'd tied Ruth to the bed in front of me, which seemed to get her attention for a moment.

"How do you feel about her being with David?"

"If I'm honest I get a touch of jealousy when I know they're together. But in the same way, I know that when I tell Lesley about tonight then she'll be a bit jealous too. But we've talked about this and well, it's to be expected really, it shows that we care about each other I guess. Anyway, we met through Ruth and David and so we've agreed that whatever we do with Ruth and David should be guilt free. Everything else we do as a team."

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