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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 14

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Another Trip to France - Part 4.
17.4k words

Part 14 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the fourteenth episode of my unreliable memoirs and brings to an end the story of how I met and married Lesley. Each episode can be read individually but it helps to have read the previous episodes in particular the first three parts of our trip to France.

I didn't realise when I started that it was going to take so long to tell this part of the tale. I hope you have enjoyed it so far. There's just another thirty odd years to get through now.



I woke up on Sunday to discover that I was alone in the bed. I looked at the clock on the night stand and it read ten thirty. The sound of laughter was coming from downstairs and so I brushed my teeth, put some clothes on and headed down to see who was already up. Basically it was everyone except me.

"Here he is," said Carole who was first to spot me when I walked in.

Lesley came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss.

"Hello sleepyhead," she said. "You must have been tired, you didn't even wake up when Donald started thumping the bed with his tail."

"Do they need to go for a walk?" I asked.

"No need," she replied. "I've already done it. Oh and Peters has loaded your bike into the van along with our helmets and other gear. Now you sit down while Michael teaches me how to make 'Eggs Royale' for you. When we get back to England he's going to teach me how to cook. Not the simple stuff but the dinner party stuff."

"Oh I see we're the sort of couple that holds dinner parties now are we?"

"Remember, student Steve during the week, adult Steven at the weekend," Lesley reminded me. "And adults hold dinner parties."

"Who are we going to invite to these dinner parties?"

"Well there's Michael and Claire, Ruth and David, Daniel and Kate and Fabien and Carole when they come over." Lesley thought for a moment then said. "We could even invite Richard and Ophelia."

"You mean invite the guy who last night assaulted Cathy, punched Peters in the face and then tried to land one on me."

"Well if you're going to be picky," said Lesley and everyone laughed.

"Lesley's right Steven," said Carole. "You need to be making friends not enemies."

"It's hard being an adult isn't it?" I said. "There's a lot to be said for staying a student."

Lesley cooked the Eggs Royale perfectly and I was in breakfast heaven as I ate them.

"When's your flight back?" I asked Michael and Claire.

"Four o'clock," said Claire. "We thought we'd leave at around midday and give ourselves plenty of time to return the hire car."

"It will seem strange when everyone has gone," said Carole. "Poor Donald and Mickey won't know what to do with themselves."

"I'll miss them," said Lesley.

"Me too," I added.

"Well you must promise them that you'll come and visit soon," said Carole.

"We could come back at Christmas, couldn't we?" Lesley's eyes pleaded with me as she said this.

"If Carole and Fabien want us back then."

"Why don't you come for New Year rather than Christmas?" suggested Carole. "Fabien needs to see his family at Christmas and as the new Madame Bisset I'll need to be there to support him," she said giving Fabien a kiss.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," Lesley said and then she went quiet.

It dawned on everyone that Lesley may not have celebrated a family Christmas in a very long time.

"Good point," I said. "My mum won't be at all impressed if her new daughter in law snubs her Christmas dinner."

"And if you are both free then Michael and I would love it if the two of you spent Christmas Eve with us. We could go to a carol concert."

"Oh I'd love to do that I've always wanted to go to one," said Lesley

"Then that's what we'll do. Michael will sort it out. He's a high court judge you know." And everyone laughed.

Lesley perked up immediately. She'd gone from no Christmas to a full diary in the space of a few seconds.

"So we are going Michael and Claire's on Christmas eve, your parents for Christmas. We'll need to spend some time with Daniel and Kate, if they aren't going away that is and we'll also need to see Ruth and David if they aren't already in France. Then we'll come to Carole and Fabien's for New Year. I'm so excited, I can't wait."

It was odd saying goodbye to Michael and Claire because we knew we were all going to see each other again in a couple of days' time. Nevertheless we all hugged. Michael gave Lesley an extra big hug then told her that he would let her know everything about the registry office booking on Tuesday.

After they had gone, the four of us drove over to Daniel's rented villa to meet for lunch and to say goodbye to Ruth and David. Lesley asked Carole if she could drive the Land Rover which Carole of course agreed to. Lesley hadn't driven a left hand drive car before but she adjusted very quickly. Quicker than I had. If Lesley had liked the Land Rover as a passenger she liked it even more as a driver.

"I really want one of these when we're married Steven. You sit up so high, can we have one? I could sell my car in Nottingham and we could both use it in London."

"How would we get to see Ruth and David?"

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Well next year perhaps then."

Ruth, Kate and Daniel were relaxing by the pool when we got there. Apparently David was feeling better. He'd joined them for breakfast but had gone back to bed for a rest afterwards. The next morning Ruth and David planned to drive to a hotel nearer to their new house and David wanted to be as rested as possible for the journey.

"Is anyone hungry?" Ruth asked after we'd caught up on the news from the wedding the night before.

"I could definitely eat something," I replied.

Ruth went into the kitchen to prepare some baguettes, cold meat and cheese for lunch.

"What are we doing this evening?" Kate asked Lesley when she'd disappeared.

"Well, actually Sophie and Pierre from the club are coming for a pool party at Fabien and Carole's later this afternoon," replied Lesley. "Why don't you come too?"

"Could we go?" Kate asked Daniel.

"I don't think that's fair on Ruth," said Daniel trying to close the idea down.

Kate got into a strop and all through lunch she sat simmering at the table annoyed at the simple logic of the situation.

After lunch Ruth cleared the table and Daniel gave her a hand in the kitchen.

"It's not fair," said Kate to those still seated. "This is our last chance this holiday"

"Your last chance to do what?" asked Lesley teasing her.

"You know bloody well what," Kate replied and we all sniggered.

Then when Daniel came back from helping Ruth he sat down at the table and thought for a moment.

"It's our last night Kate. I was hoping we could spend it together. But if you really want to go to the party then I guess I could stay here on my own if I have to."

"I'll make it up to you," Kate said then whispered something in his ear.

"I don't know Kate," he replied.

"How about if I agreed to do this as well," then she whispered something else.

"Really?" he asked, "You mean it, cross your heart?"

"Yes, cross my heart."

"In that case go and enjoy yourself but remember we've got a plane to catch tomorrow at two."

"You are the kindest man I know," she said.

It was a masterclass in negotiating a price for something you were prepared to give away for free. Clearly, with David incapacitated, Daniel was in for a night of Ruth's undivided attention, provided he could lose Kate. He'd have probably paid Kate to go to the pool party with us but instead he'd extracted untold favours from her as well. That's probably why he was a multi-millionaire.

After a bit more chat it was time to go back to Carole's and get ready for the party. Lesley told Kate what she needed to bring and Kate went away to pack while we said our goodbyes in case we didn't see Ruth and David the next day.

Lesley drove us all back again, clearly loving the Land Rover.

"I didn't think Daniel was going to let me come today," Kate said excitedly.

"You do realise he played you," said Lesley.

"What do you mean?"

"You gave him a free pass to fuck Ruth this evening without him even having to ask for it."

"She's right," chipped in Carole.

"The bastard," said Kate.

"What did you promise him?"

"I said I'd dress up as a schoolgirl for him,"

"He does like that," said Carole.

"And..." said Lesley.

"I said we could try his swinging dining club again. The one that's full of guys Daniel's age and you never know who you're going to end up with."

"I used to enjoy those," Carole added cheekily.

"You're not really helping me here Carole," Kate said.

"Can I give you some advice Kate," said Carole, "and please don't take this the wrong way."

I had visions of the afternoon going south even before it had begun but Carole continued.

"Don't use sex as a bargaining tool with Daniel. It doesn't work and he's far too clever for that. You need to be bringing the sex to him, not making him beg for it. It's fine for him to want to see Ruth every now and again but you need to be giving him reasons to spend time with you rather than excuses to fuck her. I'm only saying this because I used to be in your position. Ruth is a master at giving men what they want and you need to be the same. Just ask Steven and Lesley if you don't believe me."

"Carole's right," said Lesley.

Sophie and Pierre arrived just after four and they brought Emma along with them. After the round of kissing that follows any introduction in France, Carole showed them up to the spare bedroom so that they could change into their swimming costumes. The four of us were already changed and Lesley had her bright green strapless bikini on again while Carole had on a simple black bikini. Kate of course looked like a supermodel. She had a gold metallic shimmering bikini on that accentuated every curve. I loved Ruth but why Daniel would pass up an opportunity to be with Kate I could only imagine. Meanwhile I'd got on the trusty Speedos that Lesley had bought me in Annecy and Fabien had gone for something similar.

Sophie looked stunning when she returned. She'd got on a pale pink bikini. It had a top that resembled a sports bra, matched with the tiniest of briefs that showed off her muscular thighs. Her whole body was quite toned in fact but it was her strong thighs that you first noticed, well that and her breasts.

Emma was very attractive. I'd only seen her for a short while at the wedding the day before but now that I had the opportunity to study her more closely it was easy to see why she'd managed to hook a French fighter pilot. She had quite long blonde hair and a really fresh complexion. Like Lesley, her shape was lithe but her breasts were fuller, probably a C-cup. Her bikini was almost none existent and barely held her breasts in place.

Fabien got everyone a drink and we all sat down on the sofas and chatted. The conversation was in English with Sophie or Carole translating for Emma. The main topic of course was the wedding and how well it had gone. Sophie asked Carole and Fabien about the honeymoon and Carole told her that they weren't sure what they were going to do.

"Fabien and I were thinking of going to America but we like it so much here we think we might stay and enjoy the rest of the summer first," Carole said. "Besides we have a very important wedding in London to go to this week."

"Steven and I are getting married on Thursday," Lesley blurted out.

A round of hugs and congratulations followed.

"We only decided on Saturday, but we wanted to get married before Steven goes back to university."

"Can you get married so quickly in England," asked Sophie.

"When the man giving you away is a high court judge then the answer is yes," said Carole.

"I'm so happy for you both," said Sophie and everyone agreed.

"I can't wait to be married," added Lesley, her enthusiasm obvious to all.

In order to get the party started Carole suggested that we played a game. The rules, as with all party games were simple. Each person took it in turns to throw the dice and depending on the score you had to do one of the following;

1 = Take a drink.

2 = Choose two people who had to kiss each other.

3 = Take a drink.

4 = Ask someone a question

5 = Take a drink.

6 = Choose two people to go into the cellar and make out for five minutes (no clothing to be removed).

Fabien made sure that everyone's glasses were filled and then the game began. Carole threw first and landed a three, so she took a drink. With half the numbers leading to alcohol the game was very much designed to get people loosened up. Fabien was next and he threw a four.

"This is a question for Lesley," he said. "What is the best sex you've ever had?"

"Oh that's an easy one," said Lesley. "It was the first time I met Steven."

Everybody groaned at how corny the answer sounded.

"No let me explain," said Lesley. "Before I met Steven I was in a relationship with an older married couple who were into role playing. The relationship wasn't really going anywhere and the wife knew this but the husband liked things the way they were. So the wife arranged for a young guy that she'd met on a swinging site to join us one evening and that guy was Steven."

Everybody was listening now having realised that this wasn't just going to be a boy meets girl, boy fucks girl story and seeing that she had everyone's interest Lesley continued.

"A lot of our role playing was science fiction fantasy and my character that evening was a captured faerie princess. The husband and wife played the rulers of the empire and Steven was the captain of their guard. The first time I met Steven was when he was sent to fetch me. I was lying on the bed tied and blindfolded so I couldn't see who was there or what they looked like. Then this young man's voice told me that he had to search me. Steven ran his hands all over my body and when he reached my pussy he pushed two fingers inside. I knew that someone new was going to be joining us, so I was already pretty excited by the prospect and when he'd finished fingering my pussy he rolled me over and stuck a finger in my arse. Then he told me to stand up and went to lead me downstairs. I was feeling pretty horny by this stage so I said that he should check my mouth too. And that was the first time that we kissed. It was magical. It was like electricity was passing through me."

All the girls said "Ahhh," at this point.

"Anyway, Steven took me downstairs and I was told that I was to be punished. I was stripped naked but still blindfolded. For my first punishment I was bent over and tied by the wrists before all three of them took turns smacking me with a leather paddle. After that I was made to lie on my back and fuck myself with a dildo in front of everyone. Then the wife climbed on top of me and fucked me with a strap on. It was really big and it took a while to get used to it but I was feeling really horny and was soon enjoying it. When she'd finished fucking me she told Steven to fuck me in the arse. He was very gentle and he took time to lubricate me but the wife just wanted to see me get fucked by him. He wasn't supposed to cum inside me but what he didn't know was that I'd had specific instructions to make sure he did, so after a while I reached under him and stroked his balls until he came. He got punished for that but after he'd cum I was allowed to take my blindfold off and when I saw Steven that was the moment I knew I was in love."

All the girls said "Ahhh," again and Lesley finished the story off.

"When the role play was over Steven went to bed with the wife and I went to bed with the husband. He wanted to have sex with me but I couldn't stop thinking about Steven so I gave him a quick blow job and he went to sleep after that. I had a shower then crept out of the bedroom as the wife had told me to do and knocked on their bedroom door. I got into bed with the two of them and after I'd had a quick cuddle with the wife Steven made love to me properly. The next morning when I had to go to work Steven made me breakfast and I said he could call me if he wanted to and that evening he did. The rest as they say is history."

"That is one hell of a story," said Fabien.

"I do like role playing," said Carole.

"Me too, but Steven doesn't like being rough with me. I keep telling him it's alright to be rough but he's just not that sort of a person."

"There are a couple of guys in Algeria who might not agree with you on that," said Sophie.

"And there's a guy in Nottingham with a broken nose too, but you know what I mean."

The question regarding 'the best sex you've ever had' proved to be a popular one and over the course of the afternoon all the girls had the opportunity to answer it. Emma's had been on a party boat out of Nice. Apparently it left Nice in the morning packed with young couples and alcohol and spent the day sailing off-shore while people randomly hooked up with each other. Emma said she couldn't exactly remember the number of people she'd had sex with that day but it had been 'a lot'.

Carole said that her best experience had been in the playroom in their cellar. Fabien had tied her to a bench then he and two friends from the club had taken it in turns to fuck her. When they'd all cum inside her they'd left her tied to the bench while they went upstairs for a beer and a cigarette. She'd been on her own tied to the bench for forty five minutes with their cum dripping down her legs before they came down and fucked her again. Apparently she'd spent two and a half hours tied to the bench. I'm not sure if it was Carole's best ever experience or whether she was just being kind to Fabien but it got the other girls' interest for sure

Sophie's best experience had been on a nudist beach in the dunes. These places were renowned for dogging and so she and Pierre had found a secluded spot and started to make out. Pretty soon they were joined by lots of voyeurs who stood around watching as Pierre fucked her. She didn't let any of the voyeurs fuck her but she told them they could wank over her if they wanted and by the time they were finished her face and tits were covered in cum.

I felt sorry for Kate when it came time to tell her story. It was about when Markus the banker and I had fucked her the week before. I felt sorry for her because she so wanted to have the experiences that everyone else had. It was her own fault really, she'd spent five years refusing to swing with Daniel only to find that when she eventually tried it she'd enjoyed it.

The first people to be told to kiss were Pierre and Kate and the first couple to venture into the cellar were Fabien and Sophie. Over the course of the afternoon we all got to go into the cellar a few times, my first time was with Kate who, when we were on our own, poured her heart out to me. Carole's lecture in the car had hit home and she was thinking about what Ruth and Daniel were getting up to and how she'd unwittingly served Ruth up on a plate to her husband. To a small extent Kate had the same flaw that afflicts many exceptionally attractive women i.e. because they've spent their lives being pursued by guys they don't realise that once they get into a relationship they're expected to make an effort too. I gave her a pep talk and sent her back out. It wasn't what I'd hoped for my first trip to the cellar but that was life.

My second trip went better and I was paired with Emma. It was easy to understand why Emma might be popular with the boys. After a minute or so of making out she got down on her knees and started to suck me off. When she'd got me nice and hard she then stood up again and rubbed my cock into her pussy. Five minutes had never flown by so fast.

It was Emma who suggested that Lesley and Sophie should go down into the cellar in what was the first girl/girl pairing of the evening.

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