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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 26

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Summer of 83 - Part 1.
43.2k words

Part 26 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the twenty-sixth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode is self-contained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones (although sometimes it helps with the context and names a bit). With the Covid crisis in the UK I've had more time on my hands and so this episode is longer than the previous ones. Twice as long in fact.

The year is 1983 and this chapter focusses on the first half of our summer holiday following my graduation, including mine and Lesley's belated wedding party in Provence, France.

But it starts with the aftermath of meeting Suzy (Episode 25).

I hope you enjoy it.




The alarm clock went off at six thirty. Kate mumbled something as I fumbled to turn it off then she grabbed hold of me and clung on like a limpet.

"Don't go," she said.

"I've got to take Suzy home," I told her.

Kate was only half awake and it suddenly clicked that there were three of us in the bed. She turned over to see Suzy in a similar state of consciousness and leant over to kiss her.

"Thank you for last night," Kate said to Suzy.

"You're welcome," said Suzy, returning the kiss.

I got out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom then got dressed. When I came back Suzy took her turn and I sat on the edge of the bed, next to Kate.

"Can I come over and see you later?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, "but let Daniel and Lesley know. Ok?"


When Suzy had put her clothes on, we left Kate to fall back to sleep and walked along the landing to the room that Daniel and Lesley were in. I knocked softly on the door then entered while Suzy waited outside. Lesley was draped across Daniel and still fast asleep. She looked very content.

"Morning Steven," Daniel whispered.

"Keys," I whispered, picking up the keys to the Land Rover on Lesley's nightstand. "Oh and Kate wants to come over today. I hope that's ok.

"No problem," Daniel replied. "You know you don't need my permission, right?"

"I know."

"Bye sweetheart. See you tonight." Lesley said, waking up a bit. "I Love you."

I gave her a kiss, then left.

It took Suzy a while to fully wake up, but as we crossed Battersea Bridge on that sunny morning in late July she began to talk.

"Well that was certainly been a weekend to remember," she began. "I feel like at any moment I might wake up and find it's all been a dream."

"We're all very real I'm afraid."

Suzy laughed and we chatted a bit about Kate and Daniel and how spectacular their house was.

"Kate seems pretty keen on you," Suzy said.

"She's a good friend."

"She's incredibly attractive."

"That she is," I replied.

"It makes me wonder a bit if I fit in with your lifestyle."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Lesley just oozes sex appeal and Kate looks like a supermodel. I'm not really sure I'm in their league."

We were just passing Tooting Common and so I pulled into the Lido car park.

"Are you having second thoughts about moving in with us?" I asked once we'd parked up.

"I really want to," she replied. "I just don't want to be a disappointment. I heard you arranging to meet Kate today and I got to thinking there's no way I can compete against the likes of her."

"It's not a competition Suzy."

"I know," she said. "But do you really want me to move in Steven? I mean, I know Lesley does but I don't know if you do. To be honest I'm not even sure if you fancy me."

It was a fair observation. Suzy's moving in had been Lesley's idea and it had happened so fast. But as for not fancying her, she couldn't have been more wrong.

"Suzy, I think you've got a great body. You're intelligent and I like your sense of humour."

"You know you were the only one who didn't play with me last night."

"Kate wanted to get to know you better and you need to get on with her. I didn't want to get in the way of that."

"But you fucked her."

From her perspective I could see she had a point, even if it wasn't in fact a valid one.

"Come on, out of the car," I told her.

"You're not going to dump me here?"

"No, of course not. I'm going to fuck you in those bushes over there. Now come on, out of the car."

Suzy looked a bit shocked but got out of the car anyway. The Lido car park also served as an access point to Tooting Common and although it was still early on a Monday morning there were already a few people out walking their dogs. I led Suzy to a quiet spot deep in the scrub where hopefully we wouldn't be disturbed. There was always the risk of being sniffed out by some errant canine or worse still their owner, but what was life without a bit of danger?

"Unhook your bra and pull your jeans down," I told her.

Suzy did as she was told then stood in front of me with her jeans and panties around her ankles. I kissed her and pushed a hand under her tee shirt to massage her breasts. Her nipples responded, becoming hard and erect then I worked my hand down to her pussy. Suzy opened her legs as much as her jeans allowed and I slipped two fingers into her. She was already quite moist so I pushed in three fingers, then four and began hand fuck her. She sighed in appreciation and grabbed hold of my shoulder to steady herself. I heard her moan softly and for a moment I thought she might cum, but she didn't.

"Now get on your knees and suck me," I instructed.

The good thing about Suzy's submissiveness, as I came to learn, was that you could tell her what to do and she did it without taking offence. Most of the time I would never have been so direct with Lesley and, if I'd ever used the same words, then it would have been in the form of an invitation rather than an order. But Suzy happily got down on her knees, fished my cock out and got to work on me with relish. In no time at all I found myself holding the back of her head while I fucked her face.

I could have quite easily cum in her mouth, which was unusual for me as oral isn't usually enough. But today it was important to finish inside her. When the time got nearer, I lifted Suzy off her knees, spun her round and told her to brace her herself against a nearby tree. Slipping into her from behind, I fucked her vigorously from the outset and didn't let up until felt myself about to cum. I slowed down and savoured the last few strokes then deposited my load into her pussy.

Suzy had no choice but to stand there, pinned against the tree, still impaled on my cock. She wiggled her bottom against me, just like she'd done the other night. I guess it was her way of showing she'd enjoyed herself.

"That was nice," she said.

"If ever you think I don't fancy you," I told her, "come and tell me and I'll gladly prove you wrong. Ok?"

"Ok," she giggled.

"Now pull your jeans up and let's get you to work."

I pulled out of her and Suzy quickly did her jeans up before too much cum had seeped out. She walked back to the car looking like the cat that'd got the cream, which in a way, I guess she had.

When we got to Croydon I dropped Suzy off outside her house and gave her a kiss. I made sure that I squeezed her pussy through her jeans and she responded by pushing herself onto my hand.

"Are we good?" I asked.

"We're good," she told me, giving me another kiss.

"See you this evening then," I told her.

"I can't wait," she replied.

Kate turned up around midday as I was getting the bike ready for our trip to France. After much deliberation I'd decided to take the trusty BMW rather than the untested and not quite run in Harley. It was a shame, but the BMW had done a good job last year and besides, I wanted to show Ruth and David that the bike they'd gifted me was still going strong.

We went out for lunch in Wimbledon then came back and went to bed. I've said it before, but I've never been quite sure what Kate saw in me. I mean, looking like she did, she could have had literally any guy she wanted. But for most of the time she was happy to limit her extramarital activity to me, and Lesley of course.

Sex with Kate was invariably physical. While Daniel was definitely an expert lover, what Kate got from me, to put it bluntly, was a good fucking. We tended to stick to the tried and tested positions; missionary, cowboy and doggy, but we did them harder and faster and for longer than she and Daniel could ever have managed together.

That day, because I'd already cum once, Kate got more than usual from me and when I eventually came we were both covered in sweat and out of breath. I climbed off and lay down beside her then we kissed for a while as I fingered her cum filled pussy. I knew that she liked that. In fact most girls I knew seemed to.

"I'm going to miss this when you start work," Kate said.

"Perhaps you can ask Daniel to give me time off," I joked.

"Somehow I don't think he'd do that, even for me," she laughed. "He's got big plans for you Steven."

"Well I wish he'd tell me about them. I've been banned from going to the office at present."

"He just wants you to have some time off before starting work properly," she said trying to placate me. "He also wants you to spend time with Lesley."

"He's not a bad boss I guess."

"Mind you. He is fucking your wife," Kate joked.

"But then I am fucking his."

"So who do you think's getting the best deal?"

"I think we all do pretty well out of it."

"Yeah, but you get the best deal, 'coz you get to fuck me, right?" Kate said cheekily.

"You know you are stunningly attractive Kate. But you're a lot more than that to me."

"Thank you Steven," Kate replied cuddling in to me. "You know there are only two men I really, really trust in the whole world and you're one of them."

I gave Kate a hug and we kissed for a bit longer.

"Listen, it's a nice day so why don't we have a barbecue this evening? We could invite Michael and Claire too, Lesley would like that."

"Ok," she said. "I need to go home and get changed though, but I'll come back with Daniel at around seven."

Kate left at about four and after she'd gone I nipped down to the supermarket and bought steak, chicken and sausages. Lesley loved barbecued sausages for some reason. I was going to make up the salad but then I thought I should leave it for Michael and Lesley. I also bought a couple of bottles of decent wine from the off-license, but not knowing anything about wine I had to ask the guy behind the counter what he recommended.

Lesley was the first to arrive home. It was going to be Suzy's first evening in the house and I could see she was excited. I told her what had happened with Suzy that morning and how I'd spent the rest of the day with Kate.

"You poor thing," she joked. "You must be exhausted."

Lesley could sense that I needed reassurance I hadn't overstepped the mark however.

"Steven, you're my warrior. You take what you want. Remember."

"We're also having a barbecue tonight," I announced. "Daniel and Kate and Michael and Claire are coming over."

"Do we have enough food?"

"I've been out and bought loads of stuff. I haven't done anything to it. I know that's yours and Michael's domain"

Lesley gave me a big hug.

"You're quite a thoughtful husband aren't you," she said kissing me. "I love you."

When Suzy arrived she was carrying a pile of clothes with her and a bag full of make-up and toiletries.

"We're having some friends over for a barbecue," Lesley told her.

"Do you want me to make myself scarce?" she asked us.

"No of course not. It's just Daniel and Kate and Michael and Claire."

"Who are Michael and Claire?" Suzy asked.

"They're like my mum and dad. Only they're not. Michael gave me away at our wedding."

"So they're not swingers?"

"No they're not."

"So this isn't going to be like last night?"

"Definitely not."


We'd had to park our three cars on the road to make sure there was space for our guests on the drive. Daniel and Kate were first to arrive in their Aston Martin. Both of them treated Suzy like an old friend and it helped put her at ease. Fifteen minutes later the unmistakeable sound of Michael's Bentley could be heard outside.

"Come and have a look at this," Lesley told Suzy and we all went out to the front of the house.

Michael parked the 1929 Le Mans Bentley next to Daniel's Aston and Lesley ran out to greet him. She hardly gave him a chance to get out of the car before hugging him then she rushed round to hug Claire.

"Mom, Pop I want you to meet our lodger, Suzy. Suzy this is Michael and Claire. They're the parents I would have chosen if I could have."

"We're very pleased to meet you Suzy," said Michael unfazed by the news.

"Are you sure you know what you are letting yourself in for?" asked Claire.

"To be honest no," Suzy replied. "This is my first day."

"Right," Michael said to Lesley. "Has anybody touched the food?"

"No. Steven bought it but he didn't dare try to cook it."

"Good. That husband of yours may be many things, but 'cook' is not one of them."

Michael and Lesley disappeared into the kitchen while Suzy, Carole and I joined Daniel and Kate on the patio. Claire asked Suzy a few questions about her life and then the conversation turned to the party in Provence at the weekend.

"How are you getting there?" Claire asked us.

"We're going on the bike, we'll be leaving on tomorrow evening," I told her. "Are you flying or catching the train?"

"We're flying," Claire said. "Then we're going to spend a few days with Carole and Fabien."

"Lesley will be pleased. She'll get to see a bit more of you. Our friends Buster and Skye are coming with us too. They'll be staying in our house but we'll be staying with Carole and Fabien."

"What about you, Suzy?"

"I think Daniel and Kate are giving me a lift," Suzy said looking at them.

"You lucky thing," Claire told her. Then she added, "I understand that Rosemary and her husband are coming."

"Yes, Lesley didn't want to invite them though. She agreed in the end on the understanding that nobody refers to Rosemary as her mother."

"She doesn't deserve to be called her mother," said Kate sticking up for Lesley.

"Yet that is what she is," Claire added.

"Baby steps," I said. "She thinks of you and Michael as her parents, Claire and she wants people to know that. Michael walked her down the aisle and the two of you have done more for her this past year than Rosemary's done in a long time."

"It's true Claire," Daniel added.

Claire accepted the compliment graciously.

"What about your parents, Steven?" asked Suzy.

"I tried but nothing would persuade my mum to get on a plane and going by car or train takes too long for them to be away it seems. To be honest, it's not their thing."

When Lesley and Michael had finished in the kitchen, the meat went on the barbecue and twenty minutes later we were all eating.

"How would you 'judge' the food," Lesley asked Michael.

"It would be 'crime' to give it less than five stars," Michael replied.

"Stop that right now," Claire said to the two of them. "Nobody wants to hear another round of your awful judge puns. If you continue I'm going to suspend the judiciary and declare martial law."

Everyone laughed and the two of them stopped.

"In case you hadn't already figured," I said to Suzy, "Michael and Claire are both judges."

"Michael's a High Court judge and Claire's Family division judge," Lesley added proudly.

The rest of the evening was spent chatting and drinking. When it turned cooler we all went inside and shortly after Michael and Claire decided it was time for them to be off. Lesley and I saw them out and Lesley gave them both another big hug. Then we watched them reverse the big Bentley onto the road and head back home.

When we got back to the living room Suzy was deep in conversation with Daniel and Kate.

"I think you need to explain to Suzy who everyone is," Daniel joked.

"Hmmm where do we start?" asked Lesley

"At the beginning?" suggested Kate.

"Ok." Lesley agreed, "but I need a glass of wine for this."

I poured Lesley a glass and she began.

"My real Dad is a total bastard and there's no place for him in my life. He blackmailed my mum, who's called Rosemary, into not seeing me and she decided to choose her new family over me. It's only recently that she's been in touch again but she's coming to the party because Steven convinced me it was the right thing to do. Are you with me so far?"

Suzy indicated that she was.

"We're having our party at Ruth and David's place in Provence. I used to be David's mistress but they introduced me to Steven and well, you know what happened there. Now this is where it starts to get complicated."

Lesley took a swig of wine then carried on

"Daniel used to be married to a lady called Carole and the two of them used to swing with Ruth and David. Ruth and Daniel used to go all gooey eyed over each other, in fact they still do. But Daniel and Carole got divorced and Daniel married Kate. This meant that Daniel couldn't see Ruth any longer because Kate didn't want to go swinging with any of his friends."

"It's true," said Kate. "It was a bit of a low point for us. I tried to begin with, but most of the people Daniel knew were fat and old. It wasn't very appealing."

"So, one day last summer, Ruth and David arranged for Daniel and Kate to visit Ruth while David was away. They knew that Steven would be there, as he was working as their handyman and they figured that perhaps he could change Kate's views about swinging. To cut a long story short, Ruth and Daniel got to spend a night of passion together while Steven fucked Kate over the back of the Aston Martin that you see currently standing in our drive."

Kate giggled remembering the night.

"So you see, in a very real way Steven saved their marriage and Daniel wanted to thank him for that. Steven didn't want anything for himself but he did want an engagement ring for the love of his life. That was me by the way. Anyway, Kate was keen to see Steven again and Daniel wanted to meet me, so we came down to London one weekend and we all clicked. But unbeknown to me there was an ulterior motive and on the Sunday Steven proposed to me in Tiffany's. "

"How romantic," said Suzy.

"It was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me," Lesley replied, squeezing my hand. "Right, where do we go now?"

"The stabbing," said Kate helpfully.

"Yes, the stabbing. David and Ruth bought a place in Provence but it needed a lot of work doing to it. David doesn't fly so Steven went out with Ruth to help sort out builders and get the work started. Daniel had offered Steven a job by this time but he wanted his ex-wife Carole to meet Steven as she's still a director of his company. Carole also lives in Provence with her now husband Fabien. They both knew Ruth, so a meeting was arranged while they were there and Steven ended up sleeping with Carole."

"Aren't they the people who are coming on holiday with you, I mean us?"

"Yes they are, but we haven't reached that yet,"


"On the night before Steven and Ruth were supposed to fly back. Ruth decided that she wanted to visit a sex club in Marseille. It was one where white women could enjoy black men, usually several of them at the same time. I think Ruth managed seven. Steven was Ruth's chaperone but as they left the club they were mugged and Steven got stabbed."

"So that's what your scar is from," Suzy said to me.

"Yes." I told her.

"Carole visited Steven every day while he was in hospital and now the two of them go gooey eyed over each other whenever they're together."

"So, Steven has slept with Daniel's ex-wife?"

"Yes but it's not a problem. Daniel and Carole get along very well don't you?"

"We do," confirmed Daniel.

"When Carole and Fabien got married last summer, Steven and I spent some time with them. We also met some other people there too and now Sophie and Pierre, who are police officers, live in our house in Provence."

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