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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 31

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A trip to Munich (again).
18k words

Part 31 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the thirty-first episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode is self-contained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones (although sometimes it helps with the context and names a bit).

This episode picks up the story from where episode 30 left off. Now that he's finished university, Steven is beginning his career at Durolitum Investments, and this starts with a visit to his first investor in Munich.

I hope you enjoy it.




On Friday morning in late September, 1983, Daniel Davidson and I sat in the Business Lounge at Heathrow airport, waiting for the first flight to Munich.

Since the Munich bank had invested in Daniel's venture capital company, Durolitum a year ago, the agreement had been that we would review its investment with them every two months. The venue alternated between London and Munich. It made business sense but it also served as an opportunity for Lesley and me, along with Daniel and Kate, to meet up with Markus and Heike. I hadn't been at the last couple of meetings because of my 'Finals' but now, with studying behind me, I could properly focus on both work and play.

Late September was also the beginning of the oddly named Oktoberfest in Munich, a huge beer festival that most Bavarians were passionate about. We'd been the previous year, dressed in the traditional Bavarian costume and I was quite looking forward to going again that evening. Markus and Heike were also having a house party on the Saturday and Lesley and I hadn't really been to one before, so it was something new for us.

The flight landed in Munich at ten o'clock local time and, from there, Daniel and I took a taxi to the bank's headquarters. We'd arranged to meet briefly with Markus before the review with his team, but were a few minutes early. So we sat in his very well appointed 'ante' room while we waited for Markus' previous meeting to finish.

When the door to his office opened I was surprised to see Stefan Voigt emerge, accompanied by a face I recognised but couldn't place. I hadn't seen Stefan since the swinging weekend in Titisee almost a year ago. He didn't seem as surprised to see me as I was to see him however.

"Steven. It's good to see you again," he said as I got up to greet him.

"And you Stefan. Can I introduce my boss, Daniel Davidson."

"Mr. Davidson, I'm Stefan Voigt, pleased to meet you."

"And you," Daniel said, getting up to shake his hand.

Turning to what I assumed was his assistant, Stefan added, "And this is Gerhard, who I believe you've already met."

Gerhard was a good looking guy. He must have been mid-twenties I guess, about my height, with dark hair and with the physique of a middle distance runner. Fortunately the penny dropped just in time.

"Of course," I replied shaking Gerhard's hand. "You came to our party in the summer with Katja."

"That's right," he replied.

"How is Lesley?" Stefan asked, focussing his attention back onto me.

"Very well, thank you."

"Good. I understand you've been to see Stan."

"Yes I have. He's agreed to take us on."

"Andy Conlan's an excellent trainer. Four years in the SAS."

"I didn't realise that, he just told me he'd been 'on assignment'."

"I believe that's how you British refer to it. I understand that Lesley's going to be trained by his partner?"

"That's right."


At that moment another face I recognised entered the room, but this time from the hallway. Klaus had been Stefan's head of security at the swinging weekend but it appeared that his day job was as Stefan's driver cum bodyguard. Klaus was ex GSG 9, German police special forces and looked like he'd been carved out of granite.

"Klaus, you remember Steven," Stefan asked him.

"Of course, Mr. Carter," he said shaking my hand with an iron grip.

"Steven's being trained by Andy Conlan," Stefan told Klaus.

"Andy's a good guy. You can learn a lot from him," Klaus offered. Then speaking to Stefan he told him, "I am sorry but we have to leave, otherwise you will be late for your next appointment."

"Of course," Stefan replied. "Steven, it was good to see you. I think we are all Markus and Heike's guests tomorrow night, so I will see you again then. Mr Davidson, it was a pleasure meeting you."

The three men disappeared but before Daniel could ask what it was all about, Markus appeared and ushered us into his office.

The review meetings with Markus and his team went well. It had been a year since Markus had first made the decision to invest in Durolitum and the value of his investment had grown during that time. I couldn't take much credit for that but it always helped to be associated with good news and we left later that afternoon feeling pretty good about things.

When we got back to the hotel, the girls had arrived, having caught a later flight. Not only Lesley and Kate but, at Markus and Heike's invitation, Suzy too. Carole had also been invited but with the grape harvest about to start, she'd felt that she had to go back to Provence and support Fabien and Buster.

Lesley latched onto me the moment she saw me and after we'd all had a chat she apologised to Daniel, Kate and Suzy and asked if she could have some time alone with me before we went out.

"Of course," Daniel said. "But before you go Steven, could you please tell me who Stefan Voigt is?"

"What about Stefan?" Lesley asked, surprised to hear the name.

"He was at the bank today, with Gerhard. You remember, Katja's date to our party. Oh and we saw Klaus too."

I explained to Daniel that Stefan was a long-time friend of Markus' and had organised the swinging weekend where Lesley and I had rescued Heike and Aldo.

"And who is Andy Conlan?" he continued.

"Andy and his partner Tracey are teaching us self-defence," I told Daniel.

"Well they're teaching me self-defence," Lesley clarified. "They're teaching Steven whatever the opposite of self-defence is as well. Attack I guess."

"I think it's called close combat."

"So this is what you do on Thursday evenings is it?" Daniel asked.

"That's right."

"Ha. You should see them when they've finished," Suzy laughed. "They look like they've been run over by a steam roller."

The moment we were in our room, Lesley was all over me.

"Fuck me in the arse," she demanded excitedly.

"No," I told her.

"Why not?"

"Because right now I'd like to make love to my wife."

Lesley smiled and looked up at me.

"That works too," she said cheekily.

Lesley and I didn't have "missionary sex" often enough in my opinion. She knew that I liked to take her from behind, or up against the wall if we were in the shower and so that was how she liked to please me. But being on top of her meant that we could kiss as we fucked and I enjoyed that.

"I'm a lucky guy," I told her, taking a break and shifting onto my shoulders to admire her.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you're beautiful, intelligent and you love me."

"I'm nothing without you Steven," she replied. "Now make love to your wife..."

When we re-grouped in the hotel lobby later that evening, the five of us looked properly attired for Oktoberfest. The women were wearing their Dirndls and the men wore their Lederhosen. Everyone had the same outfit as last year, except for Suzy of course, who was wearing hers for the first time. The girls had bought it at a shop in the airport when they'd arrived. It wasn't quite as detailed as Lesley and Kate's but she looked good in it, if a little nervous.

"Looking good," I said giving her a small hug.

"Thank you," she whispered, hugging me back. "I don't want to embarrass you this evening."

"You won't and besides you're among friends," I reassured her.

We'd agreed to meet Markus and Heike at the Oktoberfest site on the outskirts of the city centre. When we got there, not only were Markus and Heike waiting, but Katja and Gerhard too.

Katja was my main contact at the Munich bank. I'd first met her a year ago and back then her boyfriend had been Thomas, an Olympic showjumper. It hadn't worked out for them and now it seemed that Gerhard was the subject of her affections.

The first person to greet us was Heike, who ran straight for me and gave me a big hug then did the same to Lesley. It had only been a month since we'd last seen her, on Daniel's yacht in Greece, but she greeted us like long lost friends. Nobody got a look in until Heike was finished. Then we did the rest of the introductions. I'd already seen Katja in the meeting that afternoon but it was nice to get a hug from her socially.

"You remember Gerhard from your party in the summer," she said introducing him.

"Yes, I take it you guys are an item?"

"I'd like to think so," said Gerhard joking.

"It's alright," Katja whispered conspiratorially. "He knows all about the sordid life I lead."

"That makes things simpler," I said.

"Steven and I met briefly, earlier today," Gerhard admitted.

"Oh yes?" she responded, surprised.

"Stefan stopped by to see Markus."

"And you didn't come to see me?"

"There wasn't time I'm afraid."

"Stefan did seem in a hurry," I offered.

"He's always in a hurry," Katja replied.

Markus had booked us a table in the VIP hospitality tent and it was as busy as it had been the year before. Markus and Daniel sat in the middle of the table and everyone else spread themselves around them. As she was my contact at work, I sat with Katja who was the only smoker at the table and before our food arrived she asked me if I'd accompany her for a quick cigarette.

Katja offered me a cigarette when we got outside, which I declined. Then she lit one up for herself and took a long drag.

"Do you think Daniel and Suzy would like to spend the night with Markus and me?" she asked out of the blue.

"Probably," I said.

"Apparently Markus likes her and I'd like to give him a treat."

Suzy had spent a night with Markus and Heike on board Daniel's yacht, so I knew they got on.

"And you're ok with Daniel?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well he's a bit older, that's all."

"That doesn't seem to bother Kate, or Lesley, or Heike for that matter, but thank you for asking."

"Daniel's a nice guy," I said conceding the point. "You know Suzy's quite submissive."


"I feel responsible for her," I told Katja. "I wouldn't want anyone make her do anything she didn't want to."

"You know Markus isn't like that. He's as soft as they come," Katja replied. "Besides he's seen what you're capable of when you're angry, hasn't he!"

It was part taunt, part truth, but thankfully we didn't dwell on it.

"What about Gerhard?"

"Heike thought Kate might like to spend the night with him."

"I'm pretty sure she would," I joked. "He's ok with that?"

"Of course he is," Katja laughed. "You didn't think Heike was going to find me a boyfriend who wanted me all to himself did you? And besides, Kate's not exactly a consolation prize is she?"

Katja was right. Most guys would have given their right arm for a night with Kate.

"And when do I get to spend the night with you?" I asked putting my arm around her waist.

I'd had sex with Katja three times before but the last time had been way back in March when the bi-monthly review meeting had been in London. She'd stayed with us in Lesley's apartment while Markus and Heike had stayed in the main house. There had been a lot of sex that weekend. Katja didn't have a boyfriend at the time and so she'd been making up for lost time.

"We both know you're going to be sleeping with Heike tonight, so can you wait until tomorrow at the party?" she asked. "Perhaps Gerhard and Lesley could make up the foursome?"

"Tomorrow it is then."

When we went back to the table, Katja whispered something to Gerhard before sitting down. He smiled as she spoke to him. He was already sitting next to Kate and after Katja took her place at the table he began talking to Kate more intimately. Kate, being the tart she was, lapped up the attention.

The meal was traditional Bavarian fayre, washed down with plenty of beer of course. Lesley and Heike were in their own little world and could have talked all evening, while the rest of us chatted about everything from work to holidays. Suzy's nerves had gone now and she was at ease conversing with two multi-millionaires.

At the end of the meal Heike wanted to go to a club like we'd done the year before. I wasn't surprised when she suggested it. It wasn't Markus' thing but she knew that at least Lesley and I would be up for it.

"We could go to that club I took you to last time," Heike suggested. "Gerhard can get us in, can't you?"

Gerhard nodded. I guess it was a perk of working for Stefan, who I think owned several bars and clubs.

"Count me out," Markus said looking at Katja.

"And me," Daniel confirmed.

"Perhaps Daniel might like to come back with us instead," Katja replied holding Markus' gaze.

Although Markus and Heike lived in a house in the country, they also had an apartment in town. Daniel looked at Kate, who smiled at him. Like Heike, Kate wanted to go to the club.

"And maybe Suzy would like to join us too?" Katja added

There were more girls than guys and I think Suzy had been wondering where she was going to end up that evening. She looked at me for approval.

"It's up to you," I said. "Will you come back for your stuff in the morning?"

"We can stop off at the hotel and pick up your things up before heading to the house," Markus offered, keen to make sure that Suzy had no reason to refuse.

Suzy hugged me and whispered, "Thank you."

Before we went our separate ways Daniel and Kate, and Markus and Heike, said goodbye to each other. I could see that Daniel was whispering something to Kate. Then the four of them left, in search of a taxi.

The five of us took two taxis to the club, Heike and Gerhard in one, Lesley, Kate and me in the other. There was a large queue outside when we got there but Gerhard led us to the front and spoke with one of the bouncers. They had a good natured conversation and then the bouncer let us in. A hostess inside the door gave us all a wristband then led us to the VIP area.

Heike and I had been to the club before but that had been on a weeknight in January. There'd been an 'alternative' crowd in then, but on a Friday night it was much more mainstream. Plus, with it being Oktoberfest, many were still in their traditional costumes.

The girls hit the dancefloor leaving Gerhard and I to sort out some drinks. It was the first time I'd been on my own with him and I wasn't really sure what to say. After a hostess had taken our order there was an awkward silence which Gerhard decided to break.

"You're ok with me being with Kate?" he asked.

"It's not entirely my decision," I told Gerhard. "But yes I am, as long as you stay with us."

"Heike says they're your 'pack'."

"Meaning that I feel the need to look out for them, not that they belong to me," I tried to clarify.

"I know," he said. "But Heike's word goes around here and you're just short of being a god in her eyes, so I'm covering my bases."

"I understand," I told him, laughing. Then, changing the subject, I asked, "How long have you been seeing Katja?"

"About six months now. We were set up by Heike. Now I know what an arranged marriage must feel like," he joked.

"And you're both ok with swapping partners?"

"I can't lie," he said. "Finding out that she was Markus' mistress took a bit of getting used to."

"I know how that feels."

"What, you and Lesley?"

"Yes, she was someone else's mistress when I met her."

"And you were ok with that?"

"I went in with my eyes open, like you I guess. You can't help feeling jealous from time to time though. I tell myself it shows I care."

"That's a good way to look at it," Gerhard laughed.

"Katja likes Markus, there's no denying it," I offered. "But she's under no illusions that he's totally dedicated to Heike. She needs a man of her own, someone she can rely on."

"I'm hoping that's the case," he said.

"You serious about her?" I asked.

"I guess I am."

When the girls came back from the dancefloor they looked hot and sweaty. Dirndls weren't the ideal party gear but then neither were lederhosen. When she got the chance Kate cornered me and wanted to talk.

"Daniel says I can do anything I want tonight," she said. "The only condition is that you have to be happy with it."

"Oh that's a shame," I joked.

"I want to fuck Gerhard, Steven? I haven't been with anyone new since Buster and that was months ago now."

"Ok, but please stay with us until we get back to the hotel."

Kate gave me a big hug.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," I told her.

Kate was not subtle. She went over to Gerhard, sat in his lap then kissed him. Gerhard's feelings on the matter weren't up for consideration. Kate wanted Gerhard and she was going to have him. That was that.

Heike and Lesley soon wanted to dance again and this time I was expected to join them. Like most blokes, I wasn't a good dancer. When sober, the best I could do was shuffle. When drunk, I thought I was ok, but I wasn't. Either way it didn't bother Heike and Lesley, they just wanted a man to dance with them. A couple of guys tried to even up the numbers but the girls ignored them and focussed on me and each other.

We didn't stay too late and in any case Kate made it clear that she was keen to get back to the hotel. There was a shortage of taxis on the way back and so the five of us had to squeeze into one. I sat in the front of the car while Kate sat on Gerhard's lap and Lesley sat on Heike's. I think the taxi driver got more than an eyeful of the two couples making out and I'm not sure he appreciated it. So I paid him a generous tip and apologised.

We made it to the lift in the lobby before Kate was all over Gerhard again. When the lift doors opened at our floor we all piled out and headed for the rooms. Kate's room was opposite ours and so we stood in the corridor and said our goodnights to her and Gerhard.

"We'll see you in the morning," Kate said.

"Give us a call when you get up," Lesley told Kate. "Have fun you two."

Kate and Gerhard disappeared into Kate's room, leaving Lesley, Heike and I to go into ours.

"I think Kate is going to enjoy herself," Heike giggled.

"Have you fucked Gerhard?" Lesley asked Heike.

"Oh yes," she replied. "Several times. He's very good."

The three of us made our way to the bed and Lesley and I lay either side of Heike. Heike wanted to be made a fuss of and so we began to undress her. She closed her eyes and relaxed as we removed the layers of her Dirndl until she lay before us naked. Heike could easily have been a model. She had the figure for it and her skin was flawless.

"I want the two of you to take advantage of me," Heike told us.

"You know Steven's not good at that," Lesley told her.

"But you are," Heike told Lesley and he'll do what you say.

"I don't know about that, but we could give it a go," Lesley said looking at me.

"She is the customer's wife," I said in agreement.

"Ok," said Lesley then turning to Heike she added, "but you'll have to do as I say. No questions."

"I will."

"What's the safe word?"


"Undress Steven, while I fetch the lubricant then."

Heike did as she was told and I lay back and let her undress me. It was a relief to get out of the Lederhosen and when I was naked she lay on top of me and we kissed. My erect cock rubbed against her belly and I felt myself wanting to push it against her.

When Lesley returned she was naked too. I'd expected her to tell Heike to get off me, but instead, Lesley left her lying on top of me but spread Heike's legs wide apart. I watched Lesley pour out some lubricant into her hand then it disappeared from my sight. She fondled my balls for a moment then Heike sighed as one or more of Lesley's fingers disappeared into one or more of Heike's holes.

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