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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 33

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Part 33 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the thirty-third episode of my unreliable memoirs recounting sexual encounters in the nineteen eighties. Each episode is self-contained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones.

There has always been a lot of romance in these stories, as well as sex. If anything, the balance is tipped towards the romance at the moment and so rather than post in 'Erotic Couplings' this time, I thought I would post in 'Romance'.

There is, of course, still plenty of sex in this episode and I hope you enjoy it.



On Monday I called Mr. Macgregor of Blackfinch Security.

"I've some disappointing news I'm afraid," he began. "The Swiss police say there's insufficient evidence to justify a warrant to search the premises where we believe Michael Taylor's Bentley is located."

"Oh," was all I could say. "What happens now?"

"There are a couple of options. You could wait and hope new information comes to light, or you could take more direct action."

"You mean try to recover it ourselves."

"Blackfinch can't be involved in this directly I'm afraid. Blackfinch aren't allowed to operate in Switzerland but I know somebody who might be able to help you."


"You already know him. It's Stefan Voigt. He's expecting your call."

It was a surprise but, for some reason, not a shock to hear Stefan's name.

"Ok, I'll speak to him. I need your help on another matter, though."

"Of course."

"I'm thinking of hiring someone and I need you to run a background check for me."

"No problem, what's his name and address?"

"His name's Sam and he owns a comic book store just off Denmark Street. He says he went to Cambridge."

"That's it?"

"I'm afraid so and I need what you can find this morning."

"It's a good job I like a challenge," Macgregor replied.

At lunchtime I took a taxi to Denmark Street and searched for Sam's comic store. If you didn't know what you were looking for you'd have missed it and when I went inside I found Sam reading the Financial Times. He looked surprised to see me.

"I wasn't expecting to see you," he said, greeting me. "Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine." I replied. "I wondered if I could buy you lunch."

"I'm not sure I can leave the shop when it's this busy," Sam joked as he looked around the empty store. Then shouting in the direction of the back room he asked, "Are you ok to look after the shop Grebo?"

A skeletal figure appeared from the back room and said "No problem." I felt like I should be taking him out to lunch, he looked like he needed it more than the rest of us.

"Grebo, this is Steven, Steven this is Grebo."

We acknowledged each other as Sam folded the newspaper and grabbed his coat.

The pub we found was full of office workers having a lunchtime pint and we ordered from the limited menu. Mr Macgregor hadn't been able to find much out about Sam in the time I'd given him but he had been able to confirm that he'd studied at Cambridge and didn't have a criminal record.

"Did you get back ok yesterday?" I asked.

"No problems. Carly wouldn't let go of the book you bought her. She almost slept with it. Thanks for that, it made her very happy."

"I'll not deny, it gave me a lot of pleasure being able to do it," I told him.

"Well, it was appreciated."

"Look, to cut to the chase Sam. I'd like to offer you a job."

"That's very generous, but I already have the comic book store."

"Hear me out," I said. "How about if you worked fifty percent of your time for me and spent fifty percent in the store. I need someone with your brains, Sam on the Obermann consultancy. Just think. If you did this then Carly wouldn't have to work in the coffee shop she could work in the store when you're not there."

I could see that Sam saw logic in my proposal.

"What would you want me to do?"

I told Sam more about the Obermann consulting contract and how I needed his help with it.

"So when Uwe was talking to me in German about robotics yesterday, it was a test?" he asked.

"If I'm honest I was testing you both. I'm thinking about offering him a job too,"

"He knows his stuff," Sam confirmed.

I got out a pen and wrote down a figure on a beer mat then passed it to him.

"This is what I'm offering per day. You'd be a contractor and I could employ you through the store if you liked. I think it would be better from a tax point of view, but it's up to you."

Sam looked at the beer mat.

"That's more than I was expecting."

"You're not an average guy Sam. I know you love the store but you've so much more to offer. With your skills, there'd be companies falling over themselves to offer you a full time job. They'd pay well too and I can compete with them if you want. But this way you get to keep the store, Carly gets a job that she's passionate about and you both get some financial stability."

"I need to talk this over with Carly?" Sam said.

"I understand. Let me know when you make a decision."

"We could do it now if you like. She works about ten minutes away."

Carly worked in a coffee shop in Soho run by a genial looking guy who was probably Greek or Turkish. Her eyes lit up when she saw us. We took a seat and she came over.

"Hi there you two. I didn't expect to see you. What a lovely surprise."

"Can we talk to you for a bit? Steven's got a proposition," Sam asked.

Carly went to check with her boss then came back and sat with us.

"I've got fifteen minutes," she said impishly.

Sam explained my proposition to Carly and when he told her it meant that she could work at the comic book store I could see that Carly was sold on the idea. But she was mindful of the fact that Sam was having to compromise on his dream.

"It's up to you darling," she said. "I know how much the store means to you."

"But you wouldn't mind if I worked for Steven's company a few days a week."

"Of course not."

"Then you have a deal, Steven."

"That's great," I said, shaking Sam's hand. "When can you start?"

"As soon as you like."

Before we left, Sam went to the bathroom, leaving Carly and I alone. She had a broad grin on her face and she reached out and held my hand.

"Thank you, Steven. You're doing us a real favour. Sam doesn't like to admit it but we're so poor at the moment."

"Sam's doing me the favour," I told her. "I really need someone like him."

"I'm glad. And thank you for my book. It's beautiful, I'll treasure it forever."

"You're welcome. As I told Sam, it gave me a lot of pleasure being able to buy it for you."

"I wish I could show you how grateful I was," she said coyly.

"Believe me Carly, so do I. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to wait for a couple of weeks."

"It'll be worth it, I promise..."

With Sam on-board, my next task was to talk to Suzy about Uwe. That evening, Lesley and I went to our French class as usual. Afterwards, we got home to find Michael and Claire's Range Rover in the driveway. Lesley was excited to see them and it turned out that they'd just decided to pay us and Carole a visit on the spur of the moment. I hadn't had time to tell Lesley about Mr Macgregor's news which was probably a good thing.

It was easy to forget that Michael and Claire were Carole's best friends, especially when Lesley was around. Lesley monopolised Michael leaving Carole and Claire to catch up. So I took the opportunity to speak with Suzy.

"How was the week-end?" I asked her.

Suzy smiled. "It was very nice."

"Are you going to see him again?"

"I really want to."

"You know when you told me what you were looking for in a boyfriend. How does he match up?"

"Pretty close, except he lives in another country. Oh and he's not rich," she joked.

"What if he didn't live in another country?"


"I'm thinking about offering him a job."

"What, because of me?"

"No. I want to hire him. But I can determine if he's based here or in Germany."

"I'm not ready to move out and live with him Steven. And it's a lot to ask of Uwe to move over here, on the off chance it works out with a girl he hardly knows."

"How about if he spent half his time here and half in Germany and we see how it goes from there?"

Suzy put her arms around me and gave me a hug, which everyone noticed.

"Why are you hugging my husband?" Lesley joked.

"I'm using Suzy as bait to lure Uwe into coming to work for me," I told everyone, which earned me a thump from Suzy. "I already got Sam on board today."

"You saw Sam today?"

"Yes, and Carly," I went over to talk to him.

"Sam is a genius," Lesley explained to everyone. "Double first from Cambridge in Maths and Physics."

"And soon to be a part time employee of Durolitum," I added.

"Good for you," said Carole. "It's not easy finding the right people."


Kate left for Geneva on the Tuesday. The operation to remove the scar on Poppy's face was going to be on the Wednesday, after which Poppy would need to stay in the hospital for a few days before going home to Annecy.

As agreed with Kate, Suzy moved in with Daniel while Kate was gone. Daniel didn't need looking after. It was just an opportunity for him and Suzy to have a bit of fun.

Lynne, my assistant and I flew out to Munich on the Wednesday afternoon, ready for our meeting with the Obermann people on Thursday. I'd wanted to meet Stefan Voigt for dinner on Wednesday to talk to him about Michael's Bentley but he wasn't available until later in the evening and so I arranged to meet Uwe instead. I couldn't leave Lynne on her own so I suggested she join us. Lynne didn't want to be a burden but I assured her she wouldn't be and explained to her about my plan to offer Uwe a job.

Lynne and I met Uwe in the hotel bar that evening and we exchanged pleasantries before going into the restaurant for a meal.

"How's Suzy," Uwe tried to ask casually when the opportunity allowed.

"She's fine. She's away at the moment," I replied.

"Yes. She told me," he said slightly glumly.

"She's a nice girl," Lynne added. "My partner and I met her a couple of weeks ago. She mentioned you then. Are the two of you an item now?"

Uwe looked uncertain.

"I came to London at the weekend to see her. As for being an item? I'm not sure. The distance is a bit of a problem."

"I can imagine," Lynne agreed." But you like her?"

"I do," he smiled.

"I managed to get Sam to come and work for me," I told Uwe, changing the subject.

"Well done. He's a bit of a genius," Uwe added.

"Yes, he is. Thanks for testing him out the other day. He said you knew your stuff too."

"Good to know."

"I know he loves that comic book store but he's wasted sitting at the counter, reading the paper every day," I explained, then I added, "Just like you are as a tutor."

Uwe accepted the compliment awkwardly.

"Which is why I'd like to offer you a job, Uwe. We need someone like you on this Obermann project. Someone who understands the technology but someone who's local and can speak their language."

"I don't know Steven. I'm not sure I'm cut out for working in a big company."

"We're not a big company Uwe. Right now, it's just Lynne, me and Sam. You could really make a difference here."

Uwe looked thoughtful.

"The only thing is. I'd need you to spend half your time in London." I said, trying to make it sound like a negative. "We'd give you a housing allowance, enough to get an apartment and we'd pay your travel expenses of course."

"It would make seeing Suzy a lot easier," Lynne said, stating the obvious.

"This was the salary I was thinking of." I said passing him a slip of paper.

"It's very generous," Uwe responded. "Can I think about it? Perhaps talk to Suzy."

It hadn't been the answer I'd expected.

"Of course. Look, we're going to Geneva this weekend. Why don't you come? Suzy wasn't going to be there but I'm sure she'd like to see you. If you can sort out a flight then we'll pay for it and cover your hotel too."

"Thanks, I'd like that."

We finished our meal and the conversation drifted away from work. At ten, Stefan walked into the restaurant and found us. Uwe noticed him first.

"Stefan," he said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Uwe, Steven. I hope that I'm not interrupting."

"Not at all," I said. "This is Lynne, my assistant."

Stefan very formally shook her hand.

"Would you mind if I spoke to Steven alone?" he asked her and Uwe.

"Of course," Lynne replied. "I'll see you at breakfast Steven."

"I must be going too," Uwe added.

"I'll see you on Friday, Uwe," I said shaking his hand, "and please, think about my offer."

"I will."

When Lynne and Uwe had left, Stefan asked, "Was that what I thought it was?"

"I've offered Uwe a job. I think he'd be good working on the Obermann contract. I'm also trying to play matchmaker if I'm honest," I admitted. "Uwe came over to see Suzy last weekend. They get along well and if he takes the job, then they'd be able to see more of each other."

"But Uwe isn't sure."

"That's right. Perhaps I'm doing the wrong thing. They hardly know each other really, but the two of them seem to get on. The distance is a problem though. That's why I suggested Uwe spend half his time in the UK."

"I should declare an interest here," Stefan admitted.


"Gert, Uwe's father and I, used to be good friends before he died. When Uwe was born, he asked me to be his Godfather."

"I didn't realise."

"I declined," Stefan clarified. "At the time I wasn't seen as a particularly upstanding member of society and Hannah, Uwe's mother would have kicked up a fuss. But Gert made me promise I'd keep an eye on the boy, and I've tried to keep my promise. To the point where, if I'm honest, I had Suzy checked out."


"Nothing much really. Like you, she's from a working class background. Clever, hard-working, first in her family to go to university. Her brother's been in trouble with the law, but that's no reflection on her. What's more of a reflection is the company she keeps nowadays," he said smiling

"So, you've no objections."

"None at all. From what I've seen and heard about her, I think she'd be ideal for Uwe." Then changing the subject, Stefan asked, "Now what about this car?"

"I'm not sure how much you know."

"You're trying to recover a car that was stolen from a High Court Judge in England. The car is currently in Switzerland, at the villa of a private collector who lives near Montreux."

"I didn't know that part."

"The Swiss police won't help because there's no proof he has the car but also because the collector is a very wealthy man. So if you want to see the car again you're going to have to steal it back. Which is where I can help you."


"The same way that you steal anything from somebody's house. By breaking in and taking it."

"It sounds risky."

"It is. But I can bring strength in numbers."

"How much will it cost?"

"Nothing. Let's just say that we have a shared interest. But I'm curious, why do you want to retrieve a car belonging to a judge."

"Michael gave Lesley away at our wedding. She's like a father to him."

"I see."

"If you don't mind me asking. What exactly is it that you do, Stefan?"

"Can we talk about that another time? I promise you I'll answer the question. Just not here. Now, would you like to be involved in the recovery?"

"Of course."

"Good. You'll need something with a towing hitch to take the car back to England. Nothing fancy."

"I'll sort it."

"I'd suggest Monday after next. We'll meet the day before. I'll let you know where."

"Ok and thank you."

"You realise that this is not without its risks, Steven."

"I understand."

"Good. Then I'll see you next Sunday."


I dropped Lynne off at the airport on Thursday evening then made my way to Garmisch. I was excited to be seeing Ursula again and when she opened the door to me she had that cheeky grin on her face that I found so irresistible

Neither of us could wait to fuck and within minutes I had her up against the wall in the shower, pumping her from behind. It was urgent physical sex that didn't relent until I'd emptied myself into her.

Afterwards, we dried ourselves off then lay on the bed. Ursula wanted to be playful and within ten minutes my erection was back. When she noticed this, she lay back on the bed and let me climb onto her, sinking myself into her gorgeous pussy again.

"This time I promise to take things more gently," I told her.

"What if I don't want you to," she giggled. "What if I want you to fuck me as hard as you can?"

"Well, I suppose I'd have to give you what you wanted."

"I dare you."

I decided to put everything I'd got into fucking Ursula. I'd cum just a few minutes before and so there was no danger of a premature end to proceedings. In the end it was half an hour before I came again, during which time I let Ursula have it with both barrels.

What amazed me however was that she took everything that I subjected her to in her stride. By the end of it I was exhausted but Ursula looked as fresh as a daisy.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Have sex for half an hour and look like you've just stepped out of the shower."

"I think you'll find you were doing all the work and I was getting all of the benefit," Ursula giggled. "It was selfish of me but I'll make it up to you I promise. Now shall we eat? I bet you've worked up quite an appetite."

We got dressed and afterwards, with Andy's warning about the realities of close protection in the back of my mind, I asked, "Do you have a gun I could carry? I think it would be safer."

Ursula stood in front of me and kissed me.

"Thank you Steven. There's a safe in the nightstand. The code is six, three, two five."

I unlocked the safe and retrieved the Sig. After checking the magazine I looped the holster into my belt and wore a large plaid shirt over the top to conceal the weapon. Then the two of us went out for pizza.

Over dinner Ursula wanted to know all about what had happened since our last meeting, so I told her about Carole and Fabien's new lover, then about what had happened with Suzy and Uwe. Finally, I told her about the party and how it had gone wrong with Richard and Annabelle and how we'd met Sam and Carly instead. Ursula immediately wanted to know about Carly.

"Is she pretty," she asked.

"Yes," I replied. "She was a ballerina until she broke her ankle."

"That's sad," Ursula replied. "But how am I supposed to compete with ballerinas?"

"You don't have to. It's not a competition," I told her. Then glancing at her beautiful breasts I added "Besides you've got qualities she doesn't have."

"I'm glad to hear it," Ursula giggled.

"Anyway, enough about me, how about you?" I asked.

Ursula thought for a moment then said, "I'm fine. Nothing much to report. I'm excited to be going to Geneva with you and Heike tomorrow."

"Are you nervous about seeing the surgeon?"

"A little, but Heike said she'd come with me. I'm looking forward to meeting your friend Poppy."

"You'd better have your answers practised," I laughed. "Poppy is as bright as a button."

When we got home, we had sex again. This time it was more gentle and unhurried than before and afterwards Ursula fell asleep in my arms. Nobody had tried to kidnap her that evening and after a while I'd grown accustomed to the weight of the gun on my hip. After undressing, I put it back in the safe, relieved that it hadn't been needed.


Heike's presence was guaranteed to liven up any situation and as we sat in the business class lounge at Munich airport on Friday morning it felt like we were off on holiday.

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