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Mermaid Metamorphosis


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The scientist walked up to the glass. "You had an amazing body, but I think the only place you needed a little help was your breast size," he eyed her new body up and down. Sarah felt vulnerable under his stare and did her best to cover up. "I hope you don't mind," the scientist said. Sarah answered by flipping him off, struggling in vain to try and keep her breasts still covered up as she did so. The scientist laughed. "You must stay in that tank for the next few hours. One of my assistants will come by when it is time to take you out." The scientist walked to the automated door and shouted as he walked out that he hoped Sarah enjoyed her new life.


Sarah had had small breasts her whole life. She was teased about them a lot when she was younger and living in the group home. When she grew up, she finally made peace with them. When she lived on the streets as a common thief and pickpocket, she hid her body so that she wasn't approached by as many men looking for young hookers. Sarah still encountered a few such men, but she almost always managed to sneak away from them without a fight. She wasn't afraid to defend herself when she couldn't sneak away.

A few hours later, the mousy female assistant, Amber, according to her employee badge, came back into the room. When she saw Sarah in the tank, she paused mid-step and looked up at her. Sarah saw how her mouth had dropped at the sight of her. Sarah felt like a monster and quickly covered up as much of her body as she could with her arms.

The assistant recovered from her shock. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare; it is just that you are so radiant," she said in awe.

Sarah realized that she was telling the truth. Sarah lowered her arms and uncurled her tail, allowing the assistant to see her fully. Amber stared for a minute, then she unhooked Sarah from the monitoring equipment and the now unneeded breathing mask.

Once Sarah was at the top of the tank, the assistant apologized again for staring at her. "It's ok, really," Sarah insisted, "It's not like you get to see something like this every day," Sarah said and looked towards her tail and used it to give an awkward wave.

Out at the side of the large tank was a second smaller chamber that was just big enough for Sarah to swim into. It was a short distance to the chamber, but Sarah didn't know how to use her new body. She swam with her arms and tried to use her tail, but it was strange to move it. It took longer than she thought it would. A couple of times, she used her tail to help her move. When that happened, it gave her a boost of speed, but she couldn't do it reliably. Sarah wasn't the best swimmer before and getting used to a new body only worsened things. Amber hit a button, sealing off the small chamber as it started to drain.

Once the tank was drained, Amber opened the side panel of the smaller tank. She was waiting there with a pushcart. Sarah looked at the cart and raised her eyebrow at it.

"It's so I can get you to the shower room to clean up," Amber said. Sarah slid her new body across the bottom of the small tank. It was slow going the short distance; Sarah wished she could have just walked to the cart. Even though her new tail had felt awkward to move, at least in the water, she was in the right element for it. Now that she was dry, her tail was cumbersome. As she dragged herself, she realized how much her larger breasts also weighed her down.

Once on the cart, Amber pushed Sarah out of the room and down the sterile hall. Sarah did her best to keep her breasts covered up. Amber pushed Sarah into the room at the end of the hallway. There was a large bathtub in the middle of the room.

Amber helped Sarah climb into the bathtub and turn the water on. "I will be right back," Amber said. Sarah ran her hands up and down her body, exploring what had been done to her. She did her best to make peace with the fact that this was her body now. Sarah pressed her hands to her new large breasts, taking in their weight, admiring them while also being intimidated by them. Sarah played with her breasts, lifting them, and then letting them drop. She pressed them together, kneading and squeezing them. Her nipples still looked the same to her, but they, along with the rest of her breasts, felt ten times more sensitive now. She couldn't help but moan loudly.

A cough from the doorway brought her back to her surroundings, and she quickly pulled her hand away. "Here is some soap, shampoo, and conditioner, and I have a couple of towels out here for you when you are done. I will be outside, so call me if you need anything." Amber struggled to pull her eyes away from Sarah's breasts the entire time she talked.

"Thanks," Sarah said. She checked out Amber as she turned around, thinking the girl was cute. As she ran her soapy hands up and down her body, she couldn't help but get turned on by the thought of seducing such an innocent girl. She couldn't yet be out of college. The idea sent tingles through her entire body, so she acted. Sarah called out to Amber.

"All done?" Amber asked her.

"Almost. I was wondering if you could get my back for me. I can't quite reach it." Sarah looked over her shoulder at Amber.

"I-I don't think that is really something I am supposed to do," Amber said.

"Please, I want to get all that gunk off me. You would be doing me a huge favor," Sarah said, turning back further so that Amber could catch another glimpse at her breasts. Sarah didn't know what had gotten into her, but her body was tingling so much that she couldn't help but want to lure in this young woman to help her fulfill her desires.

Amber took off her lab coat and placed it on a wall hook. She sat cross-legged at the bathtub's edge and took the soap out of Sarah's hand. Sarah shivered at Amber's gentle touch as she scrubbed her back. Sarah closed her eyes, enjoying her new heightened senses as Amber's touch sent overlapping ripples of pleasure reverberating through her body. "You can press harder. You won't break me," Sarah said.

Amber started to press harder, massaging Sarah's back. "Like this?"

Sarah let out a sigh of pleasure, "yes, exactly like that." Amber continued to massage Sarah, her nervous touch becoming more confident the longer she did it. She rubbed Sarah's back long past the point of doing it just to clean Sarah.

Amber started to massage the top of her shoulders and slid her hands down and around towards Sarah's collarbone. Sarah couldn't help but moan again as Amber grazed along the top of her breasts.

Sarah willed Amber to touch her more, but she didn't think the girl would be bold enough. Sarah leaned her head against Amber's arm as she massaged the top of her breasts. She gently kissed along Amber's arm, starting near her inner elbow and slowly trailing kisses down. Since Amber didn't pull away, Sarah kissed and sucked longer with each kiss as she worked her way down. She could hear Amber's breathing get harder. She stopped massaging the top of Sarah's tits for a moment as Sarah sucked hard on Amber's wrist. Sarah kissed down Amber's hand, kissed her fingertips, and then took her index finger into her mouth and started to suck on it. Amber sighed as Sarah sucked deeply on her finger. Sarah smiled. I have her now.

Amber's tits pressed into Sarah's back as she leaned down to reach the rest of Sarah's breasts. Sarah started to suck on two fingers at once as she trembled in anticipation and pleasure as Amber's hand slid along her new large and sensitive breasts. Amber finally reached Sarah's nipple and started to play with it. Even with her hesitant and gentle touch, Sarah couldn't help but moan loudly.

"You don't have to be so gentle," Sarah said as Amber gently played with her nipple. Amber started to roll it between her fingers and pull harder on it, alternating between playing with Sarah's nipples and kneading her large breasts.

Sarah moaned at the increased contact, turned her head sideways, and pulled Amber into a kiss. Amber was hesitant initially, but she surprised Sarah when she slipped her tongue into Sarah's mouth and deepened the kiss. While they kissed, Amber started to play even harder with Sarah's breasts, causing Sarah to moan into the kiss.

Sarah turned around to face Amber, so she didn't have to keep craning her neck. She then broke the kiss and started to kiss down Amber's neck and unbuttoned her blouse. Amber began to breathe unevenly as Sarah revealed her cute white bra and cleavage. Sarah kissed the soft flesh of Amber's tits and kneaded them through the bra. Amber sighed, and without being asked, she shrugged off her shirt and reached back to undo her bra clasp. Once unclipped, Sarah quickly helped Amber pull the bra off.

Sarah admired Amber's perky tits that were capped with puffy pink nipples. Sarah sucked hard on one of her nipples. Amber moaned and cradled Sarah's head against her chest as she sucked and played with both breasts. Sarah couldn't get enough of the taste of Amber's breasts as she sucked on them. Sarah had done this before and loved it, but it turned her on way more. She could feel the heat building inside her and the moisture leaking out of her pussy. She tried to cross her legs to contain it but then remembered that she didn't have legs anymore. Amber stroked Sarah's head as she sucked deeply on her breasts, taking nearly all of her soft flesh into her mouth each time.

As Sarah continued to suck and play with Amber's tits, she started to undo Amber's pants and then slipped her hand inside her panties. Sarah felt Amber's downy pubic hair, and then a little further, she felt the top of Amber's pussy. Amber cried out when Sarah touched her sensitive clit. Sarah had pulled back for a few seconds, then rubbed it again, this time with more pressure. "Yes," Amber cried out, trembling as Sarah rubbed her clit in circles. After a couple of minutes of playing with Amber's clit, Sarah slid her fingers along the folds of her sex. Amber made a contented "mmmmm" sound as Sarah gently explored her folds. Sarah's fingers became coated in Amber's juices without her even fully penetrating her.

Sarah pulled her hand out of Amber's pants and held her hand in front of her face. The scent of Amber's juices was intoxicating. Sarah inhaled the fantastic aroma and then sucked on the tips of one of her fingers. Immediately Sarah's taste buds were overwhelmed. Sarah moaned as she started to suck her fingers clean and felt a sexual thrill ripple through her body. Sarah couldn't believe how sharp her senses were now. If sex was this amazing in this new body, then the next couple of years would feel like anything but a prison sentence.

Once Sarah's fingers were sucked clean, she slid her hand back inside Amber's panties, only this time she slipped her hand past her outer lips and inside her pussy. Amber let out a loud moan as Sarah started to work her fingers in and out of Amber's tight pussy. When Sarah added a second finger, Amber moaned even louder and shivered. As Sarah fingered Amber, she alternated between sucking on Amber's tits and making out with her. Amber grabbed Sarah's hand and pulled it up to her mouth. Amber licked and sucked Sarah's hand completely clean. A wave of pleasure echoed through Sarah's body from where Amber sucked on her fingers. When she was done, Sarah kissed Amber deeply, nibbling and sucking on her lips and tongue as they French kissed. The taste of Amber's pussy juices in her mouth drove Sarah to kiss Amber harder to try and get every drop.

Sarah started to tug at Amber's pants as they made out, and Amber did her best to help out since they were both distracted by how roughly they were kissing each other. Sarah got Amber's pants down, and she pulled them free from Amber's legs after she managed to pull off Amber's shoes and socks. Amber's panties were cute but mismatched. Sarah pulled Amber to the bathtub's edge and forced her to spread her legs out. Amber let out a little giggle when Sarah did that. Sarah started to kiss her way quickly down Amber's neck and chest, sucking hard as she went. Sarah wanted to take her time, but the desire to taste Amber directly overpowered her regular sexual routines as she moved faster with each kiss. Sarah paused long enough to take both of Amber's nipples into her mouth before continuing downward.

Sarah kissed the top of Amber's panties and paused to inhale her intoxicating scent. Sarah's next kiss brought her lips in contact with Amber's clit. When She let out a moan, it sent another wave of pleasure through Sarah. Sarah started to lick Amber through her panties as she rolled her tongue along Amber's sensitive nubbin, alternating between licking and sucking on it. Amber began to hump against Sarah's mouth, and her moans got louder.

Not wanting things to end too soon, Sarah forced herself to pull away from Amber's clit. She pulled her panties to the side, admiring Amber's beautiful pussy as she waited. Sarah kissed Amber's pussy directly, and both of them moaned at the same time. Sarah couldn't wait any longer and slid her tongue deep into Amber's folds. They moaned simultaneously, Amber from having a tongue inside her for the first time and Sarah from the intoxicating taste of Amber's pussy.

Sarah stuck her tongue as deep inside Amber as she could. Sarah had never tasted anything so good before, she had always enjoyed eating a girl out, and it had turned her on in the past, but that was mostly from the sensation of being able to please another girl and having the power to make her cum, but now the feelings she got from eating out Amber were so strong that she could feel her pussy radiating out warmth and pleasure throughout her body.

Sarah slid a hand down her stomach and paused for a moment when she felt her soft skin merge into the scales of her mermaid tail. The scales were smooth, and as Sarah lowered her hand, pressing onto the new parts of her body, she felt that same giddy feeling that she would feel when she would lower her hand through her mons. Sarah slid past where her pubic hair used to be. At least I don't have to worry about bikini waxes anymore. Sarah continued to lower her hand, extending it further than she used to. For a moment, she feared she would not be able to reach her pussy in her new elongated body. Sarah let out a sigh of relief when her hand finally came into contact with the top of her slit. She brushed a finger across her clit and was startled by the powerful effect that it had on her. Her whole body trembled, and she moaned loudly into Amber's pussy.

Amber grabbed the back of Sarah's head and pushed Sarah's face into her pussy. It was hard for Sarah to breathe, but each breath brought her the fantastic aroma of Amber's pussy, turning Sarah on even further. The grip Amber had in Sarah's hair at the back of her head hurt a little bit, but Sarah found that she liked that feeling when mixed with all of the pleasure that she was feeling. Sarah gently rubbed her clit again, making sure not to overstimulate herself. Sarah rubbed her clit in tiny circles as she continued to eat Amber out.

Along with pulling Sarah's mouth against her pussy, Amber started to grind her pussy against her face, allowing Sarah's tongue to reach new depths. Amber's moans got louder and louder. Sarah knew that Amber was close, so she started to lick and suck on her pussy even harder. She looked up and saw Amber playing with her tits as she ground her pussy harder into her mouth. Amber let out one last cry, and her ass rose up off the bathtub's rim, and she thrust her pussy up against Sarah's mouth. Sarah sucked hard on Amber's clit as Amber climaxed. Amber let out one last little moan and shudder, and then she fell back onto the floor, panting.

As much as Sarah wanted Amber to make her cum, she just couldn't wait. Sarah looked over Amber's beautiful body as she started to play with her own tits with one hand and slipped a finger inside of herself. Sarah's pussy was so incredibly tight; if she wasn't so wet, then it would have been hard to comfortably fit much inside of herself. Like when she touched her clit for the first time, her pussy felt much more sensitive than it had ever been. Once Sarah had her finger entirely inside, she stopped moving it. She took in the overwhelming sensation of her finger inside of her. It reminded Sarah of how it had felt the first time she had ever masturbated. Every touch felt so great and unexplored in this new body. If one finger feels this amazing, I can only imagine what it would feel like to have a nice dick inside me.

Sarah slowly fingered herself. Once she started to build up some speed, she curled her finger upward and pressed against the top of her pussy. This felt too good, and she shook as she moaned. Sarah had been so close to cumming from playing with Amber that after just a couple of minutes of fingering herself, she could feel her orgasm approaching. With her other hand, Sarah started to rub her clit. Her hypersensitivity quickly put her over the edge. Sarah closed her eyes, seeing bursts of light as the strongest orgasm of her life surged through her body. Sarah moaned louder than she had ever before and was confused at the almost musical sound of her moans. Sarah's tail curled inward. Her whole body went rigid as her orgasm kept on echoing through her body, longer than any orgasm that she had ever experienced before. Sarah lost her sense of time in that blissful moment. When her orgasm finally finished, Sarah felt numb, as if her senses had been overwhelmed by her orgasm.

While Amber was recovering, Sarah dove under the water to rinse off the last soap. Sarah closed her eyes and held her breath as she went under. She had enough room in the large bathtub to spread out her entire length. Sarah held her breath for one minute and then two before she started to breathe in the water again. It felt weird letting the water into her mouth yet still being able to breathe. She doubted that she would ever be able to get used to it.

Amber looked surprised when Sarah surfaced. "You were down there for a long time. I was waiting for you," she said. Sarah loved the way disheveled and post-orgasmic glow Amber had. She looked at her slightly parted legs and yearned again to taste the delicacy between them, perhaps some other time.

While they dried off and got dressed, Amber switched to her working mode.

"I'm going to be the one checking on you, making sure that the change is holding up," Amber said.

"Is this safe?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, while, mostly at this point. We have the overall science down, but everyone who undergoes the change can handle it differently, even if the same changes are made. With each subject, we like to monitor them to help us better suit the operation to work perfectly for as many people as possible."

Amber pushed Sarah on a hydraulic cart to the elevator. They went straight down to the basement parking level. Two pairs of guards were waiting for them, one from Gene Inc and the others in suits, so Sarah figured they were from the casino.

"Goodbye. I will check on you in a couple of weeks," Amber said.

"Goodbye," Sarah said. For some reason, Sarah had the overwhelming urge to hug Amber. She had never been a hugger before, so the urge confused her. Even if she wanted to hug Amber, all she could do from this height was wrap her arms around her waist. Amber helped Sarah out when she leaned down to give her a hug. The women held each other long enough for the elevator doors to start to close. Luckily one of the guards had the door open and coughed.

Amber waved to Sarah as the door closed. Sarah waved back just as the doors closed. Sarah didn't know much about what was in her future, so it was nice knowing that she had another visit from Amber to look forward to.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent 5-star story. I hope you plan on continuing this excellent story. It will be interesting to see where Sarah and Amber's relationship will take them. May to the point where Amber wants the change to be with Sarah.

Rhueben33Rhueben33over 1 year ago

Love mermaids stories, good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I can’t wait for part 2

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