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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 02

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Mia decides to turn her friend Tom into a foot slave.
15.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 02/01/2024
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Chapter 2: Her friend

Summary (don't read it if you want a completely spoiler-free experience!): Mia uses her powers on Tom to make him do her homework while she sits back and relaxes. Then she decides to make him her full time foot slave. Sandra, their classmate, tries to save Tom, but he is too infatuated with Mia's feet.

After school, Mia went to her small, cozy apartment. She was living alone, her mother on the other side of the country. Lily was sending Mia hefty sums of money, so she could pay for the rent and all the necessities with no problems, still having lots of cash left by the end of the month. Thanks to that she didn't have to worry about renting a room with other students and she didn't have to reside in the Westwood Academy's dormitory, as Tom had to do, for example.

Her surroundings were new to her, although she didn't feel uncomfortable. She relished the opportunity to have freedom, to do what she wanted. Also, she wasn't completely alone -- her nerdy friend that followed her from their home town of Tawilkes Hills was now attending the same school as her. They were even in the same class.

Tom was a tall, skinny boy with blonde hair and square glasses. He always wanted to be near her -- help her with school projects, talk to her, do things with her, or even *for* her. She found it rather cute, although not in a romantic way. She told him early on that he will always only be her friend -- Tom accepted that, and said that her friendship was very important to him.

Now, as Mia was entering her apartment, she was reminiscing about the events from the past that she shared with Tom. Even when they were younger, he was always there for her. Sometimes she found it irritating.

She also remembered again this one unpleasant time when Mia almost ended their friendship.

The story goes like this: when they were hanging out in her mother's house, she excused herself to the bathroom, leaving Tom alone in her room. When she came back she saw Tom, kneeling beside her bed, with her sneakers in his hands, smelling them intensely.

Mia froze, stunned at the sight before her. She could see the guilty flush creeping up Tom's neck, his eyes darting nervously between her and the offended footwear. Without saying a word, he quickly dropped the shoes and stood up, his face contorted in embarrassment.

"Mia, um, I, uh," he stammered, his voice cracking like a teenager trying to break into puberty, although by now he should be well past this phase. "I didn't mean anything wrong, honest!"

Mia narrowed her eyes, her expression hardening.

"Why were you doing that?" she demanded, her voice cold and unforgiving.

Tom swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing uneasily. "I-I just... I dunno," he sputtered, his words trailing off like a dying heartbeat. "I just really love the smell of your shoes. It makes me feel closer to you somehow."

Mia stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest. She could see the earnestness in his eyes, the honesty in his voice. Yet, she couldn't help but feel repulsed by his words.

Shoes weren't exactly a topic of conversation she'd expected to discuss with Tom. "This has to end," she declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "No more sneaking around smelling my shoes; no more obsessive behavior. We're friends, Tom, nothing more."

Tom bowed his head, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Okay, Mia," he whispered. "I understand." The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension, the silence deafening. "I promise I won't do anything like that ever again".

And he didn't, at least to her knowledge. She wasn't aware of the effect her foot sweat and her pheromones had on boys back then. Now, and especially after the events from earlier today in the school library, she would probably react differently to Tom's behavior.

The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon. Mia entered her apartment, took down her bag and sat on her bed. Her apartment wasn't big, but it was rather cozy. It had a small kitchen, a bathroom and a living room, which was her bedroom at the same time. As she looked down at her black combat boots, she could still see a little stain of semen from one of the boys -- now her slaves. What was rather funny to her is that it wasn't even possible to tell which one's sperm it was. Not unless you tested it in a laboratory for DNA.

The memory of their desperate pleas sent a shiver down her spine. She wondered if they were still there, obediently cleaning up the remnants of their servitude. And she wondered if Jack was still licking the big puddle of cum they all made. She grinned wickedly as she pictured the scene in the library, the boys falling to their knees, willingly surrendering their autonomy to her.

She snapped out of her reverie, shaking her head. No, she thought, she couldn't dwell on such trivial matters. Today was a day for celebration. A day of self-discovery and empowerment. A day of domination.

She decided to take her boots off.

They were still worn by her without socks, and after spending the whole day in them, droplets of sweat were again collecting on her booted feet. There was a slight scent of her sweat -- slight only because it was still trapped in her footwear -- mixing with the smell of her skin and the leather of the boots. She slowly unlaced them, her fingers delicately grazing the smooth leather surface. As she carefully removed the first boot, a left one, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. The sensation of cool air against her heated skin was heaven-sent. She wriggled her toes, enjoying the feeling of freedom. Mia then proceeded to remove the right boot, thus revealing both her dainty, perspiring feet in all their glory. The scent of her foot sweat was intoxicating, a potent aphrodisiac that seemed to linger in the air.

As Mia examined her naked feet, she couldn't help but notice the subtle pink hue of her toenails and the impressive outline of her arches. Her skin was soft and supple, and the mere sight of her feet made her heart race. They were the source of her power, the key to unlocking her deepest desires.

She rose from her bed, her bare feet padding silently across the hardwood floor. Her apartment was quiet, save for the ticking of the clock on the wall.

As she walked across the room, her feet left damp prints on the polished wood floor. With each step, she could feel the warmth of her foot sweat seeping into the material below, a testament to her power. The scent of her perfume wafted through the air, a blend of jasmine and cedarwood made a stark contrast to the musky odor of her foot sweat. She paused in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, her lips curled into a devilish grin. She ran her hands along her curves, feeling the silkiness of her skin.

She heard a doorbell. She knew it was Tom. They were supposed to do their homework together.

She pondered a little the idea to greet him like she was now, barefooted, just to see how he would react. But after another quick thought she decided against it and quickly put on her yellow slippers.

"I'm coming!" Shouted Mia as she put on the right, and then the left slipper on her feet. Her new footwear was concealing most of them, although her beautiful heel, thin Achilles tendon and shapely ankle were still visible.

Mia opened the door.

"Hey, there's the guy!" She greeted Tom cheerfully. "Come in."

Tom entered Mia's apartment. He was wearing his typical attire: a simple t-shirt and jeans, with his trademark square glasses perched atop his nose.

"Hi, Mia," he uttered shyly, his eyes scanning the room nervously. "You look great today."

Mia smiled warmly at him. "Thanks, Tom," she replied, motioning for him to sit down.

"Let's do our homework, shall we?"

Tom nodded and gingerly took a seat across from Mia, his eyes never straying far from her. Despite his apparent shyness, Mia couldn't help but admire the loyalty and affection he displayed. Over the years, she had grown accustomed to his persistent admiration, and although she sometimes found it unsettling, she knew that he meant well.

"So, where are we starting?" Mia began, while she seated herself across already sitting Tom and reached for her notebook, a wooden table between them. "Alright, we should start with our math assignments. Let's go through the review problems we have to solve tonight."

Tom nodded diligently, his pen poised over his paper. "Sure, Mia," he responded, his voice trembling slightly. "Just tell me what to do."

With a knowing smile, Mia leaned forward, her small breasts brushing against the edge of the table. She deliberately placed her arm close to Tom's, their bodies almost touching. "You got it," she assured him.

"Let's tackle this problem, then we can work our way through the rest."

Mia's fingertips brushed up against Tom's arm, sending a surge of electricity coursing through his veins. His breathing hitched, and his pulse quickened with anticipation. He couldn't help but stare at her curvy figure. Her bare legs, exposed by her shorts, offered a teasing glimpse of the enticing flesh underneath.

Then his eyes wandered lower. She was wearing cute, yellow slippers that concealed her toes and most of the top of her feet, although he could still admire her shapely bare heels and ankles.

Mia caught Tom's gaze, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"So," she drawled, leaning back in her chair, "you ready to crush these math problems?"

Tom nodded, biting his lip, his eyes flitting between the textbook and Mia's enchanting face. "Yeah," he managed through a tight throat, "I think I've got this."

As they delved deeper into the world of quadratic equations and polynomial functions, the air crackled with an electric charge that neither of them could ignore. Tom stole glances at Mia, who was hunched over her notebook, pencil scribbling furiously.

He couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

Her smooth skin, the gentle curve of her waist, and the graceful arch of her neck. Everything about her was perfect. Tom, however, especially couldn't tear his gaze away from Mia's shapely, covered feet. Her delicate heels, pink and moist from sweat. Her thin Achilles tendons. Her shapely ankles. The sight of her feet caused a stir within him, a forbidden desire he'd kept hidden for so long. Tom felt his heart hammering in his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

But he shouldn't indulge too much or she would catch him. She didn't want that kind of relationship with him and he respected that. I mean, come on, just comparing their looks it would have been ridiculous for him to even dream of being her boyfriend. He decided that it's time to return to math problems.

At one point they came across a quadratic equation that stumped them. Tom took a deep breath, focused himself and began to work on the problem, the gorgeous girl sitting across him only adding to his motivation. He started by factoring the equation, then used the quadratic formula to solve it. Mia watched as he worked through the problem with ease.

"It's quite impressive, watching you work like that" she said and nodded. She truly was impressed by Tom's mathematical prowess. "You're really good at this". Tom felt a warm glow of satisfaction in his chest. He had always loved math, and it felt good to be recognized for his skills, especially by Mia. He looked over at her and felt a twinge of attraction.

As they continued to work on their homework, Tom again found himself stealing glances at Mia. She was so focused on the problem at hand, her brow furrowed in concentration. He admired her dedication and intelligence. After couple of minutes, when they finished another problem, Tom felt a sense of accomplishment. He impressed Mia. It was a good day.

They weren't done yet, but they solved a good deal of math problems already. He allowed himself to have a small break and as he leaned back on his chair he decided to relax a little.

His mind once again started to think about how beautiful Mia was. And his eyes once again were drawn to her yellow slippers that were hiding those marvels from the world.

He wanted to see them so badly. To touch them and to worship them. He was sure that they would smell divine. He imagined her sweaty soles, her lovely arches, her delicate toes. He wanted to kiss them, lick them, suck her toes. Oh dear God, how he desired that. He suddenly realized that it was a stupid idea to come here. The lust was taking control of him.

He remembered the incident when Mia caught him sniffing her sneakers, back when they both still lived in Tawilkes Hills. It was a shameful moment for him that he never forgot.

That day, when she announced that she was going to the bathroom, he knew he only had a couple of minutes. It wasn't the first time he was sniffing her shoes in those kinds of situations; he was able to do it in three or four different instances undiscovered, when she had to go somewhere and he was left alone by her, one on one with her footwear. Or rather, one on two. Her footwear were always the winners in these battles.

But the very first time he decided to smell the scent of her feet was still in their previous school in Tawilkes Hills.

It had a strict policy: in winter time, because of a bad weather, all students had to change their shoes in a locker room. When he saw Mia do it one day, he promised himself he had to experience the smell of her sweat. So he faked an illness to go out of classroom alone and then quickly went to Mia's locker. That was his first close-up experience of her intoxicating scent, the starting moment of his addiction.

Now, he found himself in a situation that allowed him to smell her footwear again -- and he had to do it. When he heard her closing the door of her room, he instantly jumped off the chair he was sitting on, dropped to his knees and went straight to her sneakers.

He quickly grabbed and brought the left one to his nose. The smell was intoxicating. He inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma, and his heart raced with excitement. Then, with his other hand, he grabbed the right shoe and also brought it closer to his face.

He was now smelling both sneakers simultaneously, alternating between them, reveling in the intoxicating scent of Mia's foot sweat. Time seemed to lose all meaning as he lost himself in the sensations.

Tom couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to be so close to her, to breathe in her essence. The scent carried hints of her body's natural aroma, mixed with the faint smell of her perfume. Each whiff was a tantalizing tease, a promise of what lay beneath the material's surface.

As he continued to inhale deeply, the heat of his breath warmed the inside of the shoe, causing the scent to intensify. Tom closed his eyes, allowing the aroma to envelop him, to transport him to a realm of ecstasy. He felt a strange connection with Mia, a bond forged by his embarrassing secret that she had no idea about.

He wanted to touch her feet, to caress them and feel the softness of her skin. He craved to taste her sweat. His cock was stiff, throbbing in his pants, yearning for release. He moved his tongue over the surface of the shoe, imagining it was her sole. His dick grew harder, pressing against his jeans, demanding attention.

Tom fantasized about Mia, her delicate feet nestled in his hands, her soft soles caressing his face. He imagined her toes wiggling, her high arch pressing against his lips, her heel grinding against his cheek. The thought of her feet in his hands, her sweat on his tongue, her scent filling his nostrils, drove him wild.

He couldn't resist any longer. He gently licked the insole of the left sneaker, savoring the taste of her sweat. The material tasted bitter, but the essence of her foot sweat was sweet and intoxicating. He moaned softly, his groans muffled by the shoe.

He repeated the process with the right one, his tongue dancing over the insole, exploring every inch of it. He imagined her foot inside the shoe, the contours of her arch, the delicate bones of her toes. His cock throbbed, aching for release.

As he licked the insoles, he continued to alternate between the two shoes, savoring the different scents and textures. He reveled in the sensation of his tongue against the material, the taste of her sweat, and the faint traces of her perfume.

"Tom! Is everything alright?" Mia called out to him suddenly, startling him out of his trance. "What the hell are you doing?"

Tom quickly released the shoes, his cheeks burning red with embarrassment. "Yes, yes, everything's fine!" he blurted out, trying to regain his composure.

"What the fuck? Why were you doing that?" she asked with a stern voice.

Tom swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing uneasily. "I-I just... I dunno," he sputtered. "I just really love the smell of your shoes. It makes me feel closer to you somehow."

Mia had caught him red-handed, his nose buried in her sneakers, inhaling deeply. The shock in her eyes, the disgust in her voice, it haunted him still. He recalled his stuttering apologies, his promises to change, and his shameful retreat. He vowed never to let his obsession control him again.

As days turned into weeks, Tom managed to keep his infatuation hidden. He focused on his studies, his ambitions, and his friendship with Mia. He reminded himself that Mia would never reciprocate his feelings, and he was content with their platonic relationship.

"Tom! Is everything alright?" He heard her voice again.

This time, in reality.

He was brought back from his daydreaming and once again found himself in Palmwood Heights, in Florida. But thinking about the events of the past made him even more horny for her feet. "Uhm, yeah, I was just thinking about something, don't worry" he managed to say. His excitement grew and he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. But they had to return to their homework.

Tom peeled his eyes away from Mia's ensnaring form, focusing on the tantalizing yellow slippers resting at Mia's feet. As he worked through the math problems, he allowed himself to lose concentration. The allure of Mia's feet became too strong to resist. Tom's attention drifted, his gaze fixed on the glossy yellow fabric. He wondered what lay beneath the slippers. Did she wear nail polish on her toes? What color would it be? Would she have calluses or rough patches from walking barefoot? Or would her feet be smooth? Finally, he knew her feet were sweaty after the whole day at school, he saw the pinkness and the moisture of her heels -- but *how* sweaty they are? If they were dirty, would she let him touch her feet? Maybe he should try to sneakily peek under her slippers?

His heart thumped wildly in his chest as the questions tormented his brain. He needed answers, but he couldn't bring himself to ask Mia directly. Not in a million years.

Mia knew Tom was stealing glances at her. If he wanted her feet that bad, then she also could have something out of this -- she thought to herself. Especially since she decided today that she was done hiding her feet from the world and was going to finally act upon their power.

"Tom, the rest of this Math homework is rather hard. Would you do it for me?" She asked him. Tom was in shock.

He couldn't believe that Mia, despite her dominating personality, would ever request such a thing. But seeing her sitting comfortably across from him, he decided not to question her decision.

"Uh, okay, Mia," he stammered, picking up his pencil. "Don't worry, I'll do my best. But please don't make a habit out of it."

Mia chuckled softly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Relax, Tom," she teased. "It's just this one time..." Mia cooed in a soothing voice, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "We've already spent an hour on the darned thing, and I can't wrap my head around it. So, I figured, why not let my smart, intelligent and trusty friend lend me a helping hand?"

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