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Michelle Freeman -The Therapist Pt. 02

Story Info
Drinking therapist, continues getting her patients drunk.
23.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 08/26/2022
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A continuation of the Michelle Freeman, the Drinking Therapist.

There is plenty of drinking, smoking, stumbling, pissing, and of course falling over.

Please don't vote it down for the drinking, smoking, stumbling, pissing or the falling over.

I hope peeps can enjoy?

Michelle Freeman The Drinking Therapist- Part 2

Saturday Night

Michelle unsteadily wobbled and shuffled on her feet as she tried to keep her head still and focus on the mirror. She took a little step towards the mirror and leant her naked belly against the sink for support. As she unsteadily fell forward the cold porcelain squished deep into her fat soft skin as she attempted to get her face as close and as stationary in the mirror as possible. She stood there as she looked to apply her dusty pink lipstick and rubbed her lips together.

She sighed loudly in frustration; the makeup was yet again badly done. Her hand was just not steady enough. It was all a little smudged and not particularly straight. But ultimately close enough for her. She turned her head a couple of times and studied her overly tired face. Miriam had reluctantly dragged her sleepy and huge hungover arse off the sofa. Got her dressed and then together they had gone to the hairdressers earlier that afternoon. They both had to have their hair done. It took hours, but they got a couple of glasses of wine during the process. She smiled happily at her new freshly bouncing bob holding it was still holding its shape as it was lagged in hair spray.

She beamed and then looked a little surprized as she accidently staggered backwards further away from the mirror when she was meant to be doing her eyes. She soon smiled again as she shuffled forwards as Miriam loomed in the reflection beside her face.

"Babes, are you sure they are actually going to turn up? You got them absolutely plastered on Wednesday; they are bound to still have a two-day hangover!" Miriam stated as she leaned against the door frame.

"Babes, I thinks that they ares game!" Michelle responded then continued to rub her lips together. She looked down and smiled, picked up her nearly empty large wine glass from inside the sink and took another gulp smearing the imprint of her fresh pink lipstick against the rim.

Miriam lifted her head off the door frame and nodded "Good, if you are still sober enough, the plan I have for you is more wine with them downstairs, then Brian is picking us all up at 8 so we can go for a couple of pints and maybe some food at Matt's, we can head over the road for more wine at Cheryl's, then thinking shots and moonshine at Bar 9 and then see if any of you are still standing for a dance?"

"Thinks they, me, ush, can easily cope with that!" Michelle grinned as carrying her glass, she let go of the sink and swayed towards the door, catching the frame for support.

"I am sure you can, Let's, see if they turn up, but can I say one thing babes, I know you are tipsy as- again, but can I say with your new haircut you are looking amazing, absolutely gorgeous!" she held her hand out and squeezed Michelle's hand.

"Hell Babes, I am a little tiny bit relaxed and youse look your and wonderful too." she slurred as she involuntarily staggered slightly to the side. "I would say we are both, babes, going out to get very much more drunk whether those two comes or not!" Michelle grinned as Miriam leaned in for a kiss. With the kiss broken Miriam stepped back and Michelle bumped off the door frame as she moved to leave the bathroom.

"Babes are you okay, honestly?

Michelle nodded and fluttered her eyelashes and took a gulp of her wine.

"Oh, and babes you better get dressed!" Miriam grinned as she squeezed and caressed Michelle's large naked buttocks as she wobbled towards the bedroom "Your fresh dry drinking knickers are on the bed for you, I've put the wet ones from this morning in the wash already!"


The doorbell went and Miriam opened it and was relieved to see both Tina and Caitlin standing on the doorstep. Caitlin was furiously dragging on her cigarette whilst almost her legs were moving furiously as she was practically running on the spot.

"Evening, you both okay?"

"Yes!" Caitlin stated with her exhale, "But I need your loo! Sooorryy." she grinned as she dropped the cigarette on the floor and almost barged past Miriam pulling her short white skirt up her equally white thighs until it was up around her waist flashing her bright green thong which was splitting her white pert buttocks as she pushed Michelle's office door open and made her way towards the toilet.

"Sorry about that!" Tina stated as she slowly made her way in taking off her denim jacket and folding it over her arm showing off that chest was contained in bright pink boob tube, her braless nipples instantly popped hard through the fabric as she followed Miriam. "We've had a couple of drinks in the Oak, you know, just because of because, and someone against my advice chose not to visit the ladies. Instead deciding it was far more important to go outside for her ciggy which after a large glass of wine was a greater priority, before coming over the road."

Miriam shrugged her shoulders "Its fine, she should not have worried, as you know around here our knickers tend to end up rather wetter more than other people worry about. Anyway, how has the rest of the week been?" Miriam tried to make light casual conversation as they moved into Michelle's office.

"Thursday was murder, the world really didn't stop spinning and we didn't get out of bed until way gone lunchtime! But after some chicken soup we soon felt better."

Miriam nodded as she held open the door and let Tina in. "Well, I am glad that you came back for the social night out on the town before Caitlin goes to uni!"

"We debated it yesterday as we started to feel better, but actually neither of us would have missed it" Tina stated as they book looked up at Caitlin's flipflops clattered on the floor as she walked back from the toilet still pulling her skirt back down her thighs.

"Hey, where is Michelle?" Caitlin asked once she was back with her mum and Miriam.

Miriam chuckled, "She is on the way!" as they looked to the ceiling as they both heard the clumping of heavy feet on the stairs.

"Hey girls!" Michelle swayed into the room in maxi dress loosely done up. As she stepped it flashed her black stocking toppers as she swished into the room in flat black shoes. Before taking a couple of adjusting steps to stop moving. "Looking forwards to a great night out with you!"

Caitlin looked at Tina then to Miriam with concern and then to Michelle, "We are too!" she grinned.

"Great as we are now all here let us open the drinks for you all!" Miriam stated as she made her way to the fridge bent down and then pulled out two bottles of chilled white wine.


Caitlin poured the last dribble of wine into her mouth and put the empty glass down on the coffee and table and then smiled triumphantly as she glanced at Tina with a little naughty smile as pulled another cigarette out of the pack in her little handbag as Michelle leaned across with her lighter and helped her light it, her cheek concaved as she briefly pulled on it "No games this evening?" She asked with her exhale as Miriam leant over and with a smile topped up the wine glass.

Miriam shuffled back in the chair and then topped up her own glass as she shook her head and smiled across at Michelle as she put the empty bottle down next to the other one, "Well not intentionally, I think the only aim of this evening is to drink, chat, have fun, maybe ogle at some sexy men, or if you choose women. If you accidently get very drunk before going home, then that is a bonus!"

Tina looked at Caitlin with reassurance and smiled and crossed over her light blue, slim fitted jeans legs again and took a gulp of her wine. "That is the reason we didn't wear heals!" Tina grinned and took another generous gulp of her wine showing off her sparkly green but flat shoe.

"Very sensible idea!" Miriam enthusiastically nodded as she looked across at Michelle in her maxi dress slipping open showing her white skin contrasting against her lacey black bra. "But we do need to finish these drinks, as Brian will be coming in bit to pick us up and take us in to town, as such as we are relatively sober this is a public broadcast, can we all go to the toilet" she quickly glanced at Michelle and with a smile as she spoke "or go in your knickers now, before getting in the cab, as he charges us a fortune for every puddle he finds...he does go looking!"

Caitlin nodded "How long have we got?" she asked looking at Miriam before placing her filter back between her lips and hungrily dragging again on her cigarette.

Miriam looked at her wrist and spun her silver watch around her slim wrist and smiled, "Enough time for you to finish the cigarette, wine and visit the toilet!".

Caitlin exhaling and then smiled happily bobbed her head "Okay!" she grinned at her mum as they both took a long gulp of their wine.


Brian smiled as he held the door open of his people carrier car and got a long glance of Caitlin's green knickers as her short skirt skid up her slim legs as she clumsily climbed into the back of his taxi. Tutting he closed the door and ran around and got in the driver's seat. "Evening girls, you are...all, okay?" He called as he looked in the rear-view mirror.

They all giggled "Yes!" and then giggled some more.

"So, to the Cork and Bottle as usual?" Brian asked looking in the rear-view mirror.

"Yes please!" Miriam replied trying to be in control of her flock.

"No problem. Just to let you know Miriam, as the sensible one, before you all get too drunk, that my daughter Bryony will be picking you all up this evening, I need a night off!"

"Ohhh lucky you!" Caitlin giggled leaning forward.

"Nothing like that!" Brian replied.

The girls all whistled teasingly as the car drove the relatively short distance to the first bar.

"Are you all doing that challenge they are doing, can win a 500 smackaroonies?" Brian asked as he drove along.

"What?" Tina pipped up from the back.

"Pay for the food but get free drinks!" he chuckled as he hit the indicator stalk and pulled off the main road into a carpark.

Michelle looked at Miriam and raised her eyebrow at her, Miriam grinned back "I thought you might win it!" she smiled and squeezed Michelle's damp thigh with her hand.

"You are sometimes very wonderful!" Michelle slurred and grinned and squeezed Miriam's thigh back as Miriam dried her hand on her other leg.


The four of them giggled and slowly made their way into the pub and were directed to the booked table. The hostess dressed all in black informed that the food will be ready at eight thirty and drinks would start flowing shortly, with the winner declared by ten.

"Miriam what's the plan?" Tina asked leaning forward on the table once they had shuffled around the corner so that they were all seated.

"We are going to drink and eat, whilst Michelle eats and drinks!" She grinned.

Michelle shook her head. "No babes, you are going to do the eating, and we three will do de dinking!" she slurred slightly she grinned as they looked up as the barmaid carried over on a big circular tray four large pitchers of beer.

"Thank you!" Miriam smiled as she opened her purse and offered the barmaid her credit card once the drinks where on the table before turning to the group "Pardon?"

"Come on girls, lets drink!" Michelle announced as she unsteadily started to pour the frothy larger out of the pitcher and into the glasses.

"Fuck there is one each!" Exclaimed Tina looking at the large volume of liquid in front of her.

"And?" Grinned Michelle, "Bottoms up, knickers down, come on!" As she unsteadily picked up the full glass.

They all giggled and clinked their glasses together with a large "cheers!" splashing the contents over the table, before taking a large gulp.

"Ohhh mum this is going to be fun but messy." Caitlin grinned as she hugged her pint of larger and looked at Tina.

They topped up their beers from the pitcher as the large pizzas arrived on the table and the background music lowered and there was a screech of feedback noise before a booming voice came across the air.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our inaugural pizza and beer night. I hope you are all hungry, we will be looking to those tables who manage to finish the lot, your time starts now!"


Over the next hour there was a flurry of pizzas, pitchers, and rotating stumbling for toilet visits, but there was constant, Michelle just stayed sat exactly where she was calmly eating the pizza and guzzling her beers. She finally emptied her pint glass and burped loudly and pushed the empty plate to the middle of the table grinned at Miriam.

"Whoop I'm dun!" she smiled and then loudly burped again.

Miriam patted her legs and instantly regretted it. "Well done babes! You've cleared the plates!" She looked around at the bar to see tables still with food on them.

"You helped me!" she grinned as Miriam wiped her hand on the back of the seat.

"Whoopie!" Caitlin cheered overly excitedly bouncing on the seat.

"Fucks, I sose needs ash ciggy!" Michelle slurred and wiped her face with her arm again.

"Ooh so do I, I will come with you!" Grinned Caitlin as she glanced at her mum almost for permission, Tina smiled and rolled her eyes as she nodded.

Miriam shuffled out from behind the table and then helped Michelle shuffle across to stand up, it took them a couple off attempts before she was upright, the back of her dress was scrunched up stuck to her soaking wet bottom, Miriam dutifully pulled at it a little bit, so it was hanging free, as she held her upright. "Babes are you sure you are, okay?"

Michelle grinned and nodded "Babes I'm wondershall, windowful..." she then giggled "I'm so full!"

"You still want to go outside?"

Michelle's head wobbled as she nodded.

"Caitlin, have a smoke and help her, won't you?" Miriam looked at the skinny blonde girl who nodded in agreement as she negotiated the edge of the table, picking her pack and lighter as she came around.

"Of course, you've done amazing job!" Caitlin said as she wrapped her around Michelle's soft waist, and they stepped together through the double doors to the smoking area.

Tina looked at Miriam as the two of them disappeared through the door. "Is Michelle alright?"

Miriam chuckled as she opened her handbag and pulled out a load of tissues and dropped them on the seat where Michelle had been and started patting down the mess, as if nothing were out of the ordinary "She has been drinking all day as usual, she is absolutely fine. We will see when the nicotine fiends have had their top up if we have won and then head over the road for some shots.

"Do you want a hand?" Tina asked as she offered to pat down the chair now covered in tissues.

"Nah, just keep drinking, it's okay, they will be back in a minute."

Tina nodded enthusiastically "Can I say one thing?"

Miriam looked on confused "Yeah?"

Tina smiled "Please just get as fucked as the rest of us?"

Miriam laughed "Oh don't worry, I am sure that will happen, we will move on in minute and get the shots going and I promise to join in!"

"Good, don't want you missing out, I might take this time to pop to the ladies again before you need to mop up another seat, back in sec!" Tina stated as she picked up the pint glass and chugged down the final third of her beer, got up, knocked the table and the glasses all wobbled as she tried to stand straight to early, once clear of the table, she wiggled her hips and tugged at her jeans belt hooks to try pull them up to stop flashing the turquoise whale tail of her knickers, then staggered slightly to the right before looking around the noisy bar, finally got her compass working and headed off towards following the large sign with an arrow saying toilet against the far wall.

Miriam shivered and sniffed the air as the door opened and she could smell the smoke permeating off Michelle and Caitlin as they slowly made their way back to the table. She caught the end of Michelle saying "shhh they won't mind!"

"So, sorry about the wait!" Caitlin stated as she helped Michelle back on the bench seat. "We might have had a couple whilst out there!" she grinned.

"I wouldn't expect any less!" Miriam smiled at them both. "It looks like we didn't win, but hey when Tina gets back shall we head on to the next bar?"

Michelle enthusiastically nodded. "Morsh drinks needed!" she exclaimed.


Miriam lined up four shots of double vodka on the table.

"Come on girls, let us get these down us!" She smiled as she picked up the first one. "There is more afterwards!"

The girls whooped.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Down in one!" Miriam whooped as she chucked the drink straight down her throat.

As the empty glasses clattered as reached the table, they all looked at each other pulling a face.

"So, who is up for another one?" Miriam stated.

Michelle nodded putting both arms in the air and enthusiastically waved them around "Let's get this party started!" she boomed as she staggered sideways before correcting herself as attempted to move towards the bar frantically waving at the bar maid with 4 fingers up. Successfully getting her attention.

Chapter 2

Bryony Page yawned as sat in her dad's blue people carrier bored out of her mind, she already read most of her book for her course and was bored of it. Then with an exaggerated sigh she looked at the centre console and picked up her now cold McDonald's cappuccino and took a gulp. She had done a couple of pick up and drops in town as he had asked, but she now as it had just gone half eleven had to keep her schedule clear for his most important and well-paying and customer. He had warned her that Miriam and the girls would be extremely drunk and explained that is why he wanted to have the seats covered in the blue tarpaulin just in case. She thought it a little excessive and probably uncomfortable, but after her last drop off as she huffed and puffed as she clambered around the back of the car with the two large blue sheets folding them as if she was making a bed, and then tying the eyelets down to the seat stanchions. It looked like a very strange tent in the back.

For something to do, she wound down the window and shivved as the fresh crisp evening air graced her face as she glanced across the deserted carpark. The competing beats of music from the bars around drifting and filling the still void. She leant over and opened the glove box, and smiled, her dad's not so secret pack of Marlboro reds were in there. She flipped open the lid and smiled at the filters and the lighter, and soon she was flicking the growing ash on the raised edge of the glass as she watched the ash and smoke drift off across the carpark. She could not understand why her dad did driving for job, she was bored out of her mind at just waiting. She had "completed" Facebook and Twitter there was literally no news that evening, even the government leader was quiet. She only agreed to cover her dad's Saturday night shift as a method of giving her dad a break and getting a little cash before going back to her third-year journalism course.

Bryony had exhaled her smoke and flicked the second cigarette across the carpark as the nearby church tower gently and slowly bonged its twelve beats.

With a sense of impending doom, she looked across to the alley way into the main street and winced. She heard a loud continuous shrieking, and whooping coming from a small gaggle of women as their voices echoed against the walls as they made their way into the quiet carpark. She gulped air hoping that they were not her pick up as they got louder and louder. She could see that there were four of them linked arm in arm staggering sideways as if they were in the chorus singers in stage show before correcting themselves as they attempted to move forward together before all stopping and giggling and shrieking again. She took another a deep breath of air glanced at the glovebox contemplating another cigarette. Her face winced as she shuffled up in her seat as one of the women screeched at the top of her voice so that everyone in town knew that she now desperately needed a wee wee.

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