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Michelle Freeman -The Therapist Pt. 02


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"Readies for more drinks to goes downs again?" Michelle asked and Fiona nodded as she smiled lopsidedly, her eye lids were looking very heavy as she then gave up with her leggings halfway around her buttocks and sat back down with a deep sigh. Michelle carefully tipped the box upside down and pulled the cardboard tube away from the blocks and chuckled that she had again got it right.

"Let's go again! Youse cans starts the games Bryony!" Michelle grinned as she took a large gulp from her wine.

"I fink yourse trying to get my drunks, as I should really be doing my studying of you two, it's very very much more important!" she said almost talking nonsense as trying to focus as she picked up her topped-up glass and took a gulp unprompted.

Michelle shook her head; it wobbled on as if on a loose gimble "Youse are studying us very good!" She then waved her finger towards the bottle "Buts to studies properlies, youse needs lots more vodka!" she grinned as she attempted twice to pick up the vodka bottle and then messily topped up Bryony's the nearly empty glass in her hand, pouring lots on her hand and table as Bryony looked on slowly nodding.

"Okay, justs maybes justs one more game" she said using her finger struggling to hold it straight whilst attempting the emphasis the single digit, "thens I really need to do some more of my verily important notes!" she said defiantly as Fiona squealed excitedly as she pushed the first block out and took another congratulatory gulp of vodka.

"Excellent!" Michelle beamed.

"But I doze tinks youse gettings me as ickle bits too drunk?" Bryony's head wobbled as she stated the fact.


Bryony wavered to the left and then to the right bouncing off the door frame of the bathroom before she grabbed it for security, she shook her head and glared at it as if it was at fault for moving. She looked up, smiled and cheesily waved at Miriam, who was standing there with her short hair up away from her face looking purposeful as she leaned on a wooden mop handle having obviously cleaned up a puddle on the floor whilst looking stern whilst talking to Michelle.

She turned at looked a Bryony "Ah there you are, how you doing babes, I think it's time to finish things for the day now!" she smiled and looked across as Bryony tried to negotiate the still wet mopped floor as she crossed over the room to her rucksack and notepad before sitting firmly down in the chair with a satisfactory sigh.

"Babes, were doing wery fine babes arnt we!" Michelle slurred and stuttered as she looked up.

"And....we've onlys just started drinks" Fiona groaned as she leaned and tried with a pincer like movement with her fingers as she failed to line them up as to pick up her glass directly in front of her she shook her head and then giggled, and changed her angle and successfully picked her pack of cigarettes, she burped and slumped down eventually getting a filter between her lips.

Miriam smiled kindly and looked at the drunken mess in front of her, she ignored Michelle "Come on you Fiona, do you think you can you get yourself dressed, as you ought to go home?" she tugged at Fiona's leggings still around her thighs. "Come on lift your bottom!"

"I'm very good!" she giggled and batted Miriam away as the unlit cigarette bounced between her lips.

"But we might need to get you pants up a little?" Miriam tried to force the subject.

"I'm good, I just need my smokes!" Fiona replied this time stroking her now sodden crutch of her knickers and moaned loudly.

Miriam wryly smiled and nodded, that's great to hear, and you can definitely carry on doing that just as soon as you get home to your husband, he will love it just as much as we do! But we really need to get you dressed!" She said sternly before turning across and looking at Bryony "Everything okay with you?"

Bryony giggled and nodded she focused on what she was trying to say "Yesh, I thinks I mights have hads a little too much to drink!" she then sniggered again as she picked up her pen and with her head a being droopy flicked at the pen in attempt to do work. The lid popped off, it fell on her note pad rolled across and dropped on to her knee before falling on the floor. She giggled at herself before leaning forward trying to reach it with the tips of her fingers down by her feet, she shrieked as she tumbled forward in an awkward forward roll on to the floor landing in a heap, her jeans yawning and her white thong riding high up across her back.

"You are okay down there?" Miriam chuckled as she watched Bryony shaking her head as she slowly climbed on to all fours.

"I will be when I get home!" Bryony almost growled as she climbed up her chair, tugging her top down trying to cover her gaping back before grabbing hold of her pen and papers securely on the chair as she got herself positioned.

"Are you okay to get home though?"

She again nodded very slowly and purposefully "Yesh, I broughts my bikes!" she looked confused as her head turned to look around the room.

"Will you be okay on that?"

She smiled looking confused for a second before the realisation hit "Oh yes its outside!" she giggled and grinned to herself.

"So, Bryony, and more importantly for us, will you be coming back tomorrow?" Miriam asked as Bryony focused hard trying to get the pen lid back on the pen missing a couple of times getting the alignment right.

Bryony vigorously shook her head and then paused as the world clearly spun on the vodka polished gimble, her head wobbled a little uncontrolled "I needs to doose my report in bys Friday night ands I, and I needs to bees wey much shoberer dan thish!" she grinned and tapped her notebook with her pen with mainly illegible scribblings on it before giggling as the bounced out of hand on to the page, before rolling on to the floor again.

Miriam nodded in agreement "Oh, well that makes perfect sense!" and then briefly looked back as there was a loud hissing noise behind her as Michelle grinned as she casually released the contents of bladder which was currently jetting and gushing through her already saturated leggings in an arc down on to the recently cleaned floor. With a dismissive sigh she looked back at Bryony, "Well yes, don't let us ruin your course, but once you get your report in, feel free to pop over and celebrate a little more with us!" Miriam grinned still leaning on the mop handle. "But you confirm that you are okay if you sit here, whilst I get these other two drunkards sorted out?" Bryony nodded as she took looked happy as she managed retrieve the pen from the floor without falling off the chair as she concentrated and manged to get the pen lid off and then as her head wobbled as if a bolt was loose around on her neck she tried to focus on her notes and put the pen to paper. "Great!"

Chapter 6 Thursday Afternoon

A naked Michelle sniffed, groaned, and licked her lips as she slowly and delicately raised her head from the soft arm of the sofa and reached across, her soft belly skin dipping and folding against itself like tectonic plates creating a volcano as she stretched and pulled yet another cigarette from her open pack on the coffee table and she sighed as she fell back, then groaned. She crunched her minute stomach muscles yet again as she then stretched her fingers to the lighter. She got the filter to her lips before stopping and looking across the room.

"Babes, any more dishes? Plus, you might want to get up, and dressed!" Miriam announced as she swanned from kitchen in her in her splattered with water grey jogging bottoms and black t shirt wearing her yellow washing up gloves, she sat down and pushed the ashtray away from the corner of the coffee table and took a perch looking over Michelle and took a gulp of her coffee.

"Why babes, I'm happy here, and we haven't got anyone today, you're in scruff?" Michelle said almost depressed as she focused on getting the flame on the tip of the cigarette before exhaling.

Miriam ignored the cloud of blue grey smoke bellowing out of Michelle's mouth "Well, yesterday whilst you were having fun with Bryony and Tiffany, I got us tickets to the Alexis Licht private opening afternoon at Creces, just down the road, his art is amazing, it drools sexy sophistication, I spent all afternoon googling it."

Michelle groaned "Babes, we can't afford any of it!" she placed the filter back between her lips and her eyes closed as her cheeks collapsed as she pulled the smoke into her lungs.

"Babes, but we can window shop."

"Babes. don't think we have any wall space up here left for prints since you last went to a showing?" Michelle stated as the smoke tumbled out of her mouth.

"I don't know babes...maybe I can move some around, or put some in the loft?"

Michelle sighed "Yeah babes you could, how long have I got?" she asked as she brushed ash from her naked belly onto the floor.

Miriam looked found her mobile phone grizzled and pulled her yellow glove off and swiped the phone whilst it lay on the table and looked at the time, "Its one now babe, the show opens at three." She announced as she put the glove back on.

"Can I be fashionably late?" she grinned and pulled hard on the cigarette, closing her eyes again as she did.

"No babes, thought you would be interested in the wine and cheese!" Miriam coughed gently as Michelle's cloud of exhaled smoke engulfed her.

Michelle opened her eyes at the mention of cheese and groaned as she heaved her body and shuffled round on the sofa, so she was now sideways her large full breasts were squished against each other and the sofa and she supported her head with her spare hand "Babes, why didn't you say earlier?"

"Did I not babes?" Miriam cheekily smiled back.

Whilst Michelle started frowning "No babes, oh fuck babes where's the ashtray?" she asked holding her cigarette so that the elongated ash upright as if not drop more of it.

"Oh, sorry babes its behind me!" Miriam said before twisting and retrieving the offending item and putting the overly stuffed with butts ashtray on her lap as Michelle smiled at Miriam as she reached across the flicked the ash off.

Miriam took hold of the offered her hand removed the cigarette from Michelle's fingers and placed it between her own glove covered hand and placed it between her lips, took one long drag, exhaled, flicked the ash off on the ashtray on her own lap, licked her lips and then handed the shrinking cigarette back to Michelle before sighing as she got up and then grimacing as she carried the reeking ashtray at arm's length to the kitchen to empty it.


Miriam stood with both hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side. "Come on babes, it's time to get your gorgeous fat arse up and in the shower, you haven't got time for a bath!"

Michelle looked up, her tongue licked her crumb covered lips and removed her hand from her packet of crisps "Do we have too?" She asked and then took another couple of Doritos and started crunchily chewing.


"I've been thinking babes, you know what? I can wear that pretty dress that I wore to your nephews christening!" She mused and picked up some more orange triangles between her fingers and chewed again.

A look of surprise crossed Miriam's face. "Oh, yes that was really nice, but babes that was like three or four years ago?"

"Yeah, and babes I looked fucking hot in it?" Michelle licked her crumb covered lips again.

Miriam looked at the floor and then back at Michelle and slowly nodded. "You did babes, yes you did...."


Michelle slipped her stocking covered feet into the two bright red shoes in front of the mirror and wobbled around a bit before bending her knees a little and tugging the hem of the low-cut red flowery dress and then standing up straight and pulling the fabric in the opposite direction up around her large cleavage.

"Babes, I can still get in the dress, it still fits!" she shouted back. "But babes can you do the zip?"

"That's good!" Miriam shouted from the bathroom as she applied her make up in the other mirror. "On my way." She rubbed her lipstick covered lips together smiled at the mirror and then made her way into the bedroom.

Michelle was standing in front of the mirror with the dress back wide open, it was more off her shoulders than on, gaping open showing both her lacy leopard print bra strap, only just hooked on one the final black the metallic rung, squishing and digging into folds of her soft back skin and the open back revealed her pulled up high matching leopard print knickers whilst she was twisted her body in front of the mirror. She looked up and saw the reflection of Miriam behind her. "Can you do the honours babes?"

Miriam smiled as she wrapped her arms around Michelle's belly "Of course babes!" she squeezed affectionately her soft middle and kissed the nape of her neck a couple of times before standing back and as Michelle made a conscious effort to breath in, she began tugging at the zip.

"Babes, please, breath in a little more!" Miriam grinned as she tugged away at the zip as Michelle groaned.

Finally with the zip to the top Michelle sighed and her body bulged out and the zip slid down finally stopping but reversing some of the gains. "Babes, it's an amazing dress, I thought it would still fit!" she grumped and put her arm on her hips and glared at herself in the mirror.

Miriam smiled warmly back at her in the mirror "Oh, come on, it's a lovely dress, and you are looking stunning in it, go on, just one more go, with the zip, the dress definitely fits you!" Miriam coaxed and as Michelle sucked herself in the best she could and finally with effort the zip made its way to the top. As she let her breath out her body filled the dress out, her curves and shape fighting the cotton at the seams. The whole dress effectively creaked when she moved.

Michelle grimaced "Oh, it makes my tits look good, but bollocks babes, I'm just too fat...for it now." Michelle whinged as she hugged herself in the dress in front of the mirror, her shape pushing tightly the corners of the dress, the black bow on the front of her large comfortable knickers was highlighting as a bump on the fabric.

"Babes, you look a million dollars and as you said it's a stunning dress and you are definitely my amazing women!" Miriam grinned.

Michelle frowned as twisted her body in the mirror and rubbed her lips together and smiled at herself and then confidently nodded as her hands traversed the tight fabric. She then smiled and nodded as her hands and arms almost hugged herself "You are right babes, as ever, but I now desperately, and very much need a stiff drink and a smoke!" she grinned and turned away from the mirror and kissed Miriam on the lips before tottering in her heels towards the door.

Miriam winced "Babes, smoke fine. But for a drink, please wait until we are there, as we still need to negotiate the bus. You will only end up needing a wee?"

"Oh, come on babes just one small drink, I am sure that we can do the bus blindfolded babes!" Michelle tried puppy dog eyes and then blew a kiss across the room and made her way into the kitchen her dress and thighs swishing together as she moved, Miriam tutted, smiled, and shook her head knowing that she was no king Canute against the tide of alcohol as there was soon a clattering of glasses emanating from the kitchen.


They hopped off the bus, Michelle again tugged at her dress both in opposite directions on both the lower and then upper hem before they looked both ways determining which way to go and then headed off in what they had determined was the right direction.

"Babes I am gagging. I definitely now need another drink!" Michelle stuck her tongue out and panted like a dog as their heels briskly clipped and clopped along the pavement as they walked hand in hand with Miriam.

"Don't worry you knows it's not far."

Michelle shook her head. "But babes, I still can't believe it, I really can't believe that man thought I was pregnant!"

"Babes, at least he gave you a seat! The bus was rammed I had to stand the whole way."

"But babes I am not that fat, am I babes?" she rested her hand on her belly burgeoning in the overly tight and extremely stretched dress.

"You are beautiful to me!" Miriam undid her hand and wrapped it around her waist and squeezed her.

Michelle nodded and took a deep breath and whilst still holding Miriam's hand stopped pulling her backwards "Oh, sorry, babes, could you maybe walk a little slower, we are not in rush. I am sweating buckets..." She took a deep breath "As I think these heels are taller than usual?" she wobbled her foot for emphasis as she panted slightly.

Miriam smiled and shook her head "I guess so, we are nearly there!"

"Good, I don't think I have walked this far in heels for ages babes!" She chuckled as she opened her purse and after fumbling around put a cigarette between her lips.

Miriam rolled her eyes "Any excuse for a ciggy break, yeah babes?"

Michelle nodded as she sheltered her face from the wind and got it alight. "You know me!" she grinned, shrugged her shoulders, and then exhaled.

"Come on babes, we are nearly there, and you can have that drink!" Miriam grinned and took Michelle by the hand.

"And cheese!" Michelle grinned and lifted her head high, put the filter back between her lips and her cheeks collapsed as they stepped forward pulled the smoke in to her lungs as they started to make their way along the pavement again as the smoke billowed out from Michelle's lips and drifted off behind them.


Michelle flicked yet another cigarette on to the floor, her right shoe landed on it smudging the blackened ash. She looked up and exhaled a large cloud of smoke, they then checking that they both looked good nodding at each other in approval. With a deep breath of anticipation, they opened the large glass door to the gallery, and after showing their tickets they tottered on their heels into the large white walled space. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all equally bright white. There were a dozen or so bright paintings dotted around the room. A pretty skim blonde girl in black jeans and a white shirt carrying with a tray of white wine walked past and grinned at Michelle as she took two glasses off the tray and then with reluctance on her face handed Miriam the other glass.

She took a long gulp of wine "I need a spare hand for the cheese and nibbles!" and licked her lips.

"Be good! But don't you want to look at the art first?" Miriam asked.

Michelle glanced over to the spread and loudly scoffed. "Not when there is wine and cheese available babes."

Miriam looked at the flier in her hand "Day in the life of Wife" in bold red letters across the top and wistfully sucked her cheeks in as she nodded as she thought about what she was reading. "Oh, Alexis is doing a talk on his thoughts behind each of the painting in an hour or so. That should be interesting oh, and then his muse, his wife is doing a talk too."

Michelle stifled a pretend yawn "Yeah, I am sure it will be!" she grinned and slugged back her wine again. "Are all the pictures of his wife?"

Miriam nodded "Oh, yes, it was their lockdown project. He even did some sculpting of him and her together." She winked "Come on babes the art for both of us will truly inspirational!" she grinned and took a large gulp of wine herself, licked her lips and nodded. "Oh, wow actually this wine is a really nice one!" she grinned and took another large gulp finishing the glass in one. Just in time for the blonde to appear with the tray, Miriam smiled with an appreciated nod and swapped the glasses over.

Michelle looked around the room and nodded in an admiration "What you google when I am drunk with customers is extremely random babes, even if it's a little sexy!" She grinned and carrying her wine strode off her bottom wiggled as she made her way towards the spread of food.

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