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Michelle Freeman -The Therapist Pt. 02


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Bryony nodded nervously. "Yeah, I guess so...are you, her secretary?"

A wry smile crossed Miriam's face, "Something like that I guess!"


Michelle sat at her desk, she tried to put her hair up, but since her hair cut, the bob cut was too short, it wouldn't make a pony tail, she picked up her phone, scrolled through a couple of times and then put down again, twisted her mouth and then and rearranged the papers for the tenth time and looked up the door as the blonde Bryony tentatively turned the handle and push it open until she was standing there, she the nervously smiled. "Hey?"

"Oh, hey Bryony, please come in and take a seat." Michelle got up and pointed to the chair she had positioned in the corner of the room "You can face us; I don't expect you have a dunce's hat on!" she attempted humour.

"Oh thanks, that's a relief." She grinned again nervously.

"So, can I offer you anything to drink, to reduce those pesky nerves before Tiff arrives?" Michelle asked as she made her way towards the fridge.

Bryony's eyes widened as she shook her head "Oh, god no, I don't want to actually drink, this is for my college stuff, I just want to watch, obverse and if possible, ask the odd question." She stated and patted her clipboard under her arm.

Michelle raised an eyebrow and tutted as she stepped back from the cupboard carrying a bottle of wine "Hmmm, okay, its far more interesting if you get drunk with them!" Michelle said as then sat back down, twisted the screw top, and poured the wine into a glass. She then highlighted to Bryony, if she needed it where the toilet was if she chose to use it, and that she was free to join in at any time.

"Before you start with your customer can I ask you a couple of questions?" Bryony looked towards Michelle with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Michelle put down her wine glass, rolled her eyes with a smile and pulled a cigarette out the pack on the table. "Yeah, I thought this might happen", and placed the filter between her lips, and flicked the lighter and soon smoke was drifting out of her nose and up over her brown eyes as she looked across at Bryony.

Bryony smiled nodded and dug into her bag and pulled out an old Dictaphone and shrugged her shoulders as to apologise for recording the conversation as she glanced down the side and then clicked the buttons and looked up as Michelle pulled again on her cigarette. "Who and what are you, what's your role?" She asked as the exhaled smoke filled a void in the middle of the room.

"I am Michelle Freeman, and I am a professional drinking specialist...try saying that drunk!" she grinned as flicked the ash into ashtray on her desk and looked back at Bryony again.

"Go on," Bryony nodded "What does that mean?"

"I give people who are a little lost, or wanting help, a hand?" Michelle looked back at Bryony sitting knees together all prim and proper in the corner.

"On Saturday night I met you, you were completely and utterly wasted drunk?"

"Yeah, and?" Michelle replied casually rolling the cigarette on the edge ashtray knocking the ash off.

"Can I put it to you, that wasn't you helping someone, that was you just getting uncontrolled drunk?"

Michelle snorted "Oh, god yes, absolutely, I had a night out, a rare one, I am normally here behind the desk, as I still need let my hair down, well I would, if it wasn't cut so bloody short, anyway, it was our monthly blow out, after both Caitlin and Tina completed the course!" She grinned and the placed the cigarette back between her lips, her cheeks collapsed, and her chest rose as she pulled on the cigarette.

"Course?" Bryony asked whilst Michelle inhaled.

"Yeah!" Michelle said before pausing to let the smoke billow out of her mouth "We offer a tailor-made drinking package!" she grinned.

"To get people drunk?"

"Yeah, to let go of their inhibitions, let their hair down, change their focus and if they get rat arsed in the process, its good, almost harmless fun, you should try it!"

"So, who is coming into day?"

Michelle grinned "Oh, my regular Tiffany, she absolute drinking star!" She licked her lips and then took a long gulp of her wine.

"Why does she keep coming back?"

"Because I think she is...err, bored...she likes my company... I guess?" Michelle said as she shrugged her shoulders with hint of her own boredom and took another hit on her cigarette.

"So, are you her excuse to drink to excess?" Bryony probed.

Michelle chuckled and brought her hand to her mouth as she gently coughed "Oh more than likely!" she nodded smiled and took another lungful of smoke.

"So, what are you going to with her today?"

"Well, we will have our usual weekend catchup over the rest of this bottle of merlot, and then, I am thinking today, we will hit the cocktails."

Bryony nodded "So, does each customer follow the same routine?"

Michelle smiled and let the smoke drift out of her nose as then turned her head and looked at Bryony "No and yes, its customer led, but the destination is the same. We will do a bit of sobriety testing, and then keep drinking!"

"They are drunk when they leave?"

"It depends on what their aim is. Sometimes, I am just a glass of wine or beer after work, take the edges off, other times they want oblivion and I feel as if I have failed if they don't leave drunk, but all my customers should leave happy, yes!"

Bryony nodded tilted her head and further interrogated "Alcohol is a depressant? How are you making them happy?"

Michelle looked to her hand and the cigarette burning between her fingers, the smoke rising up beside her and smiled. She brought the filter to her lips and briefly closed her eyes as she pulled the smoke in to her lungs as she thought before exhaling a cone into the middle the room. "Because they can escape their reality for a few hours." She stated as she ran her tongue around her lips.

"But you send them back to the reality plastered drunk?" Bryony thoughtfully tapped her pen on her chin as she stared at Michelle.

Michelle winced as she looked across at Bryony as smoke drifted out of her nose and then back at her glass and then back at Bryony again, "Yeah and, they pay for it?" She stated and then pulled on the cigarette again.

"Oh, I see, so, Michelle, when was...err," Bryony looked down and checked her notes "...Tiffany due?"

Smoke again poured out of Michelle's mouth as she looked down at her mobile phone and smiled "Oh about 10 minutes ago, she is always late." Michelle grinned took yet another longing drag on her cigarette and then stubbed it out as she exhaled.

They both jumped slightly when the land line phone on Michelle's desk unexpectedly rung, she picked it up and smiled, "Hey babes, yeah babes, of course babes, send her through!" and the clunked the phone back in the cradle. She rubbed her hands together and got up from her chair carrying her glass of wine "Let's get the party started!" She grinned and danced on the spot.


Tiffany giggled as she made her way into the room carrying a tray of donuts, her long blonde ponytail swishing just above her coccyx behind her as she moved, she looked at Bryony who was looking stern in the corner and frowned back "Hey you two, Miriam explained, I'm cool, more the merrier, but as long as you drink and eat too!" She smiled as her thighs swished together her overly tight fitted flowery dress as she made her way across the room placing the supermarket tray of twelve delights on Michelle's desk.

"Good afternoon, Tiff, so yes, this is Bryony, she is just observing me, only for her college work, the information will be totally anonymous...wont it?" she asked turning to look at Bryony and giving her a glare, who nodded in response as she nervously chewed on her pen. "Thank you for the goodies, they look delightful!" Michelle grinned. "Before you sit, can you do the line for me as usual!" she grinned.

Tiffany nodded as slowly shuffled along the line in her heels before she sat down in the chair opposite Michelle and then tried and failed to cross her legs over in the tight around her thighs short dress. "The donuts are little offering, seeing as I hope you don't mind me coming back again so soon?" She grinned.

"God no, why would we complain, the more donuts and wine the better!" Michelle stated as she pulled open her bottom drawer and got another wine glass out, and then with a quick twist of the lid topped up both wine glasses in front of her, then offered a glass to Tiffany. "I might have the chocolate one!" She grinned as she picked up the donut and started chewing on it. Hmm so nice!" she licked her lips and then gulped the wine to wash it down.

"Is, err, Bryony not going to join in?" Tiffany asked looking into the corner before taking a gulp of her red wine.

"I shouldn't, this is research for college." Bryony interrupted as tapped her still lidded pen against her notepad.

"Oh, come on, this Merlot is delicious, Michelle and Miriam have excellent taste."

"Go on, just share one glass?" Michelle asked swirling the wine around.

Bryony looked at the two women holding their full glasses of wine, bit her bottom lip, gulped, and then nodded. "Oh, go on, a small one won't hurt."

"Oh, good, even you can have a couple of the tiny and very tasty donuts, and..." she licked her sugar-coated lips "...this Merlot is delicious; Michelle and Miriam do have excellent taste."

"Go on, just share one glass?" Michelle asked swirling the wine around before taking a mouthful.

Bryony looked at the two women holding their full glasses of wine, bit her bottom lip, gulped air like a fish out of water for a second, and then nodded. "Oh, go on, one tiny donut and then maybe a small glass of wine won't hurt."


Bryony sat and gently sipped her wine almost apologetically before bending down and putting the glass on the floor, pushing it behind the chair leg as if not knock it over as she focused on taking notes of nothing much as the two women opposite her chewed-on donuts and gulped their wine, and chatting about nothing. Bryony was surprised after watching the exploits of Saturday night when the girls were literally piss wet. Now they actually took turns going to the bathroom, between smoking copious amounts of cigarettes, and chatting louder and louder as the wine glasses emptied quicker and quicker whilst comparing their equally drunken exploits of what since their meet up on Friday, it was only when they finished the bottle of wine, did they again look at Bryony with her now empty glass.

"Oh, actually I am just going to use the ladies, if that is okay?" Bryony asked pressing pause on her Dictaphone as she got up.

Michelle shrugged her shoulders "Help yourself, can you please walk the line too!" she replied to Bryony as they both watched as she made her way across the room, tugging at the belt hook on her jeans as she walked, and with a confused face on easily walked along the white line on the floor, Michelle then looked back at Tiffany, "Shall we open another bottle or go on to the cocktails?"

"Am I on the clock?" Tiffany asked loosely dangling the empty wine glass sideways by the stalk as she held it between her fingers.

Michelle looked at the empty wine bottle, and then back at Tiffany, shrugged her shoulders and then shook her head "As its you, nah!"

Tiffany beamed "Great can we have another bottle, seeing as we are technically sharing it three ways?" She asked as she glanced across at the bathroom door.

"Yeah, its rude not to!" Michelle grinned as she pulled open her desk drawer and produced another bottle of merlot.


Bryony purposefully strode back to her chair double checking her blouse was tucked into her jeans. Her shoulders sank as she sat down and then politely smiled at Michelle for the already topped-up to the brim glass on the floor beside her. She bent down picked it up took a sip as if not to spill any and then and again grinned at Michelle "Thank you!" She carefully took another gulp and then put it down and clicked her Dictaphone on.

"No problem!" Michelle replied. "Shall we carry on?"

"Oh first, is it okay, before you continue if I can ask Tiffany a couple questions?"

Michelle looked at Tiffany "That's up to you!" she grinned and picked up her drink.

She smiled warmly defensively picked up her glass "Yeah?" and took a large Dutch courage style gulp and swallowed overly loudly.

"Thank you, you are so kind, so, I guess the first place to start is I guess...why exactly are you here?" Bryony lent forward in her chair, wiggled her weight before sitting back straight again as she waited for the response.

Tiffany giggled. "I need a release from the stress of work, and I find Michelle does a wonderful job for me!" she then gulped her wine. "I used to be a skinny worried thing, and now, hell I am 30, maybe 40 pounds heavier, normally drunk or getting drunk and I feeling good with myself." She grinned and stroked her extended belly and then tugged the rising hem of her dress back down her bare white leg a little.

"So, does it actually work?" Bryony asked and bit on her pen.

"God yeah! I love our sessions, I really look forward to them, the following day, maybe not, but I know the next session is coming soon." She beamed and took another gulp.

Bryony nodded and removed the pen from her mouth as if it was cigarette and tapped on her notepad "Can I be rude and ask how much you drink?" Bryony tentatively leaned forward.

Tiffany smiled "You can ask, but I have absolutely no idea, I don't count." And then took a gulp of her wine.

"But you enjoy your sessions?"

"God yeah, the best thing! Michelle is wonderful host."

"What do you get out of them?" Bryony further probed before smiling as she saw her glass, she picked it up and took another gulp of her wine.

Tiffany nodded, giggled again, and as she thought took a supportive swig from her glass and ran her tongue along her red lips and smiled again. "What other than enjoying Michelle's company, devouring way too many cigarettes, whilst eating a too large a Pizza all to myself, in the process of ruining my clothes, especially my soaking wet knickers at times, all whilst hoping that I don't throw up, but to be fair it's not a problem if I do, and then of course, the worse bit..."she chuckled and took a gulp of wine to wet her throat, "waking up the following day a cracking headache?"

Bryony looked perplexed for a second "Err yeah?"

Tiffany took another slug of wine "I feel happy in myself for the afternoon, I then look forward to doing it all over again the following day!"

Bryony nodded, "Okay cool, without Michelle?" and picked up her glass and took a supportive gulp.

"Maybe..." Tiffany responded.

"Just one thing regarding throwing up, why aim for it?"

Michelle interrupted with a cough "I think I will answer this for Tiffany, if that is okay?" She glanced at both girls who nodded. "Smokers cough, to remove the toxins and build up from smoke, right?"

"Err yeah?" Bryony replied.

"Well alcohol is a poison too, it's no different, you smoke too much you cough, if you drink too much, your body rejects it. You are then unfortunately sick." Michelle politely informed.


"But compared to smoking where coughing doesn't help. There is one good bit about being sick through drinking!" Michelle smirked.

"What?" Bryony looked on confused.

"Once your stomach is empty...there is now plenty of room for more drink!" Michelle stated triumphantly. She then shuffled her papers on the desk "On that note, talking of more drink I think we should finish this bottle as quickly as possible, and then as Miriam kindly bought the schnapps over the weekend, I am thinking we can have an afternoon of Sex on the Beach!"

Tiffany grinned like a Cheshire cat, "Yeah, that sounds good!" Tiffany tuned her head and urged with her head "Come on Bryony drink up!"



Over the next half an hour there was a giggling flurry of more wine being drunk with intermittent munching finishing off the rest of the donuts. Bryony was sitting there quietly sipping her wine as the other two gulped it down. They drank two full glasses to her half.

Tiffany giggled as she put the empty glass back on to Michelle's desk, "I need a piddle again, wills be right back, top her up pease!" she grinned as she stood up, instantly sat back down again, chuckled at herself as she shook her head and then slowly got back up again tugging her tight hem of her dress down her thighs as she staggered on the spot.

"Soes does you want another bottle?" Michelle asked as she picked up the empty one, shook it and then dropped it noisily into her wastepaper bin beside her.

"Ohh, yeahs please!" she smiled as she wavered.

"Are you both okay?" Bryony asked.

Tiffany turned "Yeah, other than a problem of a very empty glass and over full bladder, which is almost leaking in my knickers, I'm wonderful!" she smiled rubbing her belly.

"So, what happens now?" Bryony asked.

Michelle chuckled "Tiff will pee either in her knickers or in the toilet if she makes it in time, and I will very quickly solve the empty glass situation now!" she stated as she pulled out a fresh bottle from her drawer. "But before you go Tiff, can you do the line again for me!"!

Tiffany nodded in approval of course, she put her arms out wide as she kicked off her heels and looked at Bryony, "And I am just going to try save my probably ruined knickers!" She grinned "You can write that down as proof!" she stated she wiggled her legs and arse doing a brief 'pee dance' before she slowly tried to follow the line as she staggered off it before correcting herself as she headed towards the bathroom.

Michelle laughed "It's far too late to save mine!"

Bryony sniffed the air and quizzically looked across at Michelle as she leaned forward as topped up the glasses, the wine slugging out of the bottle and splashing into the glass. "Are you always this wet?"

"Pardon?" Michelle asked putting the bottle back down and raising an eyebrow.

Bryony smiled "Are you always wetting yourself, as I know you did on Saturday night, I watched the puddle on the floor before you got in the car?" she steered with her eyes for both of them to look down at the small puddle trickling out from the chair legs and quickly growing on the floor by Michelle's desk.

Michelle chuckled and wiggled on her seat nervously and sighed "Sometimes, but mostly if I am in the mood for it!" she grinned and reached across and pulled out another cigarette from the pack.

"So, how often is that?" Bryony probed as Michelle flicked the lighter and a cloud of exhaled smoke soon drifted over them.

She chuckled "Maybe a couple of times a day, or week or like now, a couple of times an hour!" she dreamily grinned and briefly pulled on her cigarette again before exhaling away from Bryony, she ran her tongue along her lips "Definitely only when I am nearly or very drunk" she grinned and looked at the bottle.

"Don't you get bored of it, just getting drunk, making a mess, doesn't it get repetitive?"

"I was an office bound trainee accountant, nooow that was repetitive!" Michelle slurred.

"Is this fun, sitting in cold wet knickers all day do you, you know, force your customers to wet themselves?"

Michelle chuckled and brought the filter again to her lips as she thought about the questions as she pulled the smoke in to her lungs, she exhaled and then looked at Bryony as a smile crept across her face. "Nah, but on this occasion," she grinned and looked at Bryony "I could make an exception!" she laughed at herself and then brought the cigarette back to her lips and pulled hard on it yet again. She exhaled a cone then looked again at Bryony, "Normally my customers will use the toilet, then they might squat where they are, only when they are truly and gloriously fucked do they normally wet themselves. We only have had a couple of really smelly accidents.

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