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Michelle's Arms


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Michelle smiled and bit her lower lip, looking so adorable I wanted to hug her. She got into her car and rolled the window down.

"You earned another hint," Michelle said. "You think about it and the next time you see me, we'll see if you figured it out yet. It's all about your wardrobe. That's why I get less interested in your eyes sometimes, regardless of how nice they are."

"My wardrobe?" I asked as Michelle started up her car. "Wardrobe?"

"See you tomorrow, Jeff."

"AHA!!!" I announced, quite pleased with myself. "My tie! That's it. I don't ever wear ties on weekends and didn't today because I took the day off. That's it! You hate ties! I do too!"

"You're close Jeff!" Michelle said, laughing at my pout the appeared from hearing that I was wrong. "Really close though. I'm sure it will come to you. I had lots of fun this morning too, Jeff. See you tomorrow?"

I nodded, shrugged my shoulders and waved, walking back to my own car. I was never was much good at puzzles and riddles, but the fact was that she was willing to go out with me, and I'm sure that she would regardless of whether I figured out what we had in common.

I slid in the car and adjusted the rear view mirror, watching Michelle slowly back out of her parking spot, and for the heck of it pointed the mirror at myself. Wardrobe? Just a plain light blue button front shirt. What in the world could...

"WAIT!!!" I yelled, throwing open the door and jogging over to Michelle, who was nearing the exit of the lot.

"I think I've solved the puzzle," I said as I leaned on her car and tried to catch my breath.

"Congratulations," Michelle chirped, her eyes looking down to my shirt, and toward the additional button I had undone on my way over. "Doing anything tonight?"

"I think I am now," I beamed. "Told you I was observant."

"Made me nervous for a while though, Jeff," Michelle informed me. "I never took that long to back up out of a parking spot before."

"How about dinner?" I suggested. "Are there any restaurants that tickle your fancy? How about a home cooked dinner?"

"Your home or mine?" Michele asked.

"I'll cook," I offered. "Let me give you directions."

"I know where you live already. What time?"

"How about seven?"

Seven it was.


Chapter Six: Dinner.

As it turned out, Michelle's detective skills were far better than mine, having taken the time to look me up in the phone book before meeting me that morning. She explained that she had left a note on her kitchen table with my name and address on it.

"Just in case I never got back home, the landlord could figure out where my body could be found," Michelle confided to me over the wine we opened before dinner.

"Very smart," I agreed. "You never know what kind of pervert you'll run into these days.

"Oh, I think I know what kind of pervert you are, Jeff," Michelle noted wryly. "Nice shirt too."

"Why thank you, Michelle. It's one of those shirts that you kind figure out whether to button this button or not. I think there was a Seinfeld episode about a shirt like this."

"So you decided to leave it unbuttoned," Michelle answered. "Wise choice."

"Just in case dinner turns out to be a disaster, I figured I would give you something else to concentrate on."

Having figured out that Michelle was fond of looking at my chest hair, I wore the shirt that would best expose what she would attractive about me, because goodness knows I wasn't the best looking guy in town, nor was I particularly well built either. Just a guy with a hairy chest, and hairy everywhere else too, for that matter. I wondered if that was something that would appeal to Michele as well, and could only hope so.

"Too bad you didn't wear something more along the lines of his morning," I said, noting that while her lightweight pink sweater was attractive, it kept a lot of territory covered.

"The night is young, my good man," Michele noted, her head tilting as she inhaled deeply. "If dinner is half as good as it smells, you're going to be a real find."

Dinner was not exceptional, although Michele said it was. Lemon garlic chicken over angel hair, and I while thought the chicken was a tad dry, it all got eaten, as well as the bottle of wine we had started. We were into another bottle of wine by the time we finished, and were ready to retire to the living room.

"Wine always makes my cheeks flush," Michele explained as she peeled off her sweater and sat next to me on the couch.

Underneath the sweater, Michele was wearing a white tank top, and there was nothing underneath. Well, there were actually a couple of pert little breasts behind the fabric, but there were no other garments in the way of my admiring her pointy breasts and the outline of her nipples that were clearly visible.

"Uh... nice... outfit," I stammered like a fool, my cheeks already flushed and sweat beginning to bead up on my forehead.

"Thought you might like it," Michele said with a wink, and followed that comment by casually draping her right arm over the back of my couch and swiveling toward me.

"Wasn't sure about what you'd think about this though, until this morning" she continued, nodding toward her underarm, fully exposed for my benefit. "For some reason I got a feeling that you were the kind of man who might appreciate something like this."

"You mean by the way I kept trying to peek up your sleeves all day?" I asked, my eyes taking in the sight of the dark brown hair that grew densely in the slight recess of her armpit - an armpit that, judging my the length of the hair, hadn't seen a razor in quite a while.

"What would you think if I told you that turned me on a lot when you did that?" Michelle asked.

"I would think that made two of us,"

"I also can't believe that I'm saying things like that to you, as well as sitting here in this shirt like I am," Michelle confessed. "Must have been something in the chicken. I'm so used to covering up, and now look at me."

"I am, and have been all day."

"I know. I like that."


Chapter Seven: After Dinner.

"I suppose I should get going soon," Michelle said as we finished the second bottle of wine.

"Will you be all right to drive?" I asked.

"Should be," Michele answered.

"Because you don't have to if you don't want to."

"You mean that I could stay here overnight?" Michelle countered.

"Sure. I could also call a you a cab and then tomorrow I could get your car to you."

"Too much trouble, but that would be safer than staying here though, I'll bet," Michelle said with a wink.

"I wouldn't - I mean, I know we hardly know each other and there's no reason for you to trust me, but I would never do anything to you," I replied. "That's just not me. If anything, I'm just the opposite as far as pressure goes."

"I know, Jeff," Michelle said. "I was just kidding you. I'm pretty good at picking up vibes from people, and I feel very comfortable around you. If I hadn't, this day would never have happened."

"Don't get carried away now with the comfort," I warned her with a grin. "But before you go, or whatever you do, can I do something to you? It's nothing too weird. In fact, it's something you did to yourself earlier."

"Sure," Michelle said with a shrug. "How bad can that be?"

My hand went toward Michelle and set it down on her forearm. Slowly, I moved my fingers upward, letting the hairs tickle the back of my hand as I slid up to her bicep and then back down.

"You were doing this to yourself at the coffee shop," I reminded her, and when I looked at her eyes they had a dreamy and distant look about them.

"I do that to myself all the time," Michelle whispered. "Have all my life. Bad habit, I guess."

"Good habit," I corrected her while continuing to lightly run my fingers along her lovely limb from her forearm to her elbow. "You must like the way it feels then."

"Yes," Michelle said, squirming a little bit. "Feels nicer when somebody else does it, though. This is the first time anybody else has ever touched my arms like this though. Most guys have always tried to avoid them."

"For better or worse, I'm not most guys," I told her, as if she hadn't figured that out by now, and then, feeling bold, decided to up the ante.

"Something else about you drives me a little crazy," I admitted, raising my hand from her arm.

In my wake, I noticed that the hair on her arm was standing straight up, and underneath, her skin was covered in goose bumps.

"I love this too," I confessed, moving the back of my finger up to the side of her face, and in a gentle sweeping motion, stroked the fine down that circled in front of her ear.

"Mmmm," Michelle mumbled, almost like a purring sound coming from her as she leaned into my touch much like a cat would. "My sideburns."

"They aren't sideburns," I said. "It's just a little down that makes you look even sexier. Very Sarah Silverman-ish."

"Whatever they are. Guess that you can figure out that I'm hairy all over," Michelle said. "Except my legs. Shave them usually. Other than that..."

"I think you're the most amazing looking person I've ever met. If I were creating a woman, it would end up exactly like you."

"Forget the cab and the other idea," Michelle said softly. "I'll stay here."


"We aren't going to have sex," Michelle said, still enjoying my stroking of the side of her face.

"That's fine," I said. "I'm not that easy anyway."

"I would like to sleep with you though," Michelle said. "In the same bed."



Chapter Eight: In bed with Michelle.

Michelle had set down the ground rules, and that was fine with me. We would share the bed for the night, and I was fine with that. My major concern was that I hoped I didn't snore, and so I eagerly waited for her to emerge from the bathroom and join me.

"Turn the light off," Michelle said as she peeked in the door. "I'm naked."

Reaching over, I reluctantly clicked off the light and waited in the dark as Michelle tiptoed around the bed and climbed in the other side.

"What I wouldn't have given for night vision glasses," I ruefully noted as Michelle snuggled herself under the sheet with me.

"Hey, you aren't naked!" Michele protested, her hand reaching over and touching my hip, feeling the shorts I was wearing.

"I thought that might be pushing my luck."

"Take them off," Michelle said with a giggle. "Socks too, just in case they aren't already."

"They are, and now I'm naked, for better or worse."

"Thank you," Michelle said, moving closer to me and rolling onto her hip to face me. "Thank you for everything. The dinner. The conversation. The kind words. It's been a long time."

I felt the sheet come down to around my waist and then Michelle's hand was on my chest, running her fingers through the thick mat of hair. I heard her inhale loudly as she raked her fingers up and down my chest, and I started to roll toward her in response.

"Wait," Michelle said. "I'm first."

Her hands ran all over the front of my body, approvingly stroking everywhere with the exception of my erection, with was standing up straight and begging for a touch that didn't come. Although my eyes were adjusting to the near-total darkness, it was impossible to make out anything besides vague shapes, so this was a strange experience. Strange and very erotic.

"You are so beyond hairy," Michelle said softly as her hands came up my legs. "Sort of like being in bed with Bigfoot - and in my book that's a good thing. A wacky fantasy of mine."

"Grrr," I said, and then had a choking sound come out of my throat when her fingers raked through my pubic hair, and her hoarse and raspy breathing made me shiver, as I realized that we did have so much in common.

"That wasn't fair," I mentioned as her fingers searched for my nipple, and after finding it, giving it a tweak. "I might add that this is one of the most erotic experiences of my life."

"Isn't it?" Michelle said excitedly. "I think the darkness is giving me a license to do things I would be too shy to do otherwise."

"You mean this isn't your usual first date modus operandi?" I asked.

"No, I just invented this, I think," Michelle said. "Here - since you aren't freaked out yet, maybe you'll like this."

Michelle took my hand and pulled it up toward the headboard, holding it down although there was no struggle on my part, and with her other hand, raked her fingers through my armpit.

"You smell nice," Michelle declared, much to my relief, as my slightly scented aroma filled the air.

Then, to my complete shock, Michelle leaned toward me and kissed my armpit. My breath caught in my throat as I felt her give the hair a little nibble before she leaned backward and giggled nervously in the darkness.

"That was so incredible and very unfair," I told her, and my cock was so hard it felt like it was throbbing.

"You're right," Michelle admitted. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you. Your back. Is it hairy too?"

"Guilty," I said, and rolled onto my hip so that her hand could run up and down my back, and Michelle let out another of those half-purr/ half-growl noises that made me tingle all over.

"Hug me, Jeff," Michelle said suddenly, and without hesitation wrapped her arms around me.

Fortunately, my cock was so hard that it had been pointing a little bit upward, so when our bodies came together, it got flattened against her lower belly. The coarse feel of her pubic bush against the underside of my cock felt indescribable, and as Michelle's hands stroked my back, it seemed that my tool was drooling.

I returned the embrace, holding her tight against me as I kissed her neck and the fuzz around her ear, feeling the soft press of her breasts against my chest as she clung to me.

"I feel so uninhibited," Michelle whispered in my ear. "It's so exciting to be able to be myself, and not feel like I have to pretend to be something I'm not. I'm pretty weird, right? Never thought you'd meet anybody like me, I'll bet."

"Never thought I'd meet anybody as weird as I am, you mean?" I replied. "I love it."

"Haven't been very fair to you, have I Jeff?" Michelle said, and as she leaned back and our moist bodies separated a bit, her hand snaked down and grabbed the shaft of my cock.

"Wow," Michelle said as her hand wrapped around my cock, slowly pulling it while I groaned with pleasure. "What is this, a third leg?"

"Not big," I gasped as her paw spun while she tugged on my manhood, which was never longer than it was at this minute, but still probably not even average in length.

"Can't come close to getting my hand around it," Michelle said as she nibbled on my ear, noting the thickness that was my modest organ's only possible claim to fame. "Feels so nice - it's so warm and pulsating. So hard too."

"Not for long," I mumbled trying not to explode all over us.

"I want to suck your cock," Michelle hissed into my ear.


Chapter Nine: If you insist.

We had agreed not to have sex, but I guess that you don't have to be a president to decide that oral sex isn't really sex. I also knew that if Michelle's mouth slid down my cock right now, I would be cumming before her mouth came back up.

"Not yet," I declared, taking her hand off of my member. "If you did that right now, it would be over before it began."

"I know. I could feel your cock dripping" Michelle said. "I want to taste you - to feel you shoot your load down my throat."

"You're a nasty girl, aren't you?" I chuckled, reacting to her frank talk.

"Can't help it," Michelle retorted. "You've got me so hot I'm half out of my mind."

"I haven't even done anything," I protested.

"You want me," Michelle said. "You like me the way I am, and that makes me feel so good. I am so aroused by you that I'm going crazy. Let me make you happy."

"You are, and you will," I assured her while taking over the proceedings. "But now it's my turn to play."

Michelle made a little sound of protest, but did not resist when I eased her onto her back. My hands slid all over her upper torso, from her flat stomach to her shoulders, avoiding her breasts at first before beginning to lightly massage the little cones.

"Nice," I said as I squeezed the modest buds, which appeared even smaller with her on her back.

Her breasts were soft and plaint, and her aureolas thick and puffy, seeming to account for much of the breast themselves. I leaned over and began to suck on the doughy morsels, feeling the spongy nipples thicken as my tongue danced over the surface.

"Like my little buddies?" Michelle gasped as I went over to her other breast, her hand cradling the back of my head, and I mumbled my positive answer in between nibbling.

Clearly, my interests were elsewhere as well, and as Michelle's hand ran through my scalp, I took advantage.

Pinning her hand up over her head, my mouth moved over to her exposed armpit and attacked it much like she had done mine.

Her armpits were deep hollows, and as I buried my face in the damp and silky hair - licking and kissing the dense little jungle, Michelle writhed in response. Her moans were so loud that I figured my next door neighbors must be getting quite an earful, and that excited me as well, having listened to their bedroom antics often enough in the past.

While Michelle whimpered, I continued to orally explore her armpit while her natural aroma filled my nostrils. Almost without any artifical accompaniment, Michelle smelled as delicious and natural as she tasted. Sliding my hand down her lithe body, over her breasts and flat stomach, I felt what seemed to be a faint treasure trail that began just below her navel.

The trail soon disappeared as my hand reached the timberline of what I soon discovered to be a massive triangle of hair that surrounded her womanhood. So thick that the bush seemed to have a little spring to it as my hand moved onto it, but not dense enough to hide the entrance, which was soaking wet.

"Oooh," Michelle whimpered, her body shaking with little convulsions as my hand slid up and down the forest between her legs, which parted a little with each passing of my hand.

"Beautiful," I whispered as my fingers continued to rake the rich triangle, resisting the urge to slide my finger inside of her, since this teasing seemed to be working for both of us.

"Please," Michelle said - almost begged. "Making me crazy."

"Me too," I agreed. "Isn't it great."

My hand was spreading the dampness over a widening area of the spacious bush, and Michelle spastic reactions to my touching were almost as erotic to me as her body was.

"I love your pussy," I hissed into Michelle's ear, hoping that my own dirty talk would prove to be equally as arousing to her as hers was to me, and when she leaned into me and whimpered, I took that as a yes.

"You're so hairy down there," I continued, saying the things that most women would not take favorably, but what Michelle loved hearing when it came from somebody who was so taken by her look.

"I love how the hair starts way up here, and gets so thick and dense down here" I said, my fingers traveling from the beginning of her treasure trail down through the jungle in concert with my words.

"Mmmm... and this feels nice too," I went on, my hand straying over from the delta and over to the insides of her thighs, where my fingers felt the hairs that spilled over. "This would feel so good on the sides of my face."

"Now let's see how far down the hair grows," I wondered aloud, letting my hand slide down the dripping entrance of her opening, and as my hand slid further down, I had to tighten my grip on her restrained wrist to try and contain her writhing.

"Oh my," I said, feeling the hair against my fingers as they moved deeply between her legs. "My, my, my."

Michelle's thighs slammed together, crushing my wrist as I probed way down between her legs.

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