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Midnight in Cozumel

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NY socialite, Montana craftsman find romance in Cozumel.
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She thought the life of a trophy wife would be heavenly. Clothes and jewelry. Lavish dinners. Beautiful houses. Fancy cars. Travel the world. She never could have imagined how boring life on Fifth Avenue can be, only brought out when her husband needs her beauty as an accessory to show off for business clients. Her only fun comes four times a year when he lets her jet off to Cozumel and stay by herself at a penthouse on the beach. He wants her tanned year round, but she figures working on her natural tan is also his opportunity to bring his mistress to town. In Cozumel, she spends her days on the beach, sipping margaritas and scoping out her play toy for that evening. Exotic foreigners. College boys. Business executives who leave their own trophy wives at home.

Jake's world is much different. He owns a construction company in Montana and saves up all year for a week or two to let loose in Mexico. He strolls up and down the beach, showing off his buff blue-collar body as he searches for the most beautiful women. That's where he first sees her, leaning back on a chaise in her red bikini, her top barely holding in her luscious breasts, her bottom cut high on the sides to reveal her entire thighs. Beautiful face. Thick auburn hair tied back. She is aloof to everyone around her as she spritzes oil over her body. Sitting there with her designer beach bag and designer sunglasses, which probably costs more than his pickup, everything about her screams unapproachable. So, he chooses her.

He walks right up to her and says, "Hi, I'm Jake." He doesn't wait for an invitation as he takes a seat on the edge of her chaise. "I'm all out of lotion," he says. "Do you mind if I borrow yours?" He reaches for her spritzer bottle without waiting for a reply. He sprays his chiseled chest, muscular arms and toned legs and returns the lotion. "Would you mind getting my back?" he asks.

Vanessa is baffled by the man now sitting in front of her, so arrogantly bold in the way he approaches a woman who, for all he knows, could be there with someone. But he does have the bronzed body of a Greek Adonis, so there is that. He could have any woman on the beach, and he wants her. She sprays his back and rubs oil over his skin. "Turn around," she says. "You missed a spot. He obliges and she spritzes his ripped chest, slowly rubbing with both hands. "There, all better."

Knowing the answer already, she asks if she knows him from somewhere just to start the conversation. He repeats that his name is Jake and that he is there for a well-earned vacation. Then he finally gets around to asking her name.

"I'm Vanessa," she says. "Of all the beautiful women on this beach this morning, why did you choose to come up to me?"

He sits up and squares his shoulders. "Who said I chose you for your beauty?"

"So what is it?"

"Your spritzer bottle." He holds it up, admiring the design. "I've never seen anything so attractive. Did you get it here or is it imported from Europe?"

"All my lotions are flown in from Europe," she says, laughing more than she has in such a long time. As the conversation goes on, he forgets that he is a lowly laborer and asks if she would join him for dinner that night.

They meet at the hotel restaurant and share a wonderful, flirtatious conversation over their meal of lobster, roasted potatoes, steamed artichokes, and champagne. Afterward, they walk along the beach. Jake tells her a little about his life, the construction company he owns somewhere in Montana, the wife who divorced him a few years back. Vanessa shares some of hers, telling him about her horrible marriage to a narcissist. Jake stays interested in what she has to say. After their long walk, they end the night -- or so she thinks -- with him walking her to her room.

They make arrangements to do something together the next day and just as she is about to stick her key card in the door slot, he turns her around and kisses her. Her lips are so sweet and inviting; he takes the key card from her hand and slides it in the door slot, never breaking the kiss. He glides one hand around her back, drawing her close, and with the other he opens the door. He guides them into the room, like they are slow dancing, stepping softly, even swaying. She wraps her arms around his neck as they kiss in the dark. They pull themselves into each other, the kiss deeper and deeper, his tongue dancing with hers, their legs nearly intertwined. After she breaks off the long kiss, she flips a switch to turn on some mood lighting.

"Make yourself comfortable," she says.

He steps out on the enormous balcony and hears her dialing room service for champagne and a shrimp platter. A warm evening breeze blows in from the gulf, and from her spacious penthouse balcony -- larger than his entire room at the motel up the street -- there is only moonlight and water for as far as he can see. She steps out and snuggles up to him, rubbing his back and nuzzling his shoulder with her face. He turns and wraps an arm around her.

"Moonlight in Cozumel," she says. "It's my favorite view in the world."

He savors the moment, the beautiful view with a sexy woman, a soft breeze making her hair dance across her shoulders, champagne on the way. A minute later, room service arrives and they set up on the balcony, in front of a loveseat, so they can feel the salty breeze. He pours a single glass of champagne, takes a sip, and offers the glass to her. She takes it from him, sips, and hands it back. She has never shared a full glass of champagne like this, but she likes it, the way their faces get closer together with each sip.

He sips again and dips a shrimp in cocktail sauce and feeds her, then gives her a sip from their shared glass. She feeds him a shrimp and a sip. They kiss. They sip. They eat. And then the guilt gets to him.

"I have a confession," he whispers in her ear. "I'm not all that enamored with your spritzer bottle."

She gasps in mock shock. "What is it then?"

"In case you are not aware, you have the most magnificent breasts in the world. I can't live a full and complete life unless one day I get my hands and mouth on them."

"Maybe someday," she replies with a devilish smile.

She plants a soft, firm kiss on his lips, sliding her tongue in his mouth and settling in for a good, long kiss as they press their bodies together.

Their kiss is magical in the moonlight breeze, his lips full on hers, their tongues swimming in unison. He peels off his shirt, but what he wants is to lay her back on the love seat, pull down her sundress, and pour champagne the length of her body so he can lap up every drop.

She pulls back from their kiss and says, "Might you pour a lady a glass of champagne?"

"I apologize, M'Lady, for having not been more attentive."

She must be thinking what he is thinking because when he hands her the full glass, she stands and lowers the straps of her sundress, exposing her braless breasts. She lets her dress slip to the balcony floor and stands before him wearing just her silky powder blue panties. With lust in her eyes, she slowly drizzles champagne over her breasts. She holds her glass out, presenting her breasts dripping in champagne to him.

"Do they meet your expectations?" she asks.

"More heavenly than I imagined. He licks between her breast, slowly, to catch the beads of champagne as they drip down the front of her body. He licks the bottom of one breast and then the other, then kneels in front of her to catch the beads of champagne dripping down to her belly. He laps it all up, leaving her pussy tingling and wet without even touching it.

When he cleans her off, he stands, never breaking eye contact with her. He lowers his pants and boxers and massages his cock to a near-erection. He takes the champagne glass from her and slowly pours the bubbly nectar over his shaft. It is her turn to kneel and she licks the champagne off his cock.

They are naked to the sea breeze taking turns going down on each other, spilling champagne then cleaning up their messes with their tongues. She licks him clean, then slides the tip of his cock into her mouth. She twirls her tongue around his shaft, taking more and more of his now rock-hard cock and lets him fuck her mouth. She nearly gags as she takes it all in and makes him shoot cum, which swirls with the taste of champagne as it drips down her throat. She looks up at him and smiles, wiping the last traces of cum off her mouth. He takes her hands and helps her up.

They kiss deeply, their bodies entwined. He grabs the champagne bottle and a glass and leads her to the edge of the balcony. It is so dark he can barely make out the shape of her body. They are naked for the world to see, yet in the darkness no one can see them.

He fills her champagne glass and clinks it with the bottle, offering a toast. "To Cozumel, and to the moon," he says. She drinks from the glass and he drinks from the bottle, finishing it off.

"Should I call for another bottle?" she asks.

"I have everything I need right here."

She leans into him and softly kisses his neck, turning her kisses into biting and sucking on his flesh. His hands wrap around her body and caresses her exposed skin.

"Maybe one more bottle," he says, and she calls.

When she returns, he runs his hands up and down her back and then to her shapely ass and slides her panties off. The open air on their private balcony excites her nipples. He sucks on them, licking and nibbling on her breasts as she runs her fingers through his hair.

She pulls his face up and into hers as she kisses him and, crazed with pure lust, she bites his lower lip. He leads her to the bed and lays her down, kissing every inch of her collar bones, chest, nipples on down to her navel. And then he kisses her pussy. He grabs her leg, putting it on his shoulders and kissing his way back up to her pussy. He plants a few more gentle kisses on her pussy before finally licking her slit from the bottom to the top. From there, he focuses all his attention on her clit, flicking and sucking on it, sending chills throughout her body. She grinds her hips and grips the blanket; her toes curl and her body trembles.

And then there is a knock on the door. "Room service," the voice says. Vanessa can barely speak. "Just leave it there," is all she can manage with Jake continuing to lick her pussy.

As her temperature rises, she moans progressively louder and louder. She arches her back and there it is. She climaxes and her cum drains out of her body and into his mouth. He laps up every drop before climbing between her legs. She wraps them around him and pulls him toward her, her fingers in his hair, and grips a handful, aggressively kissing him. After a moment he pulls away from her kisses, but still just inches from her face. He seductively looks into her eyes. She wraps her arms around him and almost unexpectedly he shoves his hard cock inside her wet cunt. She breathes in heavily and unintentionally digs her nails into his back.

The sharp bursts of pain bring all his senses to life. He gasps, and she does it again, this time intentionally. He pounds harder and deeper into her pussy. He keeps pumping into her and she rolls with his thrusts to experience him as deep inside her as she can. Harder and harder he rides into her, bringing him to the verge. But he doesn't want to cum yet, so he stops, his cock throbbing inside her on the edge of orgasm. He rolls off her and lays next to her, kissing her lips, his hands unable to stop caressing her amazing tits.

"Can't a girl get a drink around here?" she says.

He jumps up, eases open the door and grabs the ice bucket chilling their champagne. He opens the bottle, pours a single glass and hands it to her. After a few sips apiece, she sets the class on the night stand.

After catching his breath, he rises.

"Come with me," he says, reaching for her hand, and he leads her back out onto the balcony. Standing naked to the world, only the soft beams from the moon illuminating them, they savor the soft, salty breeze on their bodies. He returns to the loveseat and lays down, guiding her on top of him. She straddles him as he draws her in for a kiss, and she grabs his cock and rubs her pussy with it. His tongue is deep in her mouth, and moments later, his cock is deep in her cunt.

She grinds up and down his shaft feeling every inch of him going deeper and deeper inside her as the wind brushes against her back. He grabs hold of her ass and pushes up as to widen her pussy to let his throbbing dick go even deeper than before. She sits up, still pushing his cock inside her, and he moves his attention to her breasts. He reaches up with one hand and rubs her clit with the other as she rides him faster and faster until he explodes inside her and her pussy juices squirt all over his cock.

When they catch their breaths, he stands and takes her to the edge of the balcony. She leans on the railing and spreads her legs, the wind blowing on her nipples, making them extremely hard. She rests her right foot on the bottom bar, hiking her leg up. He comes up behind her and spanks her on the ass.

"Mmmm. Ohh yeah!" she hums. She didn't know that being spanked would be so arousing, so he spanks her again even harder, then again and again. Then suddenly he rams his hard cock back inside her juicy pussy from behind. She gasps and lets out a sudden moan. He strokes her again and again until he is pounding the inside of her harder and faster. She reaches one hand down and rubs her clit as fast as he is fucking her until she cums all over his cock.

By now their perversity is hidden from all in the darkness, but their moans of pleasure are being shared with the entire front of the hotel. And they don't care. He grabs her hair, pulling her head back, resting on his shoulder and he whispers in her ear, "I'm about to fill you with cum." He wraps his arm around her and grabs her breast, pumping deeper and deeper from behind her until she senses him pulsating his hot juices into her.

He keeps his cock inside her as his cum and her juices drip down their legs. He eases his grip on her breasts and caresses them as he bites the side of her neck. His nose draws deep into the sandalwood scent dabbed behind her ear and he starts nibbling on her earlobe. The balmy breeze, her tantalizing perfume, her squeezably soft breasts, the sensation of the front of his thighs up against the back of hers, his still-pulsing cock inside her... he could stay like that forever. He is flying, the exhilaration from the orgasm and the thrill from the midnight breeze blowing over them on the penthouse balcony. The moonlight glistens across the gulf waters, not another human in sight. He turns her around and kisses her tenderly.

After they shower, they lay in bed talking for what seems like hours.

"If you had to live in Manhattan, what would you do?" she asks.

"I could probably make three times as much as a general contractor than I make now. But it would probably cost me four times as much to live there."

"Would you survive? I mean spiritually?"

"I'd pretend the tall building were mountains and I'd feel at home." He chuckles. "The noise would get to me. All the people. But I've been to New York. Eaten in the great restaurants. Watched Broadway plays. There's so much to do." After a minute he asks, "If you had to live in Montana, what would you do?"

"I've never been on a horse but I think I would like living on a ranch with horses. Maybe I'd buy a ranch with my alimony."

"Would you be lonely?"

"It would be difficult not being around a lot of people, sure. But I'm lonely now. And if you are with the right person, it's impossible to feel lonely."

As she begins to drift off, she asks him to stay until she falls asleep.

"I'll stay all night," he says, brushing a few strands of hair from her face and snuggling with her.

After being asleep for what seems like only minutes, she feels a pleasing sensation as she comes out of a mild sleep. Vanessa completely wakes to find Jake between her legs devouring her pussy as if it was his last meal. He must have been there for awhile because she is about to... "Oh my! Oh my god!" she screams out. "Ohhhhhhh yeah baby." Juices flow out of her cunt as she cums for the third time that night, him licking every bit of her juices as they flow out of her body.

He is already hard from enjoying the taste of her honey-sweet pussy but he gets over the top excited by her reaction from waking up to him licking her pussy. He climbs up and sticks his hard cock in her still orgasming pussy and in three or four thrusts, he is cumming too. The French doors to the balcony are open with the night breeze flowing across them. He grabs a towel and cleans her up, and then himself, and they fall back asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, he goes to his room to shower and change, and then they meet for breakfast on the veranda. They talk intimately and candidly and realize how much they are into each other, how lonely he is in Montana since his divorce, and how lonely she is in Manhattan since her marriage. They agree to meet at the pool at noon, and she shows up in a lavender bikini even more provocative than the red one she wore the day before. They jump into the pool and he sees a few women topless, so he grabs her top and tosses it to the side.

She says, "That's rather presumptuous, don't you think?"

"That's right, baby." He plays up his faux bravado. She laughs lightly as they stand in about four feet of water, her bare breasts floating on the surface. He pulls her close and they kiss. The growing bulge in his trunks press against her, and she reaches down to massage his cock.

She moves in closer to him, smiling and kissing him. His cock is throbbing in her hand, him just aching for her pussy to open up and take his cock in. She wraps her legs around him and he slides his dick inside her. He pumps in and out with slow thrusts so that no one suspects what we are doing in the pool. Her head is buried in his neck, trying not to show the pleasure on her face as the other women cast smiles at them as if they are just the cutest couple.

There is no way they could finish there, so she gets out of the pool and hands him a towel to minimize the fact that is hard as a rock. She picks up her top and they run into the hotel and hurry into the elevator. She can't wait to get to the room so she tosses everything to the floor and throws herself at him the moment the elevator doors close. He pulls his dick out, picks her up, and pushes her against the wall of the elevator. She slides down on top of his cock once again and he pounds her pussy faster and faster, the dizzying sensation of the elevator rising floor by floor.

They are both jolted by the loud ding in the elevator. He is so into her that he momentarily forgets where they are. When the elevator doors open, fortunately no one is in the area but a housekeeper who smiles to herself. Surely she has seen it all before. They snatch up their things and race to her suite, her giggling like school girl. Once inside, they drop everything and he scoops her up. He sets her on the bed and lays next to her as she reaches inside his shorts for his cock and strokes it.

In an instant, he is rock hard again. She pulls off his swimsuit and then hers and climbs over to straddle his hips, and uses the tip of his cock to pleasure herself. She rubs the head all over her pussy, inside the lips, around and around the clit, sliding the tip of his cock inside her, but only long enough to tease herself. After rubbing her pussy for a couple minutes, she sits down on his cock and takes him all the way in. He gently pulls on her thighs to spread her open to him. She rides him faster and faster and within moments she is frantically bouncing.

"Fuck me harder," she commands, and he does. "Harder. Harder!" He draws his hands up along her back and grabs her shoulders to hold her in place while he slams her pussy.


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