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Milk Duds Ch. 01

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Sex and mother's milk.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/16/2002
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Sandy had always been a rather large girl. By large in mean her bust was bigger than most girls her age. She had begun to develop very early in life until now, at age twenty-three, her bust turned the heads of any sane man around. This is not to say the rest of her body wasn't something to cause additional excitement with her slender waist and very womanly flared hips. Her face was absolutely gorgeous with full sensual lips. Golden hair cascaded down her back setting off the sparkle of her green eyes. Dainty feet attached to slim ankles propelled her body upwards until she reached the height of slightly more than half way between five feet and six.

I had watched her grow from a small little girl playing in her backyard into a young adolescent young lady then to become a very mature woman. Always polite and respectful of her elders almost to the point of fault we had become very close friends. There seemed nothing she couldn't come to me and discuss be it school, boys and life in general. As she matured I must confess I began to see her not as the child I once knew, rather a vibrant and extremely sexy woman.

In spite of all the talks we'd had through her growing years Sandy finally came to me in tears. She was, to be blunt, pregnant and the young man had disappeared upon hearing the news. I wasn't surprised having known him and his family. Still I couldn't turn my back on her. By now her own family had disowned her and I let her stay in the vacant spare bedroom. How could I do less for a young woman I'd always considered to be the daughter I'd never have?

For the next nine months, actually closer to eight, I looked and watched over her. When the time came it was me taking her to the hospital only to be left pacing around the waiting room. At thirty I was very much the oldest male as the two other expectant fathers, both about twenty, watched with curiosity. One finally worked up the courage and asked only to be told I was a very close friend. It must have been my look that caused him to shrink back into this seat. Finally four hours later a nurse still wearing her scrubs entered the room.

"Mr. Smith?" she asked. Yeah, I know, but it really is my name, Frank Smith. I jumped up and saw her beaming smile. "Well, I know you aren't the father, but you are the proud segregate father of a very healthy boy and yes mother is doing just fine. You can see them in about half and hour, so just relax."

Now a days babies are born in the same room the mother stays in and, true to her word, half and hour later I was at Sandy's side. She understood my not wanting to be in the room when the baby was born and smiled tiredly as I held her hand.

"Well, Mommy, you have a fine son to raise. I know you're tired and quite frankly me, too. I'm going home and get some sleep and clean up a little around the house. Give me four or five hours and I'll be back."

"Frank, you don't know just how much it means to me that you've done so much. I don't know when or how, but I will repay all your kindness," Sandy quietly said a tear slipping from her eye.

"Hush now, my sweet," I said kissing away the errant drop from her cheek. "You just rest and I'll be back later. Don't say anymore about pay-backs. How could I have done less for my best girl." If only she had known how long I'd held my desires for her, my lust kept in check all these years and I wasn't about to say anything now.

Later that afternoon I was back in her hospital room. Sandy looked so much better having slept. Her face once again took on the normal cheery look as her smile brightened the room. As I came in a nurse was in the process of removing some kind of contraption from Sandy's left breast. The container below the bulbous looking cup was filled with what reminded me of skim milk, thin and almost watery. In all the years I had watched Sandy grow up this was the first time I'd seen so much of her breast. While the bathing suits she had worn exposed nearly as much as they covered they didn't prepare me for this sight. A small clear drop of liquid still oozed from her very extended nipple, obviously the last of her mothers milk. The nurse explained it was a breast pump she was holding and it was to assist Sandy's nature flow for the baby.

"Frank," Sandy called out happily as she quickly covered herself. I detected a slight blushing of her cheeks knowing I had seen her naked breast. "Little Frank is resting quietly and he's every bit as handsome as you."

"Little Frank?" I couldn't keep the surprised sound from my voice.

"I hope you don't mind, but what with all you've done for us I couldn't help myself. I gave him your first name to honor you." Sandy's voice shook slightly fearing I might be offended.

"Well, little lady," I said giving her my best John Wayne imitation, "you've just about given me the highest honor could be bestowed. Think I might just be a calling him Jr., that is if you don't mind."

"How could I mind," she blushed. "It's almost as if he were yours, ours."

The next day I took Sandy and little Frank home. It was an uneventful ride yet I was still filled with pride. I knew then I would be helping her raise little Frank as if he were my own son and had already started making plans for him. School, sports, college, you know what most any real father would think about. Sandy's room in my house was quite large and easily held the crib and other things she needed for the baby. I carefully carried what was to become officially my Godson inside and lay him in his crib. Sandy brought in her small overnight bag and started unpacking. I couldn't help but notice the breast pump the hospital had provided. She blushed when she saw me looking at it.

"They said I would have to use this for a couple more days until my milk really comes in by itself. Until then it's a bottle for Frankie," as we had come to call him.

"OK," I shrugged my shoulders. "Just keep in mind if you need or want anything………." I didn't need to finish as she nodded her head with gratitude.


I heard the unusual exclamation. Sandy seldom swore, then came a noisy crashing sound of something hitting the floor and breaking. I rushed to see what was the problem and found her sitting on the bed, her large breasts naked for all to see. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she looked at the floor. I looked and saw the pieces of the breast pump strewn all over the floor.

"Sandy, what happened," I quickly asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just grand. That fucking pump broke and I hurt," she wailed. Again I heard foul language from this most perfect and gorgeous woman. She suddenly lifted her head, saw me looking at her and quickly covered her naked chest. "Oh, Frank, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to use such language," she said blushing the deepest darkest red I've ever seen.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll just run down to the drugstore and get you another. We really should have two for just this situation."

"Where do you think you'll find a drugstore open at two in the morning, Frank?" she asked sarcastically. "Think about it then tell me what I'm going to do now. Frankie isn't about to feed and take away the pain and pressure and I don't know how to use my hands," she spat out the words.

"Sandy, I don't claim to be some kind of expert or anything but maybe I could help. I mean maybe I could message your breasts and help you release enough to make you feel better." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know by this time I was sporting and erection that could pierce steel and was glad I wore my baggiest pair of shorts. Still I could feel the swollen tip inching its way down the leg and would, if I didn't do something quick, would become quite visible. Without thinking I quickly sat beside her on the bed.

"I don't want to impose on you so much, Frank, but I don't know what else to do. My breasts hurt so much." I saw she had a towel in her lap and put it in her hands.

"Here, you just hold this towel up close and I'll see what I can do to help." My hands shook as they gently pulled open her top. There before me were her two now very large hard breasts, small drops of her milk oozing from each nipple. I shifted myself in an attempt to ease the discomfort between my legs. "Now you just relax and let me do all the work."

Sandy's face turned beet red and the blush traveled down to the tops of her massive breasts. Timidly at first I touched her skin and found it hot, then curled my fingers around her swollen globes to gently squeezed. It took several tries before I found the right method and before long hot streams of her fresh mothers milk sprayed from her extended nipples and soaked the towel she held. Ten minutes passed and Sandy began to truly relax as the pressure in her breasts was relieved. Finally she sighed contentedly and I reluctantly removed my hands. It had been such a pleasure and rush to my system to finally have not only seen her half naked but to touch her breasts. It was almost a fantasy come true. She lowered her hand taking the towel with her. One hand slipped from her lap and accidentally landed directly upon my swollen organ.

"Frank," she gasped. "Is that really you? Oh, my, I've done something to you, yes?" The smile on her face beamed as she looked at me, her fingers beginning to form themselves around my now throbbing shaft.

"Yeah, that's really me," I said. Now it was my turn to blush.

"Wow, I couldn't ever imagine you being like this. Tell me, how long has it been since your last…………….., uh, well, how long since you've……….."

"Had sex? At least six months," I all but gasped. The feel of her hand was extraordinary making me feel hotter and hotter all the time. I felt as if I could have shot off a load that would have soaked the carpet.

"Frank, we've know each other most of my life and these passed many months you've been more than just a friend to me, more like a daddy. I don't want to offend you in anyway, but if there's something I can do for you now, please tell me."

"No, there's nothing," I moaned as she still held my erection only now more firmly in her grasp.

"I think there is," she responded moving her hand and slipping it inside my shorts. Once there she found my organ and again curled her fingers around my solid shaft. "Oh, Frank, I never imagined you to be so nice. You're so thick and hard I just can't keep myself away. I've often wondered how you would feel, how you would look and now I'm going to find out."

I knew right away what she had in mind, but it wasn't sex. She couldn't have intercourse for close to six weeks, but that couldn't keep her from giving and receiving pleasure. Her fingers kept a tight grip as her other hand unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. It didn't take much for me to lift my hips as she slid them down my legs. Since I don't wear underwear she was rewarded by my sudden nakedness.

"It's even better than I had imagined," Sandy gasped upon seeing my more than ready and willing manhood. Copious amounts of pre-cum fluid were all but gushing from the angry purple colored head as she rubbed her thumb over the sensitive tip. She allowed a goodly portion to oozed down the shaft making it slick, her fingers curled comfortably around it as they began moving up and down. It was the classic masturbation movement. "Oh, Frank, you feel so hot and hard. I can't tell you just how good it feels. Please, let me give you some of the same pleasure and relief you gave me."

"You don't have to do this, Sandy," I mumbled softly.

"I know, but I want to and so do you. You know you want me to stroke and make you cum. I've know it for a long time and now you're going to get your wish. When the time comes I'm going to feel you inside me, but for now just let me watch as you cum."

At that point I lay back with my head propped up on several pillows. I could easily see her hand pumping long slow strokes and feel my testicles moving up and down in time with her movements. Occasionally she would lean over and take the head of my swollen organ between her lips lavishing it with her tongue, but mostly she just watched. At my unspoken coaxing she moved her body higher allowing me free and easy access to her still milk laden breasts where upon I would gently squeeze them forcing her milk to cascade over my chest. With but a slight movement I could aim her nipples at my throbbing groin spraying her milk and coating both her hand and my genitals with her hot fresh milk.

"I'm there. Sandy, I'm there," I gasped as my body stiffened. "I'm going to cum."

Her hand moved faster, her grip became more firm. She leaned over allowing her large heavy breasts to dangle mere inches from my organ. I felt myself swell thicker and she must have known it because her hand began moving in a blur. My sack scrunched up as my cream erupted suddenly. Sandy moaned as she felt my hot seed splashing hotly on her naked breasts. Suddenly, half way through my orgasm, she slipped her lips around my organ taking in half of my solid nine inches. More thick gobs erupted from my manhood filling her mouth. I felt her swallowing as more of me filled her oral cavity.

My orgasm was over as she gently, tenderly slowed her hand until she stopped. One solitary creamy white drop of my cum hung from the corner of her mouth before her tongue lashed out, capture it and pulled it into her mouth. Her heavy breasts were streaked with my seed and some of her milk. Sandy release me, lifted her hands and messaged out mixed fluids into her skin.

"I don't know about milk, but I've heard the pure protein of a man's seed is very good for the skin. I'm hoping for more in the future," she smiled happily at me.

Almost six weeks to the day I came home only to find Sandy waiting in the front room. She had little Frank to her breast and it was obvious he was loving not just her milk but the feel of her very heavy large breast as his tiny fingers dug deeply into the firm flesh of her globe. Within seconds I was growing an erection and I knew it showed, but by now it was nothing to hide from her. Over the past weeks Sandy had used her hands and her mouth to relieve me of my seed as I had used my hands and lips on her breasts. Oh, yeah, after that first time I would suckled at her nipple drinking in the nectar of her breasts as she released mine from my manhood.

"Wait here," she said quietly standing and moving to her bedroom. She came back after laying little Frank in his crib loosing her silk robe half way to me. Standing naked before me for the first time she spoke with lust in her voice. "Frank, I want you to take me now. I've passed my time three days ago and now I want to feel you inside me, fully and completely. Frank, please make love to me."

How could I refuse such a beautiful sexy woman her request. I held her heavy breasts while leaning with my lips to hers. Our tongues found one another and quickly dueled together. Out bodies came together, hers pressing tightly to mine with obvious desire but no more than my own. I knelt as she opened her legs wide. I kissed her sex as I felt and tasted her wanton desire. Rising my arms easily lifted her body and carried her to my bed. Kneeling between her legs I could see she was way more the ready. The tip of my erection touched her. She gasped and groaned, her hips lifting to meet me. Hot liquid erupted from her body coating my ready manhood as the head easily slipped inside. Sandy was hot, wet and clutching desperately at me as I moved further inside. At long last my most fervent fantasy was becoming a reality as I felt her body molding to mine. Her soft velvet sex enveloped my drawing me in further and further until I reached my limit and not a moment to soon. Deep within her I touched her deepest inner being, the entrance to her very womb from whence little Frank had come. Her wetness increased as her body released an orgasm that burned my organ. I couldn't move. All I could do at that moment was remain still feeling her around me. The soft constant shaking of her body with orgasm finally subsided and Sandy lay relaxed beneath me. Slowly and carefully I helped her to move until she was atop my body. My eyes gazed at her heave breasts, my hands took and felt them.

"Now, Frank. Let's make love. Let me keep feeling you filling me inside. Please use your hands to milk my breasts while we take of each others bodies. Frank, I don't want to fuck you, I want us to make love and feel your creamy sperm filling me. Burn me with your seed."

Then began the real true making of love. I lifted my hips to join her body as she bore down to mine. Together we coupled with more than lust, but with the love that had developed over the almost year passed. I felt her inner most muscles flexing to capture and hold me tightly as we moved together. In unison we moved, the feelings and sounds more than erotic. As Sandy leaned closer I took first one nipple then the other to suckle and drink of her warm milk. She had more than little Frank could ever need and I rejoiced knowing there would always be more than enough for me. Before long I sensed her body coming close to climax and indeed she was. She mashed her breast tightly to my mouth as her groin pounded to mine. Moments later Sandy grunted, then groaned, then all but howled her sexual delight as she climaxed. I was only moments behind her as my organ swelled to its thickest. Huge gobs of my seed erupted filling her all the way to her womb. Neither of us could utter an single word as we completed our mutual orgasms.

In the aftermath we lay quietly together. My manhood had long since regained its normal flaccid state and had slipped from her body. We lay spent yet excited our bodies glowing.

"Frank," she began. "Will you still respect me in the morning?"

* * * * *

I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Needless to say large milk filled breasts are my greatest pleasure, but at my age finding such a woman is rare. Well, who knows what the future may bring.



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blkboneblkboneabout 10 years ago
Mmmmm good

Am hooked..will be reading them all...over and over again..

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
nicely done

lactation stories are great

jtjr26jtjr26over 18 years ago
Great Stuff

I thought this was a wonderful tale of friendship and love. Quite hot.

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