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Millville Ch. 09: SUB 01

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Suzie & I watch the entertainment at a BDSM club.
4.9k words

Part 9 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/29/2018
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(Author's note: This chapter may be enjoyed on its own, however I suggest reading the previous chapters to get the fullest meaning of the story.)


Suzie and I were in front row seats with our good friends Bob and Julie, waiting for the entertainment to start at The Mill Club's 2nd Annual Gala. The raised stage, which had been built for this event, was right in front of us. Everyone in the large room was excited with anticipation of what was about to begin.

"Oh, by the way, Suzie," I said. "While I was in the men's room I ran into Len. He said that they want to have you and me over to their apartment in Knoxville for dinner soon. I told him that we'd like that and maybe we could get together tonight and set a date."

"Great. They seem like a nice couple," she said. "I have a hard time imagining her dominating Len, though. Leila was all excited about tonight. Said maybe she'd learn some new things to do to Len."

"Unbelievable," I said.

The hall was slowly filling up as the guests all emerged from the restrooms, having been warned that they would soon be closed for the evening. Suzie and I looked around the room, scoping out the people there. Some we recognized from the Munch dinner we had attended. That was where we had met Len and Leila, who were there along with many other BDSM lifestylers. Prominent in the room, in the center, was a special stage that was obviously where the entertainment was to take place. The waiters that had served us our dinner had carried the folding chairs from the dining area into this room and set them up in rows surrounding the stage.

The stage was about ten feet square, raised about two feet above the floor. There was a roof above it, made of two 4' x 8' sheets of 1" plywood, supported by two, 2' x 8' beams attached to 4" x 4' posts. Two sets of steps led up to the floor of the stage on opposite sides. On a third side a narrow staircase led to the roof which had a handrail surrounding it, leading one to believe that a person or persons would be up on the roof.

The roof had a small hole cut in near the center. Several eye bolts had been screwed into both the floor of the stage and the underside of the roof. Spotlights were mounted under the roof at each corner. A card table and chair were placed by each of the three sets of stairs.

All hundred or so people were now in the room, either seated or still mingling with others, awaiting the start of the action. Two men and a woman entered the room and walked toward the stage. One of the men sat at the table by the stairs that led to the roof. The woman sat at the table on the right side of the stage (looking at it from the front). The other man walked up onto the stage as the lights in the room dimmed. He held a cordless microphone.

"Good evening, folks. Welcome to the entertainment part of the Mill Club's second annual Gala. I'm Ron, and along with Nancy and Ted, seated at the tables here, we are the committee that was appointed by the Club's board of directors to oversee tonight's entertainment. We selected tonight's submissives from among several that applied. Three males and three females. You saw them during dinner. Tonight, two of each gender will be used in the entertainment. Nobody—including the committee members—knows who they are. The dungeon master, Lloyd, will select them randomly just before they're brought up to the stage. The six volunteer subs are the only people here tonight who did not buy the five hundred dollar tickets. They got a free meal (slight laughter amongst the audience).

"I'd also like to give credit to our stage builders—all members of the Club—who, as they have before, volunteered their time and expertise in constructing this to our specifications. Marian, our architect; Hal, our carpenter; and Jerry, our electrician. If things don't go right up there you know who to blame (more laughter).

"Finally, before Lloyd brings in our first sub, let me tell you that each one will be wearing a hood with only openings at the nose for air. This will protect their identities, although some of you may recognize the bodies...or body parts (snickering in audience). If you do we ask that you keep the identities to yourself. A second reason for the hoods is to create sensory deprivation for the subs. Each will also be blindfolded under the hood and will have sound-reducing ear plugs in his ears. In addition they will be wearing wireless, sound-cancelling earphones. Prior to starting each session a white noise soundtrack will begin to play so they will be unable to hear any sound that we make here in this room.

"Now, Lloyd, let's see Sub #1."

A drum roll started next to a door on the side of the room. The door opened and Lloyd appeared, holding a chain attached to the wrists of Sub #1. As Lloyd led the sub into the dimly lit room the audience could just make out that it was a woman. She appeared to be naked. The drum roll continued as they approached the stage. She hesitated, taking small steps, especially when they reached the stairs leading onto the stage. After all, she couldn't see anything. Lloyd talked softly to her as she climbed onto the stage and he led her to the center.

He motioned to Ted who brought a small box and a step stool to him. Lloyd took some chains and clasps from the box. The sub was wearing wrist and ankle cuffs. He first attached the ankle cuffs to eye bolts in the floor, about 24" apart. Next he stood on the stool and attached her wrist cuffs, with chains, to eye bolts in the ceiling, also 24" apart. He shortened the chains so that she was stretched tight, but could still keep her feet flat on the floor.

Lloyd left the stage. The drum roll had been continuing very softly all this time. Suddenly the drum roll increased and then just as suddenly, stopped, as the bright spotlights came on, all aimed at Sub #1. The audience went crazy, clapping and cheering to show their appreciation. The sub could hear this but it would be the last thing she'd hear for a while as Ron said, "OK, Nancy, turn on the white noise."

The audience gradually quieted down, but continued to stare at Sub #1, admiring her body. Her skin was alabaster white, showing signs of having been in the sun wearing a bikini only briefly. Small breasts with pink nipples, a tiny waist, and a hairless, probably recently waxed, pubic area made her body both sensual and innocent looking. I thought, Surely this lovely sprite of a woman won't be the willing subject of torture. Surely, nobody here could bring himself to harm her in any way. And yet, there she is, at the mercy of everyone here. By her own free will. And here I am, waiting to see what will be forced upon her. And I'm looking forward to it!

While everyone was looking her over, Lloyd and Ted lifted a heavy marble patio umbrella stand on the stage and dragged it next to Sub #1. They then carefully guided it into position between her legs. Extending up from the vertical tube where the umbrella would normally go was a pole with a dildo attached at the top. The dildo reached to just below the sub's vulva. Also attached to the pole, but lower, was a "magic wand" vibrator. Lloyd and Ted left the stage, leaving Sub #1 alone on the stage, in the spotlight.

"All right, folks," Ron's voice came loud and clear throughout the large hall where Sub #1 was on display. "Now it's time to make some more money for our charity fund. We already have over $40,000, after expenses, from ticket sales. Now let's see how much your generosity and your desire to participate will earn. First we need someone to adjust the equipment on the stage so it's in the right place. Who wants to be that someone, for, say, $50?"

"I'll do it," came a voice from behind the stage.

"Alright, that's a start. Do I hear $60?"

"$60," from behind Ron's table.

"$70," from behind me.

Ron spoke up. "That's it, folks. Seems that we have lots of volunteers for this chore. Be aware, though, it won't be easy. First the dildo will need to be well lubed. Nancy here has the tube of special lubricant."

Perhaps sensing where this was going to lead, the first bidder yelled out, "$100."




Ron again, "Whoa, folks. Don't get carried away. You may not know exactly what needs to be done. That silver dildo atop the pole needs to be inserted in the subs vagina. That's a delicate job. Be sure you're up to it. No pun intended."

"$150." from a new bidder behind Ted.


"One more thing," Ron announced. "That magic wand vibrator needs to be moved so it's against the sub's clit. Another tricky chore."

"$200," from behind Ted again.

Once again, Ron spoke, "I must warn you, sir, that in order to fully insert the dildo you may have to use your fingers to 'grease the way', so to speak, inside her. If that bothers you it's OK to retract that last bid."

The audience gasped as a new voice from the very back of the room shouted. A female voice. "$250."

Ron said right away, "Thank you ma'am. $250." He waited a minute before calling, "Going once, twice, gone. You have the honor of preparing our Sub #1. Please step up onto the stage. Nancy will help you. By the way, Nancy will keep track of everyone's bids tonight and collect from all of you at the end of the evening. Be sure to identify yourself to her as you enter the stage."

Bob whispered to Suzie and me, "That's Angie, She's one of the lesbian members. Not surprising, I guess, that she wants this job."

Angie hurried up to the stage, spoke briefly with Nancy, who handed her a small tube, then accompanied her to where the sub was positioned. I couldn't hear her, but she appeared to be giving Angie instructions. Angie loosened the knob that held the pole tight, then raised it slowly until it just touched the sub's vulva. She then coated the dildo with the lubricant before applying some all around the area. Then, squeezing more onto her fingers she inserted two fingers inside, spreading the lube around. Finally, loosening the pole again, she raised it until the dildo all but disappeared. Angie tightened the knob again, assuring that the dildo would stay deep inside the sub.

Nancy said something else to Angie, handing her a small tool. Angie used the tool to loosen a hose clamp that held the vibrator against the pole. Then she slid the vibrator up and adjusted it until the tip rested on the sub's clit. While Angie was doing that, Nancy pulled two wires from a small box she had brought on stage. One she clipped onto the bottom of the metal dildo that had just been inserted. The other wire she attached to the end of a metal butt plug, which nobody had noticed, protruding from the sub's ass. Ted then handed two electric cords to her from the side of the stage and she plugged the box and the vibrator into them.

"Alright, ladies," Ron said. "Looks like we're all set up. Let's see if everything works. Angie, turn the vibrator on a low setting and make sure it works and hits the right spot. Nancy, set the TENS unit to one and turn it on." After a few seconds, he said, "Oh, I can tell from the her reaction that everything is working. Nice work, ladies." I had noticed a slight shiver run through the sub's body when the TENS unit was on.

Angie and Nancy left the stage and returned to their seats.

"OK," Ron announced. "Now that our first submissive is in place it's time for some domination. It'll cost some, but I bet there's quite a few of you out there who would like to have a go at it. Ted has `a flogger on the post by his table. For just $10 any of you can come up and see what it's like to flog such a beautiful body for one minute. I'll tell you 'front or back' and when to start and end. So, if you're interested come up and form a line by Ted. Give him your name so we can collect your pledge later tonight."

Several people arose and made their way to Ted's table. The first one said something to Ted, then walked up onto the stage. Taking the flogger off the post he walked over to Sub #1. While awaiting instructions he walked slowly around her. Ogling her body.

"Alright, backside only, for one minute. Start," Ron commanded.

The gentleman who had agreed to pay $10, a forty something, good looking, well-built man, started flogging. First on the upper back and shoulders, then lower until he reached the buttocks.

Swish. Swish. Swish.

He moved to the back of her thighs.

Swish. Swish

No sound from the sub. He moved back to her ass. He increased the strength of the blows.

Swish. Swish. Swish.

"Time's up. Please return the flogger to the post."

By now about ten people were in line to have a turn. Ron waited a couple of minutes before calling the next one up. This time an older man took the flogger and got in position.

"OK. Front side, above the waist only. Start."

Swish. Swish.

The first target was the upper chest. Next the abdomen.

Swish. Swish.

No sound yet from Sub #1.

Swish. Swish.

Now her breasts were struck, the tails of the flogger landing flat across them. A slight moan came from under the hood.

Swish. Swish.

"Owww!" This in response to a strike on each breast from the front, the tips of the flogger landing on the nipples. Next he aimed two more blows just above her navel, using much more force than all the previous ones. "Owww!" again from the sub.

"Time's up," Ron called out. "Before the next person comes up, I need two volunteers to man the controls for the vibrator and the TENS unit. You'll have to sit on the floor by the sub's feet and turn the equipment on and off at my direction. I think a $25 donation apiece would be appropriate. First two at Nancy's table will get these jobs."

Several people made their way to Nancy's table. The first two were a man and woman. I recognized the woman as Angie, the one who paid $250 to "install" the dildo and vibrator. I thought, I guess if she'll pay $250 to put it in her pussy she'll pay another $25 to turn on the electricity.

Suzie and I decided to leave our front row seats next to Bob and Julie and walk around behind the chairs to the opposite side of the stage so we could see the sub's backside. Suzie whispered to me, "Have you noticed Julie squirming? Just like at dinner. I don't know if it's because of her sore ass from the spanking Bob gave her last night, or if he's activating the vibrator in her panties. She said she'll probably go stand in the back of the room later."

The two new volunteers climbed onto the stage and sat on the floor, the man next to the vibrator. While they were getting settled and looking at the controls, Ron said, "Alright, the next flogger can come up and work on the back only. Start." As soon as the flogging began, Ron said, "Now turn on the vibrator at the low setting and the TENS at one."

Immediately, Sub #1s body trembled for a moment until she got used to the electrical current passing from her rectum to her vagina. Meanwhile the flogging continued on her backside, mostly on her buttocks. By the time Ron said, "Stop the flogging," her ass was getting pink. After another minute or so he said, "Now, stop the vibrator and TENS."

The sub's body visibly relaxed as all the stimuli ceased.

Swish. Swish. Swish.

The next flogger began at Ron's command to start, front and back this time. He flailed away at her breasts, hitting harder and harder, sometimes just catching the nipples. She squealed with each blow until he let up and moved behind to her ass which he continued flogging until Ron called, "Times up." By this time her butt was getting red and her breasts were very pink. Immediately, Ron called "Start the vibrator on medium speed and the TENS on two." Sub #1 started jerking her pelvis, as though trying to shake off the sensations going through her. This went on a couple of minutes before her shoulders, back and ass were pummeled again. Loud moans were coming from under the hood now, a result of all three stimuli being applied at once. "Stop everything now, please," Ron shouted out. "Let's give her a little respite."

Two minutes later the next flogger climbed onto the stage. This time a woman. As she emerged from the semi-darkness onto the stage, Suzie leaned toward me and exclaimed, "Look, Tom, it's Leila. She's going to flog the sub!"

"Wow," I said. "She sure is. This'll be interesting. I wonder how harshly she'll be beating a female."

The answer came quickly as Ron called out, "Front only, below the navel. Start."

As Suzie and I walked around to see the front action, Leila started flogging the sub's pubic area right above the crotch, first lightly, then harder and harder. Sub #1 first moaned a bit and then started softly screaming. Just before Ron called, "Time's up" Leila lowered her aim so the tips of the flogger snapped on the clit.

Snap! "Eo" Snap. "Eo"

Suzie said to me, "She didn't hold back, did she?"

"No," I replied. "I wonder if she's ever dominated a gal before."

"Good question."

Ron spoke again. "I think we should soothe that area after that. Turn on the vibrator to high."

"Ohhh," Sub #1 gasped. She moved her pelvis as though trying to increase the pressure of the dildo in her vagina.

After a minute of this Ron said, "Enough of the vibrator. We don't want her to have too much pleasure. Not yet anyway. Now, while we let our sub rest a moment we need 3 more volunteers. Someone good dealing with clothespins. After all, a body with such beautiful, white skin, although it is getting red in a few places, deserves to be decorated. First, for only $5 each, someone can attach ten yellow clothespins to her front, upper body except on the breasts. Next, for $25 each, one green one on each nipple. Finally, for $50 each, a red one on each of her nether lips. This chore includes staying up here to remove the pins after a while. If you want the job, step up to Nancy's table. She has the clothespins. First three in line get the jobs."

Several people hurried toward Nancy's table. One was in the flogging line, so he was first to arrive. After two more got there the rest returned to their places in the audience. Some discussion went on at the table. Apparently they were trying to agree on who did which clothespins. Nancy yelled something to Ron who then announced, "Seems like the clothespin volunteers can't agree on who does what, so we'll let them bid for their choices. While we do that let the next flogger begin on the subs back side. You get a bonus. Two minutes this time.

"Now back to the clothespin problem. In addition to the cost of the red clothespins, how much will you pay to apply them?"

One man bid $25. Another, a woman, $50. The third man upped the offer to $100 and the others let him have it.

"Great," said Ron. "Another $100 for charity. Now how about for the two green ones. How much to place them on Sub #1s nipples?"

The remaining man shouted out this time, "$100!" And thus it was decided.

So the losing woman picked up the ten yellow clothespins and proceeded onto the stage. As Ron called, "Time's up." to the flogger, the clothespins began to be placed. First one on the fleshy part of the sub's upper right arm. Then one on the other arm. The next four went on the waist starting on the right side near the ribs and trailing to the center near the navel. The remaining four mirrored those on the left side. After each was attached to her skin, the sub let out a muted "Ow".

"Excellent," Ron said. "Now if you'll wait by Nancy until we need you to remove what you just applied. And now for the green pins."

The woman walked up the steps with the two green clothespins. She stood right in front of the sub, gazing at her now reddened breasts. She took the right nipple between her thumb and forefinger and rolled it back and forth, occasionally pulling on it. When she let go, I could see that it was swollen and extended. She then placed a clothespin on it.


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