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Minabi and Sia (BWC2)

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Minabi and Sia spend a little quality time together.
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Minabi has been somewhat absent from the club lately, only wandering in to head to their room, grab a drink and some food, then heading right back out. Sia wanted their target to be her mistress, and Minabi seemed quite dedicated to setting things up for that. Today, not for the first time, her scantily clad purple ass is sticking up out of the top of her Star Saber, wobbling a bit, as she tries to fix the comfortable second seat into place for her beloved. It was complicated, rewiring the wicked ship so that it supported a co-pilot, but it allowed for so much more, particularly in terms of shooting. The sacrifice being that the middle had to be made a 'little' bulkier so they could still hold some cargo... most importantly, food.

Sia has been busy as well. Getting in touch with old contacts, calling in favors, arranging for possible allies and support, that all took her a bit and most importantly, it basically cost her all the network of carefully placed informants and contacts she had built as a Sith. But she knew that it was necessary and she knew that a new beginning, free of her Mistress, would be the best for both of them. Now though, she had a bit of free time and, not finding Minabi in the Broken Wing, she headed to the only other place she figured the beautiful Togruta to be, her ship. So, Sia walked through the station towards the hangar where the Star Saber was docked, entering the docking area and immediately spying said scantily clad rump. A light grin as she approached, very very quietly, even though she knew Minabi could feel her. Still, she aimed to pinch that lovely, jiggling ass playfully as a greeting.

Minabi of course, as usual, wasn't wearing much. A simple pair of dark purple boy shorts almost dark enough to be black, the usual Lightsaber hilt and blasters hanging from a belt around her waist... with her rump up in the air in the middle of her hangar, Minabi 'looked' like she was asking to get jumped by thugs. But no thugs knew their access codes to get into this portion of the hangar. The pinch to Minabi's rump causes a slight 'thunk' noise within the cockpit, followed immediately by an 'ow!' and Minabi tensing. Sense her, sure, but that didn't stop the engineering bounty hunter from being a bit wrapped up in her tinkering. She stands, carefully this time, one hand rubbing at the back of her head and montrals lightly as she winces.

Minabi is wearing a curious new weapon on her back, too. Long, looking like a steel grey heavily modded grenade launcher with four curious 'claws' sticking equidistant from one another out of the tip of the weapon, the weird weapon catches the light fairly easily. Edged in black rubber along the top and around the handle, as well as the back of the weapon's claws, it sports a black 'dorsal fin' along the top that looks like a second handle, as well.

Sia grins, mischievously as she peers to Minabi and tilts her head a bit to the side. "Sorry my love, but you can't expect me to pass up your lovely ass if you stick it in my face like that!" she winks, lightly, amusedly. She is wearing her usual collection of clothes, albeit without cloak, so her crimson hair spills freely over her shoulders and down to her own, rather curvy and bouncy rear. "What are you up to, working on your ship day in and day out?" she would add, smiling up to her beloved sister playfully.

Minabi pouts as she turns to face Sia, one hand resting on her scantily clad hip, the hangar's lights playing off of her flesh and revealing the Togruta to be more than a little dirty. Perhaps she didn't wear many clothes so it was easy to clean off some of the grime she found herself in after a good day or three of tinkering? ...Nah, Minabi just liked people looking at her curves. Idly rubbing at one of her lekku, still wincing a bit from that bump on the head, Minabi slips down off the Star Saber, not bothering with the small ladder and scurrying down the side. "I'm making a co-pilot seat. It's... just more complicated than I thought it would be. Going to have to change its' name to Star Squid at this rate, too, the middle makes me think of those." Minabi wipes some sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, stares at it, then grimaces, moving past Sia in a bit of a hurry to fetch a cloth by the wall to wipe at some of the mess.

Sia grins slightly and moves after Minabi and she moves quickly to slink her arms around Minabi's waist and place a tender kiss on the place where Minabi had bumped her head, or at least, where she had rubbed lightly earlier. She had to maneuver a bit to avoid the weird new weapon and as she let go again, slipping to Minabi's side, she peered at the contraption and tilted her head. "I see you have gotten yourself a new type of weapon? Always looking for ingenious new ways to kill people, that's one of the many things I love about you." she giggled lightly, amusedly, letting her sulfur gaze drift back to Minabis eyes.

Minabi nods. "I wanted to try something new. It costs waaaay too much to make a lot of, though." Minabi blushes, rubbing oil from her breasts as Sia kisses her on that sore spot, and honestly, it feels a little better now. The slinky, curvy Togruta turns to face Sia, grinning a bit. "It's sort of a lightning grenade launcher. I used repulsors in the claw, you load ammo in the chamber behind the fin, it's propelled to the center of the claws which create an unstable field that highly agitates the ammo, which can be anything from water to plasma... anyway, it agitates a heavy charge before using the repulsors to launch the globe."

Minabi shakes her head. "It's a 'fun' weapon. But it's not as stable as I'd like yet. Sometimes it's like launching force lightning with a plasma globe... other times the electricity dies out early, and I'm not sure why, which makes for duds. Think it has to do with the composition of the air."

Sia grins lightly, amusedly. Yes, that was the Minabi she knew and loved, tinkering, testing, trying to find new ways to kill opponents, to make her job go smoother. She was smiling, happily as she nodded to Minabi's explanations, then raised a brow. "Ah, I do hope you will not rely on it in combat for a while then, ne? Can't have you aim for a killing shot and the damned thing not going off." A light laugh and a soft, gentle poke to Minabi's side, good-natured. They were alone here, so Sia was much more open, much more "touchy-feely" than she would be outside. Here, she can be carefree, for the time being.

Minabi shakes her head. "Well, the fuel for it can be lethal itself. The claws are designed so they can crack thin bubbles, so you can load plasma, acid... all kinds of things in there." A glance around the hanger would reveal a few scorch marks along the walls and floor that 'probably' are from Minabi's screwing around with this thing. "And I'd rather not use anything solid, anyway. I want this to kill Jedi."

Minabi's eyes narrow, just slightly. "And 'certain' sith, as need may be, considering our next target. If the lightning fails, I don't want ammunition that might be force pushed back at us." Minabi gives Sia's hip a light squeeze, before she shrugs a bit helplessly, one lekku on her shoulder twitching just a bit. "How are things going with your contacts?"

Sia shrugs her shoulders a little and slowly turns around to peer out of the force-field that gave them a spectacular view of space. The Station usually had the actual docking bay doors open to allow for fast access and exit as was sometimes needed by the clients. Only when it would be under attack, would those door close. "I have moved almost all pieces into place. It won't be long now. Though I still haven't received word on her whereabouts just yet. I assume she will either be on Coruscant or on Korriban. We should hope for the first." she smirks slightly and then turns back to Minabi again, her eyes gleaming lightly in the light of the hangar, dangerously so.

Minabi nods. "Well... I went through my ship's logs..." where was her astromech anyway? The thing had a mind of its' own, really... "But she's most likely moved from the place I escaped from since then. I mean, I suppose it'd tell you where she's 'not' at the least. Although, considering she's sith 'and' your mistress, she probably 'is' still there, expecting us not to think she is because it's on file." Minabi muses, biting the edge of her finger as she glances to her Star Saber, eyebrows drawn together just a bit as she muses.

Sia smiles lightly and suddenly leans in for a tender kiss against one of Minabi's lekku. "Don't fret so much sister dear. I have sent out several spies who will eventually find her. When that happens, we just have to move fast and I trust the Star Saber can get the job done. We should also consider luring her somewhere else, but all that will have to wait till we actually know where she is." A light smile and a nod as she reaches up with one hand, tracing it along Minabi's cheek gently, tenderly, adoringly, eyes slowly grazing over the curvy form of the Togruta. Hmmm, a view one certainly could not get enough of.

Minabi blushes, which isn't evident with her purple skin, but judging by the way she smiles and eyes become slightly lidded, as well as the sudden flush of warmth, Sia could tell. "One Star Squid against a capital ship? We'd better take in some fodder or something, that'd be sort of suicidal I think." Minabi was cocky, sure, but not THAT cocky. "I'd rather lure her, or sneak in. But even for sneaking, we'd need a distraction. Even if I could jam their scanners, a simple visual scan could end up with us wiped out."

Minabi bites her lower lip, blinking, as her concentration on the problem at hand starts to waver a little.

Sia smiles slightly and she lets her tongue trail over that lekku for a moment. "Mhh, no one said anything about attacking outright. My mistress does not know of my plans, as far as I am aware. It might be I can simply talk us on board. Then we can kill her there. If we slay her, the crew will not harm us. That is the Sith way after all. But luring her away from the ship might still be the easier option." She mumbles softly, then adds another slow, gentle lick. "But again, this can't be decided now. We need to wait for one of the spies to report back. I am certain it will happen within the week, but no sense in fretting too much before then." Of course, she fretted a lot, but she wouldn't show that to Minabi, not now anyway.

Minabi bites her lower lip lightly, thinking, or at least, trying to. What is Sia doing to her lekku?! Minabi stares down at Sia's breasts, pressed lightly against her own, then glances away, staring at the Star 'Squid.' ......Squid. Blushing, it's blatantly obvious that amongst the sudden lusty feeling coming from the teasing of Minabi's lekku, Sia has somehow managed to stimulate yet another engineering idea out of Minabi. "...I almost want to be the co-pilot now...." Minabi mumbles, then glances to Sia.

"Oh, uh... who gets her ship once we take her out? Do we just leave it?" Minabi frowns, giving Sia's ass a light squeeze now as she takes a deep, steadying breath.

Sia smiles, no doubt fully aware of the effect she was having on Minabi and that was what she wanted after all. Minabi needed to relax a little, and she, having been separated from her sister for so long, couldn't get enough of her recently. She wondered if Minabi had already watched the little holo-recording she had given her beloved a day ago. It had been made much earlier, but she had kept it to give to Minabi when she could. A light smile as she notices Minabi trying to focus on important things again. "Depends on the ship I would say. Maybe we can make it our own base of operations?" she winked, licked once more. "Did you enjoy the holo-recording my dear?" she asked in almost the same breath, completely changing the subject.

Minabi is off-balance and off-guard in this engagement. Sia's got her sensitive lekku held captive and Minabi, flustered and hot to the touch, is beginning to lean against her lightly even as the Togruta tries to concentrate on what they're talking about. "...Base of operations would be good..." it occurs to her that she didn't really need to say that since it was obvious, but she's distracted ...Goodness, so much starship to tinker with, though, if they get to keep it! That, coupled with the lekku teasing, coupled with Sia's creamy white, supple skin pressing against her scantily clad flesh, as Minabi smiling warmly and looking rather tranquil, before Sia asks her question. "...It was a work of art, love. I watched it in the Star Squid... I'm sorry you were so lonely so long, though." Minabi pouts, just a bit.

Sia smiles lightly, tenderly as she shifts a bit, pressing her curvy body against that of the Togruta further, scantily clad bodies rubbing against one another. She shakes her head lightly and a soft, tender bite to the lekku follows, not nearly enough to hurt, just to tease before she continues the slow lick, the light, gentle trailing of her tongue for a moment. "Do not apologize my beloved sister. You are back and that is all that counts now. The past is the past." she mutters softly, hands rising to slowly, gently settle on Minabi's full, jiggly rear, squeezing it suddenly and firmly.

Minabi shifts, just a bit, so that those lekku rest on Sia's shoulders now, instead of her own... she loved having them teased, but actually having lekku 'squeezed' between the two of them could give the togruta some absolutely amazing migraines, which sort of ruined the mood. A few people had found themselves shot before they even got to climax in the past thanks to that. "What?" Minabi gives her head a light shake, as purple breasts swell against Sia's own and she leans fully against the seducing Sith. ...She wasn't really following the conversation at all anymore, obviously. It seems she's stopped thinking about tinkering and conquest, too. Melting against Sia, eyes closing, Minabi squeezes Sia's rump right back, but seems to be indulging for now.

Sia grins softly and she would nuzzle against those Lekku a bit longer, just teasing them, before her lips travel higher, along the Togruta's cheeks, soft little butterfly kisses from hot, albeit pale lips as she shifts, her own large, tightly bound breasts pressing against Minabi's as she pushes further into the embrace. "I've missed your taste..." she mumbles, the words not even as important as the husky, seductive and loving tone in which speaks, the Sith pouring her love and her passion into the embrace and the gestures. One hand remains on that scantily clad rear, the other rises, slowly trailing along her beloved's spine.

Minabi just looks relieved. No, Sia's other touches are no less intimate and stimulating, but it was so much harder to concentrate when her lekku were being toyed with. Minabi's sly smile slowly comes to her face, though the togruta still looks a bit drowsy, before she leans forward, her forehead bumping against Sia's own, just lightly, as she peers at her beloved nose to nose, hands resting fully on Sia's ass as Minabi licks her lips, and by proxy, Sia's own pale lips. "The past is the past. Plenty to feast on now." Minabi murmurs, before the purple Togruta tilts her head to lock lips with Sia's own, cleavage swelling between them as she squeezes up almost painfully tight against Sia.

Sia was about to reply something but then the kiss and the Sith girl remains silent, eyes closing as she presses back against the Togruta, her one hand on the girls ass squeezing, kneading the jiggly flesh of that curvy ass as she holds Minabi close. Lips part, tongue slips past and begins to toy with Minabi's in the deep kiss they now share. Desire bursts higher with the kiss, too, her need rising, her passion burning hot body pressed tight against her beloved. Heavy, tightly bound breasts squished against Minabi's own, but with the little bits of fabric covering them, she would easily feel the Sith girls nipples harden rapidly, poking through the bandages covering them.

Minabi certainly knows the effect 'she' has on Sia. If you asked either of them they wouldn't really be able to tell you which of them does the seducing. Minabi's shift of balance is subtle, and her knee presses lightly against Sia's legs as her back arches so that her thigh can press lightly against Sia's crotch even as she pinches Sia's tongue between a fang and lower canine, just lightly, enough to be a trace painful but not puncture. Then, her tongue presses against Sia's own as Minabi releases her ass with one hand, to rest fingers, warm, against Sia's cheek, as if to hold the kiss itself, Minabi shivering faintly against her.

Sia melts in Minabi's embrace. She usually does that. If anyone ever saw the Sith Warrioress in this pose, they'd be...well, they probably wouldn't believe their eyes. On the battlefield, she was a whirlwind of fury. In public, she was a cold, calculating bitch. Nothing would ever suggest she could look so...warm, so in love. She leans against the touch of that hand on her cheek, letting the kiss linger, letting it last as her one hand continues the light kneading of her lovers rear. A soft moan would slip into the kiss as she feels the thigh of her Togruta lover press against her crotch and Minabi -would- feel a warm dampness, not that that is any surprise. Her other hand trails up to now gently slide over Minabi's side, brushing against the side of those large breasts, lightly, teasingly.

Minabi would have to shoot anyone who saw this, with extremely rare exception. She herself preferred to be elusive, mysterious, to tease... even screwing, Minabi reserved her distance and her freedoms. Here, though, Minabi is captive, and willingly so, in Sia's grasp and the seal of their lips, indulging in the warmth of Sia's body against hers. Minabi herself isn't exactly dry, Sia's thigh against her own crotch now, lekku waggling just a bit as Sia's shuddering moan sends warmth and slight vibrations through her form. Minabi makes no move to draw away, tip of her tongue teasing Sia's teeth lightly as Minabi explores.

Sia obviously does not draw away either. For now, she enjoys the kiss, seeks to prolong it, deepen it, letting her tongue dance with Minabi's own as the two bodies slowly rub against each other. Shifting her position a bit, one hand now trails to the fabric of the clothing covering Minabi's voluptous breasts. She seeks to undo that clothing of course, wanting to feel those breasts against herself fully and to have the option to suckle on them in a moment. Her fingers are skilled in this sort of thing, even if she is shuddering softly as she feels Minabi's wetness against her thigh, moving it in concert with Minabi's own thigh, their bodies rubbing together sensually, tenderly.

Minabi keeps her chest covered solely by that dark blue fabric that cups her breasts, and the simple clip in her cleavage is all it takes to remove the strapless material. Of course, getting to the clip is a task in and of itself considering their positioning, but Minabi isn't really worried about that, although Sia is. Minabi indulges in the warmth, the feeling of Sia in her hands, and the 'hunger' and need resting deep in her own mind, as she leans in even closer, almost drooling into that kiss as the togruta's head tilts that little bit more, lips fully sealed against one another, tongue tickling the roof of Sia's mouth. Minabi's other hand leaves Sia's lovely ass, now, for fingers to scratch lightly at Sia's back, leaving hot trails, almost painful, as Minabi teases.

Sia shudders into Minabi's teasings and another soft moan slips from her lips into the kiss, breath hot and tongue teasing back against Minabi's own. She certainly loves this and while she feels the need to press things further, she also wants to draw as much pleasure, simple pleasure from this kiss. Her hips move slightly, grinding against that thigh between her legs, while her own thigh rubs up and down slowly, rubbing against that warm, moist spot. She could of course use the force to drag off the bits of clothing, but she doubted she'd have the concentration now. So instead, she wiggles her fingers between their bodies, sliding it between those pressed-together breasts to reach that clip.


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