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Misadventures of Stan Ch. 04

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About an old man obsessed with sex.
4.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/15/2010
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After reading Penelope's note I was devastated. I quickly folded it; slipped it back into the sleeve of the envelope and sealed it shut again, as if I had never opened it. I put it under the welcome mat just to be random, perhaps thinking something under the rug could change the words the next time I read it. But I had seen this all before and knew that it was not like a badly hand written term paper.

Just as I had dealt with one note, another letter came through the door. It's many stamps were colorful and European and it was addressed to me in neat blue ink. There was nothing better than receiving some sort of attention, by whatever means of communication, and I considered peeling open the seal to entertain it's sender, but my heart was blackened by my recent loss. I knew it was from Aunt Fanny's side, perhaps from someone I had never met and had no intention of ever doing so. What could they possibly do to help me anyway?

My daughter had left and that was that. I guess it was the right thing to do, considering she was young and had to go out there and choose one of the many suitors who would be the father to her child. Our child; or rather, my gift to her.

It was more than just a token to remember me by, the only remaining link between us. I kind of wanted her to ring on the doorbell and take me to her room for a session though, just for old times sake. I could pull my pants down and she could watch. As for the sex, in the end we did it just the once, but it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I imagined my hormones would give it a rest after 40 but it wasn't like that at all. I've always had some sort of object of lust occupying my mind since I was a little boy and when I began to notice Penelope around the house in her figure hugging clothes, I adopted her as my new sex thing. During many one on one fantasy girl dreams, she agreed to be my slave only if I demonstrated my complete dominance over her. It was hard to know how aggressive she wanted me to be exactly, but after successive sessions, I had gotten quite aggressive indeed. Much to the extent that she was hogtied, glazed and had her mouth held open with an apple.

That was a good fantasy, but nothing compared to the real thing. I can still remember squirting the biggest load of cum inside my daughters cunt. It must have shot up like lightning, and filled the tight tunnel with my juice. So much poured out of her pussy it was quite a sight. She just smiled and told me she could not believe her daddy had deposited semen into her, quickly reassuring me that she enjoyed being filled like a twinkie. She rubbed her oozing cunt against my thigh like she was trying to fuck it and my leg squirmed to help spread her lubrication over a greater surface area. She licked it all off while I watched, her eyes never once leaving mine. I could tell she was ready for more and I wanted to cry because I was damn well exhausted. She fell asleep and that was that.

I let the months roll by in a house that was twice my age and it still felt young. Yes, under the weight of my feet, the steps ached and by the aid of the wind, the walls groaned, but like me and my dick, it also had the feeling of being under served. Many rooms were hardly ever used, not since I was running through them all, trying to find the best places to hide, and that was a long time ago.

I was still a horny old man, but my mind was not best left alone for too long before it became unstable. I wasn't a man who ever had any hobbies as such. Normally such types of personalities are driven by one sole aim, such as a family orientated man who existed only for his family, or a sportsman who trained every day in preparation for the weekend game. If you were to remove the very thing they focussed on, they would fall harder than most. Luckily, my main focus was myself. Apart from sex, nothing really interested me.

I always assumed I was 9 inches but I had never really took the time out to look for a ruler or measuring tape. I had always been a bit shy in public urinals, opting to take the vacant cubicle instead. Men did often look over at each other, and size, well - it mattered.

My well hung penis was a beast but I could not help but feel it has been seriously under served, like the near unspoilt parts of the house. My dead mother never got any while she had the chance. I mean, the opportunity was always there while she was at the height of her pomp in her late 30's. I was 17 and embarrassed about the flared trousers she would make me wear, because the fabrics made for a loose style, that did not fare well with the particulars stuffed inside my under wear. All too easily I was liable to react to the most unusual things at the most unfortunate times. One time my aunt, Fanny, sat across from me one evening and told me about the history of lemons. She spoke at length and I swear I could smell citrus permeating from her body.

"Vanille Citrique my dear." She explained of the strong scent that hit me when she waved an arm over my head.

I'm not sure when I became her 'go to' guy, but I learned one thing, and that was, never to elude to others to what extent you were paying attention, because it only got me into the kinds of situations I worked so hard to get myself out of. All the cousins called her Funny Fanny, but she had another side to her that only I got to see. Like my mother, Fanny was a poser for the camera, always trying to be the main focus in shots. Unlike my mother, Aunt Fanny was curious about the bulge that could often be seen on my pants, ever since she first caught sight of it during our lemon conversation.

I remember smelling citrus and then tasting it at the back of my throat. Next thing I knew I had an erection. Aunt Fanny took it that I enjoyed her story telling and would endeavor to make the next time more memorable.

As I reclined in my chair on a beautiful bright Sunday I wondered how I could have forgotten about my sexual encounter with aunt Fanny. Maybe it was because I was always thinking about my mother. Like every woman, I'm sure she would not have been adverse to putting a big cock to her mouth had the opportunity presented itself. Yet, no matter how much I imagined the scene itself, It just could not match the desire to see it actually happen. It would have been a pleasant surprise for her I'm sure.

I tapped the foreign letter against my arm rest, and broke open the seal. The letter inside was written in German. Luckily, that was one of my specialties. It was from a girl called Anneka. I read the letter but it's words did not sink in. I was already to busy tracing my steps back to a time long ago, when I was in my teens. Thinking about the history of my penis and it's misadventures. Although my mother had seen my dick, she had never given it any attention like I always dreamed.

As it happened, aunt Fanny was the first one to inspect my tool, but it wasn't something that just happened without any warning. For a long time between her visits, I was made to run around, sometimes like a headless chicken, doing little chores for her. I guess I must have liked her because she was always smiling at me and patting my head; making me a willing servant.

She was a good looking woman, kind of like Stephanie Seymour on stilts. Her front was always hard to ignore in that Mary Poppins like dress. She was a lady after all with an aristocratic husband from the British Isles, and dressed like she had money. She was, on the whole, a socialite, who had nothing better to do than visit people and talk about things like sharp tasting fruit. I'm sure she was more complicated than that but I was not privy to Fanny's business in those days or I guess, any other day after that.

"Well, did you pack the hamper?" She said.

"Uh?" I replied standing before her without a clue of what she was saying.

There were no prior engagements with Fanny, nor plans. She just did things on the spur of the moment often forgetting to fill me in completely, and thus leaving me to decipher her language.

"Out by the front Stanley. Quickly." She said ushering me towards the front of the house.

She left me to exchange thoughts with her sister in the hallway, where the sounds of their voices were amplified several fold.

I stepped outside and saw the hamper. Once it was loaded to the back of her car I sat at the back, arms spread out along the head of the seat, pretending like I was an off duty submariner. It was a beautiful day much like this one. When Fanny appeared, she told me to sit beside her at the front because she disliked having anyone positioned behind her. I understood that, since I didn't really appreciate people staring at me while I was trying to eat. I joined her at the front of her imported car and we set off down the road on my first adventure outside the house.

"Your mother asked me to show you where she used to go camping, but we are going to settle in a park somewhere before that." She explained looking over at me. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind Aunt Fanny."

the wind was rushing past so quickly, with air pummeling our faces; it was hard to hear her when she spoke, but I had good ears. Fanny wasn't good at concentrating on the road with the way she turned to me every time she wanted to speak.

"Sometimes, your mother likes an empty house. I can't say I blame her."

At that point her hat flew off and she just laughed. At the speed she was going I wouldn't have surprised had her clothes come off too, but then that would have been comical, like something out of a banned x-rated episode of Laurel & Hardy, which didn't really exist, but I could settle with comparing it to a 'Carry on ...' movie instead. Looking at another way, it might have been better if her clothes weren't pilfered by the elements, because I knew she would step on the brakes, and make me jump out and chase after her clothes. I was not accustomed to being with her outside of the house, so I was quite shy and quiet at first. when we reached our destination, she drove the car into a path off the road and we got out. Here we were near the coast, as it was quite breezy and it was nice to hear the sound of the gulls and the waves. I picked up the hamper and followed Fanny up a short bright green hill and set ourselves down at the very top where another world was spread out over it.

I looked over to witness the panorama. Beyond the smooth sand lay a kingdom of blue, stretching into infinity. It was hard to take my eyes off such a simple looking landscape because there was so much to see with the naked eye.

"Why don't you try these." Fanny said handing me a pair of binoculars.

As I went to take them she pulled away. "Now, what do you say?"

"Thank you" I answered.

"That's very good Stanley." She smiled.

She hummed a tune and almost threatened to break into song. Maybe something about the hills being alive or something. Her voice was not quite on that length, but it was bearable.

I adjusted the lens and focussed out -- first into the sky to spot all the kinds of avians flying by. It was a popular location for birds because the winds allowed them to glide along without needing to flap their wings as often as they would need to further in land.

"Not many flocks out there today." She observed. That would normally happen much earlier in the day.

"have you been here before Aunt Fanny?" I said pointing the binoculars at her face. I saw a big hand motion for me to lower the instrument.

"Yes." She said laying out the picnic. "With your mother and father, before you were born."

"Down in that beach there was once a house, but I don't know what happened to it. It's fascinating how the landscape changes over time."

We tucked into some sandwiches and sat there in serene tranquility, sometimes staring at each other if we did not have words. She told me to call her Fanny from now on and she would call me Stud. I had not heard of such a word at the time, nor what it implied, so I didn't mind.

Fanny sat up and pushed out her chest. Her breasts must have been quite something.

"Did you know bad posture affects digestion?" She told me.

She liked to give me advice, and I just believed it all, so I hoped she would also advise me to kindly remove her clothes and start licking her pussy. I wouldn't need a second invitation, but with Fanny it was hard to figure out fact from fiction. A serious offer could induce a false promise and I could not let myself fall into such a trap.

"Let's talk." She she in a rousing way.

"About lemons?" I replied.

We both laughed and it was nice to know that I was feeling comfortable again. She blew me a kiss. "Oh Stud." She chuckled "You're so sweet."

She looked at me like I needed to be broken in and then cleared the blanket of our plates and glasses. When it was bare, she surprised me by leaning over and going on all fours like an animal. I kept my arms to my sides unsure how to react as Fanny crawled all the way way up to me. "Miaow." She purred like a cat. Exactly like a cat. I gulped and she brushed her head against my ribs. My dick sprang out like a party whistle and the bulge was instantly visible.

"F-Fanny?" I stuttered.

She brought her head up to my face and licked my lips a few times with a darting tongue. "Miaow."

I felt some sort of sensation shoot up under my chin and my head muscles jerk outwards from her action. It felt really good but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing. I sat there like a wax work as Fanny circled me, all the while remaining on all fours. She purred and rubbed her head against me affectionately. I guess this was one of those things I would have to work out by myself. I had only seen similar behavior demonstrated by sirens in a Finchcock movie where a woman was seducing a man in a picnic scene long enough to allow a flock of giant crow's to sneak up behind him. For about two years I had this new phobia, namely that, if I saw anything flap, I had to jump out of the way. But Fanny was only distracting me long enough to point her derrière in my direction. She reversed her crawl and wiggled her ass, which through her lady's dress still stoked my hormonal fires below.

"Come on Stud." Fanny said, playfully prodding my chest with her booty. "Show Fanny a good time."

I lost my shirt and pants pretty quickly, with my hands acting as agents for the impatient corner of my brain. I still sat sensibly like a schoolboy about to sing a score of hymns, while the endearingly, if not entirely unusual Fanny, gasped at the sight of my timber.

"Well I do say!" She marveled picking it up my meaty slug. "I knew it was big ... but 9 inches ..."

Thats right, I thought. I was 9 inches Stan, even though that could easily denote the name of a serial killer and his favorite choice of weapon, so I was thankful, in this case, it was in reference to my dick, which was essentially a stabbing weapon in the erotic sense of the word.

"Suck it good Fanny!" I blurted, like an involuntary muscle had twitched, my mouth was suddenly spouting my own kind of Shakespeare, no slings and arrows about it.

"You're just so naughty!" She cooed. Her hands were rolling my dick like it was in a dysfunctional printing press feeder designed by robots who were stuck in some kind of 'can not compute' loop. Hence my meat was twisting and turning, the foreskin being pulled out of position only to return to it once her hand strokes were satisfied. She then pulled the hood back to reveal my helmet and I almost expected her to say bravo bravo but instead she looked at me and for once was speechless.

She gave the most delightful hand job in her long white gloves. Later she coated my rock hard dick with picnic jam and asked me if I liked it.

"Oh, I like it."

She stroked often with one hand from tip to base and it made her smile to know that she was touching the dick of her sister's child. If she had a dick, she would have a boner too. But I settled for the constant tongue panting she exhibited, normally demonstrated by dogs. She smiled while she panted and it had me wondering which other animals she could impersonate. I lat back as she cupped my balls and then swooped low to kiss and suck on them. She took each ball in her mouth, pulled it back a little and sucked on my smooth hairless ball bags. Her tongue playfully teased the air beneath the underside of my cock, threatening to give me a nice long lick. She liked lollipops, but mine was better because it would never melt.

"Suck my cock." I pleaded.

She obeyed. My dick slanted up like a military rocket and Fanny's mouth just swooped low and enveloped a sizable chunk inside her mouth. It felt like hungry wet suction device that was not industry approved but it felt amazing. I loved sticking my pole inside her cave and always ventured further in without permission. It was clear that such excursions were necessary.

Fanny had a big mouth that was designed for talking and sucking. I pitched my arms out and leaned back as she treated me to the most delightful blow job. My cock was long and thankfully, not too thick, because, it allowed an expert cock sucker to take it all in. Fanny wasn't familiar with the term 'deep throat' at the time, but neither was I. All, I can say is that she loved the way I fucked her throat. She would be commenting and praising me every time she unplugged for air.

"Heavens! What would they think?" She sucked.

"That an aunt is taking care of her nephew?"

"Yes! Yes!" She sucked. "In more ways then one!" She giggled.

I took her head and pressed it down deeper into my shaft and Fanny began to choke a little.

"Come on Aunt Fanny, suck my fucking dick!!"

"I'm trying, I'm trying!!"

I got up and ordered Fanny to lean back. My dick had never seen this kind of action before and I wasn't about to waste an opportunity to fuck her good and proper. Sure, I could have stopped at a blow job and called it a picnic to remember, but I knew that Fanny was a two-faced woman. One minute she could be smiling, the next, crying. What if she decided to forget about this episode like it never happened? Not on my watch!

She positioned herself as I requested and I stood up to her face, and started fucking her mouth with my dick. It was more aggressive and more enjoyable. She looked so stupid in her upper class dress and make-up. She looked a bit like my mother and I really enjoyed that aspect.

"Do you like that Fanny?" I taunted.

She replied in some throat language. Each syllable from her was interrupted and accompanied by GACK! GACK! GACK! I just figured she liked it and banged her harder and harder.

"Come on Fanny, Work my dick!" I ordered.

Several times we changed positions, until finally I settled on my back with the sky as my witness. Fanny crouched over my big bad lollipop and addressed the throbbing anguish of my dick with a gentle cock sucking. Her lipstick was deep red and never once faded or left any marks on me. She took in a few inches and then bared her teeth as she attempted to get a further purchase on some more. Her lips would latch on to my meat and stay there while her tongue squirmed around inside.

She looked really hot but Fanny's problem was, she would never believe it. The way she sucked on my cock, you could be forgiven for thinking I was something she had been dreaming about ever since she could remember. I hastened to think only as far as the last few years however. This was, by all means, the first time she had attempted to seduce me. It was like she was waiting for me, like I was a fruit that had just started to blossom.

"Mmmm." She giggled.

My legs tightened and I felt an uncontrollable urge to explode, so that's what happened.


I squirted and squirted but she put her hand over the head of my helmet, and then began licking it all off. I got up and shoved her backwards. She lost her balance and landed on her back. I clambered over her and slapped her face with my wet meat pole and kept threatening to seriously harm her. I think this was the first time I realized, that I liked my sex with violence, just like some people liked their fish with chips.


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