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Miss Rose Desperate to be Screwed


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'So she gave him a good wanking off. Sucked up all his spunk as well. And Adam thought he was going to get a ticking off!

'It seems Mrs Munnings desperately needed it as well. After a few days when Adam was a bit stronger, Mrs M just climbed on the bed, straddled him, shoved his cock up her cunt and gave both of them a good work out!'

'Well, that's all very nice,' said Rose, 'but why hasn't he made any attempt to fuck me?

'He's been here half a dozen times investigating poor Mr Hawley's murder and he's always been extremely polite and never come on to me at all.

'I've been quite disappointed, especially as he does seem to spend quite a lot of time looking at my bubbies and down at my fanny. To encourage him I practically bared my breasts at him, the edge of my nipples were showing.'

'Oh,' said Peter, 'that's quite easily explained. He's got a real hang up when he wants to fuck someone he really fancies but thinks she's unattainable. He can't get his dick up unless he's been able to do some 'peeping tom' stuff.'

'Gosh, how strange,' said Rose.

'Yes, it goes back to when he was younger. His family had a modest country house and one week they had some quite posh guests to stay, distant relatives, you know the sort of thing.

'Anyway, they had a very nice daughter, who was begging for it, but Peter got caught fondling her. Her father gave him such a thrashing.

'But the strange thing was it gave him a colossal hard-on...biggest and hardest he ever had...and it stayed up all day. In the evening, he snuck back into the daughter's room and he gave her such a fucking.

'Ever since, he's only been able to get it up if he's been either given a good thrashing or able to spy on the subject of his attentions. The strange thing is, it doesn't apply with his servants like Hannah - if he feels like a fuck, his prick is up in seconds and he's away.'

'Goodness,' said Rose, 'well I'd really like him to fuck me now you've got me going. But I don't see why I should thrash him, too much like hard work. But I've got the solution. Follow me.'

They got off the bed and Peter followed Rose out onto the landing. There was a small door next to the bedroom door which Peter hadn't noticed before. Rose opened it and went in.

'Look,' she pointed. Peter could see some light coming through the panelling. He put his eye up to it and discovered he was looking through a spy hole with a marvellous view of the big bed that they had just vacated! Peter gasped.

'Mr Hawley liked to watch Effie and me get it off,' said Rose.

'I've explained before that he couldn't get a hard-on at all, but watching us through the spy hole gave him a real turn on. After we'd been at it for a while, he would come through into the bedroom...and we'd all have some fun. Would this work for Dr Bascom?'

'You bet it would,' said Peter, 'and it would most likely work for me as well, watching you and Effie going at it!'

'Well, can you set it up? Sooner rather than later, my Aunt Matilda is moving in next week as my chaperone.'

'Oh,' said Peter. His face fell, he'd been looking forward to regular nights fucking with Rose on the big bed.

Rose caught his look, 'Ahhh...don't worry about Aunt Matilda, she'll probably be next door having it off with Effie...and the new kitchen maid at the same time. But I don't know if she's quite up to an orgy yet.

'And in case you think she's another widow that you'd like to fuck, she's never been married -- she's always had lesbian tendencies!

'Mind you, I think you'll like her. She's got a wonderful mature cunt...the skin has gone quite dark around it, she's really hairy and her lips hang out by about an inch. But she's still very tight!

'Eh, how do you know that, Miss Rose?'

''re at it again. Questions...? I know because I've sucked her off and had Mr Hawley's ebony dong up her! Took a while to get it in...

'Now, when are we going to have this orgy? Tomorrow night? You sort out Dr Bascom and I'll talk to Effie.'


Dr Bascom was thrilled to bits. He'd been lusting after Miss Rose since the first day he'd called on her to see if he could solve the murder of Mr Hawley. He leaned back in his chair, a very self-satisfied look on his face. The minute he'd seen Miss Rose, he'd been desirous of getting his cock up her. But he knew that if he just suggested it to her, even if she wanted it, he most certainly wouldn't have been able to get a hard-on. Now, the solution was perfect.

It wasn't that he didn't like copulating with Hannah, he certainly did, but he thought that her cunt was getting a bit...slack after he'd fucked her so often. He idly thought back to how that had first happened. He'd been out on his physician's calls, but a few appointments had gone very quickly, so he'd been back at his surgery an hour earlier than expected.

He'd breezed into his room - to find the new housemaid, Hannah, standing behind his desk, her skirts up, frigging her cunt with a candle! One of the Doctor's interests was recording the appearance of female vaginas. He drew them straight after he'd examined the patient while the image was still fresh. He had it in mind to present a paper to the College of Physicians, 'Studies of the Female Vagina Before and After Arousal'.

His 'research' had been going quite well. After he'd had a good look at a female patient's pudendum, if it looked promising he'd explain about his research. But he was most ethical about it. After he had explained, he would say that he required "penetrative phallocentric intercourse" with them in order to record the appearance of their fanny after coitus.

To his great surprise, many of them agreed, 'Oh yes, Dr Bascom, that would be very nice...purely in the interests of medical research'.

He'd had some good fucks that way, and even more surprising several of his patients had come back asking for some more 'phallocentric intercourse', said it cured all sorts. Dr Bascom was happy to provide. His examination table was a marvellous spot for fucking.

He must have left several of the drawings on his desk, for Hannah was holding one up of an unusually engorged vulva, property of a young servant woman, while she thrust the candle in and out of herself. Goodness, thought Adam to himself, who would have thought Hannah would have sapphic tendencies?

'Oh Sorr, I'm soo sorry, Sor, I just happened to see this drawing, I know that girl...I didn't think she had such a lovely fanny. I came over all excited like.'

'So I see, well, I'd steer clear of her if I were you, she's got the clap. Got it from her M'lord.

'But perhaps I can help you out a bit?' said Adam who as he spoke had been unbuttoning his trouser flap, letting a big hard-on out.

'Do you like both? Isn't that quite unusual?'

'Oh I do Sorr...cocks and fannies. We were seven in a bed, me older brother on one side of me, me younger sister on the other, so we...'

'How remarkable, good, here,' he said, pushing her back against the desk and shoving his phallus up her. He'd given her a good fucking which she seemed to enjoy judging by the moans and yelps as she climaxed.

'Oh, thank you Sorr, that was much appreciated. I was trying to frig myself with the candle, but it wasn't quite fat enough. You've got a lovely prick, Sorr.'

'Thank you, it's a pleasure, Hannah.'

'Will there be anything else now, Sorr?'

'No, that's all for now, thank you,' he said, as he got Hannah to tuck his prick back inside his trousers and button him up.

Then, Adam was lying in bed the next morning, nursing his morning hard-on before wanking, when a thought struck him. He rang the bell next to his bed and soon Hannah appeared.

'Good morning, Hannah, would you get on me and ride me, please?'

'Certainly, Sorr,' said Hannah, as she climbed onto the bed, pulled her skirts up and settled down onto his cock.

'Ohh...Soor, I do believe it's harder than yesterday,' she somehow got out, then worked him up and down before she came.

Adam hadn't ejaculated yet, 'Hannah, suck my cock to bring me off...'

Many's the good morning they'd had after that. Hannah seemed to like every type of fornication, particularly sucking off his dick while he tongued her.

And the afternoons! Whenever Adam had to examine a female patient, down there, especially a young one, he invariably ended up with a hard-on. If the patient was one with whom it wasn't on to have 'penetrative phallocentric intercourse', as soon as they'd gone he'd desperately had to wank it off.

Now, he just called for Hannah, got her over the arm of a chair and gave her a good shafting...such relief...


Effie was up for it too. Despite her sapphic tendencies, as Rose had said, she did like a bit of cock up her alley. Besides, as the kitchen maid she wouldn't often have the chance to get into bed with toffs the like of Mr Lassimer or Dr Bascom.

The following evening Miss Rose and she tumbled into the big bed, both naked and with the sheets thrown back so that the chaps could get a good view. Peter and Dr Bascom had waited until they knew the ladies would be in bed. They sneaked in the kitchen door and took all their clothes off except their shirts.

'Have some of this, Bascom,' said Peter, pointing to a punch bowl full of a rather revolting green liquid.

'It's Miss Rose's special herbal aphrodisiac mixture in liquid form. I never believed it, but when I fucked her last night, after a plate of it, my pecker shot up and stayed far harder for longer than usual.

'Look, there's two used glasses, Miss Rose and Effie have taken a good drink of it already, works for males and females.'

Adam made a face, but drank it down, 'Gawd it's revolting.'

They crept upstairs and hid in the secret cupboard.

They got their eyes to the spy holes and gasped at the sight - Miss Rose and Effie were putting on a bit of a display, sucking each other off, both moaning and gasping as they pleasured each other. Then, they turned round, leaning against the bed head with their legs wide apart, frigged themselves then each other, before bringing themselves off with the big black ebony dong.

Effie's big breasts jiggled up and down as Miss Rose thrust the dong in and out. Effie was just the way Peter liked it - every so slightly plump and with big pudding breasts. He couldn't wait to suck them...

And something else, 'I say, Adam look at Effie's shaven cunt. Isn't that quite unusual?'

Adam thought about all the fannies he'd examined, 'Not so unusual as you might think, seen quite a few. They say it stops the crabs.'

'Ugh...well, I can't wait to suck it as well. And see that bowl on the bedside, Adam?' whispered Peter. 'It contains a special balm concocted by Miss Rose. She told me she's sometimes quite dry, so she made up the balm. See how wet they both are around their fannies?

'But that's not all, it's also got in it another herb portion that stimulates the cock and the vagina. Gives your cock and balls a wonderful hot tingling sensation. AND it's got a third ingredient - Miss Rose says it guards against the clap.'

'Gosh, I'd like to get my hands on some of that,' said Dr Adam, 'I could get Five Guineas a bottle for it.'

'Don't forget to dip your wick in the bowl when we go in,' said Peter.

All this time Peter and Adam had been fondling their cocks and sure enough with the excitement of spying Dr Bascom soon had a terrific hard on. Peter leant over and felt Dr Bascom's firm cock, 'That's more like it, come on.'

'I want up Miss Rose first!' the Doctor said, remembering to dip his cock in the bowl then jumping on the bed and grabbing her about the waist. He pulled her towards him and fumbled to get his member up her. Soon it was in and he started vigorously shafting her.

'Gawd, it is tight,' he gasped as his cock shot back and forwards. Not to be outdone, Miss Rose thrust her pelvis forward into him and dug her finger nails hard into his arse, leaving scratch marks down his bum.

They shafted hard and were soon both covered in sweat from their exertions. It was such a display that Peter and Effie just sat and watched, Effie with her hand round Peter's cock and he with his hand on her fanny.

With their vigour, it wasn't long before they both came with tremendous orgasms - Rose had wanted Dr Bascom to fuck her as much as he had her. Adam rolled off, heaving and panting. Peter looked down longingly at her soaking wet cunt, her generous thatch plastered in a mixture of sweat, the balm and Adam's cum.

'You have a go at her next...she looks as if she still needs it!' said Effie.

Indeed, Rose was already fingering her cunt as if she wanted more. Peter rolled onto her and pushed his fat prick in. He'd hardly done a dozen strokes before Rose orgasmed again. Effie was feeling left out, she got over Rose's face and had her suck her off.

Peter turned Rose over and took her from behind and she orgasmed again and again. Somehow Effie had got hold of Dr Adam's cock and he soon had another hard-on. As soon as Peter had shot his load, Adam took over and banged Miss Rose again from behind. He collapsed off her.

'I need more,' cried out Rose.

'She needs the dong up her now,' shouted Effie, looking at their spent pricks. 'I'll do it.'

She picked up the big black ebony dong, dipped it in the special balm and gave Rose a good screwing with it.

'My hand's tired,' she said, 'somebody take over.' Both Dr Adam and Peter took turns to shaft Rose with the dong, who came time and time again until she was finally exhausted and pushed the dong away.

'That's me,' she said, 'at last I'm fully satisfied.

'But what about poor Effie, she's had more or less nothing? Are you gents going to shag her or not?'

They both looked slightly sheepish, but by now their cocks had recovered, so they set about satisfying Effie. One took her cunt, the other got sucked off then they swapped about. Soon Effie was having one orgasm after another as well...

'And now for some supper,' said Rose, going over to a table in the corner of the room and taking off the cover. Underneath, there were platefuls of delicious sweetmeats of all kinds and a huge bowl of punch. They all got stuck in and complemented the ladies on their choice of foodstuffs.

'Are these perchance all laced with more of your herb aphrodisiacs, Miss Rose?' asked Peter.

'But of course,' said Miss Rose, 'we've still some way to go this evening! We need to keep your John Thomas's up!'

They finished eating and drinking and headed back to the big bed. Peter had a hard on again, but Dr Bascom's prick was quite limp.

'I'll need to be thrashed before I can do it again.'

Rose went over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a leather belt.

'Bend over,' she started belting his arse until it was bright red. Effie got underneath and wanked his cock, soon it was hard again...

They tumbled each other until they were all exhausted. 'Time for bed,' said Peter.

'Before you go,' said Miss Rose, 'here's a special nightcap I've prepared for you.' She handed them a glass each with a foul looking yellow liquid in it. They swallowed it, 'Ugh!'

As they walked out of the bedroom, Dr Bascom said, 'Oh, by the way, I believe I've worked out who killed Mr Hawley. It think it was...tell you later.'

Miss Rose threw a pillow at him, but Effie pulled her back down onto the bed and plastered her mouth on her to shut her up. Soon they were kissing...


Adam and Peter got on their clothes in the kitchen, then sneaked out to the back lane and headed up the hill.

After about five minutes, Peter felt something stirring down below. Soon it was quite sore as his hardening prick pushed against his trousers.

'Adam...I'm starting to get a...'

'...hard on,' said Adam. As they walked along, Peter had to undo his flap and let his now hard and erect cock out into the fresh night air.

'That dirty bitch,' he said, 'Miss Rose said it was nightcap...'

By this time, Dr Adam had had to let his prick out as well, 'This is desperate, my prick is so hard it's painful, I'll have to empty it.'

They were passing a lane end, so they dived down it and proceeded to wank each other off. Adam got Peter's cock first and in the moonlight he could see his spray of spunk as it hit a house wall.

'Holy Mother, that's better. Here, let me do the same for you,' said Peter, grasping Adam's cock and giving it a vigorous wank until he too shot off.

The walked on up the road, but after another few minutes, they could feel their cocks rising again...they both got their pricks back out in the cool night air.

'What the fuck did that bitch put in that drink?' exclaimed Peter.

'Gawd, the only thing that will relieve it now is another fuck...Gawd knows what Miss Rose puts in these things - what with the aphrodisiac mix and the balm and now this yellow stuff, my prick's harder than ever and tingling all over.'

'Yes, same here,' said Adam. 'I'm just the same, but I've got an idea.'

' don't want to do it to each other, do you?'

'No, no, not up your hairy arse!

'No, William, my groom, he's a real Molly, loves it...not too late, he's probably still up, if not we'll wake 'im up and we'll fuck 'im up!'

They got into Adam's stable, Adam knew where candles and a tinder box were kept in case the horses needed attended to in the night. As they got to the bottom of the stair up into the hayloft where William slept, they heard a great deal of creaking and moaning and 'Ohh's' and 'Ahh's'.

They turned to each other, 'Do you hear what I think I'm hearing? Yes, I do.'

They crept up the stairs, to find William thrusting into a young lady...well, they thought at first he was up the cock alley of a young lady, as she had a dress on. Then, at being surprised William rolled off for them to discover that the 'young lady' had a prick and balls! He'd been up 'her' arse!

Adam looked closer in the candlelight and recognised Albert, his new assistant groom. He'd only been taken on a fortnight ago, here was William up his bum already - definitely a pair of Mollys. Adam remembered being called to see him when he was interviewed. He'd thought then he looked a little effeminate, but he came with a good reference.

Actually, he now remembered, during the interview Albert had spent most of his time looking down at Adam's privates! He thought the lad was just very shy, but then he remembered at the time he did have a big erection on, which must have bulged out. He'd just been examining a young lady's very attractive fanny...and needed urgently to get it off with Hannah when he'd been called out to inspect Albert.

'Well, well, you dirty pair of buggers,' he said, 'so this is what you do in my stable, fuck away with Albert, our new groom! I do hope Albert wanted to be fucked by you?'

William was the first to pipe up, 'Oh yes, he loves it, Sir...and it's Ally, Sir, when he's dressed up in woman's clothes, not Albert!'

And indeed Ally did look very fetching, a very fit thin body in a very pretty dress, low cut, candy-stripped cotton, very à la mode. It was pushed up to reveal his/her hairless genitals. His/her lips were carmined, cheeks rouged and long hair tied back with bows. 'Her' cock was quite long and thin and at the moment just half erect, not like William's which was big and hard and glistening.

'Well, we don't mind at all what she's called, it's very handy there being two of you, as we both desperately need a fuck. We've got raging hard-ons from something Miss Rose gave us to drink.

'One of us needs to fuck 'Ally' now while the other gets up you. But first we want a little display. William, lie back and get up Ally from the rear. We want to watch.'

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