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Miss Rose Desperate to be Screwed

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18th Century Murder, Mystery . . and Sex.
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And now for something completely different, as they say! This is for readers of Eighteenth Century mystery stories! The 'Dr Adam Bascom' books are a series of detective stories set in the late C18 in the county of Norfolk, England.

They are very entertaining, although they are written in a rather pedantic style - this I think is deliberate to mimic the way of writing of the period. The dialogue in particular is very formalised (it gets better with the later books!) The author William Savage is a very erudite person who also has an extensive 'history' blog on the period. He knows his subject inside out.

Unfortunately, one thing Mr Savage does not seem very good at is writing about sex. Well, that may not be fair, he may be very good at writing sex scenes but his publisher maybe has suggested he shouldn't be too suggestive! There's actually quite a lot of sex in the books, but the author's descriptions to be frank are so dry that any passion is totally rubbed out.

For example, Peter Lassimer, Dr Bascom's old friend makes a speciality of shagging young widows, a recurring theme in the books - but it's presented so dryly that it's more like a Sunday school outing! And Dr Bascom himself comes over as a rather holier than thou type -- he keeps his pecker in his pants until he gets married.

In reality, if he'd been running a bachelor household in the late C18 he would most likely have been shagging at least one of his female servants, probably Hannah the maid and maybe the cook, Mrs Brigstone, as well!

So, to help Mr Savage out, I've written an imaginary sex scene just to get things going. It features Lassimer and Miss Rose Thoday who features in book five, 'Death of a Good Samaritan'. Miss Rose was the housekeeper to a surgeon of the time, Mr Matthew Hawley, who sadly is murdered, but leaves his entire estate to Miss Rose:


Miss Rose gave a huge shudder and an even bigger sigh as her masturbation ended with the most satisfying deep orgasm. She had been lying for an hour fondling and rubbing herself down there...and thinking about what a good time she'd had last night with her chambermaid, Effie.

Effie used to work in the kitchen, Rose had promoted her to be her chambermaid on finding herself suddenly a lady of independent means and some wealth. Much handier for some quick action.

Mr Hawley's death had been an awful thing, indeed it still was, but it had a silver lining. Rose had been from a very minor landed gentry family, but they had fallen on hard times. Mr Hawley had offered Rose a job as his housekeeper, herb gardener and general factotum. It was a comedown in life, but at least it was a living.

Now, all was changed, Mr Hawley had left his entire estate - house, contents, cash and bonds to her. She wasn't rich, but she now had some status in local Society. Best of all, as she was now of independent means, she had no need to marry and thus give her new found wealth to a husband.

When it came to men, she was quite feisty and not afraid to speak her mind. Indeed, she wasn't even sure if she liked men, all hairy and sharp bits, but she did fantasise about their pricks all day long...some of Mr Hawley's anatomy books were very interesting.

So now she was wrestling with a new problem. She was still at the age of twenty-eight a virgin -- well, sort of a virgin, she'd had plenty of things up her but not an actual man's penis. As a servant, she could have got herself shagged anytime - just gone along to The Anchor pub, but it would have ruined her reputation. Now, as a woman of independent means, she could raise her sights and as long as she was discreet do as she liked.

In particular, she had her sights on Peter Lassimer. She knew him quite well. He regularly bought her herbs for his apothecary business. But they had quite a cool relationship, very businesslike. For her part, that was because she lusted after him but as a servant she was sure he wouldn't want to dally with her. Many's the hour she had spent daydreaming about having his prick up her. It must be big, she thought, otherwise all these widows wouldn't throw themselves at him.

And now, she had learnt from Dr Bascom that the real reason he seemed to show no interest in her was because he was scared stiff of her! It seemed he liked his women rather pudding like, a little overweight and with air in their head. Apparently her no-nonsense businesslike ways terrified him!

Well, now that she was his social equal, if not above him, that was going to change. That very morning she would go up to see him and demand that he fuck her!

Oh, there she was doing it again, she would ask him very nicely if he would very kindly fuck her...? Fortunately, it was perfectly within the mores of Society that she should call unannounced as he ran a shop. She opened the door and a little bell tinkled somewhere. Peter came through into the shop.

'Ah, Miss Rose, how nice to see you. But I didn't think I had any herbs on order? Can I help you with something?'

'Yes, Mr Lassimer, but can we talk privately? In your parlour?'

Peter thought that this was very unconventional and slightly outside the bounds of propriety, but Miss Rose was now a lady of means and it must be something important.

'Yes, of course, come this way,' he said lifting the counter flap and leading the way through to his parlour.

They sat down on facing seats, 'What can I do for you?'

'I'd like you to put your...thing in have intercourse...for you to shag me,' she got it out in a rush.

Not too surprisingly, Peter was flabbergast and it took him a minute to gather his thoughts. But in the same minute, he felt his member starting to rise. He'd lusted over Miss Rose for months now and if she wanted fucked, then he was sure he could oblige...

'Well...yes...when...and where do you want to do it?'

'Right here, right now...lock the door,' she said.

Peter got up obediently, walked over and turned the key. At the same time as he walked over and back he undid the buttons on his trouser flap.

When he got back, Miss Rose hadn't been idle either - she'd lain back on the sofa, pulled her skirt, petticoats and chemise up over her waist and opened her legs displaying her fanny. She had no underwear on, women rarely wore any small things in those days.

Peter gasped as he caught sight of her big fanny. Miss Rose was quite thin, but from hard work, not undernourishment. As a result, her mound stood well proud of her thighs below a fine large bush of dark brown hair. Her inner lips were big and protruded from her slit. The whole now glistened with her juice. Quite one of the largest, most beautiful cunts Peter had ever seen. He pulled out his now fully erect cock from inside his pants. Now it was Miss Rose's turn to gasp - it was huge and fat!

'Could I ask, Miss Rose, before we begin, are you a virgin?'

'Well...yes...and no. I've not had a real cock up me, but I have penetrated myself with various things, more than once...well quite a lot, actually.'

Reassured that he would not be breaking her hymen, which could get quite messy, Peter leaned forward over her and rubbed his cock against her cunt lips. He eased forward and his big prick just slipped in. Her tunnel was wet all the way.

Rose let out an, 'Ohhhh...!' It was everything she had hoped for and expected. His huge hot fat cock pistoned in and out of her, but that wasn't all. She had thought of this first penetration quite...clinically. The important thing was just to get it done.

But the things Peter did to her fanny with his prick were just amazing. He seemed to know just when to stop doing one thing then move to another position or change his speed. Lucky widows.

With each sensation, Rose felt her whole pussy grow hotter and hotter and more sensitive. When Peter moved to rubbing his bulb end just against that super sensitive spot at the top just inside her fanny, she came with an explosive orgasm.

'Ohh...ahhh...Peter...fuck me!' she cried out. Peter winced at the noise she made, but nothing he could do about it now. If his assistant was listening at the door, as he suspected, it would be jealousy he'd have to deal with. He was fornicating with her daily in any case...she might need a little extra. But just at the moment, he had other things on his mind.

Rose's tight virginal cunt was having quite an effect on him, better than some of these could drive a coach and horses into their slack fannies. As she exploded into her orgasm, her strong cunt walls clenched vice-like round his cock and he knew he couldn't stop. He shot his load, but just as he did so he pulled out and his spunk sprayed her entire belly and thighs.

'Oh!' Rose couldn't think what it was at first. She looked down and saw herself covered in his stuff. Then quite suddenly she rolled forward and clasped her arms around him.

'Oh, Peter, that was absolutely beautiful...beautiful...I've never felt anything like it...can we do it again...straightaway?'

'Eh, no,' said Peter, 'I'm afraid once my pecker's shot its load it waits a little while for himself to recover.'

'Well, tonight then, you must come down to my house. We'll have supper then you can do it to me again.'

Peter could see more problems arising next door...

'Are you sure, Rose? What about your servants? Won't they be in?'

'That's alright, I can deal with that. There's just the two of them at the moment, Effie and the kitchen maid. I'll give them the night off, I'll do the cooking anyway.'

At that moment, she let out another, 'Oh, there's something running down my leg.' She pulled up her skirts to see trails of Peter's spunk running down her thighs. Her shift was transparent it was so wet...


Peter knocked on her front door around six o'clock. He was carrying a basket, so if anyone saw him they would think he was there to collect some herbs. The door opened with Rose behind it. When Peter got in he saw why - she was wearing nothing but her thin chemise. He could see her tight, hard brown nipples protruding from her small firm breasts.

'Not wearing your stays tonight, Miss Rose?'

' try gardening in a corset. Anyway, you're not here to talk about my smalls,' she said, as she dragged him into the kitchen, pulling at his clothes to get them off. Soon he was down to his shirt, his already erect cock making a tent of the material.

'Can we do it right here?' she said, as she held his johnny through the shirt material and pulled him towards her. She had her back to the big solid farmhouse table. Peter pushed her back slightly and she tipped over on to the table. He pulled out his cock and in a second had it up her, then got her legs up over his shoulders and gave her a good shafting. Rose grinned up at him, panting with pleasure...

'Miss Rose, turn round and I'll take you from behind.'

Rose wasn't sure about that...might it demean her, she now being a lady? But she did it anyway.

'Lean your tits on the table.'

But as soon as his John Thomas was back up her, she changed her mind, the sensation was so erotic and she loved the way his thighs slapped into her. She came more or less straightaway.

'Oh Peter, that was so good...but you've not come?'

'No, I'll keep it for later.'

'In that case we'll have supper...and Peter, would you stop calling me 'Miss Rose''re fucking me, for Gawd's sake!'

Peter remembered why he had been scared stiff of her before she'd asked him to screw her, well brought up young ladies weren't meant to say things like that.

'Supper' turned out to be a very large dish of Blakeney oysters from the nearby coast, accompanied by a dish of greens made up of herbs from Rose's garden.

Despite being an apothecary, Peter wasn't wholly convinced that aphrodisiacs like oysters worked, and as for...

'What perchance is in the greenery, Rose?'

'Oh you'll like it, it's a special aphrodisiac herb mix of my own preparation. Effie and me take it when we want a bit of extra excitement.'

'Effie? Do you go to bed with Effie?'

'Yes, of course I do. I may have been an entirely innocent virgin until you took my sex this morning, but that doesn't mean I don't need and enjoy a lot of other stuff!'

Peter snorted, 'innocent virgin' my foot, he thought. He enjoyed the oysters, but wasn't sure about the green stuff, but he got it down.

'Okay, upstairs to bed, it won't take long for my mixture to take effect,' said Rose.

They stripped off his shirt and her shift and fell onto the bed. Peter thought he had never had such a hard-on, but whether it was the oysters or the special herb mix or just the excitement of getting to fuck Miss Rose he really didn't know.

Anyway, they shafted wildly for ages. Peter couldn't remember being up such a tight cunt. Rose was insatiable, Peter reckoned she'd orgasmed four time before he couldn't stop himself shooting his load, but this time he just unloaded it up her.

'Oh,' she said, 'I felt that all the way. Does that mean you're going to have to stop now?'

'Eh, yes for a bit, but there are others things I can do...but first, I've got to know how you got into bed with Effie?

'And if you were doing things with her, how come you've got such a tight cunt? Don't lesbians all use dildos on each other?'

'Peter...all this talk...questions...questions...questions...all I want to do is have you fuck me, I need to catch up.'

But she answered him anyway, 'It was funny the way me and Effie got it off.

'We both started working for Mr Hawley here one summer. We were both sleeping in the attic in our separate beds. The attic was really warm, sometimes too hot. But as winter came on, it started to get colder. We each lay in bed shivering.

'One night, I called over, 'Effie are you cold?' Y...y...ess, came back. Well, come over here and we'll hug 'til we're warm.

'I might say, sex with Effie had never even entered my head. She came over into my bed and we wrapped our arms round each other. She was shaking like a leaf she was so cold, we pressed our bodies together. After about five minutes, we'd warmed each other up.

'Our heads were nearly touching and suddenly we both found ourselves kissing -- we pulled our faces apart, then both said, 'That was very nice', and we were away! Soon our tongues were in each other's mouths and soon our hands were exploring and soon we reached down to our fannies.

'We brought each other off and we've been doing it to each other ever since.'

'My goodness, said Peter, 'who'd have thought it?'

'Well, for me it's just sexual pleasure, but Effie had long ago decided she was sapphic. I'm not the only girl she has sex with! Not by a long way! But she does like a bit of cock as well.'

'But if you were in bed every night, things must occasionally have gotten...rumbustious?

'Oh yes, Effie is very noisy!'


'Yes, Mr Hawley knew all about it, although we didn't know that at first. One day, we were working away in the kitchen when he came in holding something wrapped in one of his linen handkerchiefs. 'You girls might have more use for this than me,' he said.

'He unwrapped the hankie and he was holding the most beautiful dildo! It was realistically carved with a big head and a lovely ridge round it and balls. It's made of ebony, so it weighs a let me show it to you.'

Rose rolled off the bed, went over to a chest of drawers and came back with the dildo, still wrapped in the same linen hankie. Peter admired it and turned it over in his hands several times.

'I think he found it on his travels in the Far East,' said Rose. 'So the answer to your earlier question, yes, we fuck each other with it, but maybe not so much as to loosen ourselves up!'

'But...but...didn't he want to fuck you - and Effie? That's what usually happens, look at Dr Bascom.'

'Oh, he couldn't, that's why he had to leave the Navy. A shell exploded in his operating room and he was showered in splinters.

'One got his...knob and he could never get a hard-on again. He told me the very first day I came here that despite what people were going to think, just the two of us living in this house, my virtue was safe...more's the pity!'

Rose went quiet for a moment, 'But he still had plenty of sexual urges, you know!'


'Yes, one day Effie was dusting his study and she noticed a book lying very casually placed on his desk, most unusual as he liked everything to be nice and tidy, shipshape fashion he called it.

'She picked it up to move it and it fell open. It was the filthiest pornography you've ever seen, drawn by that Thomas Rowlandson! My, he had a dirty mind.'

Peter thought that he probably had seen more dirty pornography than that, he had some books of very erotic French stuff, but it wasn't the moment to mention it...

'Go on...'

'Well, Effie called me through and we had a lovely time going through the whole book. Gave us some good ideas as well, we were very innocent.

'Then, we were talking...whispering...about it in bed that night and we thought maybe Mr Hawley needs serviced? He might not be able to get an erection, but he might still get quite aroused and need satisfied?

'Well, the next morning before he was up out of his bed, we went into his bedroom and just came straight out with it, 'Mr Hawley, we saw that book in your study yesterday, would you like us to pleasure you?'

'Well, the look on his face was a picture, then he said, 'That would be very nice, I often lie here feeling myself and thinking how nice it would be if you young ladies were to fellate me.'

'We set to work, and he was ever so appreciative. Put our wages up by half. We got one either end, one working his knob and balls the other getting him to suck her off, so it wasn't all one sided. He gave us very nice orgasms.'

'Well I'm amazed, who would have thought it?'

'But Peter...all this talk. Are you ready? Can you do it again?'

All this time Rose had been fondling Peter's cock so it was again nice and hard. There must be something in this herb lark, thought Peter, as he couldn't remember getting his percy back up quite so quickly and so hard.

'You bet!'

Peter gave her another good shafting and she orgasmed even more multiple times...

'Gosh...that's better,' said Rose. 'Now you tell me about Dr Bascom...I've told you all about Effie. I thought he was a real straight-laced type? Wondered if he knew where his cock was?'

'I'll tell you where is cock normally is,' said Peter. 'Up some servant's cunt. His favourite is Hannah, his maid servant. He screws her daily.

'Her first job in the morning is to ride him, relieve his morning hard-on. Then he usually does it to her once or twice during the day, over the arm of a chair in his library is his favourite.

'Then, if she's got a day off, he fucks the cook, Mrs Brigstone. He does that in her kitchen on her table.'

'Goodness,' said Rose, 'what about William, the groom, he looks a bit Miss Molly to me?

'You know, I'm not sure about that? The good Doctor does enjoy a bit of sodomy, I do as well, but whether he fucks his groom or not I don't know. Of course people tend to keep a bit quiet about that! I'll try and find out.

'But I haven't told you the best bit yet! Do you remember when he fell off his horse and broke his arm? I made him stay in bed for a week. The first thing to recover was his cock. And he was soon fucking his nurse, Mrs Munnings.

'Well, probably more accurate to say that Mrs Munnings was fucking him! Seems one morning she bustled into his bedroom unannounced, to find him masturbating away under the sheet.

'No hesitating from Mrs Munnings, 'Oh, Dr Bascom, you shouldn't be doing that! That's very naughty and bad for you. You'll tire yourself out. Here, let me do it for you.'

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