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Mistaking my Mother for my Wife

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Robert has sex with his mother instead of with his wife.
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Son has sex with Mom while thinking that she's his wife.

Not easy to admit, especially to his wife and/or to his mother, a loving son finally admits his sexual attraction and his real romantic love for his mother over the dismissive feelings that he has for his wife. As unbelievable as it may seem, yet, mistaking his mother for his wife, Robert accidentally had sex with his mother, Elizabeth, instead of with his wife, Diane. It was dark and with them looking so much alike, he didn't know she'd be there visiting him.

Quietly and without uttering a sound, he made love to her. He fucked her. Robert fucked his mother. She made love to him. She fucked him. Elizabeth fucked her son. Giving her a silent, sexual orgasm with his fingers and with his tongue, he ate her pussy and she sucked his cock. His mother not only allowed her son to cum in her mouth but also, she allowed him to cum all over her face.

Author's Note:

Normally, a son would have to be drunk not to know that he was having sex with his mother. Normally, a mother would have to be insane to have sex with her son without him knowing that it was her beneath him. Yet, when you suspend your disbelief, you'll not only realize that this can happen but does happen many times. Nonetheless, truly sounding bizarrely fabricated, yet, as told to me by Robert to write for him, this is a true account of what really happened between a loving mother and her horny son.

Author's Warning:

This is a mother and son incestuous, sex story. If mother and son sex doesn't interest you or offends you, please read another story. I'm just going to pause the story until those who don't like reading mother and son incestuous stories leave the room. There. Have they all left?

'Hmm. That's odd. No one left. Everyone is still here.'

Then, shall we begin with my story, Mistaking my Mother for my Wife?

# # #

'If there was an organization for sons who are sexually attracted to their mothers, I'd be attending daily meetings,' thought Robert while thinking about his sexy, MILF of a mother, Elizabeth. 'In the way that I should be thinking about my beautiful, sexy, and shapely wife, Diane, I sexually think about my mother, Elizabeth. Every day and every night, I sexually think of my mother while imagining her naked and having sex with me as I masturbate myself,' thought Robert.

'I can't help myself from sexually thinking of her. I love my mother but not as a son should love his mother. I love my mother more as a man loves a woman,' he thought. 'I think of her as if she's my lover instead of my mother. Not knowing it then, but knowing it now, if I could have married my mother, I would have.'

Constantly masturbating over his mother, Robert had never gone a day without imagining holding her, touching her, feeling her, fondling her, and groping her through her clothes while kissing her. Continually masturbating himself over his mother, he had never gone a day without imagining her in her sheer and sexy nightgowns, in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked. Every night, while masturbating himself, he imagined having incestuous sex with his mother instead of with his wife.

'Suck my cock, Mom. Blow me. I need to cum in your beautiful mouth while feeling your big tits and fingering your erect nipples,' he thought while constantly and continually sexually fantasizing about having sex, oral sex, with his MILF of a mother.

He thought more of his mother naked and having sex with her than he ever thought of his wife naked and having sex with her. Yet, something he'd never admit to himself; for the sake of his sanity and his salvation, he swept his sexual attraction to his mother under the rug. Even though he was well aware that he was sexually thinking about her while masturbating over her, he viewed that as normal behavior for a son to be sexually attracted to his mother. Besides, what did it matter, he was married and he loved his wife, or so he thought?

Especially with no one else knowing about his sexual fascination for his mother, there was no harm in imagining her naked and having sex with him when masturbating himself. Nothing more than a sexual fantasy, what's the big deal? Yet, feeling guilty as much as he felt sexually excited, Robert wondered if he could have sex with his mother, would he have sex with her? It's one thing to imagine having sex with his mother but it's quite another thing to actually have sex with her.

In the way that he intimately and sexually knew his wife, having never dared talk to his mother in that intimate, sexual way and about her sexual feelings, he didn't know her in such an intimate, sexual way. Yet, oddly enough while hoping she was, what if his mother was as sexually attracted to him as he was sexually attracted to her? Wouldn't that be a total surprise? What if his mother always wanted to have sex with him in the way that he always wanted to have sex with her?

'My dream come true, I can only wish,' he thought. 'I'd love nothing more than to have incestuous sex with my MILF of a mother.'

In the way that he sexually lusted over her, what if she sexually lusted him? In the way that he masturbated over imagining her naked and having sex with her, what if she masturbated over imagining him naked and having sex with him? In the way that he spied on her while trying to see her without her clothes, what if she spied on him while trying to see him without his clothes?

Suddenly feeling like the pervert that he is and has always been, he's always hoping to see up-skirt peeks of her panties. He's always hoping to see up-nightgown peeks of her naked pussy. He's always looking to see down-blouse views of her bra and her long line of sexy cleavage. He's always looking to see down-nightgown views of her naked breasts. Whenever she came for a visit and was out with his wife and grandchildren, usually twice a year, Christmas and their birthdays, he went through her underwear drawer to hold her bra or panties while masturbating himself.

'What's wrong with me? Why am I so sexually attracted to my mother? I'm so crazy,' he thought.

# # #

Oh, yeah, without a doubt, sign him up. He'd be the first one to join. If there was an organization for sons who are sexually attracted to their mothers, he'd be a proud, card-carrying member. In the way that he's a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA, the National Rifle Association, he'd be an honored member of SSAM, Sons Sexually Attracted to their mothers.

While attending meetings, social gatherings, and picnics with likeminded individuals, he'd be sharing stories with other members about his mother and about their mothers. He'd be showing them photos of his mother fully dressed, in her revealing nightgown, in her sexy bikini, in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked while bragging about her and telling everyone how beautiful and sexy she is. Only, other than wanting to have sex with her while imagining her naked, and with him not having had sex with his mother, he'd have nothing else to share.

He imagined another organization, a sister organization that was aptly named, Organization of Mother Fuckers, OMF. He imagined them having special handshakes to identify one another. He imagined them wearing OMF hats and OMF T-shirts. He imagined them having OMF keychains and drinking out of OMF coffee mugs and beer mugs. He imagined them having mother and son dances. He imagined sharing their mothers with one another and having swinging sex.

'Hi,' Robert imagined saying while standing in front of a room filled with perverted men who wanted to have sex with their mothers or who already had sex with their Moms. 'I'm Robert and I'm sexually attracted to my mother.' He paused while surveying the large crowd of mother and their sons.

'The best sex that I ever had, I had incestuous sex with my mother. And I'm glad that I did,' he imagined saying to those other men who already had an incestuous, sexual relationship with their mothers or who were hoping to have an incestuous, sexual relationship with their mothers.

Encouraging him to continue to have sex with his mother, he imagined the crowd cheering and clapping. He imagined them standing to give him a standing ovation. Mothers cheered their sons and sons cheered their mothers. Oh, yeah, the organization that he imagined was not only for sons but also for mothers, too. Mothers gave their true testimonies along with their sons.

'Hi. My name is Elizabeth and I had sex with my son. Stand up Robert so that everyone can see how handsome you are,' Robert imagined his mother saying. He imagined her continuing to speak. 'I made love my son and he fucked me. I blew my son and he ate me. Taking it as a compliment for a blowjob well done, I love it when he ejaculates in my mouth and shoots a second load all over my face, in my hair, and across my naked tits.'

# # #

'I'm sexually attracted to my mother,' he thought. 'No more denying it, there, I said it. After years of not admitting it, acknowledging it, and/or confessing that I'm sexually attracted to my mother, I'm finally free to reveal that I'm sexually attracted to her.'

All that he couldn't admit and say before, he can clearly admit and say now. It's freeing to finally admit that he wanted his mother sexually more than he sexually wanted his wife. He's wasted years pretending that he was more sexually attracted to his wife than to his mother. He's wasted years pretending that he loved his wife more than he loved his mother.

'Mom, I love you. I love you, Mommy,' he imagined saying to his mother while imagining giving her a long, wet kiss.

It has taken him years to not only realize this truth but also to finally admit his undying love and his continually growing, sexual attraction for his mother. Blinded by his incestuous lust for her, it wasn't until he had a fight with his wife and she left him that he realized that he had literarily cloned his mother by marrying his wife. With him thinking of his mother every hour of every day, how could he not know that his mother was the woman that he sexually and lovingly wanted and not his wife?

"I love you, Mom," he accidentally blurted out when thinking of his mother while making love to his wife.

'I love you, Mom? Oops. Oh, shit,' he thought. 'I'm fucked. My jig is finally up. While having sex with my wife, while my erect prick was buried deep in her pussy, I just admitted that I love my mother at a time when I should be saying that I love my wife. Oh, oh.'

As soon as he said it, he knew that he'd have Hell to pay for thinking of his mother, Elizabeth, when his cock was inside of his wife. Obviously, something that he always did when having sexual intercourse with Diane, he imagined making love to his mother. He imagined fucking her instead of his wife. Obviously, with the two women looking so very much alike, he couldn't help imagining having sex with his mother when having sex with his wife.

As if he had stabbed himself in my heart, he regretted saying it. As soon as he said it, he knew that she'd never forgive him for calling her Mom. Something she'd never forget and/or forgive him for saying, he stepped in it now. Maybe she was caught up in the moment and didn't hear him call her Mom. Maybe, if he acted quickly, he could fix this like the last two times that he called her Mom.

Who knows, now that the cat is out of the bag, maybe, while having sex with him, she thinks of having sex with someone else, too. Maybe, she thinks of an old boyfriend whenever having sex with him. Maybe, she thinks of her father, her uncle, or her cousin when she's fucking him and/or sucking him. Maybe, she thinks of a famous movie star or a celebrity.

Regretting calling his wife Mom, hopefully, she imagined fucking a black man with a big cock while fucking him. Maybe, she imagined having sex with a rich man who can buy her anything that her heart desires. Alas and unfortunately, now that he called his wife, Mom, sadly, she thought of him with anger, hurt, shame, and disappointment.

"I love you, Diane," he quickly added while hoping that would cover his sexual confession and his lovingly, affectionate transgression.

# # #

Unfortunately, instead of humping her and making love to his wife, he imagined humping and making love to his mother. Instead of enjoying fucking his wife, he imagined fucking his mother. Suddenly feeling guilty, he thought more about making love to, fucking, and having sex with his mother than he thought about making love to, fucking, and having sex with his wife. Hoping to rectify his faux pas, he humped Diane harder and faster while trying to give her a sexual orgasm with his cock in the hopes that she'd forget what he had involuntarily said about loving his mother.

Yet, unable to help himself, as always, when having sex with his wife, he imagined having sex with his mother. Even though Robert was making love to his wife, he imagined making love to his mother. Even though he was fucking his wife, he imagined fucking his mother. Something that added spice to his lovemaking, whenever he thought of his mother naked and having sex with her, instead of thinking of his wife naked and having sex with her, his cock suddenly grew harder. Suddenly, as if on steroids and had taken Viagra, he was a better lover.

'What's wrong with me,' he thought? 'I'm having sex with my wife, a beautiful, young, and sexy woman and I'm imagining having sex with my MILF of a mother, a mature twice the age of my wife. Stop it. You need to get your mother out of your head and out of your bed. Thinking of another woman, especially when that woman is your mother, while making love to your wife is beyond wrong. That's just nasty.'

Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time that he called his wife Mom while having sex with her. Obviously, she heard what he had said about calling her Mom and telling her that he loved her. As if he had thrown cold water in her face, she stopped returning his humps with her humps. She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time, a man who'd rather have sex with his mother than with his wife. She looked at him as if there was something wrong with him and obviously, there was.

He could tell by the look on her face that not only did she not like what he had said but also, she didn't like what she was seeing. He could tell by the look on her face that she was appalled by what he had said in the heat of their lovemaking passion. He explained away the first time but this was the third time that he had called his wife Mom while his cock was buried deep inside of her pussy. Obviously, she was thinking that he'd rather have sex with his mother than with her and, sadly, she'd be right.

# # #

"Did you just call me Mom?" She stared at him as if waiting for an apology and/or an explanation. "Are you imagining having sex with your mother, yet, again when having sex with me? I don't believe this."

He looked at her while begging her forgiveness.

"Sorry," he said.

She made a face as if she had just eaten something sour or swallowed a bug. Then, she looked at him as if he was crazy and obviously, she'd be right because he was crazy to sexually want his mother more than he sexually wanted his wife.

"What's wrong with you, Robert? This is just nuts. How dare you think of your mother when you're inside of me?"

Worse than calling her bitch, a cunt, or a whore, he called his wife Mom while imagining having sex with his mother. Albeit a much younger version but Diane was the duplicate of his mother, Elizabeth. The carbon copy and the spitting image, she's the Doppelgänger in the flesh of his mother. As if identical twins, they could easily pass as mother and daughter. They could have done a mother and daughter Dove commercial of old where the mother and daughter look so much alike that people have a difficult time telling them apart.

Now, when thinking more about them and comparing one to the other, they look alike, they talk and sound alike, they move alike, they walk alike, and they even laugh alike. They have the same sexy and shapely bodies with lush, red hair, blue eyes, long, shapely legs, round, firm asses, and C cup breasts. Having gone through a dozen dating sites and dating dozens of women, not realizing and never suspecting that he was trying to duplicate his mother in his potential wife, subconsciously, he finally found his mother in his wife.

'She looks just like my mother,' he remembered saying the first time he saw Diane's image from the dating site on his computer screen. Then, later, after he married her, he thought, 'My life would be perfect if I could have threesome sex with my wife and with my mother. I'd love to compare them as lovers. Suck my cock, Mom, blow me, while I eat Diane.'

Yet, as soon as he thought that, he put the thought out of his mind. Buried deep within his sub-conscious, psychologically disturbing, he never compared the two women again. Not fair to his wife that he thought of her as a clone of his mother, he needed to be consciously aware and careful not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time again. Yet, he was as thrilled as he was sexually excited that he found his mother in Diane.

Consciously, Diane was the woman of his dreams. Subconsciously, difficult for him to admit even now, his mother, the woman of his sexual fantasies, was the woman that he was looking to find and always had. His mother, Elizabeth, was the woman that he wanted, and not his wife, Diane. Yet, with them looking so very much alike, and with her his surrogate mother, he imagined that having sex with Diane would be much like having sex with his mother.

'I love you, Mommy,' he sometimes said to himself when looking at Diane.

# # #

Yet, something so disturbing, hating to finally admit it to himself, every time he kissed his wife, he imagined kissing his mother. At first it was shocking to imagine that he was kissing his mother when kissing his wife. Then, the more that he kissed his wife, the more that he thought of his mother. Now, he looked forward to kissing his wife while imagining kissing his mother. Especially when he French kissed her, blanking his mind with her deep, wet kisses, he imagined French kissing his mother.

Not thinking much of it, thinking it totally innocent, and not much more than his secret, sexual fantasy, after having sex with his wife, he imagined having sex with his mother. After having sex with his wife while thinking of having sex with his mother, he was overcome with incestuous lust for his mother. With his wife opening the porthole to a mother and son intimate relationship, he wanted to have incestuous sex with his mother. In the way that he made love to and fucked his wife, he wanted to make love to and fuck his mother.

Now, he looked forward to kissing his wife while imagining that he was kissing his mother. When feeling his wife's breasts and fingering her nipples through her clothes, he imagined feeling his mother's breasts and fingering her nipples through her clothes. When feeling and squeezing his wife's panty clad or naked ass, he imagined feeling and squeezing his mother's panty clad or naked ass. Then, when alone with his bad self and masturbating over his mother, he imagined touching and feeling his mother everywhere that he was touching and feeling his wife.

'That's fucked up,' he thought. 'How fucked up is that? I have serious issues to want to have sex with my mother instead of wanting to have sex with my beautiful and sexy wife.'

Whenever touching and feeling his wife in her sheer and sexy nightgowns, he imagined touching and feeling his mother in her sheer and sexy nightgowns. Whenever seeing his wife in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked, he imagined seeing his mother in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked. Every time he touched, felt, fondled, and/or groped his wife, he couldn't help but imagine that he was touching, feeling, fondling, and/or groping his mother. His disconnect from reality, it was so much more sexually exciting to think of his mother when having sex with his wife.


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