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A Mistress’s Unsuspecting Cuck

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Husband is totally under the spell of his Mistress wife.
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1 Savoring aromas of the morning

"Gotta go! I'm already late," Alexa flustered, hurrying downstairs while still putting on her lipstick and rapidly gathering her papers and bag to leave. "Be a dear and put a laundry before you go. I have to run," bending her slender frame to give Sven a peck on his cheek, while he read the paper and had his morning coffee.

His gaze momentarily fixed down her blouse, bending forward to kiss him. Alexa's smooth skin with the occasional freckle, the neckline, the smooth cleavage between her small slim breasts, held only slightly by the delicate and transparent fabric of her bra, apparent through her satin blouse. Mixed with the subtle perfumed smell of her skin, Sven felt an involuntary twitch in his groin, a signaled arousal.

Alexa, at just 30, was at such a thin delicate body but looked strong and athletic. Her hair was cut shoulder length, which gave her an added sense of modernity, assertiveness, and professionalism. Her large eyes were a slate gray, and when she looked at you at was if she looked through you, to your soul. Her mouth was large, contrasting with her thin high cheekbones and porcelain-like face. When she smiled, it was as if the day had dawned, mixed with vitality, exuberance, while at the same time a sensual excitement.

She was a modern woman of high pedigree, with style, and had impeccable credentials at such a young age. After her training at the Moscow State University in Linguistics, she began to work in one of the State Ministries as an attaché in the foreign embassy of Berlin. There is where she fell in love with Sven, a young architect, and they married.

"I will call you later today," she said brightly as she breezed towards the door, looking back and motioning a quick farewell, throwing a kiss from the slight pouting of her supple lips. Between wisps of her auburn hair that fell over those large grey eyes, she caught his, slightly squinted, evoking a promise of past excitement.

"OK, bye. Talk to you after the meeting!"

Damn, he thought, she has it all. She was sweet, confident, intelligent, beautiful, respectable, but also so sexy and desirable. No, she had too much. It was as if she had a special and mystical power over him.

He would love to be having sex with her now, pleasing her, feeling her body against his. He would drop everything for that, he knows how powerless he is to her; all his obligations would melt away, just to be able to submit to her and have sex right there and then, he thought. But this was his wife, he could have her anytime, right? Although he didn't want to admit it, no, Alexa controlled the keys to that.

What Sven didn't know about his young and recent wife, was that she had a whole different aspect still hidden to him. Alexa had sexual cravings. She had fantasies of domination and being dominated. Whenever she could, when he was not watching she masturbated to her suppressed thoughts and fetishes. Although she loved Sven, she secretly was not satisfied sexually. It was driving her mad.

But, how long has it been?. A few days, a couple of weeks? It was her new job. It was the stress, he convinced himself. "Sorry honey, I'm a bit tired tonight, " or "I hope you don't mind, I am stressed, can't we just cuddle." This was perhaps becoming altogether too familiar. When they did have sex, he would invariably eat her out without intercourse. He didn't realize it was because Alexa had already had multiple orgasms in private and that his small cock could not satisfy her.

He finished his coffee. It was time to get his mind back on the day. He had his fair share of stress. Hopefully, today his firm would finally sign that contract, with Stanoff & Morgan for that big hotel job. Six months he had been working on the plans and preparations. All indications were good.

Even though he was the junior architect in the group, many of the designs and ideas were his. Maybe through all his work, he would finally get the notoriety he deserved from the senior partners. Maybe with this, he would begin to move up.

He had been passed over a few times now for the senior staff job. Maybe it was because he was still 30 and still too young. But, maybe it was his lack of aggressive assertiveness, his small thin frame, or his slightly effeminate appearance, with almost no facial hair. Even Alexa teases him where it hurts. In a loving but bantering way, she tells him how pretty he is, with nicknames he doesn't like Svenska.

Sven cleaned up the table from the brief breakfast and tidied up the kitchen. He gathered his work papers and drawing, with the finishing notes and annotations he made the previous night Still lost in all thoughts darting between his work and those of Alexa, he returned to the moment "Damn, the laundry," he remembered. "There's no time," he said to himself, "but it will only be a moment." He knows that Alexa can be uncompromising about house chores, and who needs the tension later tonight if it's not done!

He quickly went to the bedroom, and the master bathroom to grab the laundry basket along with some other loose garments. As he was putting the clothing into the laundry machine, he saw Alexa's tiny black panties that she had on yesterday, all wrapped in a ball. He unfolded them. They were so tiny, they looked like a thong. He imagined them against her pussy. They were still slightly damp and had a strong musky aroma; he put them to his nose and breathed in. They smelled as if they just had sex. All the fabric of the crotch was stained with her sex, with her wetness. They were so hot, he thought. Had she been aroused, had she been masturbating?

Much of Alexa was still a mystery to him, even though there marriage was intimate and loving. There was still so much he didn't know about her. There were things that they never talked about. He was letting his imagination run wild. Besides, last night, she had gotten home late from the office and was tired; after a quick dinner together, she went early to bed, leaving him to finalizing his paperwork.

Now his thoughts returned to the urgency of getting done with the laundry chore and making his way to work. Maybe tonight, being Friday, after they get home from work, they will have a romantic dinner and then... then, have a wild night of sex just like past days. Just thinking of it produced another involuntary twitch of his cock.

2. At Sven's office

"Wonderful, then it is a deal," said Sven's boss, Viktor to the investors of Stanoff. Viktor was the founder of VWD Architekten, another immigrant from Russia just like Alexa, and was a large and confident man. He had the face of experience and one that was accustomed to commanding people.

This was no small deal; it was a $35M resort hotel to be built on the southern part of Dubai, close to the Palm Jebel Ali. "While we begin the financial details, we will send our architects to Dubai as soon as possible to plan the sites with the local contractors and licensing deals," said Sven's boss.

After the meeting, Viktor said to Sven, "Great job Sven. I want you to go next week to our office in Dubai. From there you can start working out plans with the contractors." Sven thought, finally he would be moving up. "I am putting Valentina in charge of the operation. You will work under her. You will report back here to her every day from Dubai. Do you understand?" he asked, almost as if it were a top-secret operation from the old USSR politburo.

Sven tried hard not to show his disappointment that he would not lead the project. "Yes sir, it will be my pleasure. Thank you."

Sven knew Valentina from some previous meetings. She was a tall, thin, and powerful woman of more the 2 meters, with long black hair. Unlike Alexa, she had a thick Russian accent, with a commanding and harsh voice. Despite her slender body, she had large breasts, that she made sure to accentuate with her choice of clothing. Even though she was approximately Sven's age, around 30, her overpowering and dominating personality always made him uncomfortable and intimidated in her presence.

"There is an important contract so I expect you will be there for a month. Is that a problem?" said Viktor.

"No, sir" he responded.

"Good, then talk to personnel and they will plan the trip."

After the meeting, Sven had mixed emotions. For one, he was glad about the deal but wasn't the one in charge. At least he would continue to work on the project in Dubai. He wrote a message to Alexa, telling her about the deal.

"Great news, the deal is accepted," he wrote. "Celebration with dinner tonight? And later a bit more?"

A few minutes, later, "That's great Sven, so glad," she responded. "Oh, I like the second part. It seems naughty! I will be home around seven. See you later. Love you xxx."

Just thinking of making love to her made him forget about all his work problems. At his desk, his dick started to get hard just thinking of it.

3: A dinner celebration

Sven got home a lot earlier, went to the supermarket, and began to prepare dinner for 7. He set the table and even dug out some candles stored away in the foyer. But, seven-o'clock came along, and still, Alexa had not arrived. 7:30, still no word from Alexa.

He finally received a message from her. "Hi, honey, sorry that I am a bit late! I had no choice, I am still with our clients. We should be leaving in another half hour."

"But Alexa, we had said 7 and the dinner is ready," he answered back, trying not to show too much of his disappointment and how bothered he was.

"Oh Svenka," she said, lovingly and innocently, "I can't help it. Don't be angry, I will be there soon, honey."

Now eight, eight-thirty, close to nine. Finally, the front door opened. Alexa came through a bit disheveled.

"The subway took forever, she said," diverting attention from the fact that she was two hours late for their planned "dinner date". She went over and kissed Sven on the cheek. He noticed a strong smell of alcohol. "What a pain to be with those boring clients," with more of an accent than usual, making it hard to hide that she may have a bit too many.

Even though he was a bit angry and a bit hurt, he tried not to show it. They sat down and had dinner. Quickly he forgot about it, probably because they had finished a bottle of wine between them.

Feeling the effects of the wine and what she had already had previously, "I am so happy for you," she said. "I'm sure that you will move up quickly now. My cute Svenka."

"Alexa, don't call me that," he responded, almost with a reflex reaction.

"Oh come on, Sven, don't pout, it's only a joke, silly!' she bantered lovingly while giggling. "My poor Svenka. I love it when you pout - you're so cute. So pretty," she teased him.

After pausing, from her slightly drunken state, she said with a slight dreamy slur, "So cute and feminine," letting out a giggle purposely trying to provoke him. But it was her "game" with him. Her way to tease him so that he put on a pouting face.

Brushing these comments off, he ignored these her playful teasing and got up.

"Let's sit on the sofa, we can clean up later," he said.

With her buzz, she needed a bit of help getting up. She was so sexy. She was dripping with sex. She looked so helpless, but at the same time so much a predator. Her face was flushed. He lifted her with both arms, and she practically fell into his arms. They walked over the sofa and plopped down.

First, they kissed. With here slightly closing, and with the effects of the wine, she said with a slight slur, "Svenka, you are so pretty," she giggled.

"Don't call me that," he responded, but not bothered. He continued to kiss her. Then they kissed more passionately. She closed to her eyes and became lost in the moment.

He took off her shirt and unbuttoned her bra. He kissed her soft neck and then down to her small firm breasts. When she was aroused, her nipples were uniquely long, hard, and pointed. He undid her pants.

She showed a small effort to protest, but with little force, and almost dreamily. "Not now, Svenka, I haven't washed."

"It doesn't matter," he said, brushing off her protests. Now kissing her belly button, moving down to her panty covered mound.

"No, Sven," almost becoming more aware of what this was leading to, but too subdued from the alcohol to pose too much resistance.

They kissed again. She became lost in the moment. She reached for his bulge. She unbuttoned his shirt and then his pants. She reached into his tight briefs and grabbed hold of his small narrow cock. She rubbed it up and down, swirling her finger over the head of his cock, that was wet with pre-cum dampness. "It's so small," she teased him and giggled as she put it entirely in her mouth.

He kissed her neck and felt her breasts. He started to unbutton her blouse, and felt her breasts from under the thin material of the bra, then pushing it aside. He kissed her further, moving down to her belly, and started to undo the hem of her pants.

"No Sven, not now, I have to go clean up first..., "' as her voice trailed off from her desire, that overpowered her will.

He undid her skirt, revealing her small her tiny panties. She heaved under his touch. She made a futile but half-hearted attempt to protest one last time.

"But Sven, let me go clean first, I'm not clean down there." Nonetheless, her actions didn't match her protests, as she was taken by her pulsating desire and arousal.

He kissed her belly button and moved down on her pantie covered mound. She ran her hands through his hair as he continued to kiss her all over the outline of her panties. He grabbed the elastic hem of the panties and pulled them down to reveal her smooth mound and pussy. She made a slight attempt at modesty to hide her pussy lips and inner folds, but then finally yielded to his kisses and let her legs separate.

To his surprise, she didn't have any pubic hair! She had never shaved all of her hair before. Her pussy was completely visible. She was so hot. He wondered when she started to shave. Since they hadn't had sex for some time, he hadn't seen her like this. The area was completely smooth, and her pussy lips so voluptuous, so engorged, and so moist. Her clit was more pronounced and even hard. It looked like a tiny cock. The smell of sex was intoxicating, musky and raw, soaked in her creamy moisture that was thick and salty, as he licked her more vigorously.

"Oh Sven," she repeated, as she moved her hips to strokes of his licking, grinding her pussy against his mouth. He drank the Small blobs of her thick creamy white juices that were tucked into the folds of her depths, of her swollen pussy. She had never been so wet, there had never been so much cream, and she never tasted like this.

As her grinding against his entire mouth, engulfing his nose with each stroke, she increased her velocity and was moaning uncontrollably. His entire face was completely covered with her juices. It was as if she had forgotten that it was his face beneath her pussy. She rubbed with increased intensity, increasing the friction, panting, and moaning with greater speed. All else in the world had ceased to matter, ceased to have importance. She only wanted to reach her orgasm. Her insides were shaking.

Just before he thought she would have an earth-shattering orgasm, she shifted position.

"Lie down on the floor, Svenka," she whispered but with urgency.

She grabbed his head and motioned him to the floor. He moved off the couch and laid down on his back. She quickly moved and positioned the entrance of her pussy over his pulsating erect cock. Without hesitation, she stuck it into her. For the first time, in so many weeks, she wanted him to penetrate her.

"Make love to me,", as she grabbed his cock and stroked it a few times. "Put it inside me, Sven," she implored him with great urgency. "Make me cum."

With this, his cock slipped effortlessly into her waiting pussy. She was so aroused, so stretched, that there was no resistance like usual. It was as if she had just been fucked by a cock much bigger than his.

"Oh, Alexa, you are so beautiful,", he said, as he thrust his hips to meet her rhythm.

"Yes, yes," she encouraged him. "Harder, Sven." With each movement, he could hear her moaning, "Please, harder", and "oh, harder."

He wanted to satisfy her. He wanted to penetrate her as deep as he could. But, he was already at the point of no control. Without wanting to, he lost control and prematurely exploded his cum into her pussy.

She continued to grind, continued to try and reach her orgasm, as his cock softened still inside her. She needed to orgasm, to have released. But, his small cock quickly fell out of her pussy and she could only rub herself on his now flaccid small cock.

Finally, Alexa quickly kneeled up and positioned her pussy directly over his mouth. She lowered her wet, cum filled pussy over his mouth and resumed her rhythm back and forth. Even though he had just filled her with his seed, he wanted so much to please her that he tried to stick his tongue into her as deep as it would go.

In her ecstasy, she lost control and was grinding her pussy against his mouth now with such force that it was hurting him. It was as if she wasn't aware that it was a human face under her. The face of her loving husband. At this moment, she just needed orgasm. All the weight of her pelvis, of her pubic bone, was grinding on his mouth on his nose, to rub her clit as hard as she could. His face hurt and was covered in their combined juices.

Her breathing became shorter as she approached orgasm. Like a wave, it finally came over her with such force, that her whole body trembled. She then collapsed onto Sven's body. Once slightly recovered, she moved down and hugged him, kissing him on the mouth lovingly.

"I love you Sven," she whispered.

He kissed her back.

After a few moments, she was half falling asleep in his arms, she whispered "I will always love you. Don't forget." As her voice trailed off, her eyes closed, she whispered very slowly, dreamlike, " matter what." Then she was asleep, both naked, and locked in an embrace. Sven wondered briefly why she said that but then didn't give it much importance.

After a short time, Sven woke, still embracing Alexa. He admired her face, her naked body. He realized there was nothing he wouldn't do to make this last, to always be with her. Nothing! He was hers. He was completely under her spell.

4: Control from afar.

Sven had been in Dubai for several days. He had only sent a text to Alexa since he had been working long hours and the time difference was difficult to coordinate. They had chatted in the morning and agreed on meeting on skype later that night, which would be Alexa's morning. He couldn't wait.

Finally, back at the hotel, Sven fired up his laptop and initiates the Skype call. After a few

rings, she answered.

"Hi Alexa, how are you, honey?" he said.

"Sven," she said bubbly, and happy to see him. "I miss you so much. How is work there? I have been thinking of you so much. Have you been a good, Svenka?"

"Alexa, don't call me that," he said as usual but smiling, apparently not to bothered.

"Oh come on, Sven. I'm only kidding with you." After a pause, she said, "You know what?"

He nodded briefly inquisitively at her question.

"I have been a bit naughty, thinking about you," she said. "Do you want to know what I was doing?" She waited for a moment to build the tension. "Before we talked, I was touching myself thinking about you."

Sven was blown away since she never said these things before. He felt suddenly arousal of his cock and balls.

"Do you want to see me touch myself?", she asked.

Even more surprised, he quickly answered, "Yes." It was like a dream. He couldn't believe she would do this.

"Then you have to do something. Something for me. Something that I command you to do. Ok, Svenka?", she said.


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