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Mistress Jenn's Handywork

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A slave tries to please his Mistress.
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I was lying out in my backyard, it was a Friday night and I couldn't wait for her to arrive. Who is she you might ask? She's amazing that's what she is, but as for who she is...well ok I'll just come out and say it. I'm a pervert, I'm into all types of deviant, kinky but of course legal sexual activities. I really enjoy BDSM and am rather submissive to attractive young ladies. Ok who am I bullshitting here, I'll submit to just about any Dominant woman who's young, old, fat, skinny, sexy, ugly, hell even if she has a cock I'll worship her, but that's another story for another time. This story is about Jenn and she doesn't have a cock. I met her on a BDSM personals site a few months back. I came across her profile one night while browsing the site and we started talking. It turned out she lived really close to me and we shared a lot of common interests. She's very Dominant and was looking for local guys to play with. Like me she likes to play from time to time and wasn't looking for anything serious.

All of that and she's really attractive too...21 years old, 5'3" 115lbs, long straight light brown hair, green eyes, amazing figure, 2 small tattoos, her sorority letters on her ankle, and kermit the frog on her lower stomach. She also has a pierced tongue, lip, and nipples and incredibly sexy size 6 1/2 feet. They are petite, soft and smooth with short sexy toes. Yes I'm absolutely a foot man. She takes such good care of her feet with weekly pedicures and she loves to wear high heels and other trendy footwear.

That's what our first meeting evolved into actually. We had been talking online and on the phone for a few weeks when one day she texted me and asked if I wanted to meet at a local mall for a quick lunch. I texted back "Just lunch? lol" to which she replied "YES! I have an exam tomorrow and I have to study." Well that quick lunch turned into a 2 hour lunch where we mostly talked, which turned into a shoe shopping spree for her and since I was so nice and generous what with paying for lunch and about $600 worth of shoes, she decided to blow off studying...STUDYING she blew off STUDYING, get your mind out of the gutter. Oh wait. If your mind wasn't in the gutter you wouldn't be reading this story.

Anyway we went back to her apartment where she proceeded to model the new shoes for me and then allowed me the privilege of worshipping her feet as she sat at her desk and wrote a term paper. So that was last week and we've talked quite a bit since then and when I invited her over to play in my recently finished home dungeon/playroom she said "sure how about Friday night around 8."

So now you're all caught up and I'm relaxing in a patio chair out by my pool waiting for Jenn to arrive. She had instructed me not to play with myself all week and I had obeyed like an obedient slave. I had a raging hard on that was trying to push it's way out of my jeans. I saw her car pull into the driveway and she stepped out. I had played the scene in my mind over and over since Monday picturing what she would be wearing when she arrived. I was not expecting a Grateful Dead tie-dye t-shirt, gray sweat pants and those rubber/plasticy Croc shoes. Jenn walked over and gave me a hug, I noticed she wasn't carrying a bag or anything. I think she could sense the disappointment on my face.

"Oh Davey. You know as well as I do that even dressed as I am now I still own you."

She leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "You'll be my little toy for the evening...won't you?. Get on your knees and kiss my shoes."

I dropped to my knees and mumbled "Yes Ma'am." As I began to plant wet kisses upon her Crocs. She let me have at it for a few seconds.

"Get up you look ridiculous, what will your neighbors think? Let's go see your new playroom."

We walked towards the detached, two car garage and entered a side door. I had converted the one bedroom apartment above my garage into my fantasy playroom. As we walked up the stairs to the second floor all sorts of thoughts were racing through my mind. We entered and Jenn noticed the large flat screen tv mounted to the wall that I watch porn on. I gave her a quick tour of the kitchen, the living room/porn theater, the bathroom, and of course the bedroom which was now a fully equipped dungeon.

"Very nice...I think I'll enjoy using you here. Now strip."

"Yes Ma'am."

She slapped me across the face. "Watch what you say boy. I am Mistress Jenn to you and nothing else."

"Yes Mistress Jenn."

"Good slave. Now strip. Don't make me tell you a third time. You won't like the consequences."

"Yes Mistress Jenn."

I quickly removed my clothes and began to accept the fact that Mistress Jenn would probably be wearing her "casual" outfit for tonight's play session. She had me kneel and buckled a leather collar around my neck. She pushed me to the floor so I was lying on my back and then put cuffs around my wrists and ankles. Next she attached a speader bar to my ankles and attached it to a chain secured to a hook in the floor. Finally she chained my wrists together and secured the chain to another hook on the floor so they were outstretched above my head. The wood floor was very cold on my back, ass and the back of my thighs and gave me goosebumps. I was very vulnerable to whatever she had in store for me this evening. Jenn slipped a blindfold over my eyes and I plunged into total darkness.

"Having fun yet?" she asked.

"Oh yes Mistress Jenn."

Since I couldn't see, I didn't notice her putting headphones over my ears. Soft classical music started playing then gradually got louder. I could feel something enter my mouth and cover my nose that tasted like cloth and because of the wonderful aromas I assumed that it was her panties. The music stopped and a club music beat started playing. Then I heard Jenn's voice coming through the headphones.

"Hello Davey..you're in quite a predicament right now aren't you? Don't worry my dear if you behave you'll quite enjoy tonight's fun. Well maybe you will or maybe you won't. Yes those are my panties in your mouth. I wore them all day and masturbated into them twice. Enjoy them. I have to take care of a few things. I'll be back soon. Not that you have any control or even any concept of time right now. How long do you think you've been blind and deaf? Four minutes? Five minutes? NOPE! one minute and fifteen seconds actually. Am I standing over you? Have I left the room? You'll see in due time. Your mistake was telling me about your love for anticipation. How you got so excited the time you went to that dungeon in the city. How the anticipation was killing you while you waited for all the Domme's to come visit you in that little waiting room...one by one they entered. Each one introducing themself and telling you what they enjoy doing to boys like you then leaving. Just like that. One by one. Then you had to decide who you wanted to serve. It was such a tough choice wasn't it? Then you had to wait in that cold dungeon until she arrived to use you. It seemed like forever didn't it? But you loved every minute of it. Three minutes...I've only been gone three minutes. I'll bet you thought it was closer to ten. I'll be back soon..for now enjoy my favorite death metal band."

The music got really loud and turned into screaming. Was this an omen about what was in store for me? Since I was shackled and blind and deaf with a pair of panties in my mouth and over my nose I had no idea that Jenn had gone outside to her car and returned with a large suitcase. I couldn't hear her leaving or returning or the wheels of the travel bag rolling across the hardwood floors of the dungeon. Jenn entered the bathroom and proceeded to take a long hot shower which included shaving her legs and nether region along with the obligatory self gratification to screaming orgasm. But alas, I was in my situation and wasn't aware of any of this. The death metal song ended and another one began, then another and another. Then the club music started again and Jenn's soothing sexy voice was once again taunting me telling me that it was almost time. By this time it was close to forty-five minutes but it had felt like a lifetime. Jenn had showered, toweled dry, styled her hair, applied make-up and had gotten dressed more appropriately for tonight's fun.

She was now just sitting on a black leather sofa staring at me. Of course I didn't know this at the time, but since this is a retelling of the story at a later date now I know, ya know?. By now the music/talk had ended and I could sense her nearby. I felt her lips on my cheek as she softly kissed me. Then the earphones were being removed and then the blindfold came off. I looked up as soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and my jaw dropped and a huge smile appeared on my face.

"You like me now Davey?"

"Oh yes Mistress Jenn...you look amazing."

She was now wearing a revealing black leather top, a tight black leather micro miniskirt, black fishnet stockings and black platform strappy open toed heels.

She was a true Dominant beauty in what this lowly slave feels all Domme's should wear. But then who the fuck am I? Just a slave...just a slave, nobody special. Enough digressing already...focus, and now back to our sexy story. When we last left our hero he has just been re-introduced to his Mistress...

(Authors side note, A.D.D. sucks until it allows you to go off on amusing tangents while writing, but like I've been trying to do for the last thirty seconds..back to the god damn story already. Sorry bout that folks)

Jenn did look amazing, she really did. She stepped over me with one high heel shod foot on either side of my head. Now as much as I love a woman in high heels it was very distracting with her standing over me as I was now able to look up her incredibly short skirt and voila...no panties (remember they're in my mouth). She tapped the side of my cheek with the sole of one of the shoes and I turned to kiss it as the panties fell to the floor. I had planted several kisses on the leather straps when she pulled it away quickly.

"Did I say to kiss my shoe?"

"N...n...no Mistress Jenn you didn't." I stammered

Wack wack wack. She smacked me on the thigh 3 times quickly with a riding crop. my fault of course I deserved it and shame on me for not noticing that she was holding it.

Wack Wack Wack Wack Wack...5 more smacks in quick succession.

"That my pet is for looking up my skirt."

I quickly shut my eyes and braced myself for more. but instead Mistress Jenn sat down on the leather couch several feet from my head.

"Let's play a little game. You'll do something for me, then I'll do something for you...interested?"

This sounded like it could be fun and I wasn't really in a position to decline the invitation.

"Yes Mistress Jenn, I'd love to play a game with you."

"Good boy."

She extended her left foot towards me. The six inch stiletto heel brushed my lips but I did nothing. I aint no fool, I learn from painful mistakes.

"Suck on the heel."

"Yes Mistress Jenn."

I closed my lips around the skinny shaft sucking it into my mouth. I moved up and down on it as best as I could. Mistress Jenn also got into a rhythm raising and lowering it. Next she pulled the heel out and put the sole to my lips.


I ran my tongue up and down the smooth leather sole, then I moved to the sides and licked every inch of the two inch platform. Those shoes were so sexy. I noticed through her stockings that her toe nails had fresh black polish on them, they looked so very hot. But I figured that hopefully in due time I would get to worship them too. I lost track of time but I spent a good little while worshipping her shoes, first the left one, then the right one. I repeated the steps as closely as I could remember. While I was busy having fun with the second shoe, I didn't notice that Mistress Jenn had slipped the first shoe off. She pulled the other one away and thrust her stockinged foot in my face.

"Sniff it. Only sniff it. Inhale the powerful scent of your Goddess."

I obeyed and inhaled the sexy sweaty aroma. She slipped off the other shoe and put both feet to my face and had me smell them. It was pure torture. My sex drive was going insane and there was a pair of perfect feet in my face that I couldn't truly enjoy for fear of punishment. Mistress Jenn pulled her feet away and sat up.

"Don't look so disappointed, the night is young. Besides it's your turn now."

Jenn bent down her mouth inches from my cock. All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind now. Blow job? No way no how. But maybe? She opened her mouth and let a thick string of saliva drip onto my cock. As it hit she took it in her left hand and began to stroke it slowly. Gently at first and then with greater intensity.

"Having fun?"

"Yessss Mistress Jenn."

"Close to cumming?"


She spit on it again and began to stroke it faster and faster. I didn't last very long for obvious reasons and quickly came all over her hand.

"You dirtied my hand." She teased. Jenn put her fingers to my mouth and without hesitation I licked them clean. I don't particularly like the taste of cum, but if an incredibly sexy 21 year old Domme with an amazingly dirty mind tells me to eat my cum, well then bon appetite. I'd just had a powerful orgasm and then my mind cleared and I remembered that she said the night is young.

"Ok my turn again."

She put a stocking clad foot to my face and ordered me to worship. I did as I was told and inhaled her foot like I hadn't eaten in days. Not an inch of either foot was missed by my talented tongue. I started with the left one, sucking on her perfectly pedicured toes and taking each one into my mouth one at a time. My lips made their way to her sole where I kissed it up and down from the tops of her toes to the ball of her foot. Jenn slid her hands under the top of her stocking and slid it down past her knee.

"Remove it with your teeth."

I was barely able to address my Mistress properly before the nylon net was between my teeth and being pulled down her smooth leg. She tossed it to the floor and put her right foot to my lips. I worshipped that foot even more eagerly than the first and even grunted in pleasure several times while licking the top of her foot. While this was going on, Secret my penis (yes his name is Secret, it comes from a dirty joke I heard once the punchline being "My penis' name is Secret because he's strong enough for a man but made for a woman.) Anyway he was coming back to life and standing up so he could watch the fun. Jenn let me have at her feet for a little while longer and I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't notice her hand had slid up her skirt. Suddenly she pulled her feet away.

"Ok your turn again." She said this so matter of factly as she spun off the couch and walked across the room returning a moment later with a small bottle of lube.

"I think you may need more than just some spit this time." Jenn squirted a few drops of the slick liquid on my cock and once again began to stroke. She started off slowly and more deliberately this time, taking longer to let me achieve an orgasm. However I did cum again and once again it was all over her hand. Jenn didn't even have to say a word as she held her fingers to my lips. It tasted just as bad the second time and I was feeling sexually spent. Well Mistress Jenn would have none of that, her little game wasn't over yet. Now it was time for other body parts to get some lovin'. I was still on the floor my arms and legs chained above and below me. Jenn squatted over my face and slowly positioned her ass over my nose and mouth her skirt covering my head.

"Inhale my ass Davey...take a long deep sniff."

I did as I was told and once she tired of this torment I began to lick her derriere. My mouth went up and down her crack and when she jumped a bit as the tip of my tongue flicked at her puckered hole I continued to drive her crazy this way. Her musky aroma filling my sinuses I licked and sucked her ass as her fingers explored herself. She quickly climaxed and rode my tongue to another powerful orgasm.

Now here's the problem, Secret (remember him?) Well he was rather limp now, even with all this activity going on. Jenn knew this so after her second wave of pleasure she stood up and removed her leather top and mini-skirt. Now fully naked and standing over me Secret began to stir a bit as I stared at her perfect breasts with the nipple rings glistening. Perhaps I was in a bit of psychosis because I could swear her Kermit tattoo winked at me.

"Your turn again." She giggled. I waited for more lube but instead Jenn put her lips to my cock and kissed the tip. Her mouth engulfed the now swelling head as she took it all into her mouth. Up and down her head bobbed on my shaft up and down along with a lick or two of the entire length of the sides. Somewhere somehow there was some jizz left in my testicles and after a few minutes of this amazingly pleasurable torture I exploded into her mouth. It was painful I won't lie. I tried to jerk off 4 times in one day once in college and as I came that third time it was painful but this time was much much worse. My eyes were closed, I was concentrating on the pain and didn't notice Jenn beginning to kiss me. It developed into a steamy tongue kiss quite quickly and that took my mind off the pain in my crotch that is until I remembered the surprise Jenn had in her mouth. There was much less volume this time and dare I say it I was acquiring a taste for cum if that's possible?

"Yay, my turn again. Here's the deal. If you can make me cum six times within ten minutes I won't make you cum anymore tonight. If not you get to cum 3 more times you lucky devil you."

Jenn sat on my chest her legs spread wide open. "Time starts now." She said as she set a timer on the floor next to her foot. I began to panic but quickly realized the severity of failing and focused on what I had to do. I guess I was taking too long to start so Jenn grabbed the back of my head and pushed it into her groin. I licked anywhere I could trying to pay attention to her moans or any other sounds of pleasure to gauge my progress. I licked her to a quick orgasm although I think that was more caused by her sexual excitement rather than my skills. Perhaps I was wrong as she came again very quickly and I smiled on the inside. I had found a spot that was driving her wild. A certain amount of pressure on her clit from my lips was doing the trick add to that a quick occasional flick with the tip of my tongue and she was moaning in ecstasy. I continued my oral assault on her pussy racking up orgasms one after another like high scores on a video game. I lost count but when the timer buzzed I figured I had won.

"Oooooooooh so close Davey. You almost made it. You made me cum nine fabulous times and I thank you for that."

"Ni...nine? How'd I lose? You said six."

"I'm in charge you silly goose, I changed the rules to ten orgasms in six minutes. I think I'm worth it, don't you?"

"Yes Mistress Jenn."

It was at that point I realized I was in for a very long night ahead of me. Oh joy.

The End

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