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MJ's First Day of College

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Coed has the hots for her professor.
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Today was MJ's first day of college and she was freaking scared and excited all at once! When MJ's alarm rang, she jumped up high out of her bed, rushed to alarm, and turned it off! MJ's clothes were already laid out and even her backpack was filled with her books and materials for that day. She showered for ten minutes and then dressed into some relaxed khakis and a red-and-yellow striped polo. Before leaving her dorm, her roommate inquired, "Woah, what are you so dressed up for MJ?"

"Katie, today is the first of school. I wanted to look a little nice today."

Katie smiled and replied, "Aawwww, aren't you the cutest little thing?"

"And aren't you going to be late?"

Katie threw her pillow straight at MJ, but missed because she was pretty tired.

"Five more minutes, MJ! Just five!"

"Hey, if you want to skip breakfast, it's your call. Some of us like to care for our bodies."

"Whatever." Katie had fallen asleep. MJ felt bad, but knew it was really Katie's responsibility to get up if she really wanted to. MJ headed straight for the cafeteria within her hall. Isn't it crazy that most of the halls on campus have their very own cafeteria and type of food? MJ's eyes were wide with amazement.

MJ paid and ate for oatmeal, toast, yogurt, and 1% milk. She really did watch what she ate. MJ reviewed her morning schedule while she ate her meal. MJ pretty much had her standard classes this semester except when it came to "Intro to Outdoor Rec." This was her third and final class of the day. She couldn't wait till it arrived!

Her first class, English Composition crawled by. Her professor almost seemed to purposefully talk slow to make the class go by slower. MJ let her mind wander why the professor lectured about the norm (i.e. rules, rules, rules, etc.). MJ was in college; why did they need to hear all this again?

When her first class got out, MJ rushed to her next class, Calculus. Why did they put her in this class? She really was not a math or a science major, but MJ figured she would try the first couple of weeks out and see how she did. She passed with all A's in Pre-Calculus, but supposedly Calculus was a different story. The professor started class the minute the clock hit 10:10 and lectured furiously till the class ended at 11:10. He had already given them a syllabus, notes, and even an assignment. MJ was going to be busy.

MJ checked out her schedule before leaving class. Her next favorite class would start at 12:30. She had some time; so, she walked over to her dorm and emptied out her books that she didn't need. MJ returned to the cafeteria to dig up some good food. She thought, "I'm dying for some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Gotta have it!!" Unbelievably, one of the stores did and MJ bought it immediately upon sight with some baked potato chips, carrots, and fruit.

Upon checking out, the cashier asked, "What are you gettin' to drink dear?"

MJ scrunched up her nose on the word 'dear' and replied, "I've got water. I'm good. Thanks though."

MJ slid her campus card though the device to pay for the meal. MJ was fascinated and thought, "This is so much cooler than high school." She laughed at herself.

She found an isolated table and began to eat her meal. MJ was having a pretty good day so far for her first day, but she was still nervous about the transition altogether. When MJ finished her meal, she realized she still had quite a walk to walk to get to her third class on time.

She threw her trash away, gathered her belongings, and made her journey. Within fifteen minutes or more, MJ found the building and the room. She walked in realizing that she had really just made it on time. MJ made a mental note to leave earlier.

The room was smaller than all of the other rooms she had been to before. It was still tiered, but with less rows. However, even though this room was smaller, it was nicer. The chairs were padded and had armrests on them. MJ loves armrests.

Eventually MJ picked a seat in the middle of the room where she could be apart of the environment comfortably. The Professor started class, "Good afternoon students. How are you doing?"

Some students groaned, while others looked around nervously, while some replied, "Good."

"I'm doing well as it is the first day of college this year. And as for you, this is probably your first day of college in your life ever. Congratulations to all of you! I am Professor Linda Becker. You can call me Linda or even Mrs. Becker, whatever rocks your kayak. You're going to hear me say that a lot, because I am one of the few in this world who is obsessed with not only kayaking, but whitewater kayaking." MJ's eyes flew up at immediately from the "Intro to Outdoor Rec." book she had been investigating. She shared an interest with this teacher! MJ couldn't help but smile.

Professor Linda continued, "Okay, instead of calling out role call and you saying 'here,' I would like YOU to stand up, share anything about yourself, why you're here, and what you're majoring in. I want to learn more about you as well as your peers do."

MJ could see the creativity and personality busting out of this young professor. Until now, MJ really hadn't noticed her. As students stood up to speak, MJ didn't pay attention as she took in Professor Linda. Long straight brown hair fell from her head and continued nearly to her screaming ass. Her blue eyes glimmered in contrast to her soft brown hair. MJ noticed that she possessed a nose ring as well. Were professors allowed to have those? How kick ass though! Linda's body stood out as she wore grey pants with blue pinstripes and a blue blouse to bring out her majestic eyes. Her arms were solid muscle, along with her thighs, and buttocks. MJ could only imagine how hard her stomach was... MJ tried to get a good look at her boobs, but her shirt was looser around that area, so she couldn't get a good view...

"Michelle Running," called Professor Linda. Her blue eyes scanned the crowd. No one responded. MJ was still in her trance. Linda tried again, "Michelle Running? Michelle, anyone?"

Michelle's brain snapped back to reality and she immediately stood up in response. "Sorry, Professor Linda," MJ said smoothly while her cheeks went red from embarrassment! She had just been checking her teacher out! She progressed, "I actually go by MJ. My middle name is Jo Anne."

"Okay, I will make a note of that."

"Thank you."

MJ almost sat down when she felt the tension in the room and remembered – "Oh yeah. I'm originally from Virginia, but I decided to go to school here in North Carolina, because basically I love it here more. My parents wouldn't survive a day in the outdoors, but I love everything when it comes to the outdoors - from backpacking to rock climbing to whitewater kayaking especially. I'm majoring in Outdoor Recreation and considering also majoring in Strength Training, because I have always been a weightlifter."

While MJ spoke, Professor Linda's eyes never left her body. She was elated from what she heard and well pretty much impressed as well. Linda easily noticed that MJ had amazing curves, the perfect sized breasts (enough for a handful), a flat stomach, friggin' built arms that her red-and-yellow tight polo showed off. Her dark khakis showed off her hard beautiful ass as well. Linda loved MJ's flowing curly hair and dark brown eyes. Professor Linda received a bajillion crazy vibes from her intense eyes every time she stared back.

When MJ finished, Linda found herself just dying to drag the girl out of the room to make out with her, but she held back and settled with, "Well, it turns out whitewater kayaking isn't such a rarified and dangerous sport as I thought, huh, MJ?" MJ's face turned a little red once more and she smiled brightly as Linda had taken notice of her....a lot more than she thought.

For the next hour or so, MJ and her classmates listened to Professor Linda lecture about all the opportunities in Outdoor Recreation. She shared, "You may think it is too early for me to be presenting the possible careers you could be doing, because the careers are endless in this field; but, I think it is imperative that you know now that way you can find a specific career you like. Sometimes you may choose a career you like, and end up hating it. Trust me, that has happened to me."

When the class came to close, the classmates slowly filed out of the class while some exchanged a few words with Professor Linda. As MJ made her way to the door, Professor Linda stopped her, "Hey, MJ, can I talk to you a second?" All of the other students had cleared the classroom by now.

"Sure," responded MJ.

"You seem to have a real spirit for the outdoors and life in general MJ." Professor Linda paused to catch her student's reaction.

MJ's face turned red, as she began to smile awkwardly, and her eyes even shined. "I, um...," MJ took a deep breath and continued, "am thankful for your kindness." MJ inahled in again.

Professor Linda continued, "Do you have any classes after this one?"

MJ shook her head, because she couldn't rely on her shaky voice.

"Are you sure?" Prof Linda asked once more. "Yeah..." MJ said with shifty eyes.

Professor Linda placed a hand on MJ's stocky shoulder, "Well then, why are you so nervous if you don't have any more classes to go to?"

MJ daringly met Professor Linda's eyes and melted when she saw the concern and love in them. MJ thought quickly to herself, "What should she say? I need to be honest."

MJ gasped for more air and managed to say, "Uuh, I guess I'm just not used to talking to professors and teachers in general. And I mean, especially such an awesome intelligent caring professor as yourself."

Professor Linda was shocked and happy all at once. She smiled brightly and immediately hugged MJ. Linda's body crashed against MJ's smaller one. Linda's bigger breasts rubbed against MJ's more average-sized ones. Linda rubbed the muscular back of MJ a bit lower than she normally did...and when they parted, MJ was tingling everywhere and felt a stirring down below.

Silence filled the room. Professor Linda broke it when she said, "Well, MJ, I have discovered that you possess a sweet soul. Thank you for your kindness as well."

MJ smiled to tell her professor "thank you." Words wouldn't do the job justice.

Professor Linda continued, "Okay, MJ, what do you say to some coffee or tea in celebration of making it through your first day of college?"

MJ had managed to calm herself during this time and gain some of her familiar confidence back. So, what if she had the hots for her teacher?!

"I would love that Professor Linda. Where do you want to go?"

"I know of a little place that is in walking distance from here. How does that sound?"


Professor Linda gathered her papers, put them into her briefcase and locked up the classroom before leaving. Professor Linda led the way as MJ followed her out of the Health and Physical Education Building. Both remained silent as they remained amazed and awed with each other's presence. As they walked together more, they both realized that they thought this about each other. Eventually, Professor Linda broke the silence.

She pointed about a quarter-mile away. "It's over there MJ."

MJ eyes did not have to strain to read the sign. It said, "Connection Café." She replied, "Cool name for a coffee place."

"Yeah and there's probably something I should tell you before you well go in there and fall over."

MJ laughed at this and shook her head.

"No seriously, MJ. The café is predominately full of gay people. Are you okay with that?"

MJ smiled and said, "Yeah, I am. I'm gay too, so it's cool."

Professor Linda's eyebrows stretched to the heavens, before she smiled and laughed and then proceeded to giggle.

MJ now was no longer smiling. "What's so funny?"

Professor Linda managed to stop herself from laughing, got a breath and said, "I guess you could say I'm just shocked you were so forward about it. Up till now, you've been so shy and then BAM! GAY!"

MJ just smiled and said, "Growing up in such a conservative area, I'm eager to meet anyone like myself. I'm tired of feeling alone and weird. I want to feel somewhat normal and connect with others like myself. And when I first meet people, I'm just usually pretty shy...and I don't know." MJ stopped there from saying something she may later regret in life.

Professor Linda watched as MJ's mind wandered and so she asked "You were going to say something else? Now's your chance to say it MJ." Linda smiled and even winked when she said this.

MJ cleared her throat, "Yes, right, my only chance...Well, I guess. . .I know that I have a lot in common with you as far as two people go – regardless of our roles, professor and student." MJ took a moment to think. Professor Linda offered kindly, "Anything else you wanted to ask me?," and added once more, "Anything?" MJ pushed through with her confidence when she continued, "Yes, I did want to ask you something else."

"Yes, MJ?" Professor's Linda's blue eyes shined more than ever right now. They were still standing outside, across from the Connection Café, in the middle of the sidewalk, having this important conversation.

"Are you gay?" MJ asked quickly and sharply. Professor Linda smiled brightly once more and giggled her head off till MJ couldn't stand it anymore. "Is that a 'yes' Professor Linda?"

Professor Linda laughed even more. Finally, regaining her breath and composure, Linda responded, "First of all, MJ, you may call me Linda when we are not in class. Second of all, when I am laughing, I am not making fun of you in anyway. I am laughing because you have what few students have these days - innocence. And let me tell you, MJ, I love that part about you. I'm getting off subject here...sorry. And third of all, MJ, yes, I am gay."

MJ nodded her head and said, "Okay, that's cool," and without thinking she added, "Good to know." Linda couldn't resist. "Why good to know?" "Well, I was going to mention this earlier, but I didn't want to dig a hole that should not have been dug. I guess it's too late now." Professor Linda's blue eyes searched MJ's as MJ continued, "I have this amazing electrifying attraction for you right now. You are incredibly beautiful in every way that I can see right now...your soul and your body. God, I can't believe I just said that."

MJ started to walk away...she had to have insulted her professor, but, Professor Linda ran after MJ yelling her name. "MJ, wait! Why are you walking away?"

"Because I made a total fool of myself."

Linda dropped her briefcase on the grass, grabbed MJ's hands, and looked into her brown innocent eyes. "MJ, because of all the conversation we've had up to this point, what you shared with me, doesn't upset me, but it makes me feel flattered. When I look into your eyes, I know I am looking into the eyes of someone different and more mature compared to many others who are your age."

Linda stopped to recollect her thoughts and continued. MJ was waiting, waiting to hear the words of her amazing professor. She could not get enough of this woman. Linda smiled and started up again, "MJ, you have just entered into my world and I know we have lots to learn about each other. LOTS! And yet, we've already blown each other away by this much...I mean we didn't even reach the coffee place MJ! Do I really need to say more?" Linda paused as she laughed to herself. She added more, "Yes, I am intensely attracted to you MJ. I must admit something. While we were in class, I practically wanted to jump you after I heard you talk about yourself. I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole time."

MJ smiled brightly this time, laughed, and giggled when Professor Linda joined her. They finally finished their conversation on the sidewalk and decided to go to the Connection Café. The two crossed the street and entered the calming atmosphere.

In the middle of the café, a circle of laptops, with an internet connection, were available to any interested students and customers. The tables, chairs, and booths were all made out of cherry wood. Pictures of many famous gay people lined the walls. "I like the way they set this place up," MJ said.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing I came here," Linda replied.

Linda ordered decaffeinated coffee while MJ got some herbal tea. The two shared a chocolate chip bagel and dipped into their drinks. Linda learned where MJ was staying, what her classes were, and what her goals for the year were. MJ learned more about what Linda taught and did on campus.

Linda asked her, "So, are you single now?"

"Yes, and how about you?"

"Yeah. Have you ever dated a girl before?"

"Never," said MJ matter-of-factly.

Linda shared, "I'm shocked. You're doing really well for a newbie."

MJ just smiled and said, "Thank you Linda."

Linda said, "I started dating a lot in college and well didn't have much luck. I could never find a girl that was interested in what I was in and that was gay as well. I fell for a lot of straight girls unfortunately. That always sucks. I've been single since I broke up with a girlfriend I had for about two years. She started to cheat on me, well neglected to call me and even to see me. We started off really well though."

"I'm sorry Linda. You don't deserve someone like that."

"You have no idea how nice it is to hear that! Thank you MJ!"

"I mean it and I say it honestly."

"Wow, you really are a gem MJ."

"Are you kidding? You're the diamond Linda!"

Linda laughed as MJ picked up their items and placed them in their bins. Linda's hand reached for MJ's hand. MJ opened her hand as Linda's clasped down softly on her hand. Linda led MJ out of the store. Once outside, they noticed that the evening was setting in.

Linda leaned close into MJ's ear and whispered, "Do you have any idea how energized I am right now? I feel so selfish right now."

MJ's eyes questioned her, "Why?"

Linda leaned in closer and replied, "Because I want to spend as much time as I can with you right now." In response to this, MJ hugged Linda tightly and received the same feeling she got the last time she hugged her, except this time it was more intense.

Out of no where, MJ replied instantly, "Well, I wish I could, but I have to get started on my Calculus assignments. I want to get a head start with the right foot."

Linda held up her head and said, "Stop right there MJ."


"Okay, don't get alarmed when I say this, but will you agree with me that at least 80% of you is innocent?"


"And that a major part of that innocence wants to try new things, things that you can only dream about and wonder about?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Then I need you to keep an open mind MJ. You can't keep doing what you kept doing in high school. Okay?"

"Okay. I will definitely work on that."

"That's good to hear. So, what are you going to do now?"

"Spend time with you!"

"Exactly, MJ, because for all you know, you could die tomorrow! And well, don't you want to discover the potential we have?"

"Yes, I understand the point you're making, but at the same time you have work you need to do and I likewise. We can't just let our responsibilities fall on someone else or get fired or in my case, fail out of school."

"Good point MJ. Well, you're in luck tonight, because you get to escape the chaos of your dorm, come to my little dwelling, while I help you with your Calculus homework for awhile. Luckily, I have no work to do and my father just happened to be a Calculus Professor and tutored me a lot when I took Calculus."

MJ smiled and shared, "I think today is the luckiest day in my life."

Professor Linda said, "I think I am going to correct you on that one. The luckiest day in your life will be the day I fuck you."

MJ's eyes got incredibly big, and pretty much said, "Really?"


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