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Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 09

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The Declaration of War.
9.2k words

Part 9 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/14/2020
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Alex was sleeping soundly when his phone rings. He groans and answers it. "WHAT A BOMBING AT THE REPUBLIC PALACE?'"

There was a knock at the door. He gets up and opens it. It was his bodyguards.

"My mother?!"

"She was there Sir, along with the rest of the counsel."

Alex drops the phone. He races passed the guards, he slips on some shoes and leaves. One of the vehicles already had a door open for him. "To the palace, now!"

"But, Sir."


They raced to the palace with police escort from the ground and air. As they got closer they could see smoke. It wasn't long before they could go no further for the entire area was blocked off. He and his guards present their IDs for clearance to get closer. The firefighters and paramedics were already at the scene.

He spots Glendarah on her knees crying. "Ms. Kits!" He calls out. She turns to him, "I was supposed to be in there. There was car trouble and then...."

"My mother?!"

"She was already.....long before....."

He races towards the building but the guards and firefighters hold him back. "Sir it's too dangerous!"



It was evening now and Vice Chief Glendarah Kits calls a press conference at the Earth Republic Stadium. "Today is a sad day. I regret to inform you all that the beloved Chief of State Doris Bonaparte and the rest of the council members have been murdered by Marius Wing of the Zoya Remnant. A few days ago we tried negotiating with the Zoya Remnant but they attacked us! We lost a great many brave man and women of the Earth Republic and what is worse is that our heroin Spacemen First Class Bernkastel Wheat betrayed us!" She shows them the footage of the Royal Gundam attacking their Celestial ships and Templar mobile suits. "Yes Bernkastel has gone over to the Zoya side and has stolen our beloved symbol of freedom and peace, the Royal Gundam! Among the dead are Captain Juan, a well respected law enforcement official and our heroin 2nd Lieutenant Adriana Rin. That's right, she was killed by her own best friend! I will not let the Zoya Remnant get away with this injustice! Their aim is to conquer and enslave us all like they did before. I will not allow that, I will fight! But I can't do it alone, I need your strength! Our military is smaller than the battle hardened Zoya but with your help we can repel them! Join with me my fellow Earth Republicans! Let us fight for our future!"

The people start clapping and cheering.

After the speech was finished, many made their way to the nearest recruiting center, 18 and up.


Alex was sitting in a chair with his down weeping when Glendarah approaches him and places a hand on his shoulder. "I can't believe it....My mother is gone....sob, sob and I can't believe Bernkastel would betray us like this."

"Forget her, she made her choice."

"From the moment she was in the hospital...."

"Mr. Bonaparte...Alex....Alexander, I need your help." He looks up at her. "As you know I'm going to be the new Chief of State and I know it's sudden, I wasn't prepared for this, putting together a new counsel and all but here I am. Mr. Bonaparte, I would like for you to join my counsel as my Vice Chief."

Alex was flabbergasted. "Me, Vice Chief?! I...I don't know what to say. Why me?"

"Alex, when I look at you I see fire ready to be unleashed like everybody else but you need direction. You will either enlist tomorrow or you will go looking for Marius on your own, while those are good choices you're needed elsewhere. Your mother was killed, you want revenge but the sword is not for you the pin is. Your major was political science and your mother taught you many things. The people loved your mother and they have a good option about you too, you used your mother's influence to help others not seeking political power for your own self. Alex we're short on time, the people will understand."

"But I'm too young."

"Alex you're 23, there have been people younger than you ruling countries. This is what your mother would want."

"Sigh, you have my support."

She smiles, taps his back and leaves.


Glendarah enters the library of her estate. She approaches a glassed bookcase, pulls out a key and opens the lock. The glass opens up and she pulls out a black and white striped book, opens it and then the bookcase splits open up and she enters it. She heads down the stairs and does a hand scan and once it was confirmed, another door opens and she heads deeper until she reaches a dungeon. On both sides there were cells and she makes her way until she stops at the third one on her left. "How are you doing, Ms. Emily Ashby?"

"What do you think?!" She spat.

"I bet you're wondering why you're still alive?"

"Yes, why waste all that time healing me when you were just going to torture me?"

"Well it's simple really, during my Earth Coalition days I wasn't allowed to harm any Zoya prisoners so this is an opportunity too good to pass up. At least one of you need to feel the pain I went through but of course it's not enough, in fact it's really no fun with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I know all about you but I'm curious to know how you ended up with Zoya? You're supposed to be dead and yet here you are. Was it an inside job?"

"I didn't end up with them by choice, it's through unforeseen circumstances that I fell in with them."

"I see. Do go on."

"As for your second question, no! My dad would have never done that, he was good man! We didn't..."

"We didn't mean it," Glendarah finishes. "And yet you had nerve to blame Lorenzo Cheź!"

"If it wasn't for him none of this would have happened!" Emily screams.

"Yes and now he's dead. You should be happy but it wasn't by your hands."


"Personal reasons just like the former Chief of State, oh and 2nd Lieutenant Rin was also on your kill list, you should be grateful for my assistance."

Emily grits her teeth. "Just go ahead and kill me, it'll be a lot better than the Supreme Leader putting me back into that hellhole."

Glendarah smiles "It seems that you and I aren't so different after all."

"How so?"

"You had a forbidden relationship with your dad, my dad was a Catholic priest and my mom was a nun and it's by those unforeseen circumstances I was brought into Zoya as well and we both want the people on the kill list dead and above all else, we don't want to go back to a cage."

Emily was silent.

"How about you come work for me? Someone who won't take you for granted. We both want the same thing, do we not?"

"And if I refuse you'll kill me?"

"Oh heavens no, it's obvious why you were wearing the helmet even though you're not George Marius Ashby. Only a select few including myself know the truth, of course things can and will change. And if you think I'm bluffing just try me."

Emily balls her hand into a fist. She was trapped.

"So your answer?"

"I thought you wouldn't take me granted."

"I don't but you're still an enemy, you killed many Earth Republic citizens and soldiers. I'm due compensation." For a moment there was silence between them but Glendarah speaks again. "Tell me, what were you planning to do after you completed the kill list, I mean it's obvious you didn't care if you ended up starting a war?"

"I would live alone in the wasteland."

"Even if the conditions are horrible such as contaminated air?"

"I died back in 2031 so it really doesn't matter," she answers grimly and turns her head away.

"I'll allow you to kill Bernkastel." Emily looks at her. "Yes but Alexander Bonaparte must be spared at least until the war is over for he is to be my new Vice Chief and when the war is over I'll grant you full citizenship and you can live happily alone."

Emily was flabbergasted. "You'll actually allow me to live here?"

"Lorenzo had yet to include the Ashby Mobile Scandal in our database and I will send my soldiers to do a thorough clean up. So yes I'll allow you to live here, I'll even give you servants of your own if you want."

"You'll be watching me?"

"A small price to pay for living in the only livable country left in the world. I'll also require the secrets of the armor you wore."

"You already know. It's Luna Titanium, an early prototype armor for a human being, you can keep it, it's no good to me anymore. It can't protect me from beam weaponry."

"I thank you for your honesty."

A few minutes later Glendarah summons her staff members to take care of Emily. She exits the dungeon and steps out onto her balcony. She gazes at the full moon and suddenly rain comes down hard and Glendarah smiles as it hits her face. "Beautiful!"


Bernkastel regains consciousness, she had blacked out three times already but was she determined to follow the Dudael Fleet. They activate their new boosters courtesy of the captured HLV, but to their surprise the Royal Gundam was matching them.

The Dudael Fleet stops to recharge the boosters and the Royal Gundam does the same.

"Sir, the Gundam is still pursuing us," the communications officer reports.

"Why hasn't she opened fire on us?" The Supreme Leader ponders.

"Should we dispatch some mobile suits?"

"Sir we're receiving imagines from the Dreadnaught," the second communications officer reports.

"Look at it, The Gundam is missing half of its face. I believe our own Hunter Zaku did it and yet not our own Hunter Zaku," The Supreme Leader observes.

"It's balancers are screwed," the Admiral named Terrence adds.

They watch as the Royal Gundam's backpack goes out, it was just floating through space now.

"Despite being heavily damaged you did well to follow us this far," The Supreme Leader thought.

"The Dreadnaught is requesting permission to fire."

"Denied, get in contact with the Gundam."

A few minutes pass but there was no response.

"Captain Brax, take a team out and bring the Gundam here."

"Yes, Sir!"

Seven Hunter Zakus are dispatched. "If it attacks you have my permission to destroy it," the Supreme Leader radios.

"Roger," Captain Brax acknowledges.

The Hunter Zakus move in, two grab the arms while the others surround it and bring it to The Ultimate.

The crew members and soldiers watch as the Gundam is brought in, some were horrified, others enraged and the rest cheered upon seeing it captured in its damaged condition.

A few minutes later newly promoted Sergeant Major Selena and several soldiers aim their guns at the cockpit of the Gundam. "Get ready!"

"The order was just to capture it," Captain Brax reminds.

"If it attacks we are to destroy it," Commander Vance corrects.

The atmosphere was tense and quiet, they were all ready. "Corporal, open the hatch," Sergeant Major Selena orders.

He nods, wipes the sweat off his brow and floats to the chest. He opens the hatch and everyone was ready for the pilot to charge out in a blaze of glory with C4 strapped to her chest but no such answer came. The corporal peeks inside. "She's not conscious!"

"Don't go in just yet," Sergeant Major Selena orders, "You four go up there and cover him."

Once the four reach the chest, the corporal goes inside. "Careful, easy!" One of the soldiers cry fearfully. "There's blood," the corporal reports.

"Is she dead?" Commander Vance asks.

"No, she's still alive."

The staff start groaning in disappointment.

"Wait we can still throw her body into space!" Sergeant Major Selena suggests.

"That's enough!" Everyone hears the voice of the Supreme Leader in their head as he enters the main hanger. "Take her to sickbay and secure the Gundam. Everyone else back to work."


Earth, Grail

Two days had passed and Glendarah was now Chief of State Kits and Alexander was Vice Chief Bonaparte, she had selected her counsel and was now gathering resources for the Earth Republic Military.

She was currently running things from her estate since the Earth Republic Palace was in the middle of being repaired. She stares out the window smiling, "The Earth Republic will no longer be weak." Her smiles fades. "It took a lot of sacrifices to get this far, but I won't let it be for naught, for the Earth Republic."


Grail Military HQ

Vice Chief Bonaparte was attending a meeting involving the special forces, his main objective was check on things and keep morale high. The MS Chief Engineer and his secretary Rouge Blanch greet him and then General Babar, leader of the special forces.

There were 100 members, each were well trained mobile suit pilots and survived the first official battle against the Zoya during negotiations. Most of them were fairly young but the few that were older were actual veterans of World World III including the General.

With him today was his son Balrog and his daughter Barcelona, they were fraternal twins and the best of the best, the son had a rugged face and the daughter who was the slightly better looking one had a nasty scar across her face that went from the left eye down to the right side of her mouth.

"Alright let's get started," General Babar says. The special forces members began taking their seats. He couldn't help but smile at the brave 100 including his son and daughter. "You all know why you're here! You're efforts have been tested but this is only the beginning, we will show the Zoya our true strength and....."

At that moment the door opens and pops in another member but General Babar was puzzled, he looks at the audience and he wipes his eyes to make sure he was correct, everyone was presented, 100 seats were filled and yet this person had entered. Several people look back including Balrog and Barcelona, she was a blonde wearing their special forces attire of black and green and on her face were orange sunglasses. She leans against the wall with her arms crossed.

General Babar just stood there in silence over the intruder. Vice Chief Bonaparte whispers into ear of the MS Chief Engineer and approaches the podium, "Ok roll the presentation." "Oh yes, you have the floor," General Babar says, regaining composure.

The film stars rolling. "As you all know the previous Chief of State left us with only a handful of Templar mobile suits and most of you had to share..." The Vice Chief flinches when he said that. "And several were either damaged or destroyed but our new Chief of State has granted me the resources to build a new mobile suit exclusively for you special forces. Behold! The new Teutonic model!"

The Teutonic was gray like the Templar but has a black cross shape visor and two black horns on both sides of the head. The special forces cheer. "Its speed and maneuverability will be doubled compared to the Templar, even that of the Command type, its armor greatly increased with fixed vulcan guns on the head and a beam rifle will be standard."

The blonde couldn't help but smile.


Once the meeting was over the special forces were dismissed. The blonde walks out.

"That woman who was tardy, who was she?" Vice Chief Bonaparte asks.

"I don't know, I have a roster on all special forces members, and she wasn't listed," General Babar answers. "The seats don't lie."

"But she was wearing one of your outfits."

"I know! That's not supposed to happen until after I handpicked the member!" General Babar growls and turns to the MS Chief Engineer. "Vulcan this better not be your doing!"

"Calm down, Babar, use your head, how long have we known each other? We're both by the books type of men, you approve who becomes special forces under your command just as I approve who pilots my mobile suits. Why would I disrupt the natural order especially when war is on the horizon?"

Suddenly they hear shouting and head out the briefing room to find the blonde surrounded by several special forces members. "Who the hell are you?!" Barcelona demands.

"You show up late in our uniform, you're making us look bad!" Balrog adds.

"Alright that's enough!" Vice Chief Bonaparte shouts and everyone salutes him and stood parade rest.

"You! The one with the orange shades, who are you?!" The blonde presents General Babar with a piece of paper and he starts reading it. "It seems we have a new member in our special forces, Echo Orange," he announces bitterly. "With the unofficial rank of Agent."

The others were surprised and slowly clap. "Dismissed!" Everyone began to leave. General Babar grits his teeth and balls up the paper. He leaves with his children following him.

"Dad, I mean Sir, is this a joke?!" Barcelona demands. "That outsider hasn't been evaluated or even has a proper rank!"

"I have no choice. These orders come straight from the Chief herself." The children were stunned.


"Congratulations on joining the special forces," The Vice Chief offers his hand and she shakes it. "May I ask, have we met?"

"Hardly," she answers coolly.

"Why don't you take off those shades," MS Chief Engineer Roth suggests somewhat annoyed.

"Radiated eyes, the shades are what's keeping them from permanent damage," she explains and leaves.

"Permission to speak, Sir?" Secretary Blanch asks. He nods. "That was rather rude of her, she acts like she could care less about you being the Vice Chief."

"Yeah," The MS Chief Engineer nods in agreement.

They watch her leave until she was out of sight and then went their way.


The Ultimate

"How are you feeling?" Supreme Leader Dudael asks upon meeting Bernkastel, behind him were Lady Helga, Überstein and royal guards.

"I'm doing better," she groans.

"Why have you followed us?"

"You can read my mind," she answers sadly.

"Oh my!" He exclaims upon reading her mind.

"Is it possible that I speak with Marius?"

"He's no longer with us," he answers bitterly.


"No, deserted!"

"You mean?"

"We believe he stowed away again on the HLV, of course after reading your mind it seems the person I thought was Marius wasn't him at all."

"Do you know a Captain Juan?"

"There are several people with that name but the one you're referring to never existed within our ranks." He feeds her mind the identities of all the men named Juan and none were the Captain Juan she knew. Bernkastel was silent, any doubts that she might have made a mistake were gone. "So why don't you tell us why you've followed us? Say it loud so everyone in this room can hear you."

"I want to join the Zoya Remnant! Your cause is noble and I want to help!"

He nods and taps her on the shoulder, "Get some rest."

He and the others leave the room. "Are you serious about letting her join?!" Lady Helga exclaims.

"Yes I am serious, the woman has talent and I don't plan to let talent like that slip away plus the way she fought has convinced me that her Newtype abilities are awakening."

Lady Helga rolls her eyes.


Earth, Grail

Vice Chief Bonaparte was busy signing papers when there came a knock at the door. "Sir, your friends Ben and Katrine are here to see you," a staff member announces.

"Send them in."

"So how's everything, Mr. Vice Chief?" Ben asks.

"It's already tiring but I have to do it, this is the path I've chosen."

"We wanted to know if you wanted to go Christmas shopping with us."

He gazes at them perplexed. "You both realize that war is coming, right?"

"Yeah but this could be the last chance that the three of us have together for a long time," Katrine explains.

"I'm not in the mood, this is the first Christmas without my mother, I..." He starts to cry.

"I knew this was a bad idea."

"I'm sorry," Ben sighs sadly.

"I think we should go."

"Alex, do want us to bring you back anything?"

"No," he answers, drying his tears.

"Ok but make sure you don't over do it, the flu is going around and I'm getting chicken soup and orange juice for Erik," Katrine says.

At that moment when she uttered the word orange his thoughts drift to the blonde with the orange shades. "She

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