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Modern Family Affair Ch. 07

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Claire breaks Haley?
9k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family and have no association with anyone involved in the show. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


"So, do you have something you want to say to me?" Claire smirked.

Haley gulped, bit her lip and glanced over at her little sister Alex, a.k.a. her girlfriend. Given how her mother had gotten dangerously close to breaking her and turning her into a pure bottom the last time they were in a room together it was very understandable that she had been dreading this moment, especially as she knew what she had to say now.

Of course Alex knew what happened, as they didn't keep secrets, and her girl had come home to find Haley laying on her stomach and unconscious on their bed, her ass hole gaping as wide as the Grand Canyon, which was a bit of a giveaway given there was only one person regularly topping them outside of their relationship. It was unlikely that this would be the thing which lost her Alex, but Haley was worried about little things adding up.

Despite that Haley had been dreading this moment because she knew she would give her mother what she wanted, in this case lowering her head and submissively telling her, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Claire pushed.

Haley sighed, "For using your property without your permission."

"What exactly did you use?" Claire pushed again.

"My sister's butt hole." Haley grumbled, and when she saw that clearly wasn't enough she quickly added, "I'm sorry for fucking my baby sister's big fat ass, okay? It's yours! Not mine, or hers. We both remember that was part of our arrangement, and I'm sorry I broke it."

"I still kind of doubt that..." Claire admitted, before warning her oldest child, "You better do a more convincing job at apologising to your sister."

That really appalled Haley, letting her Mom know that with a simple look, but the one she got back told her she better do as she was told, so with a huffed she found the sibling that was standing next to her and tried to apologised, "Alex, I'm sorry... but it's a totally your fault. You know I can't control myself around your amazing little body. That's how we got together in the first place.

If it wasn't for those huge tits, and big fat booty, and your cute little face, and your pretty little mouth, and your talented little tongue and your tasty little pussy maybe I could have resisted you. Maybe. I mean, I didn't even mention your adorable little nerd glasses, and you're awesome without all that, but... I need to find some way to control myself around you, and not force you to disobey our Dom Mom because I'm just so crazy about you."

"And..." Claire pushed.

"And... I..." Haley tried, she really did, before turning back to her mother and protesting, "No, I won't do it! I can't! I can't be sorry for fucking her big fat ass. It's what I meant to do! And it's what she was born for. You know that, right? How can you punish us for doing something we were born for?"

"I'm not." Claire corrected her, "I'm punishing you for doing it without my permission, and because topping is clearly not what you were born for sweetie."

"Well I disagree, and I'm not sorry! I'll never be sorry!" Haley argued.

"I know." Claire said almost sadly, although she really, really wasn't, "Which is why I'm going to have to punish you... Haley, take off your clothes, then your sister's, and then tie her to the bed you share."

"Yes Mom." Haley grinned happily.

This was very confusing to Haley, as it totally felt like a reward instead of a punishment. Even though she knew it was only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped Haley decided to give her Dom Mom a reward, namely by treating her mother to the best possible striptease she was capable of. Hopefully this would smooth things over between them.

Either that, or unwrapping Alex like the yummy treat she was. Which again, felt like more of a treat for Haley. Just like tying Alex up. Oh yes, maybe especially when Alex was lying flat on her back, which Haley guest was what their mother wanted, as it meant the youngest Dunphy's big tits were on perfect display. Big tits Haley tried to wrap her mouth around, until a hard strike to her butt told her to back off.

Just in case Haley didn't get the message Claire told her, "Hey, did I give you permission to suck on your little sister's big tits?"

"No." Haley admitted with a grumble.

"That's right, and this is supposed to be a punishment, so back off and just watch." Claire ordered firmly.

"Awww Mom!" Haley whined.

"Not another word, or I'll make you face the wall." Claire threatened.

Given the idea of Alex being naked in her presence and her not being able to see it was unbearable Haley was just about able to stop herself from uttering another word. It was close, and she definitely let out a cry of frustration, before firmly shutting her mouth. That still earned her a long warning look from the woman who gave her life, but thankfully she offered up some mercy by not only letting it go, but taking off her own clothes, meaning all three of the Dunphy women were now completely naked.

Which quickly reminded Haley that Alex wasn't the only member of her family with an amazing body which was hard for her to resist, the difference of course being that she was head over heels for her own sister, making her completely irresistible, so much so the next few minutes were torture.

Admittedly she'd had worse, like her Mom spanking her, and even worse, fucking Alex's ass right in front of her when she could do nothing but watch. Yet this still felt like a pretty harsh punishment, as there was nothing she loved more than wrapping her lips around one of her kid sister's nipples and giving it a good suck, just like her mother did while looking into her eyes.

Then the older woman moved to the other nipple and repeated the process, and sliding her lips all over that meaty flesh, making Haley literally drooled with jealousy, while of course Alex moaned, gasped and cried out in pure pleasure. God, Haley would just about give anything to be the cause of that pleasure right now.

Claire loved Alex's tits almost as much as Haley did, which was really saying something, as her oldest daughter was obsessed with her youngest daughter's big tits. Which was exactly why she was doing this. Well, also for the sheer perverted joy of it, but mostly it was a far more effective punishment for Haley then just about anything else Claire can think up.

Because spanking her was incredibly fun, but it wasn't really effective as it just made them wet, even during the harder spanking. Claire had been very close to introducing a whip or a paddle or something into the equation, possibly after tying them up so they couldn't squirm away, but she just wasn't ready to physically hurt them like that. Besides, given the longing looks Haley was giving them this was far more effective.

Wanting to rub it in Claire moaned with delight as she went back and forth between those nipples, spending plenty of time on the large flesh surrounding it, and at some points even motor-boating those huge tits. Oh, it was heaven. A really, really twisted heaven.

One which Claire could have done for hours, if not all night long. In reality she probably spent close to half an hour just playing with those big boobs, partly for her own pleasure but mostly to punish both her daughters for having butt sex without her. She even tortured Alex a little more by sliding a hand down to her youngest daughter's extremely wet cunt and began to gently rub it, which of course made Alex cry out pathetically, and then beg for more. Or at least try.

"Mom! Please!" Alex whimpered pathetically, trying to say more only to be cut off.

"Shhhhhh, Mommy's enjoying your big tits." Claire scolded softly.

Which of course made Alex whimper pathetically again while she tried to do as she was told, but she just couldn't wait any more, "Please Mom, fuck me! I need to be fucked!"

"No, you want to be fucked." Claire corrected her crossly, "But you've been a very, very bad girl, so you're just going to have to wait. In the meantime, why don't you return the favour? Oh yes, suck Mommy's tits! Suck them like you used to do when you were younger. Ohhhhhh yessssssss, mmmmm, like when you and Haley were babies. Oh God, this is so wrong. But it feels so good. Mmmmm yeahhhhhh, that's it Alex, play with Mommy's tits. Play with them like Haley wishes she could right now. Mmmmm, oh yes, suck those tits while your sister/girlfriend watches us, you twisted little bitch! Oh yeahhhhhh, are you watching this Haley? Oooooooh, it seems like your sister picked up on a few tips while you were slobbering all over her huge titties! Ooooohhhhh yeahhhhhhh!"

Even though she huffed in annoyance at being denied Alex was quick to do as she was told. Admittedly Claire grabbing the back of her head and pressing her down into her chest might have had something to do with it, or a lot to do with it, especially as she didn't let go of Alex's head afterwards.

But Alex didn't try and stop her, and as soon as she was in place she seemed only too happy to wrap her lips around one of Claire's nipples and suck it far more erotically than she did when she was a child making her moan with wicked delight, both at the act itself, and those memories. Then after gleefully taunting her daughter Claire bought her hand up to her lips and tasted her baby girl's delicious pussy.

She made sure to keep eye contact with Haley and moaning loudly and happily while doing this, which was totally worth it given the annoyed look on her oldest daughter's face. It was a look Claire continued to get as Alex began going back and forth between the older woman's tits for a change, obviously trying to give them the same treatment even if she wasn't working with quite as much as Claire and Haley were when they were in the same position with her.

Alex clearly enjoyed herself doing this, although just as clearly she was eager to move on to something else, and so was Claire. Just as Claire was most likely thinking about something different to Alex, proven by the brief disappointment on the brunette's face when the blonde gave her another order.

"Okay, I suppose you've earned a reward..." Claire told her youngest, before ordering, "Get down on your knees and eat Mommy's pussy!"

"Yes Mom." Alex nodded after only a brief hesitation.

Alex had loved eating pussy ever since her second time with Haley, which had been her first time tasting pussy and thus returning the favour, and this wouldn't be her first time going down on her Mommy who almost tasted as good as her sister. So it certainly wasn't a lack of desire which cause that hesitation, but simply the fact that her own body was aching for attention.

Then again Alex prided herself on being a pure bottom, and that meant it was her job to please her top, or in this case tops, no matter what they wanted. So she scolded herself for her hesitation as she dropped down to her knees, closed her eyes and stuck her head in between her Mom's legs.

Given her current state of mind it was really difficult not to immediately begin lapping away with everything she had, but it was very likely that the top wanted to savour the moment. Haley normally did, and in just about every other situation she was really impatient, and given her limited but glorious experience with other women Alex made an educated guess and started out slow.

That meant pressing her tongue to the bottom of her Mom's pussy and slowly sliding it upwards until she reached the older woman's clit. She lingered on that for a few long seconds, and then completely ignored it as she settled into a slow but steady rhythm licking her Mommy's pussy like the perverted little daughter she was, much to the delight of the other women in the room.

Mostly her mother of course, who let out a loud cry followed by a series of moans of pleasure, as Alex began licking her pussy. She also caressed Alex's head like a pet, which was really easy as her hand had already been in position. Both of which Haley loved when Alex was going down on her, except she looked down at her as well, which their mother wasn't doing.

No, their mother was very much focused on Haley's reaction to this, obviously expecting it to be a punishment of sorts. And it was, but not simply because they were having fun without her, and their Mom was using Alex. Because while that may be partly true, Haley was also jealous it wasn't her in Alex's place, and she made it crystal clear that she was enjoying the show.

At first this was through simple soft sounds of pleasure, barely audible to the older woman, but eventually Haley chimed in, "Ooooooh yeahhhhhh, eat that pussy sis! Eat Mom's pussy! Eat it! Mmmmm yesssssss, eat it like the filthy little dyke slut you are. Oh yes, I love watching my little sister eat our Mommy's cunt! Ohhhhhh fuck yeah!"

This was almost definitely more to antagonise their mother more than encourage Alex, which the smarter of the two sisters definitely wouldn't have advised, but at least for now Alex had the luxury of ignoring the rivalry going on between Haley and their Mom and just concentrate on the tasty treat between them. For better or for worse Haley's words didn't seem to put their mother off. If anything they just seem to turn her on more.

Which sadly meant that Alex time with this yummy pussy was limited, so she savoured every lick, and more importantly every drop of cunt cream she got from it. Also every little encouragement she got from her parent and sibling, and there was a lot of it, Haley practically giving a running commentary of naughtiness until she was given another more important job, which meant she was really invited into the fun.

"Yessssssss, get your face deep into that cunt you little whore! Mmmmm, get it deep into our Mommy's pussy!" Haley cried out gleefully, cautiously reaching down and beginning to rub her pussy, even though she knew full well her mother was watching, and continue doing it even though the older woman scowled at her, "Ohhhhhhh yesssssss, fucking eat that pussy good! Eat it Alex, ooooooh, that's so hot! Oh yes, I love watching you munching our Mommy's muffin. Mmmmm yesssssssss, I love it so much. You hear that Mommy? I love watching your other daughter eat you out. I wish it was me doing it, mmmmmm, or better yet receiving it, but I'm happy just to watch. Does that make you mad Mommy? Was this supposed to be a punishment? Really? Two beautiful women fucking in front of me? Two beautiful women who I adore in different ways having nasty incestuous sex? Two beautiful women having lesbian incest right in front of me? Was that really supposed to be a punishment? Come on Mom, you really have to step up your game."

"Be careful what you wish for honey." Claire grumbled, before ordering, "Get behind me and kiss my ass! Literally! Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh, I want my oldest daughter to eat my butt, mmmmm, while my youngest is eating my cunt."

"And that supposed to be my punishment?" Haley scoffed, already moving to do as she was told.

"Oh, that's coming." Claire promised with an evil grin, "You'll see..."

Haley just returned the wicked grin as she quickly and eagerly kneeled down behind her mother and buried her face in her beautiful butt. There was a small part of Haley which had a weird sense of foreboding, likely sensing something bad was going to happen, but she had survived the most humiliating things imaginable while remaining a top, so really, what could her Mommy possibly have in mind which would be that bad?

Especially considering her opening move was making Alex eat her pussy in front of her, and now Haley was just joining in on the fun. So, basic like every night her Mom came over to have sex with Haley and her sister/girlfriend.

This was even the most frequent way they got the party started, which Haley loved as it meant that she was in a very perverted way sharing her mother with her little sister. Oh yes, the entire time Haley was very aware that Alex was the other side of the woman who gave them life, licking one of their Mommy's holes while Haley lick the other, in this case the older sister butt munching the older woman, while the younger one went muff diving.

Sometimes, like now, they would even hold hands while doing it, while in a weird way made it romantic. At least to Haley. Of course there wasn't much Haley didn't find romantic about having sex with her baby sister, each one of those twisted acts just making everything better.

Which was good, because as much as Haley loved this her kid sister was definitely getting the better part of the deal. After all, she would be who had one having the honour of during the majority of the work to make their Mommy cum, and more importantly would be rewarded with that Mommy cum. Sure, their Mommy butt cream was great, but it really just couldn't compare.

Of course Haley was confident that soon she would receive something much more pleasant, as it tended to be a taking turns kind of thing, and she was more than happy to stick to eating ass right now. And sure, it wasn't her favourite ass, but considering who this was it was a close second, and she worshipped it almost just as enthusiastically.

At first that just meant licking up and down that ultra forbidden hole quickly and eagerly in stark contrast to the gentle licking Alex was forced to give their Mommy. For a while Haley was forced to slow her role too, albeit after the mother had thoroughly enjoyed herself for a few long minutes, before receiving the permission she had been waiting for.

The one which allowed Haley to get really crazy, not just licking up and down, but side to side and around the ass hole but finally pushing her way inside it. Not that she got very far, not content with that ass whore she called her little sister, but far enough to help her Mommy cum nice and hard, and that was all that really mattered in the end.

Claire couldn't agree more, although at the same time she was very satisfied with taking a few long minutes to enjoy having both her daughters worship her body. Oh yes, their hot little tongues just felt so amazing caressing her most intimate holes, Alex licking the front hole while Haley was licking the back, making it impossible for Claire not to let her little girls know just how much she was loving the attention.

She mostly did that by tilting her head back and crying out with pure pleasure, while sliding a hand into each of their hair and gently caressing it. But of course there was a running commentary throughout, even though it was constantly being interrupted by more sounds of pleasure.

"Yessssssss, eat that ass Haley! Eat it good, ohhhhhhhh mmmmmmm, good girl." Claire cried out shortly after Haley started munching her butt, "Oooooooh, that's so good, soooooo gooooooddddddd, mmmmmm fuck! Too good. Slow down! Mommy isn't ready to cum in her precious Alex's mouth yet! No, mmmmmm, Mommy wants to enjoy your little girlfriend sister tonguing her twat for a little longer, ooooooooh, while you eat Mommy's butt hole like the shameless little incestuous whore you are! Ohhhhhhhhh, that both of you are! Oh yes, both of my daughters are filthy little incestuous whores who just can't get enough of each other. Oooooooh, or their Mommy's fuck holes. Oh yes, that's it girls! Munch Mommy's back hole, oh God yes, and the front. Make me proud! Make Mama proud! Ooooooohhhhhh yeeeeeeesssssss, fucking lick me!"

Of course eventually Claire had to trail off, the pleasure just becoming too great to talk coherently. More importantly it was having an effect on herself more than her girls, and she wasm't ready for this to end yet.

Or more accurately she really didn't want it to end, but she was trying to prove that she should be the only top in this weird relationship of theirs, and she couldn't possibly do that if she wasn't able to resist the best her daughters had to offer for as long as possible so the three of them could savour this heaven. And to her credit Claire lasted quite a while, even to the point where it seemed to begin to annoy Haley, which made the whole waiting worth it.

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