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Mom Fucked in a Farmhouse Ch. 01

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Son helplessly watches a stranger forcibly take his sexy mom.
10.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/21/2023
Created 07/31/2021
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Note :- This story series was posted by me earlier under another username. Reposting it after making some small changes.


OOOOHHH!! OAAAUUHH!! NO! PLEEEAAAASE STOP!! AAAAUUUUH!" the woman screamed. The man behind her ignored her pleas and continued his thrusts even more vigorously.

Damn! Not this dream again!

I couldn't see their faces at first and then slowly their faces came into focus. She was beautiful but I struggled to recognize her; the man was as ugly as the woman was lovely. The woman was bent over something I couldn't see, her white round bottom sticking out behind her. The monstrosity of a man standing behind her held her by her hips in a vice grip, thrusting in and out of her tight asshole, making slapping noises on every forward thrust, making her scream.

Suddenly she turned her head, looked at me and mouthed, "Help!"

I recognized her now! At that moment the man also looked at me, winked, raised his right hand brought it down, slapping her left butt-cheek, hard. I stood paralyzed unable to speak or move.

I awoke in a sweat, with a raging hard-on. Damn! That same effing dream again. I got up from my bed, reaching out to my walking stick with my right hand. It's the only hand I have. My left hand was lost in a childhood accident. I was too young then to remember now what had happened. The same accident also left my left leg pretty useless. The good thing about being crippled so early in life is that I don't remember what being whole was like. So for most of my life I could move around quite well despite my disability. Growing up, I made it a point to climb trees, etc just to prove to myself that I wasn't a useless, helpless eater.

But then one incident proved me wrong.

I've been having that same nightmare since many years. I'm an old man now, with just a few more years left. Perhaps, putting down on paper what had happened that night, will bring a small measure of closure.

In spite of my disability we were a happy family, living in Chhinalpur, a mid-sized town in India. My parents had a great marriage. Dad ran a consulting business that took him away from home for extended periods. Mom had left her job to care for me after my accident and since dad's business had taken off, she continued to be a housewife. I was their only son.

Mom was a beautiful woman, turning heads wherever she went. She took good care of herself, regularly doing yoga.

I just thought of her as my beautiful mother; that was until that awful night that twisted my mind for good. After the 'incident' I started noticing how sexy she was, the way she moved, her figure,...

At the time she was forty three but didn't look a day over thirty, she was 38DD-29-39 (I checked later, don't ask), about 5ft 9in tall, long wavy dark hair reaching down to her waist, fair complexion. When she walked, her breasts would jiggle with each step, her ass would wiggle with the sway of her shapely hips. Like I said, my mind is permanently twisted, I started noticing these things about my own mother after that night.

It happened so many years ago, yet I can remember everything like it was yesterday.

One of dad's important clients had thrown a party but dad couldn't attend as he had gone abroad for a month. So my mother had to attend in his stead. I also went along with her as I had nothing better to do anyway; it was the middle of my summer vacation. I was a frail nineteen year old cripple then, agile but weak nonetheless, tiring easily.

The place was about a three hour drive from our town. We took a cab because our car had broken down the day before.

I chatted happily with my mom part of the way and slept part of the way. We reached the place around noon when the party was just beginning. As usual heads turned when my mom walked in. She looked stunning in a yellow silk sari and a low-cut round neck, dark blue blouse. The 'pallu' (upper part) of her sari covered her ample breasts, which otherwise seemed ready to burst out of her blouse. I hobbled along behind her, carrying a backpack. She had insisted that we carry a change of clothes in case we got late and couldn't make it back the same night. The party place did seem to be in the middle of nowhere and I wondered where we would go looking for hotels to stay the night if we did get late.

After greeting the hosts we went our separate ways to mingle. After some time, I noticed a man standing aloof. He was a big man, dark balding with cold beady eyes. He had a pot-belly but the rest of him seemed to be all muscle. What little he had of his hair was grey; he may have been around 60 or 65 years old but still surprisingly agile and strong for his age. When I passed from near him, I caught a strong whiff of 'gutkha', a flavoured chewing tobacco popular with some people in India. Apart from the hosts, everyone was giving him a wide berth, and even they seemed to overdo their show of respect out of sheer nervousness. The man radiated danger and just plain bad vibes.

A waiter noticed me staring at the man and asked me if I knew him. I replied that I didn't.

So he told me, "He is Chandra, the local mafia don and the real power behind all the politicians in the area. He has the whole police department, labor and transport unions and traders guilds in his pocket. No one dares go against him. A dangerous man to cross."

So, that was Chandra, I had heard about him before.

He was just moving around the party looking bored. I steered clear of him and continued making new friends.

The next time I saw Chandra was about an hour later, he was staring intently at something. His cold eyes, which had seemed so dead, were now alive with excitement. I turned to see what he was looking at and my heart lurched. He was staring lustfully at my mother. She was smiling and talking to the host. Then when she turned to walk away, Chandra got up, his eyes glued to her swaying round ass. He walked up to the host and said something gesturing towards my mom. The host, momentarily flustered, said something to him and Chandra nodded and walked away. The host looked at my mother who by now was talking to someone else, unaware of what was happening. He took a step towards her, looking concerned and then appeared to change his mind, shrugging his shoulders as if to say, "None of my business." and walked away.

I decided to tail Chandra and went looking for him. I finally found him, talking to a man who had been introduced as the transport union chief. By the time I got close enough to listen to what they were saying, the conversation was ending and I only heard the union man say to Chandra, "...no cabs or buses will go to Chhinalpur tonight. Just as you say."

Wtf?! What is this bastard up to? Just like that, he had stopped all transport to my hometown for the night! Maybe, if I had just gone to my mother and insisted that we leave immediately, things would have turned out differently. But I didn't and we remained at the party until the evening, when it started to wind down. Throughout this time, Chandra kept staring at my mother from a distance.

As we were leaving, the sky suddenly became overcast and all evening breezes stopped. It was going to rain soon. We tried getting a cab but all cabbies refused to go to Chhinalpur. We walked to a bus-stop and waited but of course no buses were plying to Chhinalpur that evening. Maybe I should have taken that overheard conversation seriously. We were positive that we would get a cab, so we hadn't bothered to ask any of the other guests for a lift.

Soon I and mom seemed to be the only people for miles around, all the traffic also seemed to have disappeared. And then it started to rain. We were soaked in no time and mom's sari clung close to her beautiful figure. She seemed to be the very image of a sex goddess.

It was stating to get dark when finally, a car drove up and slowed down in front of us. Mom said, "Let's see if we can get a lift." gesturing for the car to stop.

It stopped and mom walked up to the driver. I couldn't catch the conversation in the sound of the rain.

Mom turned around and came to me, "This gentleman is also on his way to Chhinalpur. He has kindly offered to give us a ride."

She opened the back door for me and smiled, "You need to stretch your leg on the seat. I'll sit in the front. You be comfortable."

I was too tired to object and climbing into the back seat, stretched my leg across it. Mom sat in the front seat, soaking wet and all. She apologized for ruining the seat covers.

The man replied, "Don't worry about it. It's a good thing I came along or you would probably have been stranded here. These damn cabbies just follow their own whims causing trouble for everyone."

That voice! It was Chandra! I wished I had told mom about him but it was too late to warn her now.

The car started up and I don't remember when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, we were still in the car but seemed to have left the highway and were on some country road. It was raining heavily and visibility was very low.

Mom noticed that I was awake and said, "Hey sleepy head, Mr Chandra was finding it difficult to drive in this rain so instead of going home, we are going to spend the night at his farmhouse which is close by."

"We're almost there." Chandra said.

I tried to ignore the alarm bells going off in my head and when I noticed Chandra giving my mom sideways glances, the bells only got louder. The pallu of mom's sari had slipped off her shoulder and Chandra seemed to be discreetly drinking in the sight of her lovely breasts, rising and falling with each breath, inside her tight blouse.

We reached a large gate. Chandra got down and opened the gate, got back in the car and drove us in. When we all got down from the car, he went back and locked the gate from the inside. This just made be even more worried. I tried to get mom's attention to warn her but he was back with us.

"This is my humble farmhouse. Please come in, ladies first."

"Thank you." said mom and walked ahead with Chandra close behind, staring at her wiggling butt.

We went inside and he showed us to our rooms. My room was across the hall from mom's room. I took my clothes from the backpack, giving her the backpack and went into my room to change. Once changed, I paced and thought about what to do. We seemed safe so far but that could change fast. In my condition, there's no way I could take on the full monstrosity that was Chandra. Calling the police would be no help ; they were in his pocket. Even mom now seemed uncomfortable having seen him in the light of the house.

Deciding there was nothing I could do, I went back out of the room. Mom was already sitting on a sofa in the hall. She had changed into her cream colored full-length nightie. At home mom never wore underwear under her nightie. But in this strange place I could make out that she was wearing her bra.

She looked up startled when Chandra walked into the hall, dressed in only a 'lungi', (a long cloth tied and knotted around the waist, extending down to the feet) Bare-chested he looked more like an old gorilla than a man. His ugly face broke into a smile, baring his yellow stained teeth. His arms, torso and back were covered with rough looking grey hair. In all, a very disturbing sight.

He sat opposite mom and they made small talk with mom trying to avert her gaze from the ugly sight in front of her. It turned out he already knew a lot about our family from their conversation in the car.

I was still wondering how to warn my mother when she excused herself saying, "I better get some sleep."

She got up and walked towards her room, Chandra staring at her retreating ass as usual. I noticed he had a bulge in his lungi near the crotch. After mom closed the door to her room behind her, I also excused myself and hobbled to my room, shutting and bolting the door behind me.

Once inside, I began to look for ways of escape. I could easily jump out the window but the storm outside was only getting worse besides how would I get to mom? I looked up and there seemed to be a loft near the top of the wall. But the loft seemed a bit too deep. So, pulling a table, I managed to climb up onto the 'loft' and realized that it was in fact a crawlspace. I crawled ahead in the dark to investigate. I could see some light up ahead, going there I soon realized that this crawlspace led to every room in the house.

I crawled to another lighted area and looked down, it was Chandra's room. I regretted looking almost immediately. He was sitting up in his bed, looking away dreamily with his large, erect, dark cock in his hand. And it was quite large, must have been at least ten inches long and as thick as my wrist.

Maybe I needn't have worried so much. Maybe he'll just jack off thinking about mom and go to sleep. Then I turned and went ahead looking for mom's room. Sure enough, the next lighted area was above her room. I peeped down and saw that she was lying on a king-sized bed, on her back with her eyes closed. She had left the light on.

Having made sure that everything was alright I headed back to my room. Once there, I climbed down, dusting myself off as best as I could. All those hours of climbing and hanging off poles had served me well. I crashed into my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up hearing the sound of someone bolting my door from the outside. It took me a few seconds to regain my bearings. I hopped onto the floor and tried the door. It was indeed locked from outside.

Panic gripped me again as I climbed back onto the ledge and into the crawlspace, moving as fast as I could towards my mom's room. While climbing up, my eyes fell on the clock, it was 9:30 PM. I don't know why I remember this but I do.

When I got to the crawlspace above mom's room, I saw that Chandra was in there, standing near the bed, staring at mom.

Mom looked very beautiful, her dark black hair splayed on the pillow above her head, a small smile on her luscious pink lips. Her large round breasts under her nightie and bra, slowly rising and falling with each breath. Her left knee was folded up, causing the hem of the nightie to get bunched up below her waist. Her entire left leg, creamy white, shapely, smooth and glistening in the light was exposed. As was her right leg from her knee downwards.

Chandra just stood there for a couple of minutes drinking in this beautiful sight. Then he moved forward slowly and quietly climbed onto the bed near mom's feet. He slowly lifted the hem of her nightie which had ridden above her right knee and pushed it towards her waist. Her white panties with the outline of her pussy lips could now be seen. He brought both his hands to the waistband of her panties and started pulling them down.

Mom woke up with a start and got up. The downward movement of Chandra's hands with her panties gripped tightly in them and her getting up, almost jumping up from the bed and moving up caused her panties to slip down from her hips. Taking advantage of this, Chandra put his left hand under her right knee and folded it up to the same position as her left knee and deftly slid her panties across her thighs. over her knees and to her feet, finally removing them and tossing them aside.

Mom seemed unaware of what had just happened. She looked at him and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to collect tonight's rent", he laughed.

"What? We can talk in the morning..." she said, still confused.

He put a hand on each of her knees and pushed them apart. Her pretty pussy was now clearly visible. It was completely shaved and smooth, except for a small 'landing strip' above it.

He removed and threw away his lungi and was now completely naked, a very disgusting sight. She looked at his huge raging hard-on and yelled, "No! Please, don't! I'm married, my son is just across the hall...!"

He said, "Yeah, and you're going to pay tonight's rent with that married pussy of yours. Don't pretend like you haven't done this before. Don't make too much noise or your son will wake up." moving in between her legs.

"Nooo!" she shouted, "This is wrong."

He slapped her across her face and said, "I'm only doing what a man does to a woman. Don't lecture me about right and wrong."

I was paralyzed by fear looking at the scene below me.

Mom suddenly folded her right leg and kicked him on his chest, more like pushed him away with her foot. She tried to get up but Chandra was back on her in a flash. In all this struggle, she was turned around on her belly, her nightie riding way up just below her armpits.

He seemed stunned for a moment looking at her perfectly rounded buttocks. His hard cock started twitching up and down like crazy. He quickly pressed her thighs together straddling them and placing his hands oh her back, pressed her down onto the bed. Then he lowered his face to her ass and started kissing it.

And by kissing, I mean, not sweet gentle kisses but mad, wet, sloppy kisses. He would suck as much of her smooth ass flesh into his mouth as he could and then release it. He would do the same with the other buttock. Then he licked the deep partition between her ass cheeks, sending a shiver up her spine.

But all this time, mom kept crying helplessly, "Please stop, no, don't do this..." while he grunted and moaned his approval of her lovely ass, "Mmmm, gnommmm, pichhh, mmmuah, hmmmmmhh!" as he ate it.

After licking, kissing, sucking and nibbling her smooth white ass for a few minutes, he raised himself up and opened up her ass, pulling mom's ass cheeks apart with his hands, exposing her cute brownish pink rosebud. He spat onto her butt hole twice and using the fingers of his left hand to keep her ass open, held his huge cock with his right hand, placed the cock head at her rear opening and thrust, hard.

Mom screamed, "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

But it had not gone in. He slapped her ass with his right hand, making her squeal with pain. Then tried entering her enticing ass again. She screamed again and he failed again.

Frustrated, he gave her two hard spanks, one on each buttock and said, "Don't you fucking move bitch. I'll be right back."

He got up off the bed and walked to the dressing table, where he picked up a small bottle of oil. He poured a generous amount of oil in his palm and applied it first to his cock head and then rubbed it all over his ugly hard cock.

Seeing her chance, mom quickly jumped off the bed and started running towards the door. As she was running her nightie which was bunched up above her breasts fell back down, causing her to stumble. Lifting up the hem above her knees she continued running. But when she reached the door, it was bolted by a latch near the top and she could not reach it.

In the meantime, Chandra had finished lubing his hard-on and carried the little bottle of oil with him, quickly walking towards my mom who was standing at the door, still trying to reach the door latch.

He placed the bottle on a small stand near the door and bending slightly he grabbed her nightie and started to lift it up over her smooth alluring body and over her head. Her back was still to him. Mom, realizing that she had lost, gave up struggling and bursting into tears raised her hands above her head, enabling Chandra to take the nightie off her completely. He threw it back on the bed.

Then he reached his left hand around her front and placing it just below her belly, started pulling her hips towards himself saying to her softly, "Oh baby, we're going to have so much fun. What a perfect ass!"

Mom knew what he wanted, so she stuck her beautiful round ass out towards him, arching her back and bending her knees slightly. Her smooth white buttocks were now red with Chandra's hand imprints from the three spanks he had given her and were also wet with his saliva.

Using the fingers of his left hand again to open her ass, he picked up the bottle from the stand with his right hand and poured some oil down her butt crack. Putting the bottle back on the stand, he placed his hands on her hips and started to move her ass around a little, trying to adjust it for the best position. Mom was still sobbing softly when he said, "Stick out our ass a little more."


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