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Mom, I Love You More than Ever

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Mom was depressed for too long.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/28/2023
Created 05/23/2023
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It was precisely three years to the day since my father died in an unfortunate car accident. Returning home would be an unpleasant experience again. Mom would be in a terrible mood and cry often. My job would be to sit by her and console her.

Don't misunderstand me - I love my mom, but repeating the same ritual yearly became a burden. It was time for her to get over it and try to rebuild her life. She had to be more active in searching for a suitable mate.

Mom saw me from the window and rushed to open the door, "Terry, I missed you so much!" Her smile didn't fool me. Her eyes were red and puffy. Minutes earlier, she was crying. I stared at her. Her hair was messy, and she wore an old robe on her overweight body.

"Mom. I am happy to see you too. Let's go in; I'm famished."

She smiled. Her face lighted, "Honey, I made your favorite steak with mashed potatoes." I loved her cooking. Compared to my junk food at the college cafeteria, hers was gourmet. Mom hardly touched her food. Her eyes inspected me lovingly, "You lost weight. You need to take care of yourself. I am not there to remind you when it's time to eat..."

"Mom, I didn't lose weight. In fact, I gained 5 pounds. I play football and have to keep in shape, so I may have lost some fat but gained muscle."

I saw tears in her eyes, "Your father is gone, and now you are away for a week at a time. You have no idea how tough it is to be by myself..."

I hugged her, "Mother, It's been years now. I loved Dad, too, but he won't come back. It's time to think about the future. Do you want me to help you connect to, eHarmony, or another dating website?"

"I am never going on one of these sites. I heard men are tricking women into sex or even stealing their money."

"Just like everything online these days, one has to be careful, and before agreeing to anything, you need to correspond and chat before meeting a potential candidate."

"Terry, your intention is commendable, but I am not in the mood to screen men for a date. Dad started courting me when I was in high school. He was the only guy I ever went out with. I have never interviewed people for jobs, and I won't be able to tell if a guy is truthful or not."

"Mom, let's talk about it again some other time. It was a long drive home, and I need to take a shower. Be out soon."

I grabbed clean clothes and went to the bathroom. The jacuzzi-type tub was tempting after 2 hours on the road, and I sat there for almost an hour before drying and getting out. I felt refreshed.

I didn't see Mom around. Her bedroom door was open, and she was sound asleep. I covered her with the thin blanket, closed the door, and returned to the living room.

Memories of my father's stories about his college football days resurfaced. I went to the attic and opened the wooden box with all his memorabilia. His uniform shirt with his 31 number, old shoes, and two medals. I opened the small plastic bag in one of the pockets. I saw pictures of him and Mom from when they first met until a year before his death. These were his favorite photos that he kept for himself, apart from our family albums, which were arranged nicely on a shelf in the family room.

I noticed another tightly sealed envelope. I carefully opened it, and my eyes widened. It contained topless and nude pictures of Mom, the latest from two years before his death.

Initially, I was shocked. Watching her in her birthday suit was an unexpected surprise. I felt like a voyeur... But I couldn't take my eyes off the photos. Mom looked smiley and happy to pose in each of the pictures. More importantly, she was gorgeous! Mom was pretty and had the body of a Playboy bunny!!! How times changed her...

I left the attic with a heavy heart. Feeling sorry for my mother was not enough, but I had no clue what I could do to change things.

I took Mom to a good restaurant and a movie during the weekend. When I left, she cried again, "Terry, come again next weekend. I promise to be more cheerful."


Meeting my mates in school was a relief. Here, I could be myself and not serve as a leaning shoulder to my grieving Mom. All six guys have been my friends since the first year. We went to the movies together and often got drunk at bars.

Friday night, we went to a bar and sat looking for girls. The beer was flowing, and the chat became more graphic. I recall Jerry blurting, "Look at that chick; I'd love to put her on my knees and spank her cute tushie." Lance asked, "And what then?" Jerry laughed, "If she screamed, I'd clog her mouth with my cock. If she didn't, I'd take her home for a night of wild sex." Everybody laughed.

I noticed Dan ogling a woman sitting alone in a faraway corner. From a distance, she looked good. I told him to check her out. For some reason, he was too reluctant to do it. Jerry stood up, "I'll go to the bathroom and tell you what I think."

He returned and announced, "The lady looks fantastic. She is older than I thought, but not bad for her age. Dan, go ahead and see if she would be interested."

Dan hesitated, but a short time later, he approached her. We saw her smiling at him and pointing to a man playing pool with another guy. Dan returned to our table, "She said I was handsome, and she might be tempted to accept my offer, but she is married to the guy at the pool table... And Jerry, you were right, she IS older."

Jerry, "I love older women. They know exactly what they want and do not play hard to get." He turned to Michael, "Your mother is a classic MILF."

Michael smiled, "Yes, she is. She keeps in shape." Jerry blurted, "Hey, guys, let's rate our mothers on a MILF scale, from 1 - An ugly frog to 10 - A heavenly creation."

We visited each other's homes a few times and met every mother several times before, so we knew the seven mothers quite well.

We were too drunk to think it over, and soon, everybody filled out his scorecard. Jerry went to a nearby board and made columns with the individual scores. It was no surprise Michael's mother got the highest score. With D-cup tits, butt enhancement surgery, and bleaching her hair blonde, she was a bombshell. However, to my dismay, my mother got the lowest overall score. Nobody commented about it or even gazed at me, but the verdict was clear - Mom was the least attractive among the mothers. I was devastated. I found the first excuse and left the bar.

I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned the whole time. I had to do something, but I had no idea what.

The following day, we had a test. I was too tired and distracted and screwed it up. For the first time in my life, I failed a test. The rest of the week, I was so depressed that I ignored my friends' request to go out after class.


Friday evening, I drove home, still thinking about Mom's poor scores at the bar and my below-par results on the test.

Mom was happy to see me. However, it didn't take her long to realize my bad mood.

"Terry, honey, what's wrong? Are you sick? Your team lost the football game?"

"No, Mom. Let's leave it. It's a private matter."

"Terry, please, I don't see you often enough. At least tell me if I can help you."

"Unfortunately, you can't."

She was teary-eyed, "Honey, all week long, I survive with the knowledge my dear son and I will enjoy the weekend together, and seeing you in such a sour mood tears me apart..."

I gazed at her hesitantly and blurted, "Mom, remember you asked, even insisted, I tell you what it was all about." Then I told her about the MILF contest at the bar, the sleepless night, and failing the test the following day.

She stared at me for a long time and then said in a tone I never heard her use before, "Terry, I need to know if this story is true."

Now I had tears in my eyes, "Mom, last weekend I saw Dad's private pictures of you. You were beautiful! Since Dad died, you neglected yourself, and I can't take it anymore. I love you, and seeing how my friends do not appreciate you is insulting. I cannot concentrate on my studies..."

She approached me, "Terry, you are right. I leaned on Dad for too long. I do not plan to look for another man, but there is no reason to embarrass you. I am sorry you had to go through a humiliating situation, but I'll make it up to you. Please, give me a chance."

I didn't understand, "What are you saying?"

"Dear, I want you to focus on school. Please stay in the college dorm and not visit me for a month. Ensure your scores improve. I promise you next time you visit here, everything will change."

"Mom, I still don't get it..."

She smiled, but in her eyes, there was determination I had never seen before, "Just trust me."

The rest of the weekend, we did not discuss this subject. We watched TV programs together and ate at home. Sunday evening, I kissed her goodbye, and she reminded me, "Terry, I'll see you in one month. Be good in school!"


The following Friday, I called Mom, "Are you sure you don't want me to come home for the weekend?"

She laughed, "Yes, I am sure. How is school?"

"I retook the test and did much better. Mom, don't worry about me; I do not want you to be alone on weekends."

"Honey, as I said before, I do not want you here until the month ends."

"What is going on?"

"Honey, I still love you but need time for myself. We'll talk about everything in three weeks."

I phoned Mom the following two Fridays to see if she changed her mind, but she insisted I stay away.

On the fourth Friday, I texted her I'd arrive at 7 pm. A moment later, she responded, 'I'll be ready.'

During the drive, my mind was busy thinking about Mom. What the hell was going on? Why would she refuse to spend the weekends with me? I was so distracted that I almost hit another car in an intersection...

I arrived home. The door was open, and Mom was nowhere to be found.

I called, "Mom, I am home; where are you?"

"I'll be out in a minute."

I sat in the living room and waited. She appeared a few minutes later.

I couldn't believe my eyes, "Where is my mother?"

She grinned and whispered, "Honey, I am right here..."

Before me stood the same pretty woman Dad had taken pictures of years ago! She lost about 15 pounds, her brownish hair framed beautifully her high cheekbones. With light makeup and red lipstick, she looked years younger than her age. The old baggy robe was changed to a short gray evening dress, emphasizing her fantastic figure.

I couldn't hide my surprise, "How did you do it?..."

She hugged me tightly, "Terry, when your father died, you were the only one I lived for. I wanted to kill myself, but I had you to care for. I had no plans to marry or go to work. I dedicated my life to you. It was hard when you started college out of town, but I tried to enjoy our weekends together. Then you told me about your embarrassing time at the bar and failing your test. It broke my heart! My beloved son suffers because of me. I didn't care about clothes, diet, sports, or what others thought of me, but you... I knew I had to do something about it. Monday morning after you left, I registered at the nearest sports club and did three hours of treadmill, elliptical, push-ups, and swimming every day. The first week was tough, but then it became easier. Knowing I was doing it for you motivated me to continue even when hurting. I also started on the Mediterranean Diet. A week ago I noticed I lost weight and bought several new clothes. This dress is one of them. What do you think?"

I ogled Mom's figure down and up and was speechless.

She chortled, "Honey, my face is up here."

"Mom, before, I loved you for being a great Mom. Now, it's too difficult to think of you as my mother. You are too stunning..."

"It's all YOUR fault."

I kissed her forehead, "I accept the blame and apologize in advance. You may catch me ogling you, but you look like a Vogue model. Well, not exactly; you are fuller at the top..."

Mom grinned, "Are you complaining my chest is too big?"

"On the contrary. Oh, never mind."

"Terry, you look so funny and cute when you try to compliment me on my boobs but too shy to admit it..."

"Because you are my Mom, and I am not supposed to think this way."

Mom became teary-eyed. Again, "Honey, it was so hard to do all the diet and tiresome exercises daily, but your reaction tells me it was so worth it!..."

"You are dressed perfectly to go out. I wanted to take you to a good restaurant, but you are on a diet. Let's go to watch a good movie. You choose."

"I love old romantic comedies, and you'll get bored..."

"If I am lucky to go out with the world's prettiest lady, I'll be happy to watch anything!"

Mom laughed, "Terry, what is wrong with you? I've lost weight and dressed differently, but I am the same mother."

"Mom, what can I say? I am in love... Under the Tuscan Sun is playing in the landmark theater. Are you interested?"

"I heard about the movie but never watched it. My dream was one day to visit Italy, especially Tuscany."


The theater was almost empty. Ten people were spread around. Most people have seen it years before or watched it on TV. We sat down, and Mom sighed, "The last time I saw an old romantic comedy was years ago. With you, we always watched action movies. I wanted YOU to enjoy it. So thanks for doing it for ME."

"Mom, you never told me you liked these kind of films. I would gladly go to one now and then."

She lifted the wedge between us and leaned against my shoulder, "What's done is done. I am happy you like me better now."

The closeness to Mom, smelling her delicate perfume... I couldn't concentrate on the movie! She watched it intently with a happy smile while my eyes wandered constantly between Diane Lane, an actress I liked, and Mom's pretty face.

When, at last, the movie ended, Mom grinned, "Thank you for a lovely evening. I needed that."

On the drive home, we were quiet.

At home, I said, "Tomorrow morning, we can stroll in the park and later go to the nearby bar."

She gazed at me, "You don't have to spend your whole weekend with an oldie. Go say hi to your friends, and we'll see each other in the afternoon."

I faked disappointment, "Mom, if now that you look stunning, you are embarrassed to be seen with an average-looking guy, I'll understand..."

She came, stood on her toes, and kissed my cheek, "Silly boy, I love you."


The morning weather was perfect - Sunny, 70 degrees, and a little breeze. Mom wore a summery skirt with a short-sleeved blouse. She looked half her age.

The stroll in the shade was enjoyable. Mom and I went hand in hand like two lovers.

It felt so different - My mother was chatty and cheerful like never before. It was like walking with a girlfriend! Later, we stopped at Panera and grabbed a sandwich.

We arrived home, and Mom took off her shoes, "It's so lovely to be with my favorite son."

I smirked, "Are their other, less favorite, sons I don't know about?"

She smiled, "Not that I know about."

I reminded her about going to the bar in the evening.

We rested in our rooms for two hours, and I came out to make coffee. Mom opened her door a short time later and asked how I wanted her to dress for the bar.

I giggled, "In the bar, you are my date, so I'd love to be proud of you."

We finished the coffee. Mom went to take a shower.

At 6 pm, she asked me if it was time to dress up. "Sure. We'll arrive at 7. It may be early for many people who attend bars, but it's a good time to find an empty table, and the place will be less noisy."

She disappeared in her bedroom. Half an hour later, she exited. I was mesmerized one more time. She wore a short black dress with deep cleavage, exposing the upper part of her creamy ample breasts. Her shapely legs ended with 3" heels black shiny shoes. Bright red lipstick with little makeup and mascara completed the breathtaking display.

"Mom, where have you been all these years?!..."

She smiled broadly, "You are such a flatterer, just like your father."

It was bad timing to mention my father - I wanted her to be joyful and not tearful, remembering the times with Dad.

I grabbed her hand in mine, and we went to the car. I opened the passenger door for her and then took my seat. During the half-hour drive, I sneaked peeks at her fantastic boobs on several occasions. It's funny how I never thought like that about Mom before.

The bar was still relatively quiet. About 20 people, mostly young guys, were playing pool or chatting & drinking. I noticed a couple of them staring at Mom. I felt proud.

"Mom, what do you want to drink?"

I am nervous to be in a bar after so many years. Can you order for me a Mojito or Margarita?"

"I'll be back soon."

I made my order and looked back at Mom. Suddenly, the chairs on both her sides were occupied by the two guys who ogled her before. She didn't seem upset. In fact, she was smiling at them, so I stayed near the barman for a while. After 15 minutes, her demeanor changed, and her eyes searched for me.

I returned to our table and glanced at one of the guys, "Boys, thank you for keeping an eye on my date. You can go back to your seats now."

The disappointment on their faces was priceless.

I looked at my mother, "Are you OK? Initially, I saw you laughing with the guys, so I let you enjoy a nice conversation with them. Then your face changed, and I hurried back. What happened?"

"As you said, in the beginning, they were nice, complimented me, and were very polite. However, at one point, one of them laid a hand on my thigh. I removed it, and then the other put his hand on my knee. I was terrified..."

"Mom, I am here now. Nobody will mess up with you when I am around. My football body makes most people think twice before confronting me. Even during games, most of the other teams' players prefer being on the other side."

She grinned, and her small hand caressed my biceps, "My protector. My knight in shining armor... I hope you never hit me with these huge muscles!"

I laughed, "That will be the day..."

I drank two beers, and Mom had the Margarita and the Mojito. By then, the dance floor had five couples dancing. It was a slow one. I asked Mom for a dance.

She said laughingly, "Terry, I'd love to, but please, don't step on my feet."

"Despite my size, I am a pretty good dancer, but we'll only be on the floor for slow dances."

I held her in my arms. She felt so small and vulnerable... Her intoxicating smell was killing me. I am not sure if it was the alcohol, but I had an urge to kiss her!

She hugged my waist, leaned on my chest, and followed my steps. Her breasts poked my lower chest. I looked down. The tops of her mammaries protruded and were terrific. I felt my cock begin to stir... WTF?

I waited until the song ended, hoping my mother didn't feel my hardening pole, and led her back to our table. She gave me a strange look but kept silent.

We left the bar at 11 pm. We quietly drove back home. I noticed Mom gazing at my groin twice.

I was too confused about my feelings toward Mom and whether she observed my erection. I said, "Tomorrow, I have to wake up early. I'll better go to sleep."

Did she have a disappointed look? I wasn't sure and didn't want to find out.

The following morning, I ate a hearty breakfast and was ready to leave. Mom kissed my cheek, "Terry, this weekend was different for both of us. I hope to see you Friday. Honey, I miss you already."

As I entered the car, I saw her in the window drying her eyes.


The following week's classes were not different than before, but the evenings were. Twice, Jerry and Andy called me to join them. For some reason, I didn't feel like it. On three occasions, I masturbated, trying to think about a pretty cheerleader. However, as my climax was close, the picture in front of my eyes changed to Mom's. Twice I came like gangbusters imagining her red lips sucking me to completion, and the other time I was groping her tits and cumming in her cunt... Each time, I felt guilty afterward but had no idea how to stop it.


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