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Mom’s Best Friend

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Innocent boy gets seduced by mom’s friend.
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Paulina is applying some lotion to her long legs, protecting her alabaster skin. The tall beauty has always been a knockout ever since her high school years. Right now she is a single mother after a nasty divorce, but still looks gorgeous as ever. She is able to retain the good looks which made her popular when she was a high school cheerleader through constant working out and a carefully planned diet which she's been using for more than two decades now. Her husband was also very handsome but her son isn't that physically attractive, being more of the bookish type. She is still proud of him though, since he is a very good boy.

Suddenly, she could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking up, she smiles as she sees the person. It's only Rachel, Paulina's best friend from high school. Like her, Rachel Miller is a very attractive 38 years old woman. While Paulina is brunette, Rachel has blonde hair. Rachel has always been and still is in even better shape than Paulina, as she played rugby and is also now a very skilled police officer. Her parents, who are extremely wealthy socialites, were at first quite upset when their precious daughter went to the police academy, but they ended up supporting her decision, unable to say no to their little girl.

That's why she has a lot more money than the average policewoman and can afford the best clothes to wear when outside her uniform. Right now Rachel is wearing an expensive jacket, a short skirt that reveals her tanned thighs and a very pricey pair of boots. She sits on the chair next to Paulina and asks for the bottle of lotion. Squeezing it out the way she squeezes dicks, Rachel quickly applies it to her muscular legs before it could dry. Then she turns to ask her friend "How's it going right now? Are you hooking up with any guys?" Rachel have been hunting cocks since they were in high school.

At one point, she would walk into a bar and pick up a new hunk to bang at home every night. That's how horny she used to be. She did tone it down a lot after she got her job though, with only four new guys a week instead of seven. "I only got three last week," Paulina soon whispers, looking morose. "I wish I could get more but the last guy I chose ended up wanting to gang bang me with 30 guys. I mean, I would be fine if it was 20, but 30 is just a bit too much, don't you think? It's crazy how far some of them want to take it these days. I'm so fucking horny right now, Rachel. Is there any hot cop at your precinct I could fuck?"

"Well, there's me," Rachel begins but then notices the look on her friend's face, showing she isn't amused. "Oh, you meant male cops for you to fuck? So sorry, but I can't think of any right now." Rachel enjoys watching as her horny friend squirm about, looking so frustrated at not being able to get a hard cock inside her. Paulina could have any guy she wants but she has a very high standard and it occasionally leads to moments like these, where she couldn't find a perfect guy to bang. Normally she could, but sometimes she just couldn't.

"This sucks so much!" Paulina whines. "I swear, I'll go into that Irish pub by the road tomorrow and yell "Anyone can fuck me!' I'll literally let the first guy who approach me get into my pants. I don't care how he looks, as long as he's got a dick between his legs. That's how much I need to get fucked right now! It's been three days since I last got laid, Rachel! Four days with no sex!" Before this, the longest that she has been with no sex was only three days. To her, not getting fucked often is a very big deal. "Sorry for dumping all of this on you, Rachel. What about you? Are you seeing anyone right now?"

The truth is, Rachel hasn't gotten laid in a long time. Not because the busty female cop couldn't, since she could easily get someone to fuck her if she wants, but because she had been in love with someone for two month. "I haven't fucked anyone in two months now," she says, shocking Paulina. "By the way, all this talk reminded me of something. Is Jeff still a virgin?" Jeff is the 18 years old son of Paulina. He is a nerd boy who is more than nice enough but severely lacks confidence. "I'm only asking because he's a cute boy and I wonder if he's gotten laid yet."

Paulina frowns suspiciously. She doesn't know it yet, but Rachel has been in love with Jeff for some time now. To think that the policewoman would actually be in love with her own best friend's son! Jeff is quite literally 20 years younger than her but Rachel just couldn't help it. He is simply sweet and adorable. No, Paulina couldn't tell that her friend is in love with him but she could detect the lust. "If you even start to think about touching my son in an inappropriate way, I will kick your ass," she threatens Rachel. "I don't care that you're a karate black belt. I would still beat you up."

Rachel isn't afraid of her friend but she hides her feelings anyway, not wanting her to find out about it yet. Not when she hasn't made her move. "Of course I'm not thinking about doing that. He is your son, Paulina! I even changed his diapers once. I babysat and helped you raise him, for crying out loud. Do you think I would want to fuck him now?" She scoffs so convincingly at the idea that Paulina buys it and ceases to frown after hearing those reassuring words. "Seriously though. Is he still a virgin or not? He's cute enough to get some girls to want to go out with him."

The interest behind the question starts sending alarms up Paulina's head again, but then she quickly quashes it. Rachel couldn't possibly be interested in Jeff, Paulina thinks to herself. She held him when he was a toddler, for Christ's sake! She was there when Paulina gave birth to the boy. "I think he's still a virgin. He's never brought a girl over to our house and never went to sleep over at anybody else's place either. The only time he could have done something was at school and I highly doubt my son would go that route. He's a very sensible kid, after all. Never even broke a minor rule, let alone having sex in public."

Hearing this makes Rachel very happy, since it means she will get to deflower Jeff. It might be a bit hard for a normal looking 38 years old woman to get an 18 years old boy to fuck her, but she is confident she can get laid by her best friend's son. Jeff is clearly a submissive, with how shy he is and the overall demeanour. Her dominance will easily lead him into becoming the much younger boyfriend she wants. She knows that she can do it. All she has to do is overwhelm him and fluster him until he's too befuddled to think properly. Rachel will drive him wild enough to be willing to sleep with his mom's best friend, something that he definitely wouldn't do in normal circumstances.

Rachel soon makes an excuse and leaves the house. She drives back to her house. There, she takes off her jacket and sets it on the back of a chair. After that, she starts to polish her pistol. It's been a habit ever since she got her first gun back when she was 18. Her Glock 22 is very well maintained, considering how long it's been with her. Rachel also inspects her bulletproof vest to see that it's still in good condition, before putting it away. Then she goes into her kitchen and grabs some ingredients. The blonde bombshell starts mixing some of her herbs and spices together in a bowl, humming as she goes.

Then Rachel brings out a bowl of raw chicken that she is going to use. The beautiful cop takes her skirt off and caresses her hairy vagina, before she sets the bowl on the floor and squats over it. She smirks as she starts pissing all over the chicken. Urinating onto the raw chicken, she marinates it in her putrid pre. Within seconds, the chicken is completely soaked in her bitter urine. She then adds the mixed spices and herbs to it, and cooks it in her frying pan. Twenty minutes later and it is ready for her to pack. She quickly packs it all up and takes it to her car.

She waits until the hour she knows her friend would be at the gym and drives back to the house. Paulina is already gone, just like she expected. Only Jeff is there now, having returned from his trip to the bookstore after Rachel left. He is an adorable teen who always makes Rachel happy to see him. "Hey, kid!" she says as she walks up to him and gives him a massive hug, kissing him on the cheek gently. Jeff blushes. It isn't that he wants her that way. She is his mom's friend and helped raise him, after all. It would be extremely inappropriate to pursue her. But still, she is an extremely attractive woman.

"Hi, Aunt Rachel," he murmurs in a shy tone, giving her a coquettish smile. She nearly cums from hearing his voice but suppresses it and hands the shy boy the special packed dinner that she made for him. "Thank you! You know how much I love your fried chicken," Jeff says, unaware of how Rachel cooked it. Had he known he wouldn't have said that. At least, not aloud to her or to anyone else, lest they make fun of him for his tastes. Being oblivious, he fails to notice the mischievous glint in his mother's best friend's eyes, unaware of what she did and what he is about to eat right now.

Jeff grabs a fork and spoon and digs in, eating the chicken eagerly. Rachel can feel her cunt getting very moist at the sight of her best friend's son eating the chicken marinated in her warm piss. She nearly rubs herself through her skirt but stops herself from doing so in time, not wanting to freak the poor boy out. Her large breasts are heaving up and down in excitement as she watches her unsuspecting target continue to eat the food. Doing this is such a massive thrill to her. There is nothing at all that is nearly as exhilarating as tricking the teen boy she is in love with into eating something she pissed all over.

She sits down next to him to watch him eat and then looks at him as he washes the spoon and fork. He still has no idea what his mom's friend just tricked him into eating. Rachel feels intoxicated on the sense of power this gives her. The ability to manipulate him into doing as she wants is something she really gets her rocks off on and she doesn't plan on stopping degrading him this way any time soon. Not at all. She is going to keep doing this to him because she can and she wants to. She won't do it with all his meals, of course. That'd be too far. But she still plans to do it often. "Do you like it, kid?" she asks Jeff.

"Of course, Aunt Rachel!" he replies. "It's still as delicious as ever!" Oh boy. He really has no idea what she just fed him doesn't he? Rachel almost loses her self control and stars laughing, and is only able to stop herself at the last second.


Two days later, Jeff still has no idea that the woman he has always seen as an aunt pissed into the chicken that she gave to him. He also doesn't know she has romantic feelings for him and is now planning to act on those feelings. It is impossible for him to know, since he is a oblivious geek whose previous relationship went down in flames. The relationship, which only lasted one month, ended when his ex girlfriend Reyna got high on weed and sucked twenty cocks at a party, while he was studying back at home like a good boy.

Reyna told him about it and broke up with him afterwards but regretted it and has asked him to take her back a lot of times. He has always said no though. When she dumped him, he was still a virgin. He is still one, in fact. The two of them never even got to handjobs or fingering, since she only wanted to fuck hot guys and he never was one. She dated him since he is cute but she never wanted to have sex with him. He never turned her on. To Reyna, Jeff existed only for the purpose of cuddling with. That's all she ever wanted from the shy boy when they were together. Other guys could fulfill her other needs. That's how it worked for spoiled Reyna.

Suddenly, his mom enters their house. "Hey, Jeff," she greets him. "Listen, I've been having problem getting laid recently." Jeff raises his eyebrows. He used to be shocked by how casually his mother talks about sex but is way more than used to it by now. "Could you fuck me please? I really want a guy to fuck me right now and you're the only one available. You don't think I'm too ugly or anything, right?" Paulina quickly unbuttons her blouse, revealing that she isn't wearing a bra. She shows her adorable son her huge breasts, flashing him her tits. The nerd stares in shock before averting his gaze from her naked tits. She then breaks out into laughter. "That was so funny! You should have seen the look on your face."

"Mom!" he protests, still covering his eyes as his mother walks towards him. She grabs his wrist and drags one of his hand towards her breast. The mother forces her son to touch one of her bare boobs, holding his hand on the mound of her mammary flesh. This stuns Jeff even further. He yanks his right hand away from his mom's tit, making her chuckle raucously. "This isn't funny. I know you like to make jokes, but really mom? Flashing your own son? Making your own son touch your breast? It's inappropriate. Tell me once you've put your blouse back on, okay? I don't need to see my own mom's parts like that."

Paulina waits for a few seconds before saying "I've put it back on now." Jeff opens his eyes and gapes as he sees her still standing topless, with her breasts still nude in front of him. "Look, I know this is shocking for you since you are really young and innocent and all that, but us women need attention too. You are my son. I created you. I can use you how I like. I asked you to have sex with me since I don't want to rape you, but I will if I have to. One of these days, if you haven't given in by then, I would sneak into your room at night and fuck you in your sleep. I'll rape you, my dear son."

He stares at her, horrified by the way she is threatening him. "Oh, and one more thing. Rachel wants you to go over and help her with some chores. I already promised her you would. Whatever she tells you to do, you must do it, okay?" Jeff nods, eager for any excuse to leave the house. He loves his mom but is now a bit weirded out by what she said. Since he's known her for his entire life, he assumes it was just one of her crude jokes, not thinking that she could be serious. His mom joking is still quite off putting though, when the joke is about rape. "In fact, I could drive you there."

During the car ride, he is still nervous. His mom's presence right next to him after she joked about raping him is now fraying his nerves. He looks forward to reaching her friend's house soon. Jeff thinks that he'd be able to calm down when he's with Rachel, unaware that she has plans of her own. The boy has never sweated this much before in his life. Even after all the vulgar things he heard his mom say, her actions earlier today still deeply shocked Jeff and made him start to feel anxious around her. She just seemed so serious when she made the joke, like she actually meant what she was saying to him.

When they reach the house, Rachel just drops her son off and dives home. Jeff slowly walks up to the front door and knocks on it gently. Then he stands and waits on the porch for his mother's best friend to come and open the door for him. The tall policewoman once gave him a spare key but Jeff still knocks every time that he goes over to Rachel's house out of his good manners. That's simply Jeff being his polite self like he always is. He has no idea that Rachel just wants him to walk in on her when she is walking around the house naked.

Rachel is sitting in the kitchen right now, with her booty pants next to her on the floor. Her powerful thighs are spread apart and she parts her puffy labia, inserting a cucumber into her soaking cunt. She bangs herself, using the cucumber to fuck her own pussy. When it is drenched in her womanly juices, she uses her own nectar as a lubricant and slides the cucumber past her shithole, inserting it through her dirty asshole until it is fully inside her buttocks. Rachel keeps the cucumber buried inside her muscular ass for a few moments before taking it out.

She quickly slices it and puts the pieces on the sauce pan before putting her shorts back on and heading to the door. Rachel gives her friend's teenage son a very charming smile as she opens the door and lets him inside. "Honey, I've told you before," she says to the boy. "You can just use the key I gave you. No need to knock. My house is your house, okay?" Jeff, being very obtuse, doesn't notice anything weird about they way she said it. Who would think that his mom's super hot friend would actually want to be with a geeky loser like him?

"I was worried that you might be busy or something, Aunt Rachel," Jeff says to her as he nervously rubs the back of his neck. He looks so adorable when he is flustered, Rachel thinks as she leads the boy inside the living room of her house. "My mom told me that you have some chores for me to do," he says. "I could get started now if you want me to." Her presence helps make him feel at ease but he still remembers what his mom told him. Rachel appears a little startled. She almost forgot how she got him to come here in the first place.

"Oh, yes. Of course. I got the music CDs all mixed up and in the wrong cases," the female cop tells him. "Could you go and sort them out for me? I'll fry you some cucumber the way I know you like." She hides a naughty grin as Jeff nods and immediately gets to work. She gets to work too, frying slices of the cucumber that is covered in her pussy juices and the shit from inside her ass. Knowing that Jeff will soon be eating something that was buried inside her large, round buttocks minutes ago is making her very well. It'll be degrading him to the extreme and she can't wait.

She quickly finishes and brings over the stir fried cucumber to the table. He sits down on a chair and then starts to eat the cucumber that's been soaked in her pussy juices and stuck inside her ass. "This is so tasty!" he says to her as he eats. "Seriously, Aunt Rachel. If you ever turn in your badge, you could start a restaurant." Rachel actually blushes, touched that her friend's son likes the taste of her pussy and ass, even though he doesn't know that that is what he is eating right now. He really is way too adorable for his own good. It makes her want to do all sorts of perverted stuff to him.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Rachel says to the much younger boy. Jeff is just eating another slice when he nods. "You see, my toilet is clogged right now and I really need to take a piss." Her blunt words make him blush madly in embarrassment. "Could I please use your mouth as a toilet? Would you let me piss in your mouth, Jeff?" She is giving him a nervous look, putting on a show of looking apologetic. In reality, her toilet isn't clogged at all. It is just a fib to trick him into allowing Rachel to indulge in her fantasy with him. It should work, considering how gullible this boy is.

"Are you sure it would be appropriate?" he asks her in a trembling voice, feeling all the more anxious because he is now turned on by the though. Rachel nods and shocks him further when she just stands up and yanks her booty shorts down, revealing her pussy to him. The sight of her large, wild bush is enough to make him harder that he's ever been. It's the first cunt that Jeff has ever seen and he doesn't know how to handle it. Her pubic hair looks wonderful to him. "But Aunt Rachel, you're my mom's best friend," he protests weakly. "She'd be very upset if she found out about this, wouldn't me she?"

"Didn't your mother tell you that you should do whatever I tell you to?" she asks him quizzically. "You don't want me to tell her that you disobeyed her, do you? Jeff gulps. "Lie down on the floor and make sure you get every drop." He sees no other choice now and does as she tells him to. The nerdy boy opens his mouth as she squats over his face. The gorgeous policewoman then starts urinating. A jet of her piss blasts the inside of his mouth immediately. Rachel soon fills Jeff's mouth, directing her stream of warm urine inside it. She pisses in her friend's son's mouth, making him taste her bitter pee.

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