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"Fairfield Dance Costume Contest!
Next Friday 6-9 p.m.
Best Costume Wins a Grand Prize of $5,000
ONE YEAR of FREE TUITION at Fairfield Community College!
Winner voted on BY the students!"
Melissa looked at the flyer she picked out of her son, Luke's backpack. Five thousand dollars? Times were tough for the Cooper household. Melissa was a single mother who lived alone with her son Luke, in a small 2 bedroom apartment. The floors creaked and the faucets leaked, but it was the best she could do all alone. Her boyfriend walked out on her when he found out Meliisa was pregnant. "Scumbag," Melissa would often mutter to herself when thinking of him, but there was no getting any sort of child support money out of him. He up and vanished from the small little town of Bakersfield they grew up in.
But this prize money? That could pay the rent and groceries for the Cooper's for the next few months. Working two jobs, Melissa, was at her wits end trying to provide for Luke, her 18 year old son in his senior year. One job being a waitress at a small, shabby diner down the way. The other, being a "dancer," of sorts on the weekend. Who was she kidding? Melissa knew full well she spent her weekend nights as a stripper down at a joint off route 19. This job she kept well hidden from Luke, though. Not wanting her only son and family to think of her in a negative light.
And could this be right? One year of free tuition? School didn't mean much to Luke, but she wanted her son to go to college, and be set up well for the future, despite how he acted towards her.
Luke was a bit of a trouble maker, and didn't really treat Melissa too well. Constantly talking back to her. Undermining her. Staying up late on school nights. Having friends over without asking. The list goes on. But the thing that drove her the craziest was how Luke refused to lift a finger to help around the house. Melissa would beg and plead for Luke to clean up after himself, take the garbage out, or vacuum their small apartment, which would take him 15 minutes max, but he always had some sort of an excuse. He also refused to get a job to help out with the bills. Even 15 hours a week at a minimum wage job would do so much for the two of them, but he had to "focus on school," which was a joke with the grades Luke turned in.
This potential prize money was a God Send to Melissa. But would Luke be open to doing it? Melissa was sure he'd much rather spend his Friday night in his room smoking weed, or out with his no good hooligan friends. It is 7 p.m. Friday right now, and Luke was nowhere to be found. He hadn't bothered texting her saying he'd be late coming home from school, or where he was going. She used to get worried about him, but this was such a common occurrence, she was sure he was just fine. Probably out with those friends of his, who always seemed to leer longingly at Melissa when they were at the apartment. She could feel their eyes on her every time she turned her back to them. Ugh. It disgusted Melissa. Melissa sat thinking what Luke could dress up as to secure first prize in the costume contest when her phone buzzed. It was a text from her friend Lisa asking if she could pick her up an energy drink from the store before she came in tonight. She also worked at Route 19's Gentleman's Club, and the two had become quite close friends over the past year of Melissa working there. "Sure," Melissa texted back and headed for the door.
Walking along the train tracks, Luke burped as he crushed the empty can of Budweisser and threw it over the small bridge leading out into the highway, not caring if that empty can would cause any damage to the cars driving below. He was with his two friends, Mark and Jacob, one of which was downing his can of Budweisser while the other was rolling a joint for the three of them to smoke. They were in a secluded enough area to not worry about any cops swooping in on them. It took them a while to find this spot, but when they did those few months back, they never looked back. Now they spent most nights here throughout the week, if they weren't at Luke's apartment playing video games.
"Oh my god, did you see Rebecca's ass today?" Mark asked after crushing his can and tossing it off the bridge.
"It was insane!" Jacob said.
"It sure was," Luke chimed in. "The things I'd do to her."
"Oh, believe me Luke, I know. She can use my face as a seat cushion," Mark said.
"You got that right," said Luke. "You should've seen me today during lunch. I snuck up and slapped her ass in the crowd by the lunch line. She turned around all flustered and angry but couldn't make out who slapped her. It was great! She had no choice but to turn back around and pretend like it didn't happen."
"That's awesome!" the other two said in unison. This would often encompass most of their days. Slacking off in school. Talking about girls. Touching girls when they least suspected it. And ending their days smoking weed or drinking beer if they could get their hands on it. They sometimes spent their nights at Luke's house but he'd much rather be away from his mom. She was constantly bitching and moaning at him. Telling him to do this, do that. He was sick of it. He was a man and he wasn't going to do any housework like a bitch. Next time that bitch nagged at him, he was going to give her a real piece of his mind, he thought.
After they were done smoking Jacob's joint, he rummaged through his backpack and pulled out three cans of spray paint. "You guys down to do a little graffiti? Mark this place as our own?"
"Fuck yeah!" Luke and Mark reply, as they each take one can of spray paint.
"A $5,000 cash prize?!" Lisa exclaimed, jumping up and down in her tiny orange g-string and matching top in the backroom. It complemented her olive complexion really well.
"Yes, Lisa, but it's a bit of a pipe dream," Melissa said, rolling up a pair of fishnet stockings. "Luke's not going to want to be involved. He can care less about a school dance, and he can care less about the free tuition. And sure, he might think about doing it for the cash, but he's way too lazy to put any sort of effort into a costume."
"That son of yours is a real trip, Melissa. I don't know how you put up with it. I sure as hell wouldn't," Lisa replied. That was easy for her to say Melissa thought. She had a son herself around the same age as Luke, but he was a straight A student, bound for college with scholarship money and grants, and from what Melissa heard, did everything he could around the house to help his mother out, who also worked two jobs to make ends meet. "You know if I were you, I wouldn't give him much of a choice."
Intrigued, Melissa replied, "You wouldn't give him much of a choice? And how would you go about doing that?"
"Simple, I'd tell him he either takes this costume contest seriously or he's out of the house. He's 18 now, so you can kick him out. It's not like he does much around the house anyway. In fact, from what you tell me, he doesn't do anything! And he's a big reason why it's such a wreck in the first place."
Melissa thought about it. Yeah, she guessed she could kick him out, but she would never. No matter how little he did, or how mean he was to her. Luke was still her little baby. She could still remember the bright, funny, peppy kid he used to be, even with him being the total opposite of that now.
"Lisa, that's a great idea, but I couldn't... He's my little boy. I can't just..."
"I'm going to stop you right there, Melissa. No one said you HAVE to throw him out of the house. You just have to make it seem like you would. And that little boy of yours isn't so little anymore. And he grew up to be some real piece of work too. You told me how those two friends of his are always eyeing you up. Tell me, don't you think Luke does the same to other girls he's around? With the way he disrespects you, his own mother, I can only imagine how he treats other women."
Melissa swallowed at that thought. His friends were true pigs, they really were. She could tell from the moment she met them. And if Luke hangs out with these boys... Well, he must share some similarities with them. She shuddered at the thought.
"Okay, say I do hit him with that ultimatum. Who's to say he doesn't call my bluff and refuse? And who's to say he doesn't just walk out and stay with one of his friends. I don't want to lose him, Lisa. I can't..." Melissa says, as tears start to well up in her eyes.
"Shh... there, there Melissa," Lisa says, rubbing her friends back. An evil grin appeared on her face. "Sometimes you've got to show a little bit of tough love to show someone you care. And that Luke of yours needs a whole lot of it. And as for your little concern, I think I have a solution, though it is a little unorthodox."
"What do you suggest?" Melissa asks sniffling.
Lisa fishes into her bag and pulls out a small pink silicone device. "Ever heard of a chastity cage?"
"Chastity cage? You don't mean..."
"Oh yes I do, Melissa! You lock up his little member and he will do anything you say! A lot of women use this with their significant others. It makes them more submissive, and keeps their sex drive at a high at all times. But it doesn't have to be used sexually. It could be used as a punishment as well! And this is more than a fitting punishment for that unruly son of yours."
This was all so much for Melissa. In theory, it made sense, but was she really going to lock her son's penis in that cage? He'd hate her for it! May never forgive her! And she tried telling Lisa as much, but she wasn't having it.
"Listen, girl, I'm sorry to tell you this but your son is a misogynistic, lazy asshole, who does nothing with his life except smoke weed and disrespect women. That $5,000 will do so much for you, and locking your son up may be the only way he agrees to put his best foot forward for the costume contest. Plus, with him locked up, you can start teaching him some manners and the right way to treat others, especially women. Man, if he could only live as a woman for a day or two, his attitude would change... drastically... Wait a second, Melissa, I think I have the perfect idea on not only how to win that costume contest, but how to change your son's view on life forever."
Intrigued, Melissa leaned in to listen close as her phone rang.
"Hmm, a random number. Let me take this real quick, Lisa. Don't go anywhere."
Melissa sat patiently with her legs crossed on her couch facing the door. It was now 2:30 a.m. and her son still wasn't home. She was furious with him. Earlier before hitting the floor at work she received a call from a concerned parent of a girl at his school named Rebecca. Apparently someone has been sneaking grabs at this student in crowds and the only common occurrence throughout all these exchanges was that Luke was in the vicinity. When Rebecca got home today, she broke down in front of her mother and cried. She says she can't say it's Luke for sure, but that he's such a creep, and he hangs out with even bigger creeps, and that he always seems to be around her when it happens. Rebecca's mother was holding back tears in the call, "Now, I am not going to outright tell you your son is doing this, because we just don't know, and Rebecca can't say for sure, but please talk to your son, and make sure he knows what is and isn't an appropriate thing to do with other girls his age. That sort of thing isn't a prank and it can cause a lot of harm." Melissa profusely apologized that this happened to her daughter. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was afraid her son was responsible for this. Melissa said she'll have a long talk with her son and if he did do this, would be punished severely.
There was a rustling at the door, as a drunk Luke stumbled into the apartment living room, holding the wall for balance. He looked up to see his mother sitting on the couch staring in his direction.
"Oh, hey mom. What 'chu doing up?" He slurs out.
"Luke Vincent Cooper. What on EARTH are you doing out this late?" Melissa said, trying not to let out all of her pent up anger and energy. She'd need it if she was going to do what she planned on doing.
"Get off my back, bitch," Luke said, still slurring his words and stumbling toward his bedroom with his hand on the wall to guide him. "Leave me alone. I want to sleep."
"Leave you alone? Not without an explanation. Where were you all night?! And what's this I hear about what happened with Rebecca at school??"
"Oh yeah, that hot little thing," Luke says, "I copped a feel of her ass today... again!" Luke said laughing in his drunken state, not caring or even realizing he was saying such inappropriate things to his own mother.
"You did WHAT?!" Melissa said standing up. She couldn't believe her son was speaking to her with such little care. How little did he think of women? How little did he think of her as his mother?
"You heard me bitch. And who cares, she's a slut. She probably liked it anyway."
Melissa was up and on her son in a flash. Grabbing him by the ear and dragging him to his room. Luke wasn't a particularly big man at all. In fact, he was quite small compared to the average guy. He was 5 foot 6 and 130 pounds. But Melissa was quite small herself at just 5 foot 4 and 120 pounds. Still, she was surprised with how effortlessly she was able to drag Luke to his bedroom. He must've been really drunk, she thought.
"What are you doing, bitch," he mumbled, but he was powerless. Luke drank quite a bit tonight and it was taking its toll on him. In a flash, Melissa whipped down her son's pants, underwear and all and attached the small pink device to his member, locking it with a key. That woke Luke up a bit. "What are you doing, Mom?!" he shouted. Still very much drunk but a bit more aware of the current predicament he was in.
"Teaching you a lesson, Luke. I'm sorry it's come to this, but I will not have my own flesh and blood treat me like trash. And I most certainly won't have him treating other women like trash." Melissa slipped the key into her pocket and walked toward the door. "Now, Luke, honey, try to get a good night's rest. We have a long week ahead of us... especially you. Things are going to really start changing around here."
The amount of alcohol Luke had consumed really tuckered him out. He couldn't even move from his bed. All he could do was let out a, "You fucking bitch," to his mother.
"Now, now, honey... We're going to fix that potty mouth of yours right up. Anyways, goodnight! There will be instructions left on your door in the morning. You MUST complete them if you want me to take that little cage off of your cock in a week." With that she slammed his door, and locked him in.
"Ugh," Luke groaned as he was coming to. The sun was shining through his window and into his eyes, as the headache took over him. "I drank way too much last night," Luke thought. "How'd I even get home?" Luke rolled out of bed and almost tripped over himself when he noticed the unthinkable. His pants and underwear were around his ankles and some sort of pink cage was encasing his dick. Then it came flooding back to him. His bitch of a mother did this to him. He doesn't remember exactly what had happened but he knows his mother had said something to him and he wasn't having it. Luke pulled his pants up and made his way to the door where he saw a note:
"Good morning, sunshine! Before we start with your chores today you will go into the bathroom and shave every part of your body from below your head. And when I say every part, I mean EVERY part. Then use my shampoo and soap to clean that disgusting body of yours and apply my lotion when finished. I will leave your outfit for the day on the bed. You WILL wear that outfit and you WILL NOT give me any fuss about it. Remember, baby, I hold the key to your little problem down there. Emphasis on little ;)."
Luke was fuming. Shave his body like some fag? No freaking way. He tried to open his bedroom door to confront his mother, but the knob wouldn't turn. "Locked," he muttered to himself.
"MOM! Open this damn door right now and take this thing off me!" Luke shouted to no reply. "I'm being serious woman. Open this door right now!" Still no reply. Luke looked down at his predicament and was suddenly aware of how fucked he was. His mother held all the cards right now. All he could do was play along until he figured out where the key was. He felt an uneasy feeling in his penis, realizing he had to pee, but not exactly sure how. "Okay, Mom, I'm sorry," he said through the door. "I'll do what you ask, but why are you doing this to me? You have to at least tell me that. And how the heck am I supposed to use the bathroom with this thing on."
"I'm doing this to you because you treat myself and other women like garbage. And that's not okay. Not in the slightest. I heard about what you did to Rebecca. You ARE going to learn how to act like a respectable human being. And that is going to start with you taking care of yourself. No more days without showers and leaving your shit everywhere. Now go and do as I asked. And peeing is easy sweetheart. All you have to do is sit down on the toilet. It's no big deal. Us women do it all the time."
Fuck, how did she find out about Rebecca. Is that what all this is about? Whatever, he'll just shower and shave. The hair will grow back eventually. He'll just make sure he wears pants around his friends so they don't give him shit for it. Luke made his way into the bathroom that connected his and his mother's room. He tried her door. Locked too, of course. Luke guessed there was no getting out of this. Luke grabbed the pink razor and made his way into the shower.
"Oh my god, this is going to be so great," Melissa thought to herself. As soon as she heard the shower start running she ran into Luke's bedroom and quickly laid out the outfit she had gotten him. She had told Lisa all about the phone call she had received about what Luke did to Rebecca, and she was rightfully disgusted. Lisa then clued her in on her idea to feminize Luke. It would put him in the shoes of a woman, and might teach him a thing or two about what women have to deal with on a day to day basis. Melissa was all for this idea.
The plan Lisa had was simple enough. Run Luke through a bit of a "fast course" training regimen to turn him into an obedient girl, to not only try to fix that nasty loser attitude of his, but to prepare him for the costume party, where he will then use all his training to dress and act as a woman. The specifics of what costume he would wear had not been decided that night, but they agreed any girly costume Luke were to dress in would be sure to win him the prize when it's revealed who he actually is. Melissa acknowledged Luke wouldn't go along with this without some motivation, which is why she had to figure out a way to put that chastity cage on him. Luckily the perfect situation arose last night, with Luke stumbling into the house drunk.
The outfit Lisa helped Melissa pick out for her soon to be daughter was something else. It was a very scandalous, pink maids outfit they found in the wardrobe section of their gentleman's club. It was an extremely small costume that would be perfect for him to wear to the costume contest, if it wasn't so short. The bottom of the dress ended in frills and wouldn't even go halfway down Melissa's ass, so she knew it would barely cover any of her son's tush. "But not to worry my lovely son of mine, "I'll be sure you have plenty of coverage," Melissa thought to herself as she placed a tiny pink laced thong on top of the short dress, giggling to herself. She also laid out a blonde pigtailed wig, dainty white gloves, fishnet stockings, and a tiny pink headband to match. To top it all off she put down a pair of pink 6 inch heels she also found in the wardrobe. It was the biggest size she could find, so even if it's a little too small, he'll just have to make it work.