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Mom's New Family Affair Ch. 08

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Continuing to enjoy the day...
12.3k words

Part 8 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2015
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It was nearing noon and the sun was high in the sky but we all decided to go in and fix a light lunch. Beth and I decided on sharing a ham sandwich while Mom chose to make a small salad.

It was really different seeing Beth and Mom naked as jaybirds as they prepared the sandwich and salad as I leaned against the end of the counter. I said "While you're doing that I'll fix us something to drink. What would you guys like?" as I went to the fridge and opened its door.

"I know it's early, but I'm in the mood for some wine after what we just experienced" said Mom with a chuckle. "We have some white in there, don't we?"

"Yep, nothing open but there's two fresh bottles here. I can open it. Beth, how about you?"

"I think just a glass of iced tea right now to wash down the sandwich. Then I'll have a glass too."

I took both out of the fridge, poured Beth her tea and then went hunting for the cork screw. By the time I got it open Beth and Mom had settled on the other side of the counter on stools ready to munch. I poured Mom her wine, replaced the cork and put it back in the refrigerator and grabbed a beer at the same time.

Instead of taking a stool next to them, I decided on just standing where I was so I could face them. I took a bite of my sandwich and glanced at them both. Beth bounced her eyebrows at me as she chewed and I could tell she was definitely having a good time.

Mom looked at me and grinned. "Well, this is the first time I've ever eaten nude in this kitchen. I must admit it feels a bit kinky doing it with you two. Would you two like to like to continue talking about sex again since we're all nude?"

"Yeah! " I said heartedly. "Like I said earlier, I thought it was cool as hell when we did it last night."

"Me too!" said Beth. "I can't believe how hot it is just being so open about it. John and I have gotten fairly descriptive in cyber-chats before, but never so openly face to face. I can see why you like the sex talk, it definitely turns me on too."

I chimed in, agreeing with Beth.

Mom grinned and said "I know it does, I love it" with a chuckle. "Last night you were asking questions. Are there any more things you'd like to ask?" as she took another fork full of her salad.

I looked at Beth to see if she had any particular question she wanted to ask right away but she shrugged her shoulders so I grinned at Mom and asked "So what's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?

"Oh that's easy" she said with a laugh "Getting fucked by my son and having his girlfriend eat his cum out of me while I watched him fuck her... not to mention our little masturbation session earlier."

Beth and I laughed and I replied "I think those are on our top ten list too, but you know what I mean. What about before last night?"

"Well, there was the attempt at a 3some that I told you about, but I think the kinkiest thing would be putting a show on for your father along with some hot dirty talk. I think we both got to like doing that a lot, so I guess being a bit of an exhibitionist, at least in private would be my main kink."

"I thought you said dad was tight lipped about it and didn't want to talk dirty talk. What did dad do? Just sit there and watch? He didn't participate or talk back?" I asked with a chuckle and wondering look.

"No, he doesn't like to talk sex, but in his own way he participated, at least most of the time. Most often he'd end up giving me a show by jerking himself off as he watched and listened or just watched me. I love to watch a man masturbate too. So I guess it was more like mutual masturbation.

Mom chuckled. "That's one reason I got so turned on the other night watching you and then again today which has been especially exciting with you being my son and doing it face to face."

"But as far as your dad goes, it's ok, sometimes I just wanted him to watch. I remember a few times he'd go to his home office down stairs to smoke his occasional cigar and drink his whisky as he watched the news. If you weren't home and I was reasonably sure you wouldn't be back anytime soon, when I'd smell the cigar, I'd run upstairs and quickly put on a dress and thigh highs with heels then sit in the armchair across from his desk and let him watch me as he smoked and sipped his drink.

"On special occasions like after his birthday I'd actually buy him a good cigar and have already dressed up in garters. He liked those the best" said Mom with a bit of a giggle.

"Wow, the thought of you in garters is a hot thought! I've never seen you in them or even thigh highs as far as that goes."

"Mmmmmmm that does sound hot! I l'd love to see that myself" said Beth.

"Well, I'll have to change that for both of you then" said Mom with a grin "I like wearing them too"

"Tell us about the dirty talk. Didn't you say he wouldn't do it?" asked Beth.

"Yes, I wish he liked to, but in his own way he did I guess. What he would do is just tell me to tell him about something like describe how I like to suck cock or how it feels to get fucked. Most of the time he'd tell me to make up a fantasy or tell me a fantasy situation and have me describe it in detail for him as we masturbated together. That can be a lot of fun for me too"

"Ooooh, what kind of fantasies did he choose?" said Beth. She really seemed even more interested in hearing about it. She had finished her sandwich and looked at me and pointed to Mom's wine glass. I quickly retrieved the bottle, poured her one and topped off Mom's as Mom started to respond to her question.

"All kinds of things actually, me being with another woman, other men, and a young stud... Ha, guess who was on my mind for that one! But I never mentioned who." said Mom with a chuckle."

"Other men? Really? Anyone in particular?" I asked.

"No, not for the men fantasies. It was usually multiple men situations"

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Beth. Like what?"

"Well, one of his favorites was he had a poker game with some buddies and got over extended in markers trying to win his money back and in the end he lost. He had borrowed from all four of them and I was his payback."

"Holy shit! Dad really set the scene for that?" then I grinned. "Are you going to tell us what you told dad happened in the fantasy?" I felt my dick twinge again hearing this.

"Well in general they took turns giving me their cocks to suck as another fucked me, then in the end they all came together, in my mouth, pussy and two of them jacking off on my boobs."

"Oh fuck that is so hot! I can imagine seeing you do it!" said Beth. I saw her take a sip of the wine and noticed her hand slide down to her lap.

I noticed even Mom was getting more turned on talking about it. Her nipples had relaxed and softened a little after her orgasm and as she ate, but now they were fully erect again and ready to cut glass.

"So do you think you'd ever want 4 men at the same time Mom?" I gave her a big grin. "Come on, tell us the truth..."

"Oh I think someday maybe I'd like to try two, one at each end" she giggled "But the gang-bang scene really wouldn't interest me. It was just an extreme situation your father came up with, but I admit playing it out was fun. His actual words were that I had to pay all of them back sexually. I was the one who thought of the rest from there, but he sure seemed to get off on it and led to a long evening of sex. That turned me on even more and made it worth it."

Beth laughed. "I love the way you think!"

"When I asked about anyone in particular you said no about the men but how about another woman? Did you have one in mind then?"

"Yes, a few times. He knew about my time in college, though I never told him we had tried to have a thereesome and sometimes he'd want to hear a fantasy about that. He once asked me if I had the chance, which would I choose from women I know now to have as a sexual partner. So I told him."

Both Beth and I looked at Mom waiting for her to tell us who but nothing came. "Heh... ok Mom, it looks like I need to ask...who was it?"

"If you had to guess, who would you think?" asked Mom turning it around on me.

I thought for a second thinking about all her friends... "Hmmmm, I'd guess Darla. You and her match somehow and she's not bad looking for her age either and definitely MILF material. She's older than you isn't she."

Mom giggled. "Correct on both accounts. She doesn't think you're such a bad looker either. She calls you my stud Mom giggled and added "Little does she know now."

"I remember Darla ever since I was a kid hanging out with John! She's one of your Wednesday night dinner friends, isn't she?... I always liked her, she was always upbeat and funny. Yes, she is sexy in an erotic, mature way, good choice!" Beth said with a grin.

"Yeah! Heh, I wouldn't mind..."

"Oh watch yourself buster!" Mom said kiddingly. "You're now the only cock in this chicken coop and you have a lot to take care of. I wonder if you need any more chickens!"

"Not unless the chickens help take care of the chickens! Do you think there's any chance she's bi?" asked Beth.

"Well she has this man she sees every few weeks when he comes into town and likes to freak Betty (our other dinner friend) out talking about how much sex they have when they get together and how she had to take care of it herself between meets."

Mom took a sip of her wine and continued "I'm not sure how much of it is shock factor for Betty's sake, but I'd guess she has a good sexual appetite. Now whether that extends to other ladies, I don't know. But somehow I've always sensed she would be adventurous, so I wouldn't be that surprised. She's never mentioned anything to me in that direction though. That would really be over the top for Betty and no one really wants to cause problems to break up our dinner nights together."

"But if she was bi or really curious, would you want to be with her?" asked Beth. "Have you ever fantasized about Darla?"

"Actually yes, after a dream I once had a few years ago."

"Really!" said Beth in the tone of a statement more than a question. "What was the dream about? What did you fantasize?" she asked a bit anxiously.

"Oh, I was dreaming I was laying back in bed with my knees bent and spread as I was being eaten. I remember how good it felt and opened my eyes to look down expecting to see your father's head, instead it as Darla's and her eyes looked up to mine without stopping what she was doing. What really struck me even more was the look in them. They looked smoky and sultry as if she loved what she was doing."

Mom laughed. "I tried so hard to return to that dream, but ended up masturbating thinking about it, just so I could get back to sleep."

"Wow! That would have gotten to me too" said Beth with a chuckle instead of her giggle

"She's crossed my mind in that direction several times since. I'm way too chicken to mention it to her but would be receptive if she approached me on the subject."

I asked Mom "If you ever had the chance with her, what would you want to do the most?" raising a single eyebrow.

"Oh that's easy, I've always suspected she'd be a good kisser. I love kissing..." she said giving me a wink, which I took as a hint."But I think you mean something more sexual..."

Mom turned her head to look at Beth and said as if talking to me alone " One thing stands out in my mind, especially after tasting Beth's sweet wet pussy, I must admit I'd be curious as hell about how Darla's would taste." Mom, glanced down and seeing Beth's hand had already returned to her vulva, where her fingers pressed lightly over it and Mom slid her hand down to her thigh and started to caress it."But you need to know when women get together it's a bit different than with men. We love the intimacy in addition to the hot stuff." She said giving Beth a grin and a wink this time.

I responded with "I've heard that..."" as I also registered the hint about kissing.

You say she never gave out any hints of playing around on the bi side?"

"Not really, though there was one time when her and I had drank a bit too much wine and swore I caught her checking out my crossed legs with a bit more than casual interest... but that could have been my imagination, or even wishful thinking. I admit the thought did excite me. She was much bolder asking me about John though. I remember her asking once if I had ever seen 'it'" said Mom with a laugh. "I just told her no, which at the time wasn't a lie. I think she fantasizes about being with younger men. She's always pointing out some young gentleman's butt."

"And that's why she called John a stud! I see... If she ever tried to seduce John would it make you angry or turn you on?" asked Beth, her eyebrows lifting slightly with a bit of a grin.

"Hmmmm, I never really thought of it but now that you two are officially back together, I think that's a question we should be asking you" said Mom with a smile, adding "My answer would be totally dependent on you answer."

Even though I felt like they were talking about me as if I wasn't there, it was an interesting conversation and I glanced over at Beth to see what her answer would be.

I had no doubt in my mind that before this last week I'd fuck my Mom's friend Darla in a heartbeat if she asked for it and could keep a secret. I've always thought she was hot in a mature MILF way, but after all that's happened in the last couple of days, I know I'd just go with the flow especially with me about to find out what that flow would be.

"Hmmmmm, Good question!" said Beth with a laugh. She paused thinking, glanced at me and then told Mom. "Well, if she was part of our little group where we all played, I think it would be hot for us to share John, but if it was a totally independent action, like she wasn't part of our group and just one-on-one without any of us being involved in any way, it would seem like cheating to me." Beth looked at me and shrugged her shoulders "Sorry Babe, that's just the way I feel."

Actually if felt pretty good that Beth kind of took 'ownership' of me. I grinned at Beth and said "Don't worry Beth, that sounds totally reasonable and I can go along with that. I have to admit Darla is a hot one though. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers... That is if the situation was right" letting them know it would be fine with me if the situation did evolve with her becoming part of the group.

Beth was determined to find out all the facts about Mom and Darla's situation. "So... never even got close to the subject with her?" asked Beth.

"Not really, but I think I might have an idea to get a bit closer to the subject now. There's two things I'd like to get her help on" said Mom a bit coyly as she glanced at Beth. The first I wanted to ask you two about too. I'm thinking about cutting my hair short or at least shorter... somewhat of a bob."

"Really!" exclaimed Beth. "Have you decided on the cut? I'm sure you'd look great with a bob, and it's so much easier to keep up with, especially drying time"

Mom asked me to get the tablet we keep by the couch. I quickly retrieved it and stood between her and Beth as she went to a tab in the browser she had already previously brought up.

"It's the one in the middle..." she said as she clicked on the picture to enlarge it. The pictured showed a woman with similar hair as Mom. The bobbed cut was very sculptured and layered it looked very sexy and looking and it was easy to imagine Mom with the same. What I liked most about it was how the third picture showed the back and how it exposed the neck line and shoulders which I always thought was sexy on a woman.

"Oh I think that would be perfect for you!" said Beth and I agreed whole hardheartedly. "So how does Darla fit in?"

"I've gone to the same salon for years but anyone can trim mine. I don't know of any hairdressers there I'd trust with this, but Darla will know where to go and it will also set up the next question I want to ask her."

I asked "What's that?"

I'm thinking about getting a bikini wax. During one of our dinners, Betty on one of her rare times of bringing up something provocative asked about trimming. They were getting ready to go on vacation to Myrtle Beach. Darla said she gets waxed for that and claims it's better than shaving." Mom then looked at Beth "Is that true?"

"Well, I've heard it lasts a lot longer than shaving and I shave mine as often or even more than I do my legs. I like it smooth, but I don't really mind. I usually end up masturbating every time I shave and trim" Beth added with a giggle. "So, you might say it's more fun than a hassle to me."

"Hmmmm, this I got to see!" I said giving her a grin.

Beth looked at me and said "Well, according to our new guidelines, I guess I can keep the bathroom door open when taking a shower or taking a bath. You'd be more than welcome to watch or help me." she said returning the grin before adding "Either one of you" as she gave Mom a quick wink. "How much do you plan on taking off?"

"I'm not sure yet. What are the pros and cons of doing it?"

"Ha, I can't think of a con other than having something else to maintain. All I can say is it makes me feel even more sexy and the bare skin areas so much more sensitive to the touch and even the feel of my panties. Kari says the same thing and she's totally shaved. She said she'll never go back to being hairy because of it" said Beth and then she giggled. "I hope she doesn't too, her pussy's so... suckable?, Ha, I can't think of a better word."

I gave a "Hmmmmm!" and Mom said that was definitely a pro aspect as we all laughed. Mom then asked Beth how she decided on the runway look.

"Well I wanted so see what John's reaction would be and thought going totally bald might be a bit extreme, especially if he didn't like it." Beth looked at me as her fingertip caressed her shaved lower lips and said. "So far so good though. I think it's received much more attention since I've been back."

"I like it. I think it looks really sexy, though I'm not against a basic trim either" I said giving Mom a wink. I looked back at Beth and added "If you want to try bald, I'm not against it."

"Maybe I will, I don't know. I kind of like what I have right now.

"How about you Mom? How much are you thinking of taking off?" asked Beth.

"Well, I was just thinking of getting a true bikini wax along the sides for my trip to Hawaii, but after seeing yours its made me think. Actually I love the way you've done it. It looks so sexy and I don't think going totally waxed would be all that good for me right now. Would you be mad if I did the same Beth?"

Beth laughed "No way! I'd be honored if you did!"

"What the hell, why not go all the way and surprise Dad?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh I'm sure he'll be surprised enough, but you have to remember I have to be practical, for a couple of reasons."

"Such as?" I asked with a chuckle to challenge her playfully"

"Well, it seems I already have a camel toe in the bottoms of my black bikini and there's no sense in adding to it. Ha, I'm just getting over being shy enough to wear it. Anyway, I want just enough hair to cover my slit in the area of my clit to act as a cushion so my clit won't show in the material of my bottoms so easily. Especially if I get a little turned on in the sun thinking about us all as I lay on the beach and/or how I plan on jumping your dad when we get back to the room."

I had only seen Mom's clit as she spread her lips both last night and earlier this morning. I remember her clit and hood seemed full and larger than Beth's but hadn't noticed it peeking from her slit, probably because of her pubic hair hiding it.

Mom continued with "But that's only for the trip. Afterwards I can remove the rest if I feel like it."

"So do you know of anyone good to get this done?" asked Beth adding "I hear it can be a mess if someone's new at it."

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