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Mom's New Recipe Ch. 04

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He has his hands full.
9.9k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 12/20/2005
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Well, here's Chapter 4, I'm glad people have been enjoying these stories.

Let me know what you think...


As I'd expected, Megan made a big deal out of being my girlfriend and soon all my friends knew. She would come and sit with us at lunch, or pester me in the halls when I'd be in the middle of a conversation. I don't know what people thought of our relationship as I'd often tell her to fuck off when she did this only to have her come back a little while later, asking me stupid questions and begging for attention. Luckily she did have Alison; the two were always together and Alison would rein her in whenever I gave her a look asking her to do so. Meanwhile Megan's friends would always watch me in the hallways and giggle to each other as I passed or smile at me knowingly, though I didn't know what that meant.

Megan's parents had always liked me and never batted an eye at me staying over at their house and fucking their daughter. One such Friday night Mrs. Michaels had made a Turkey dinner to celebrate my coming in first at the regional swim meet and, in the course of conversation Mr. Michaels mentioned, "I'm going to be building a deck in the backyard this weekend Nick, I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me a hand?"


"I'll give you a hundred dollars for your time and if you've got a friend who could use the money I'll give him the same. It'll probably only take a few hours if there's three of us."

"Yeah, I think I know a guy who'd be up for it."

After dinner I called my friend Liam and mentioned the offer. Liam was a big guy who played hockey and would likely be pretty useful. He was happy with the offer and agreed to come by at 10AM Sunday.

That night Mr. and Mrs. Michaels went to bed early, leaving Megan and I half a bottle of wine. As she walked up the stares Mrs. Michaels turned and said suggestively, "Now don't stay up all night you two."

"We won't mom."

"Goodnight Mrs. Michaels."

Megan curled up beside me on the couch and we sat drinking the wine, listening to some album of her parents,' and soon were making out. Through her cotton t-shirt her skin felt warm and enticing and we ended up going to her room almost immediately, throwing back the last of the rich-tasting red wine before doing so.

Megan's room was still much as it had been when she was younger; with frilly curtains, and pictures of horses everywhere, horses running, horses jumping, horses in wide fields and green paddocks, their shining coats emphasizing the contours of their muscles and limbs. The juvenile decorations however belied the sex-kitten that Megan had become, and though I often disliked her personally she had no problems with me taking any frustrations out on her in the bedroom. That night I bent her over her white lace comforter and reamed her ass, pressing her face into the pillows and stuffed animals she had on it. Megan loved it rough and if I wasn't fucking her hard enough she reach back and hit me or scratch me until I grabbed her arms and pinned her to the mattress, fucking her like a cheap slut while her parents slept soundly in the next room.

I woke up with the stale taste of wine in my mouth and found that my morning wood was wedged in the crack of Megan's ass. Of course, one thing led to another and soon I was on top of her slowly fucking her ass in the morning light. We didn't make any noise though as we could hear her parents moving around both upstairs and down. I slid slowly in and out, pressing my hips into the soft cushion of her ass, burying my dick smoothly between them. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Megan and I froze and without hesitation the doorknob turned, "No don't come in!" Megan called, but it was too late.

Mrs. Michaels walked in wearing a kimono-style robe and looked at me lying flat on top of her daughter with only a sheet wrapped over us; my dick was throbbing in Megan's tight ass. "Oh, sorry guys," she said, "I just wanted to know how you want your eggs?"


"What? I know what you're doing in here, you should be happy I don't get upset."

She smiled, and her light red hair hung loosely past her shoulders, her face was freckled, and with the loose-fitting robe I could see a patch of them across her chest. She had a trim figure as well as high cheekbones and a proud face and standing in Megan's doorway she looked quite attractive really. I don't know how Mr. Michaels had gotten her to marry him.

I rolled off of her daughter and let Megan turn onto her side. "Why didn't you ask through the door? Or wait for me to answer?"

"Alright do you want eggs or not? Nick?" Her eyes were on my cock, bulging under the thin sheet, "what are you having?"

"Uhh, I'll have sunny side up I guess."

"Okay, Megan?"

Megan looked at the clock on her dresser, "Oh, I don't have time, I've got rugby practice in a half-hour."

I shifted under the sheet trying to downplay the outline of my cock, but ended up making it worse, "Well you've got to eat something, especially if you've got a practice." Mrs. Michaels replied, her eyes drifting back to my cock.

"No, I don't," Megan added in an irritated tone, warning her mother not to pursue this argument.

"It's not healthy, even if you do lose some weight by not eating."


"Oh come on, Nick; do you think she's fat?"

"What Megan?" I laughed, rubbing her tummy as she swatted at my hand, "Yes."


"I'm just kidding Megan," I laughed.

Megan began to pout, then turned to her mom, "Okay are you done? Could you get out of here?"

Mrs. Michaels paused, looking at me, "Alright well Nick, your breakfast will be ready in say ten minutes. Is that going to be enough for you two to finish up in here?"

I laughed at the question and circumstance, "Uhh, yeah, thanks Mrs. Michaels."

"Well at least someone appreciates how cool I'm trying to be here."

"Yeah well, are you done being cool mom?" Megan asked pointedly.

"I'm going, I'm going," she looked at me as if to say, "teenagers..." and left the room.

"God, I'm sorry Nick,"

"No don't worry about it," I said, climbing back on top of her.

She pushed me off and started grabbing up her clothes, "Yeah, I'm gonna fuck you after you called mefat..."

I thought of arguing with her or even taking her by force -which I knew she'd like- but just to spite her I let her get dressed and leave instead. I went and took a shower and then came down to the kitchen, where Mrs. Michaels had managed to get Megan to eat some toast after all and I sat down at the table as Megan was putting on her shoes. The door slammed as I cut into the first egg, slicing the yellow orb of the yoke and watching it spill gradually over the white surface; dripping slowly onto the plate as I stuck a loose piece and brought it to my mouth. Mrs. Michaels walked back into the room, her shoes clacking on the ceramic tiles as she came and sat down across from me.


I smiled.

"So... I hear you're doing really well in school this year."

"Yeah, I've been doing okay."

"Just plugin' away..."

"Yeah," I replied good-humouredly.

There was a brief silence, "Well sorry for barging in on you two."

"Oh, don't worry about it, I thought you were very cool about the whole thing. I'm glad you're not mad."

She laughed, "Well when I was your age my parents caught me with a boy once and they went nuts; they pushed him out the door with almost no clothes on and they yelled at me made a real big deal about the whole thing; meanwhile I really cared about that boy."

I nodded, chewing as she continued, "I know that Megan really likes you –though she'd probably get mad at me for saying so- but I trust you with her, and besides, youth is a time to enjoy yourself, you're in your prime and there's no reason to live like a monk when you're sexualdriveis at it's peak... I mean, it seems unfair for me to treat sex like a crime when I know there's nothing any healthy teenager wants more, and it can really be a very positive experience."

"Yeah, I don't know why there's so much guilt surrounding sex –like in school and everything."

"Oh I know, trust me, when I was young my parents were very strict, but it doesn't really stop there for a woman," She lowered her tone and began to speak very personally with me, "You know, I've always had a strong sex-drive, but for a woman to acknowledge this even like I'm doing right now, is frown upon, let alone to state what she really wants, you know? It's like I'm just supposed to wait for it to come to me, whether it will or not."

I nodded and folded a piece of egg together, mopping up some of the yoke on the plate, "I mean a boy reaches sexual maturity around your age, but he's surrounded by girls who don't know how to really enjoy sex, or how to give pleasure very well either –plus they think they're just going to look better and better with every passing day, and don't really savour youth, or just take advantage of what life is giving them."

"Wow, you should come speak at our school Mrs. Michaels," I replied, "I think you're really on to something."

She laughed, "Yes but even if they let me I'd be made to feel guilty for stating these opinions, that's why it takes women so long to learn the virtues of sex and the art of being sensual." She paused, "Because I feel I've reached my sexual peak now and look what I have to deal with, I didn't marry my husband for his skills in the bedroom, and now he's gradually losing interest in sex altogether, and here I am masturbating, alone, when I should be able to enjoy sharing myself with a real, appreciative, man."

I stuffed a forkful of eggs into my mouth to avoid answering, but nodded sincerely. "And so I finally understand now what it's like to be a young man, frustrated, unsatisfied... unappreciated. And it all seems such a waste."

"Well I wouldn't worry too much about your daughter, she seems unafraid of letting herself go... If you don't mind me saying."

"No, no. Not at all. But I doubt she knows how to really give of herself, how to really bring pleasure to someone else; she can be very selfish, and I have a feeling from what I saw this morning that her enjoyment of sex is probably because of what you're bringing to the table..."

I hesitated, uncertain what she was implying. "I don't know if you realize it Nick but you have a very big dick." She stated with a smile, "I could see it outlined in the sheets this morning; I'm sorry if I stared but as I've said, I've only now come to appreciate these things and... I'd appreciate it even more if you'd give me a better look..."

I swallowed the sweet tasting mouthful of eggs and stared into her eyes, fixed on mine, her anticipation was apparent and yet her expression was like that of a tiger drawing in, certain of it's prey. 'And why not?' I thought examining the smile on her lips; the gleam in her eye.

As I stood her eyes fell to the front of my pants. I pulled my belt open and stopped, looking down at her fixed expression. After a moment she reached up and began opening my pants, then grasping the sides with her thumbs, she pulled them down with forceful movements back and forth, her long nails scratching my sides lightly. My dick hung out in front of her, growing quickly erect, and pointing up towards her face, which bore a hungry expression.

As it became fully erect she watched it, until it began to bob in her face to the beating of my heart. Her voice escaped as she exhaled unevenly and her breath blew over the sensitive skin of my cock. Suddenly she moved forward devouring it, taking deep breaths through her nose and twisting her head from side to side as she moved up and down over my dick. She was salivating over it and her mouth was like a pool of hot liquid flowing viscously over my cock again and again as she drew it around with her soft and agile tongue.

I set my hand down on the table as my head swam momentarily and Mrs. Michaels sucked my dick with an expression that suggested she enjoyed it even more than I did. I reached down to her shoulders and the silk robe she wore, which I pushed to the sides and over her soft shoulders. She pulled back from my dick breathing heavily with several strings of spit hanging between my cock and her glistening lips. She pushed the robe back over her shoulders and onto the chair behind her. With her mouth hanging open she rubbed her large breasts and looked up at me with a wanton expression, leaving the strings of spit between us and pursing her lips around clenched teeth before wrapping them back around my cock and sucking it passionately.

After several minutes of standing there, getting my dick sucked, I took a step back from her, but she simply followed me as though her mouth were stuck to my cock with a magnet and as I took another step back she slipped out of her chair and onto her knees. As I continued backing up into the living room she followed me and was soon on all fours, stretching her head upwards and sucking wetly on my cock until I took one long step back and it slipped from her mouth. I backed up further and she kept coming at me on all fours, lowering her face now and looking up at me. I sat down on the couch with my legs apart and watched her approach; the light patterns of freckles across her shoulders and chest and her face gave her even more the appearance of a stalking cat as her shoulder blades moved back and forth and her spine swayed smoothly from side to side, framed beneath by the smooth round cheeks of her ass.

She reached the couch and crawled up on top of me, spreading her legs around mine and wrapping her arms around each of my shoulders, bringing her smiling face up to mine, but drawing back as I went to kiss her wet lips. She surged forward and back in my lap, bringing her breasts to my face only to pull them back again, twisting her hips but leaving my cock untouched as it lay against me. I grabbed her lower back and pulled her up towards me, pressing her breasts into my face I began to suck and lick them as she threw her head back and writhed against me. Then I grabbed the soft cheeks of her ass and pressed her down into my lap, my cock lay lengthwise against her wet pussy and she began to slide it up and down along the length of it, making it hard as a rock before she pulled back and skillfully pushed it up into her without either of us having to hold or position it.

We were panting in each other's faces as her hot glove pressed down onto my cock, enveloping it in the smooth sweet sensation of fucking a hot, eager woman. Like being in the one place youknowyou're supposed to be, I looked at her rapt expression and thought of nothing but the sensations we were experiencing as she twisted her hips from side to side and rode my pole like it was all the world to her and everything in it.

She came quickly, within only a minute or two, and held nothing back as she rode me hard, grunting and cursing; her clenched eyes rolled back and she squeezed the hair on my head and dug her nails into my chest, the pain accenting the overall sensation as her sweaty body collapsed against mine, still slowly humping my cock. She breathed hotly on my neck and began to lick it and kiss it and soon she was sucking firmly on it as she began riding my dick in earnest once more.

She twisted my dick inside her, pressing it firmly against the walls of her vagina as my hands roved wantonly over the slick contours of her moist skin. I held her ass with one hand, squeezed her chest against mine with the other, and began pumping hot cum up into her insatiable pussy. She came again as I did so and bit my shoulder as she dragged her nails over my back and I pumped up into her hard, shaking her entire frame and interrupting repeatedly the long ongoing moan she released.

I then pressed her back onto the couch with one hand flat against her chest until she lay lengthwise next to me; her legs spread wide. I moved over her and held myself up so that there was no contact between us until the head of my wet dick lightly touched her thigh. I moved it to the side and pushed it up her cunt slowly, sliding in just to the point where our legs would touch before drawing back again and again, so that the only point of contact between us was my dick in Mrs. Michaels' wet pussy, sliding smoothly in and out, tingling like electricity in her hot cunt. She didn't put her arms around me or touch me at all, but rather turned her head from side to side and moaned as she moved her arms haltingly about, "Oh, yes. Just like that, fuck me just like that."

Suddenly the front door opened and Mr. Michaels stepped in. He looked down and slipped his shoes off before his eyes met mine and he froze. He looked shocked and unfortunately had a view right between our naked bodies to the cock firmly lodged in his wife's pussy. His mouth opened but he didn't say anything.

Jean looked up, "Paul, what are you doing home already?"

"...The Hardware store was closed,"

"Well why didn't you call or something?"

He looked dismayed but surprisingly calm as I got off his wife and stood naked in their living room, my semi-hard cock glistening with her wetness. I turned and walked quickly into the kitchen, grabbing my pants and putting them on as the two of them spoke hurriedly. I came back into the living room and looked hesitantly at Mr. Michaels, "Nick, could you maybe leave now honey," Mrs. Michaels said to me.

"Yeah, um... Sorry about this."

"It's not your fault Nick," she replied.

I stepped out the door forgetting my shoes but, not wanting to go back in for them I walked home in my socks. It was bright and warm out but I felt uneasy and apprehensive and stepped in the front door wondering what consequences would come of this.

Megan called me that night, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm sorry... Did they patch things up?"

"Patch things up? Who gives a shit aboutthat? I'm talking about us! Now you're fuckingmymother too?"

I paused, having no response.

"I mean how many women do you need Nick? I thought I was putting up with a lot from you already, but this?"

"Megan," I said flatly, feeling a quickly growing disinterest in her, "What do you want from me? You fucking blackmail me into dating you and then complain about it."

"Well maybe I'll just tell everyone that youfuckyour little sister, that youFUCKyour fucking mother!"

"And what'll that get you? My whole family will hate you, Alison and I will never speak to you again, what are you gonna hang out with the fucking kids in the marching band or the ugly dykes and lesbians on your rugby team?"

"I don'tneedyou guys!"

"Then do it." I said firmly.

There was silence on the line, then I asked, "So is your dad still there?"

"Of course he's still here," she said, her voice sounding strained, "My mom told him to stay, so he did."

"What did she say?"

"She told him it was his fault because he neverfucksher, and he should just be glad that she hasn't left him already."

"What did he say?"

"He cried, of course, and she called him a wimp."

I thought for a moment and she continued, "And he agreed with her because he is a fucking wimp, and then they went upstairs together and now everything's fine; they still want you to help with the deck tomorrow."

I couldn't believe how well he'd taken it, "Really? Let me talk to your mother."

"No way, pig."

I hung up the receiver and thought for a moment, lying on my side, staring ahead vacantly. Alison wrapped an arm slowly around my chest, "Are you worried she's going to tell people about us?" Her voice was quiet and comforting; soft curls of her hair tickled my back as they slid downward.

"No... I know she won't... I'm more worried about Mr. and Mrs. Michaels, I still have to see them tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to say."

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