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Monster Hunter: The Magala's Harlot

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A monster hunter attempts an entirely different kind of hunt.
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One of my first erotic stories, uploaded for y'all to enjoy.


Madison's heart pounded in her chest, a trickle of nervous sweat running into the small of her back. The cave lay before her.

She tried to remind herself that people had done this before and survived, there had to be. A whole cottage industry had risen up around precisely what she was about to try to do, she had sought out and spoken to some of those survivors herself, seen the dreamy, distant look in their eyes when they told her their stories. They had been altogether too happy to share, to relive those moments and encourage someone else to follow in their footsteps. Clearly, what they had experienced had been powerful and lasting, not to mention eminently survivable.

But, a treacherous portion of her mind insisted on reminding her, many people had attempted this and had not lived to tell the tale.

That was the whole point, wasn't it? People went into these places, these warrens, for the express purpose of fighting what lay within, they came in better equipped than Madison was, ready for combat, and still they died. In droves, they died. And now she was intending to go in unarmed, naked but for the armored shell that had cost her so much of her hard earned money: what chance did she have? Yes, it was possible to live through it, but it was possible to survive a fall down a cliff, too. Doesn't mean either should be attempted. How many people had actually tried what she was here to try, versus how many had actually come out the other side?

It was impossible to know.

For a moment, Madison considered leaving, simply turning tail and returning to town to find some place to pawn off this armor for a bit of quick cash. But before she could, a vision of dark scales and fluttering wings passed before her mind's eye. The blush in the cheeks of the woman she had spoken to most recently, who had pointed her to this exact spot, presented itself for her consideration. The passion dripping from the words those she had interviewed had used, laden with deep longing and a desire that persisted sometimes even years later. Finally, from the depths of the cave, unseen and drenched in shadow, came a snarl, dark and guttural, like the grinding of ancient stones deep beneath the earth.

It sent a shiver of desire down Madison's spine.

No, there was no going back now. Not after so much time, money, and idle thoughts had been sunk into this endeavor. One does not turn back when standing at the gates of success. Steeling herself, Madison took a step forward, and then another, slinging the pack from her back and swinging it idly, forward and backward. Casting her eyes about, she located a likely outcropping of rock jutting out just above Madison's own height, beside the cave opening, that little gap in the cliff face through which the harsh, sandpaper breathing of the creature within could be heard. Reaching up, she jammed the pack into the rocks until it was firmly wedged in; that pack contained her food and spare clothes, things she definitely needed and couldn't afford to lose to curious animals snuffling around on the ground. Best to keep it out of their reach, nice and hidden.

It wouldn't do to have to walk back to town naked, after all.

Spending a moment to clamber up high enough to verify that her things were properly packed in, winding the straps around the heaviest rock she could find, Madison hissed out a breath between her teeth and dropped back to the ground. There were no other excuses to linger here, no reason to delay, and nothing more keeping her from either success, or death. Checking the clasps of her armor for the last time, the purple-tinged plates sending dancing lilac reflections over the dirt, Madison sidled into the cave entrance, pushing herself into the narrow gap, careful not to allow the metal she wore to scrape against the stone around her.

Almost immediately, she was met by the scent of moss and darkness, growing stronger the further into the shadows she went. It was a living scent, earthen and somehow patient, growing and spreading unseen by the eyes of man, filling up the deep spaces below the earth. Yes, Madison knew this smell, dreamed of it sometimes, and as she slipped through into the main space of the cavern, her eyes found its source almost immediately. A dark fog roiled around her ankles, carpeting the entirety of the space before her, eagerly devouring the light that lanced through gaps in the cave ceiling above. On the opposite side of the room was a larger tunnel winding off elsewhere; Madison knew where it led, but equally knew not to enter through it, and the reason why lay curled up in front of the path, wings covering the majority of its bulk.

The Gore Magala.

It seemed as though all of Maddie's adrenaline dumped itself into her system at once, fight or flight responses ripping through her so hard that she thought her knees might give out from the sheer pressure of wanting to flee and denying that urge at the same time. A smooth, scaled head emerged from beneath the fold of the wings, fur rustling on the membranous, multi-jointed limbs, and her fear only grew worse. The creature scented the air, powerful breath hissing as it turned its head toward her, sightless face baring terrible, razor-sharp fangs. Her mind wheeled, desperately scrabbling over every piece of advice she had been given, seeking the first step, the thing she needed to do that would stop the Gore Magala from leaping upon her immediately.

The armor helped with that, and she could already see the hesitation in the wyvern's demeanor, watching as it tilted its head, pulsing yet more black, spore-like scales from its wings in her direction. The glittering purple metal had been made for her, custom fit for this purpose, by a couple working out of a combined blacksmith and apothecary, who understood Madison's desires and knew what could be done to maximize her chances of attaining them. The scales that currently whirled up around the woman had played a large part in that process, woven through the metallurgy that made the armor, along with some of Madison's own hair and yet more chemicals derived from the Gore Magala's body, pheromones and hormones intermingled with metals and compounds tweaked with infinite care at the molecular level. Exacting in care and detail, the armor-smith pair had worked throughout the night as Madison sat and watched, awe filling her pale features as the intricate pieces came together. Once the moon had risen high and the forge had fallen silent, it had been time for Madison's own major contribution, the most stressful thing she had ever done.

... Well, before walking unarmed into the Gore Magala's lair, that is.

Slipping her legs into the greaves and her arms into the pauldrons, Madison had lain back into the rear piece of the armor and allowed the blacksmith to lever the chest plate down onto her, the outer layers of the metal still red hot and cooling. Only a few lead-lined pillows and the layering of the metal protected her otherwise nude body from the heat, but this was a necessary step, it had been explained to her. While she lay sealed in the sweltering armor, her very essence would soak into the metal, her scent and other biological signatures sinking through the heat-loosened bonds of the metal to become a part of its very fabric. Within that metal shell, "Madison," and "Gore Magala," would commingle, just enough to trick the wyvern's senses, to turn its mental approach to her from violent to... something far more intimate.

Its makers had called it Attraction Armor.

Madison supposed it was better than "the fuck suit."

The Gore Magala had risen to its feet now, claws scoring the earth, wings sweeping like a cape behind it, as it truly faced Madison for the first time. Forcing her feet to move, she made her way down the incline and into the cave proper, moving toward the creature on legs that trembled, her armor clinking all the way. There were no eyes to look into, no way for her to approach it the way she would another human, and so Madison allowed her eyes to wander the wyvern's form, playing over dark scales and the swishing tail that could break her with a single swing, and would have, had she not come into this prepared.

Desire rippled through her.

It was beautiful in its own dark and deadly way, most anyone would agree to that, see the majesty in the beasts that roamed this land. But what Madison saw was different, what the wyvern evoked far more primal. It was a handsome creature, this wyvern, this Gore Magala. The scales along its flank begged to be stroked, the cape of its wings regal, with fur seemingly made for her fingers to twine through. The sheer bulk of the creature made Madison blush, her insides turned to jelly, and all she could think about was its weight atop her, all that power and hardness bearing down on her.

That was what she was here for. Don't worry, the armor would work, if it wasn't going to the wyvern would have killed her already...

Happily, the Gore Magala didn't seem to know what to do with her, which was certainly a step up from intending to kill her. Head swaying from side to side, serpent-like and sinuous, its nostrils flared, taking in the air as Madison crept on feet as light as she could make them down the side of the creature. Its neck curled, keeping her firmly in front of its sightless face no matter where she moved, and even if it couldn't see her, Madison was all too aware of the damage those fangs could do, of the breath weapon the Gore Magala possessed and all that it did to a human body. Her armor could protect against the taint of the Frenzy, but thus far it had only been tested on the dark, purple mist that writhed on the floor, and there was no way to know what the brunt of an actual attack would do to it.

... To her.

As she moved, the Gore Magala's wings lifted, beat gently at the ground, stirring and spreading the layer of scales further, and Madison took the opportunity to slip beneath them, laying a gauntleted hand gently against its rippling flank. A trill escaped the Magala's mouth, fangs sliding together, so close to Maddie herself, but it didn't lash out; flushing with pleasure, smiling despite her nervousness, she stroked down the wyvern's side, marveling at the strength of the scales, the pure gloss that shone upon them, the faint sensation of musculature rippling just below them.

'Hello, gorgeous...' She cooed, making sure to keep her voice low and gentle and slow, so that the monster would not mistake it for the shouts of battle coordination. The wyvern's head leaned in closer, close enough that she could feel its breath heat her armor, but Maddie had different aims than that beautiful face, and she continued down the side of the Magala, confidence growing with every second that she remained alive. Taking a moment to stroke the monster's hind leg, purring with self effacing appreciation, she made her way down to the tail.

The Attraction Armor served the purpose of confusing the Gore Magala's senses, to turn her introduction to it away from immediate violence, but there was more that needed to be done. Simply not getting clawed to death was step one. It was a little known fact that there were a number of gaps in the scales at a Gore Magala's tail, segments to aid in the flexibility of that appendage, narrow, but wide enough for a human hand to slip in if necessary. Beneath those scales lay particularly sensitive nerves, through which one could tug at ancient, primal parts of the creature's physiology. During mating, tail biting featured prominently.

Madison couldn't do that, exactly, but she could push her fingers under one scale at the base of the tail, just as she had been taught. Soft skin met her touch, pliable flesh roiling with muscles lay just below the wyvern's armor, and Madison slowly allowed the tips of her fingers to run the length of that available span of skin, felt the Gore Magala shudder from the tip of its tail to the top of its head. The tremor was so strong she felt for a moment that it might break something of hers, but she persisted regardless, repeating the motion a few more times, just like she was supposed to.

Upon her second attempt, the Gore Magala trilled, the sound higher than anything Madison had previously heard from the wyvern, the intent behind it just as mysterious as any other vocalization these monsters made, but she took it as a sign of encouragement all the same. Her third stroke was the last one she got, as a wing came down over her head, easily covering her entirely, and in the whirling motion of leathery membrane that followed a claw knocked her sideways, armor screeching as she sprawled on the ground, unable to see anything but the sinuous motion of scales and claws, unable to hear more than the thudding of her racing heart and the low growl of the Gore Magala as it loomed overhead, pinning her to the ground effortlessly beneath one curved talon. Something inside Madison twisted, pulsed with need.

Fuck, she was already so wet...

Fear hooked into her, made her struggle, but it wasn't alone, and her sheer arousal at having the creature's bulk finally atop her turned her movements into a sort of needy squirm. Thus far, everything had gone according to plan, and it continued to do so as the Gore Magala's snout ran the length of her body, snuffling and taking in her scent, wings beating a gentle rhythm to stir the scales around them into a rising morass around her, covering her for a moment before subsiding; the wyvern truly had the measure of her now.

The sound it made next was almost volcanic, rumbling and hot and inexorable, pure power in audible form. Madison's lips parted, moaning helplessly in response.

One huge paw came down on the breastplate, and some instinctual part of Maddie's brain made her shrink back into the far corners of the armor, hearing the metal creak as the Gore Magala ramped up the pressure, pressing down hard enough bend her only layer of protection inward. Her eyes closed, squeezed shut as she reminded herself, desperately, that this too was a part of the plan, something expected, something that wouldn't harm her. The blacksmiths had accounted for this, exactly for this, there was no need to fear.

... And yet, when the first plates buckled and creased, she yelped, despite herself.

But instead of collapsing completely in a heap of jagged, mangled metal, Madison's breastplate instead crumbled, disintegrating into thick purple chunks under the Gore Magala's hand, turning to glittering dust in the air that drifted up into the wyvern's face and down, to mingle with the fog of scales around them. The sudden snapping sound of this caused the monster to retract its talons in caution, though its snout still got a full dose of the armor dust, shaking from side to side and puffing out air. It was useless, of course; the chemicals in the dust were fast acting, by now already absorbed into the Magala's body and the sensory fog that it "saw" with.

Maddie smiled, as her expensive suit of armor did its job. The breastplate had shattered completely, both above and below her, and now her bare back pressed down against the stones beneath as she remained pinned by the monster's claw on one metal-shod arm, just below the shoulder. She hadn't been wearing a stitch of clothing other than the Attraction Armor, which made moving around without pinching something sensitive in the joints of the suit a challenge, but there was no other way to properly do this. The suit she had purchased was a multi-stage process for wooing the Gore Magala, the wyvern's mating habits too complex to be switched on in just one step. The plate-mail's exterior had been coated with chemicals to bring the creature's aggression down to zero when it was faced with an intruder, to make it curious enough that, with a little coaxing, it would try to unwrap Madison as though she were a gift for the creature... and she supposed that was an apt enough metaphor. She certainly was here to give herself to the Gore Magala...

Cracking the breastplate, where the highest concentration of the confusing chemicals were, released a concentrated dose of wyvern pheromones laced with Madison's own, enough to fully prime the creature for what came next. She could already see the beautiful creature twisting, reacting to the changes and then, with a strange, soft purring sound and a truly graceful motion of its head, the Gore Magala truly seemed to see her for the first time.

How she knew that an entity without eyes was watching her Madison couldn't say, but there was a certain directness to its attention now, as it leaned in toward her. Before, it had been scenting the armor, taking in the tricks and pheromones rather than the woman wearing them, but now that the armor had been cracked and the woman within was revealed, things had changed. The Gore Magala gently pushed its snout into Madison's bare stomach, just above the still-intact codpiece, the sharpness of its fangs thrillingly close to jabbing into her navel. As that hard, hot nose traversed her belly, those teeth scraped her skin, leaving faint red lines in their wake, as it journeyed up to stop at her breasts. Pale and pert, small and heaving with her deep, ragged breaths, Maddie's tits shifted and jiggled as the Magala prodded at them, nuzzling in at the space between them, seeking out her heartbeat, probing at the life pounding away within her. It growled into her chest, strong vibrations coursing up the bones of her ribcage, and Madison whimpered with desire, back arching to press her harder into the monster.

She didn't want to wait. She wanted this to happen, to be happening now. But there were still pieces of armor remaining. There was a sequence to this that needed to be maintained, and the wyvern took the next step by bringing its jaws down around the shoulder of her free arm and squeezing; the metal there came apart just as easily as the breastplate had, and the minimum of force that the Magala had needed to use prevented its fangs from just shearing through Maddie's arm with it. This time, the chemical dose had the added effect of an involuntary muscle spasm, breaking the shell around her other arm as it lay pinioned beneath the Magala's claws. Now essentially topless, and confronted by a highly amenable wyvern, Madison knew what was coming next.

Shifting down, the Gore Magala's teeth closed on Madison's codpiece, just inches from her crotch, and pulled.

In a puff of glittering purple shards, all of the armor came free at once, greaves and crotch-plate disintegrating in the Magala's mouth as it tore Madison's pants off with its teeth. Inhaling the dust was the last part of the plan, and with a pure animal growl, now fully under her spell and convinced of Madison's prurient worth, the Magala forced its head back between her legs in a rush, hardened snout now pressing against bare skin, her pussy revealed to the open air and the inquisitive creature.

She could feel its breath, vibrating against her most sensitive places. It felt good.

It was possible, a treacherous voice deep inside her piped up, that what happened next wold involve teeth, biting into flesh made vulnerable by the lack of armor. It was possible for the plan to fail, for the Gore Magala to obey a different instinct than the one she had attempted to stoke. It was possible to lose, here and now, failure bringing a painful end to this thrilling encounter.

The feeling of a tongue on her skin put an end to all such worries.

People didn't often see the Gore Magala's tongue. It was usually hidden within the creature's mouth, which was only open long enough for its unfortunate victims to catch a glimpse of long teeth before that mouth closed once more, often terminally. Madison could now feel it, and on a part of her body that rendered that sensation in incredible, exacting detail; the rough scrape of it against her, the length that allowed it to run the entirety of her pussy without running out of tongue, the flexibility that led it to flick, with unerring precision, against her clit at the end. She felt it all, that perfect tongue, seemingly made for her body, up against her in a way that made her eyes roll back into her head at the sheer, sudden sensation of it all.

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