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Monsters in the Mountains Ch. 03

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Family and friendships in the mountains.
33k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2015
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Jordan's shoulder hurt that night in the mine where he slept curled up between Megan and Sarah. The Bigfoot, Sarah, was behind him, holding him tight. The human, Megan was wrapped in his arms, and if not for the dull pain, he would have been sleeping like a baby.

He rose from the interspecies sandwich, looking for his backpack for more ibuprofen. Kaitlin was sleeping alone, though Jordan guessed that she had been with Ginger until recently. The rest of the Bigfoot were missing, presumably out for their night-time runs that they often took. Jordan pulled on his clothing, including a hooded sweatshirt.

Jordan found the medication, and checked the time. It was 3 AM. He swallowed, and went to the mine entrance, where the valley below him was bathed in the dim moonlight. He could see the rest of the Bigfoot far below, silently running through the tall grass. They were fast and incredibly strong.

Jordan had just brought food up the previous day, so they shouldn't be hungry, but they seemed to be chasing something, probably a deer. Squinting in the low moonlight, he confirmed it was a deer. He made a mental note to bring more fresh meat, since the all-female tribe of Bigfoot seemed to need to eat red-meat at least once or twice per month.

The deer escaped the four hairy giants, but the Bigfoot kept running, jumping over boulders, and dodging trees. They seemed to be running just for the joy of it, and Jordan could almost feel it as they ran up the loose rocks of the mine tailings, and towards the spot where he sat watching them.

Missy, the largest of the Bigfoot, came and sat on the big, flat rock next to Jordan. She leaned down, nuzzling her flat nose into Jordan's neck, a gesture that carried affection, and Jordan considered it to be the Bigfoot equivalent of a kiss. He returned the action, wrapping his arms around the big soft figure, and enjoying her strong musk.

Missy lay back, legs spread. She tugged at his clothes with one finger, and Jordan stood up to undress. The light breeze on the mountainside caused goosebumps as he stood there naked, admiring the furry giant. Missy sat up a little, and reached for Jordan, easily lifting him with her strong muscles. She was gentle, though, and lay Jordan atop her body.

Jordan was rock hard, and wiggled down a little until he found her wet lips, rubbing himself along her furry crotch until he felt the smooth, slick warmth of her opening. He eased in slowly, bringing his uninjured right hand up to enjoy the massive body beneath him. He massaged her heavy breasts, and reaching up, ran his fingers over her massively muscled shoulder, through the fur on her neck, and up to her dark ear, stroking it gently.

Missy's breathing grew faster as Jordan increased his pace, and he could feel her building to a big climax. He played her enormous body like a fine instrument, coaxing the orgasm along. She came with a massive scream which seemed to shake the valley, and echoed off the mountainside.

Jordan slowed his pace, extending Missy's pleasure, and easing her down. Her legs were pulled up, and she wrapped them around Jordan, pinning him firmly to her body. Her giant hips started pumping upwards, starting a rhythm that Jordan easily matched.

Time and circumstances flew from Jordan's mind as he lost himself in the sensation of pleasure and joy. There was only one creature, no rock, no mountain, no human, no Bigfoot. He focused on the rhythm of his hips, matching the thrusts and losing himself in the bliss.

Missy's tight passage suddenly clamped down hard, as she screamed out her second orgasm. Jordan was surprised as he felt his own climax suddenly wash over him, and he lost himself in her, as wave after wave of his pleasure was pushed into her body. Jordan struggled to maintain his pace as his legs went numb and stopped accepting his commands.

They lay coupled for several moments. Jordan felt warm and comfortable where her arms and legs covered his naked back, but his bare skin was cold where it was left exposed to the cool mountain breeze. He stood, and dressed quickly, pulling his hooded sweatshirt on over his thin T-shirt. He lay back down on the rock next to Missy.

She arose after a few minutes, and entered the mine. Jordan stayed outside, watching the sky over the wide valley in the clear summer night. The stars were beyond amazing, and shooting stars seemed to fall to the earth every few minutes. He stretched out stargazing, and must have fallen asleep on the rock once his shoulder stopped hurting.

Jordan awoke with the sun on his face a couple hours later. His back was sore from the hard rock, and his shoulder was hurting again. He thought briefly of the fight 2 days before, where the big male had hit him, dislocating his shoulder. That made him think of Jane.

The poor, sweet Bigfoot, alone in her hospital bed a hundred miles away. He hoped that she would heal soon, and come back to him. Jordan missed her, and he knew that her tribe missed her as well.

He walked into the mine, and found a pile of fur to cuddle into. He fell asleep again, sandwiched between Wilma and Jill. He looked around for Pebbles, and found Wilma's little baby girl playing with rocks quietly near the sleeping nest.


Jordan was the last one to be up when he finally came around. The Bigfoot and humans all sat around, grooming each other and stacking rocks in little piles. The sun was fully up outside, and Jordan rose stiffly, looking again for his over-the-counter medication for the pain.

"You need to see a doctor." Megan said flatly as he found the little bottle. "You're injured. Don't make me get Dr. Stein to send the National Guard in to drag you off. You know he would."

Jordan laughed at her, but stopped when he saw the serious look on her face. "If I leave, you would have to come with me. Dr. Stein's rules. I don't want to take away any of your time with the girls."

Megan raised one eyebrow. "Are you sure it's my time with the girls you're looking out for?" She asked.

Jordan popped the pills and left the cave, considering Megan's accusation. He only had a few days left in June, and he was worried about how fast his cabin could be built, even with Kaitlin and Megan helping. If it wasn't done by the time the snow started falling, Jordan knew he would have to stay in the mine when he came to visit. He was also worried about the effects that a Colorado mountain winter would have on a half-built home. He had to build all or nothing.

Jordan's mind was full of counting lumber as he walked down to the cabin site, and over to the shed where he now kept his chainsaw. He pulled it out, and selected a tree. The tree fell within a minute of sawing. Jordan then set about cutting all the branches off and making it into a log.

He then dragged it over to the shed with one hand, where he was able to drag the portable sawmill out and fill the tank with gas. The machine was easy to use, and all he had to do was load the log onto roller bars, set the machine to the dimensions he wanted, and feed it through.

With a loud whine, and a puff of sawdust, a 2x4 popped out the other side of the mill. Jordan trimmed it down to the 10 foot length he was going to need, and felt how wet and sticky the lumber was. He was going to need to dry it, which meant that he couldn't start hammering lumber into place for at least a month.

He picked up the remainder, and was able to get a shorter eight foot 2x4 out of the log before scraps were all that was left.

He was also disturbed by his calculation of how many feet of 2x4s he would need, and how many trees he would have to cut. The lodge-pole pines were skinny and straight, and Jordan could only get one or two 10 foot long 2x4s out of each. He calculated again, and started mentally picturing the valley with that many trees missing. That was without counting the siding and finishing boards that he would need for the walls, floors and ceiling.

The Pinyon pines had wider trunks, though they were not as long and straight. Jordan hated to cut those, though, since he knew that the Bigfoot ate the seeds out of the pinecones. There were groves of aspen nearby, though the wood from those was pale and soft, and better for paneling and finishing work than support beams.

Jordan spotted a stand of Douglas fir trees across the stream. Big, majestic pines that could provide lots of lumber. He chose one, and started cutting it down. It fell with a giant crash. He then set about removing all limbs and branches. The final log was over 25 feet long, and almost 2 feet in diameter at the base. He could make several good 2x4s out of this log... if he could only get it over to his sawmill.

Jordan got out a chain and hooked it up to his motorcycle. He wrapped the chain around the log several times, and started trying to pull it. The wheels of the motorcycle just spun in the dirt.

"A horse could move that." A female voice said.

Jordan looked up. Kaitlin was smiling at him. Megan was behind her, watching Jordan struggle with the log. He hadn't even heard or seen their approach.

"You mean like a great big Clydesdale?" Jordan asked.

"Well, one of them could probably do the job, or two quarter horses." Kaitlin said sweetly. "Plus, we could ride the horses and keep up with the Bigfoot when they go out for their runs at sunset." Jordan had a feeling he was being sold on the idea, but she had good logic. Kaitlin's eyes were twinkling with excitement.

"Or you could get an ATV. That could probably pull it, and we could drive it at night." Megan put in her two cents worth.

"I'm not sure the Bigfoot would accept us following them on an ATV." Jordan said. "They already don't like the sound of the motorcycle. Only Jane seems calm when the motor is running."

"Oh, yeah. Horses then." Megan said. Kaitlin couldn't stop the little excited squeal that came out.

Jordan pulled out his phone and dialed Jim Stein. He put it on speakerphone, so that Kaitlin and Megan could hear the conversation too.

"Hey Jim, how are you?" Jordan asked.

"Busy. The phone calls never seem to end. How are you? How's that shoulder holding up?" Dr. Stein asked.

"It hurts. Megan is trying to convince me to see a doctor, which reminds me, now that Megan and Kaitlin are part of the pack, can they stay here while I go to town?"

"That can be reviewed. Originally that rule was put in place as much in deference to you and your land as it was for their safety. That's something I can bring up to our board of directors, but I can't see why they would object." Dr. Stein responded.

"Thanks, the next thing is that I'm reluctant to cut down all the trees that I would need for the ambitious-sized home that I want. Do you think it would be okay to widen the forest road enough to get my pickup truck through with a load of lumber?"

"Legally... Yes." He replied. "The forest service is required to allow you access to your land. But if it's just a bunch of lumber that you need, we already agreed to assist you in the building of your home. Just tell us what you need, and we'll get it delivered. We would prefer to leave your land as inaccessible as possible. There's always poachers and trespassers wandering around, and a two-lane road would be like an invitation to come onto your land."

"Thank you. I still feel bad about using National Guard resources for my personal home." Jordan admitted.

"Hey, officially, it's the Jordan White Bigfoot Research station. We could pay a private helicopter company to deliver the supplies, but the Governor has given us complete access to whatever we need, and the Guard pilots really are burning fuel and wasting time without something to do."

"Thank you." Jordan relented. He gave Dr. Stein an estimate of the amount of 2x4s he would need. It would save dozens of his trees, and weeks of time cutting and drying the wood.

"One more thing." Jordan asked. "Kaitlin has suggested that horses might allow us to move over the land up here, and provide some utilitarian purposes with hauling supplies and trees. Do you have any objections to us buying two or three horses and riding them with the Bigfoot? I know Bigfoot will hunt deer and elk. Will they kill horses?"

"They've been known to kill and eat horses in extreme cases, but in general they tolerate them well, especially if they have alternate food sources." Jim Stein answered. "We can have someone buy some horses and deliver them to the trailhead if..."

"No!" Kaitlin shouted, then turned red when she realized she had made the outburst. There was a moment of awkward silence. "Sorry... It's just... horses aren't equipment like a motorcycle, or truck. They aren't livestock like cattle or chickens. You don't just buy a horse without meeting it. We need to pick out our own horses... get to know them before we buy them."

"You're the expert on the matter, of course." Dr. Stein said diplomatically. "We will authorize the funding, and arrange transportation. We can send you information on several horses for sale in the area, so that you can shop around for yourselves."

"Actually..." Jordan said. "I think this is something that I can pay for. I will also need to buy a horse trailer and boarding space in Gunnison for the winter, so we don't have to leave them up here if we can't get through the snow."

"Are you sure?" Dr. Stein asked. "We have a massive budget, and horses can get pretty expensive. We are happy to buy whatever you need, especially if it helps in Bigfoot research."

"I'm sure." Jordan replied. "I want these horses to be mine..." He looked into Kaitlin's eyes, full of excitement, "...ours. We appreciate everything you're doing for us, but I can buy the horses."

"I can understand that. At least let us arrange for boarding and food for your horses." Dr. Stein offered.

"That would be great, thank you." Jordan agreed. They hung up the phone.

"EEEEE!" Kaitlin screeched, and launched herself into Jordan's arms. "You've just earned yourself a lifetime supply of Blowjobs, Jordan!"

Jordan winced as Kaitlin's weight pulled on his shoulder. Megan caught the facial expression.

"That's it Romeo. Hospital. Now. Or I'm calling Dr. Stein back." Megan said sternly.

Jordan pulled the chain off the back of his motorcycle, and let Megan drive Kaitlin back to his truck. While she was gone, Jordan ran back to the mine and packed up Enoch Brown's satchel with the gold ingots and the journal.

Within 40 minutes, Megan returned for him. She was getting good driving the motorcycle, and was looking more confident. Jordan found the sensation of riding on the back strange, but enjoyed riding with his arms around Megan.

Jordan looked over his shoulder as they drove away. No Bigfoot came out to see them off, and the valley looked peaceful and empty in the morning light.


The Gunnison Valley Health hospital looked like any other when Jordan and Kaitlin walked in through the doors. Megan was parking the truck, and soon joined the other two in the waiting room, while Jordan filled out paperwork.

Jordan finished, and handed the clipboard to the nurse receptionist behind the counter. She took one look at the name, and picked up a phone. "He's here." She whispered into it.

Jordan just had time to look puzzled before a door opened, and a man in a suit came running out to greet him.

"Jordan White?" He asked. Jordan reached out to shake his hand. "John King, I'm the GVHH director. We're honored that you've chosen us to serve you today. Please come with me, and I will show you to our best doctor."

Jordan looked back at Kaitlin, who shrugged, and then at Megan, who mouthed 'Jim' at Jordan.

"We were surprised to have a phone call from the governor's office about you. A Doctor James Stein has asked us to show you our utmost in hospitality and care." John smiled obsequiously, begging for approval, and Jordan wondered what Dr. Stein had offered the man to roll out the VIP treatment.

20 minutes later, Jordan was stripped down to a hospital gown and fit into an MRI machine. 30 minutes after that, he was sitting in front of a computer screen with a Dr. Griggs.

"We found a tear in your Labrum on your left shoulder." Dr. Griggs explained. "This particular injury is what we call a Bankart tear, and it comes from dislocating one's shoulder. You won't need surgery, but we would like you to wear a sling, and not use that arm for at least 4 weeks, and take it easy for another 8 weeks after that.

"If this tear doesn't heal properly, your arm could easily dislocate again when you are doing stressful or strenuous exercise."

Jordan thought of all he wanted to do the next three months, and asked about horseback and motorcycle riding, building his cabin, and mining. The doctor told him to use his best judgement after the first floor weeks, but to favor his left shoulder, and get help wherever possible.

Jordan had to repeat the doctor's words to Megan and Kaitlin as they left the hospital. His description probably downplayed the orders to immobilize the arm. He had his arm in a sling, and a prescription for pain killers that he probably wouldn't fill, since they caused drowsiness.


Megan drove the truck back to the apartments, where she made sandwiches for lunch for all three of them. Jordan went back to his apartment to unpack boxes one-handed.

There was a knock at his door, and a man stood there with a leather bag over his shoulder.

"Good afternoon. I'm the courier Dr. Stein arranged to transport a package back to him in Oregon." The man said.

Jordan went to his truck and got the Journal out, making sure that all of the letters were inside. The courier slid the bundle into a plastic pouch, and then nestled them into his leather shoulder bag, and was off.

Jordan returned to his apartment to continue unpacking. He only had time to unpack his cups out of the box, unwrap the newspaper around them, and load them into the dishwasher when there was a knock on his door and Kaitlin walked in.

"I just wanted to stop by and see if you wanted a hand with anything." She offered with a sexy smirk.

Kaitlin was wearing a green camisole and short shorts. She looked stunning, and Jordan had to stop his unpacking to admire her. She strutted around the pile of boxes towards Jordan, who watched her from the kitchen.

"Is this for me?" Kaitlin asked as she approached him, grabbing the tent in his shorts. "Mmm. I'm flattered." Kaitlin sunk to her knees, pulling Jordan to the edge of the kitchen, to where she could kneel on the carpet. She lowered Jordan's pants and boxers to his ankles, and grabbed his erection as soon as it appeared.

Kaitlin wasted no time licking around. She engulfed the entire thing in one steady motion, and pushed forward until her nose was buried in Jordan's curls. Jordan was transfixed by the mess of beautiful red hair cascading around her head, and began running his right hand through the soft locks.

Kaitlin moaned. Whether it was from the satisfaction of what she had in her mouth, or the sweet sensation of Jordan's fingers through her hair, he didn't know. Kaitlin's deep green eyes looked up at Jordan, and they were twinkling with joy as she worked her mouth up and down, watching the joy and lust that must have been evident in Jordan's face.

For several minutes, Kaitlin bobbed her mouth back and forth. Jordan closed his eyes, savoring the sensation, and when he opened them, he was surprised to see Megan, watching from the hallway that led from the front door. Their eyes met, and she gave him a big grin. Jordan's fingers were still tangled in the long red hair, and as he smoothed it out, he noticed the clean, fresh fragrance of Kaitlin's hair wafting up to him.

The scent of this beautiful woman, along with the overabundance of sensation and their audience put Jordan over the edge. He gasped out a warning as he passed the point of no return, and began filling Kaitlin's sweet mouth with his seed. Kaitlin moaned as she accepted his offering, swallowing what she couldn't keep in her mouth.

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