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Monstrous Ranch Ch. 08

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Senya takes tea with two horny, honeyed fey.
7.9k words

Part 10 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/09/2017
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Senya stared across at the two blonde women, who had joined one another on the couch closest to the kitchen area. They smiled at him, pursing their lips and blowing him kisses.

They were Thriae. Thriae were, as Senya understood it, wasp-themed fey women that produced a dangerous substance simply called "honey" (he'd often wondered why they weren't more bee-themed, since wasps didn't make honey, but he'd never had the guts to ask anyone). Thriae were regarded as extremely clever, and extremely dangerous, by humans and other fey alike—particularly for their ability to brainwash someone simply by standing still and releasing a faint buzzing sound from their delicate gossamer wings.

Bobbin had left him alone with two of them.

Lata and Lala watched him with fond smiles. Lata squirmed slightly, pushing her enormous breasts up so they were supported by the back of the couch. She waggled her eyebrows at him, golden eyes gleaming with mischief.

Behind him, the tea kettle started to whistle. Senya snapped to attention, realizing he was getting lost in thought. He turned back to the kettle and quickly started arranging the three mugs. "S-so," he said, trying to keep his voice steady, "I was kinda surprised to hear we had three three..." He coughed. He heard them suppressing snickers at the stammer. "Thriae... th-three Thriae on the Ranch."

"Really?" Lala sounded surprised. "We've been here for super long, right, Lata?"

"Uh, yeah-huh, Lala!" He could practically hear Lata's rapid nodding. "Like, maybe a century!"

"Oh my gosh, has it been that long?"

"Um, I dunno." Lata giggled. "But I bet it was, like, close to that?"

Lala sounded equal parts amused and aroused. "Oh my gosh, Lata, you're such a bimbo."

"Uh, like, you're the one humping that cushion!"

Senya yelped as his grip slipped on the kettle, causing him to spill a bit of hot water on his wrist. He quickly set the kettle down and clutched his hand, swearing under his breath.

Immediately, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Master, oh my gosh, are you okay?" exclaimed Lala.

Lata appeared on his other side, bee-stung amber lips open in mute horror. She took his hand tenderly and held it, looking back at him. She felt the uninjured fingers, softly caressing them. "Poor Master!"

Senya looked between them, suddenly feeling like a cornered rat.

"You should let us handle the tea," Lala purred, tugging him back by the shoulder. "You're our guest, silly Master!"

"He is being awful silly!" Lata agreed, smiling beguilingly at him.

Senya felt himself being pulled away from the counter. He was too surprised and confused to do more than stammer, and they seemed to take this as his consent. Fuck, it practically was. They were so close... so hot...

"Poor boy." Lata pouted, raising his hurt hand to her lips and looking up at him with puppydog eyes. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?"

"Um..." Senya's head was spinning. His heart was pounding. His shoulder was tingling just slightly where Lala touched him. "Be kind. Rewind."

Lata blinked.

Lala blinked.

Their expressions went blank, and they each released him and started walking backwards. Their eyes were dull and vacant as they climbed backwards back onto the couch.

Senya took the time to put his hand in the cool water in the basin and finish pouring the tea.

"...such a bimbo," Lala said.

"Uh, like, you're the one humping that cushion!" Lata giggled, and Senya turned to see her leaning against Lala, kissing her softly.

"Tea's ready," he said, trying to keep his injured hand from trembling.

They both beamed at him. "Master's so thoughtful!" Lata whispered.

"Making tea for his honey babes!" Lala moaned. Oh, gods. She really was still humping the cushion,.

Senya made his way back to the other couch—the one on the far side of the coffee table from theirs. Then, after a moment, he changed his mind and went for the armchair. It was closer to Lala and Lata, and it looked uncomfortably like where they would want him to sit—close to the fireplace, warm and soft—but it also avoided him having them sitting straight across from them. That seemed like a bad idea; it'd be too easy to get lost in their pretty, amber eyes.

As he walked, his mind was racing. The trigger had worked. It was one of several triggers Bobbin had given him, but it had worked just how Bobbin had said it would—compelling them to go back exactly fifteen seconds and resume whatever they'd been doing back then. They hadn't even noticed the time shift.

He took in a deep breath as he sat into the chair and immediately regretted both actions. The air smelled strongly of Lala's self-pleasuring, sweet and a little spicy. And as for the chair... well, he might as well have sat into a folded-up comforter, because he instantly sank deep, deep into the chair's warm embrace. This was a chair to fall asleep in. This was a chair for two.

Or maybe three.

He cleared his throat and leaned forward (with some difficulty), setting their two mugs in the table in front of them. "Here you go."

They beamed at him. They did not touch the mugs, but they did watch him as he raised his own tea to his lips.

Senya hesitated. Behind the mug, he bit his lip. They looked very keen on him drinking. But he'd kept an eye on the mugs the whole time! Even when they'd come up to him, they'd never been close enough. Had they?

He moved to drink from the mug, but something else stopped him. Who was to say that the water was good? He'd boiled it, but maybe that wouldn't do anything if they'd tampered with it. Or the tea leaves, for that matter. Surely Bobbin would have just told him not to have tea, if it really was so dangerous, but...

Senya decided to hold off, at least for now. He wasn't even that thirsty yet. He set the mug down on the table and leaned forward. "So... how did you end up away from your hive? I mean, I thought hives fought pretty hard to keep humans from messing with them."

Lata bit her lip. Lala looked at the floor.

"We were naughty," Lala whispered conspiratorially. "Like, mega naughty." She wrapped her arms around a suspiciously glistening cushion, as if remembering another past embrace. "Oh my gosh, Lata, remember?"

"So much trouble," Lata said. "They were, like, oh my gosh. So they had us go here."

"We were transfers," Lala said, gazing up at the ceiling in fond memory. "The Master loved us."

"And did you love him?" Senya asked unthinkingly.

They giggled.

"I was soooo silly at first," Lata admitted to him. "Like, I didn't even realize how much I loved his cock at first! I was a really silly bimbo."

"Lata, can I admit something?" Lala said quietly. "I was super silly too! One time I tried to scrape his eyes out with a fork."

Senya's heart went cold as they erupted in giggles.

"We were such silly sluts!" Lata squeaked. "But we fell in love with him eventually. Everyone always did!"

"Him and his big cock..." Lala said, gazing dreamily at Senya. "He wasn't as big as you, though. Not his son or grandson or great-grandson, either. None of them were so big!"

"Oh my gosh, no." Lata giggled. "You're, like, super big! Can I suck it?"

The request was stated so casually, it took Senya a moment for his face to heat up as he stared at her happy, guileless visage. "Th-that's okay," he managed, clasping his hands together. "Um... B-Bobbin will be b-back soon."

"W-will sh-she b-b-b-b-be b-b-bringing S-Sylvia?" Lala asked, mocking his stutter.

Lata simpered. "Lala, don't be mean!" Her hands flew to her breasts, and she cupped and lifted them for Senya to look at, giving a big, vapid grin. "He's just stammering," she cooed, "cause he's looking at my nice buh-buh-buh-buh-boooooobies."

This set off another chorus of high-pitched giggling. Senya realized he was staring now and quickly looked at the floor. As he did so, he thought he saw Lala leaning forward, but when he looked back up he realized she was just quietly masturbating again, a big, angelic smile on her face. Gods, she was horny. He could see her cunt drooling honey.

It smelled nice.

He coughed. "S-so, um..."

Lata smirked. "Okay, like, why're you still talking when I could be sucking your cock right now?"

Senya swallowed. It was getting very hot in this deep chair. He carefully studied his own hands. "I, um, I was wondering..."

"Lata, you silly bimbo." Lala giggled. "He... ooh..." She rocked her hips slightly against her own fingers. "... He can talk while we s-suck his cock!"

Lata stuck her tongue out. "Well, not while we suck it. Only one of us gets to suck it at a time, dummy!"

"Oh, right." Lala pouted. "That's, like, so unfair."

"I know!" Lata turned to look at Senya, as did Lala. They both batted their eyelashes. "Master, don't you think that's super mega unfair?"

"Um..." Senya was sweating like a selkie in the jungle. His eyes were caught up in Lata's gorgeous fluttering golden orbs. It was like drowning in a honeycomb. "I, um... I, um..."

He knew they couldn't hypnotize him. Bobbin had promised. So what did it mean that he couldn't look away? Was he just that horny right now? Some part of him was convinced that she was hypnotizing him. Was he... hypnotizing himself?

"Master," Lata cooed, "you seem super confused. Would it help if I, like, helped you focus?" She reached a hand forward towards his groin. He trembled, but didn't move as she gently caressed his hard cock with two fingers, staring at him fondly. "Good boy," she husked, and Senya felt a shudder pass through him as he realized she was taking control, she was dropping the ditzy mask, he was about to give in...

"Pussycat, go see the queen," he whispered. He barely managed to get the words out.

Lata blinked. She pulled her hand back, leaned back in the chair, and calmly started frigging herself.

All the while, she kept staring at him. She seemed slightly confused as to why she was doing it, but not enough to stop, and any confusion in her eyes quickly gave way to brainless bliss as she neared orgasm. Lala was already at that point.

So these triggers definitely worked. Senya would have to remember them. Some of them had featured cautionary notes—it was easy for a lot of the 'livestock' to hypnotize with their own masturbation, apparently, and the rewind trick, if abused too readily, could apparently lead him to something called 'repetition brainwashing'. But these triggers would no doubt prove vital to surviving. Or... to staying free, at any rate.

As Lata started to scream loudly, Senya noticed Lala leaning forward, hand outstretched towards the tea. Her fingers were still sticky with honeyed juices—actually, they had been since he'd sat down, and she was positively dripping now.

He quickly leaned forward and took his mug, first making sure it was his, just in case. Lala gave him a sulky look. Feeling a bit better, he took a little sip as he watched Lata recover, panting, sweating almost as badly as he'd been sweating a few seconds ago.

"Feel better?" he asked, keeping his face carefully blank.

"Oh..." Lata took in a deep, shuddering breath. "Like, so good, Master. But I'd feel better with..."

"So how do the amulets work?"

Lata blinked. She exchanged a look with Lala.

"You sure you don't want sweetener with your tea?" Lala asked.

Senya considered it. "You can't poison the leaves, right?"

"Oh, we totally could, Master. But you boiled the water with them, and boiling isn't good for mead. It burns off the alcohol and..." Lata giggled. "Other stuff."

Senya took a cautious second sip. It didn't taste abnormally sweet, as far as he could tell. He hoped he could trust his senses, but he wasn't so sure. Then again, he'd been watching them like a hawk. Surely they hadn't managed to try anything. "Other stuff?"

"We've always been, like, kinda good at making fun toys," Lala said proudly, ignoring his question. "We made most of Bobbi's collection! Plus, the kitty's toys!"

"Oh my gosh," Lata exclaimed, "the kitty is so cute when she's using those toys! Have you seen that look in her eyes when the bell dings?"

They both started giggling. Senya shifted slightly, remembering Valina's lips moving up and down on his cock. He hadn't felt her touch since then. She had been on his mind.

"Anyways," Lala said, "It's, like, kinda like alchemy?" She put a finger to her pouting lips, clearly thinking hard. "We, like, take some of you and mix it with the wards on this place. Your etheric energies, like, interact with the silver fey-bewares around the Ranch, and the amulet totally channels all of that into a high-tolerance mental screen that deflects any attempted external mental influence—oh, um, save that inflicted by certain alchemical effects, such as lobotomancy potions, Valina's collar, and certain very powerful succubi's kisses, which each have ways of artificially synthesizing internal control. Synthesized internal control causes the amulet to register their control as your deliberate choices, and therefore not protect you. Those kinds of effects are quite rare, however."

Senya blinked. Lala gave him a wide, vapid grin.

"It doesn't cover toxins, of course," Lata added, "but most toxins are actually still aided by mind control—just really weak—so the amulet will still help against most of those. You can make a horse drink, but you can't lead it to water, y'know?"

Her voice, too, had turned professional. She might as well have been Senya explaining carpentry to an apprentice. Senya was having trouble following it all.

"And brainwashing won't stick," Lala said. "Well, I mean, it will work on you, but it won't take effect as long as you wear the amulet. So it's pretty imperfect, but it's a good failsafe. Just never, ever take it off if you've been brainwashed, 'cause it'll all come back really quick if you do."

"Or do take it off." Lata giggled, stroking her lips with one finger as though testing their fullness. "It's more fun that way, am I right?"

"Uh... right." Senya didn't exactly want to admit that most of this had gone over his head. He fanned himself, taking another drink. At least they weren't trying to seduce him right now. He wasn't sure he'd hold up if they tried again—his cock was rock-hard, and showing no signs of calming down around these two gorgeous women. Hopefully, Bobbin would be back soon. "So is Sylvia an alchemist, too?"

"Uh-huh! And she's super good at it." Lala smirked. "But she's the biggest bimbo of us all. Little slut. She can't stop chasing other livestock. We basically have to give her toys just to get her to sit still."

"Toys?" Senya asked the question before he could stop himself. He knew what the answer would be, but for some reason, he'd still had to ask. He probably knew why.

They both giggled for a solid twenty seconds. Senya took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Their laughter was musical, and almost hypnotic to listen to. Like a lullaby. He had to pinch himself covertly several times to stay fully awake when they finally settled down.

"They're, like, magic items," Lala said.

"Alchemy!" Lata explained. "But super sexy, usually. Have you met Valina?"

Senya shifted slightly in his seat. He was trying to sit up, but it was getting harder and harder in this chair. He took another sip of tea to hide his nerves. "Yeah."

There was a pause. Senya gulped, sensing that the mood of the conversation had shifted slightly. It was as though a pack of hounds had scented game.

"Didja like her?" Lata asked.

"Um... yes."

"Ooooh." Lala winked. "How much?"


"She must've loved that big ol' cock of yours," Lata whispered, and she made her voice as weak and kittenish as Valina's had been. "Did she... give you a nice little kiss?"

Treacherously, Senya's cock gave an excited twitch.

This set off another chorus of giggles in the honeyed bimbos, who could, of course, plainly see it. Senya felt his breaths getting heavier as they tittered, pouted those fulsome lips, and batted their eyelashes at him. Were they being more openly flirtatious than before? Or was he just getting hornier?

"Look at his dick!" Lala stroked her clit with a soft moan. "Did it do that just because I mentioned Valiiinnna?" And she spoke the name with such sensuous attention, so slowly, so intimately, that Senya couldn't help it. His eye twitched.

"Ooh, Lala," Lata whispered, "I think he and Valina maybe, like, had a bit of fun!"

"Oh my gosh!" Lala beamed at him. "Is that true?"

Senya took a deep gulp of the tea to hide his nervous smile. "Mm."

"Mmm!" Lata mocked. "Mm-mm!"

"We like that tea so much," Lala whispered. "Why don't you let us sweeten it a little?" She drew out her finger, dripping with honey, and smiled dazzlingly at him. His head spun from that smile.

"Th-that's okay," he said, his voice cracking. "It's... fine." He took another sip. His mouth was getting very dry.

Lata glanced coyly at his cock. "See, we like it when our Masters drink lots and lots of honey, 'cause then, like, their cum is super sweet for when we suck it outta them!" She licked her lips.

"Yummy-nummy," Lala enthused, rubbing her bare tummy for emphasis.

"W-well..." Senya swallowed. He was almost out of tea, and he was only getting thirstier and thirstier. His head was spinning. He felt like the armchair was made out of viscous ooze, and he was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into its sleepy embrace. "I, um... I d-don't want you to suck my cock."

Their faces fell. They looked so heartbroken, Senya almost felt a bit guilty. He hoped he hadn't been too harsh.

Lata wrung her hands. "Why?" she whimpered. "Do you think we're... ugly?"

It was so absurd, Senya gave a nervous chuckle. "No..."

"Do you think we'd be, like, bad at it?" asked Lala, biting her luscious lower lip.

He could see the trap, plain as day. But they looked so sad, sounded so plaintive. Daylight seemed a bit dimmer at the moment, and he found himself whispering, "N-no." His eyelids were drooping as he drank down the last of his tea. His cock was almost level with his eyes, now, so deep had he sunken into the comfy armchair. "I bet... it'd feel... nice..."

No sooner had he spoken that their faces lit up with big, happy grins. Those smiles made him feel almost absurdly happy.

"You're so sweet!" Lala cooed, leaning over to caress his cheek. He felt her sticky juices slick up his skin, which started to tingle. He tried to will himself to move away, but his whole body felt asleep at the moment. His whole body was tingling with excitement. "What a sweet boy!"

"But how sweet?" cooed Lata, and he realized he couldn't see her anymore. She was below his field of vision.

Senya stared up at Lala, wide-eyed.

She beamed down at him, stroking his cheek again. Without him even noticing, she'd come to sit on the armrest. Her bounteous breasts jiggled above him. "Don't worry, sweet boy," she whispered. "As long as you don't drink our honey, you'll be fine. You can trust us. We just..." She licked her lips. "...wanna taste."

Her fingers felt so nice against his skin. He felt himself leaning into the touches. If they just wanted... a taste... he supposed there wasn't any terrible danger. As long as he didn't drink their honey, he'd be fine. He didn't want to make Lala and Lata sad. They were being so nice to him right now.

"Is that okay?" Lata whimpered from between his legs. Her voice was husky with need. "Just a little suck? Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Um..." He sucked in a deep breath, just as Lata planted a daring little kiss on his cock's head, sending little tingles of pleasure surging through him. His voice was reduced to a squeak. "Okay! I guess!"

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