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Mood Slime Ch. 13

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Jenny has no idea what was done to her.
1.1k words

Part 13 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 08/27/2015
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Jenny had left the firehouse and was on her way to her boyfriend Mikes apartment. She could do nothing but tell them the Lies that Doll had drilled in to her brain, she even tried to tell them the truth but every time she opened her mouth she had no control over what came out. She even convinced them Sara was safe at home and the slime all over the room happened after she left!

She arrived at Mikes apartment building and headed upstairs. She had an ache in her that needed to be satisfied and she knew Mike would have no problem filling her needs. Her and Mike had been dating only a few months, he wasn't as intelligent as her but they had a lot of similar interests, especially in the world of the paranormal. Mike had tried to initiate sex a few times but she always shot him down. Not because she didn't want to but because the scientific part of her was always calculating the odds of pregnancy and she always talked herself out of it! She just wished that their first time would be under different circumstances!

The elevator got to his floor and she walked to his door pausing for a moment, she thought to herself "What did she do to me? I can't hurt him! I won't hurt him!" Before she could turn around she felt a shiver in her loans. It was no use, she was no longer in control! She straightened herself out knocked on the door!

Mike had just jumped out of the shower when he heard a knock at the door. "Mike? It's Jen, can you let me in?" Mike heard his girlfriends call and ran to open the door wearing just his bathrobe! As he opened he saw this beautiful nerdy red head he had fallen head over heels for. Something about her seemed different, her hair was down which was unusual for her and she just seemed so... he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was but she looked incredible and smelt fantastic!

Mike invited her in, as she walked past him with her hands on her head she seemed almost worried about something! "Are you ok honey? You seem... different? Besides I thought you were working today?" He said watching her pace back and forth!

"Um... there's um... there's something I need to do... but um... I dunno what's gonna happen... something weird happened at work and now I just..."she sputtered off while still pacing.

Mike grabbed her taking her in his arms trying to calm her down! "Hey hey calm down, it's ok! What happened? What do you need to do?" He asked running his finger through her hair.

The moment Mike touched her she started to lose control of herself. She looked up at him and began to untie his robe pulling him down to kiss her. Mike gave little resistance. She began rubbing her member as his robe opened up giving her access to what she needed.

"" Mike tripped over his words as he did not expect this when she came over. She took her glasses off and then pulled her shirt off showing the sexy lingerie she had been hiding from him for months. Mike picked her up and placed her down on the couch pulling her pants off and then kissing and teasing her below her belly button before he slowly slid off her panties and began to flick her clit with his tongue as she wiggled in ecstasy rubbing her hand all over herself. Mike reached up pulling her bra off before he crawled up on top of her teasing her entrance with the tip of his cock. Jenny smiled up at him excited about this but still a little worried. "What did the slime do to her? What is gonna happen here and what if... "she thought to herself before Mike finally forced his cock down in to Jenny making her shout out "OH MY GOD!!"

She wrapped her legs around him holding on as he drilled down in to her making her body spasm with pleasure. He began to suck on her nipples which felt amazing to her, he came up kissing her on the mouth then down her neck.

Jen wanted him so badly and this was turning in to everything as he ever hoped it would be until she began to feel and notice certain things! First she felt something moving in her breast sending a warm tingling which shot through her body and down between her legs!

Whatever was going to happen was starting but she could not force herself to even try to stop!

As Mike thrust-ed back and forth with his eyes closed he didn't notice at first the glowing coming from his junk and neither did Jenny. It wasn't until he grabbed her tits and squeezed them that he noticed something wasn't right. "UH honey?... I uh... I can't let go of you tits!" He said Trying to pull his hands away. Jenny was in such a fog she almost didn't hear him. Mike also noticed a reddish light shining from her crotch. "What the fuck?" He said Trying to pull out but he couldn't! There was some invisible force keeping him from pulling away, his hands began to tingle and glow same as his dick and he couldn't help but notice that he felt incredible as this pressure began to build and build in his dick.

Jenny looked up at at Mike grabbing him and holding him close as they bother prepared to finish, and said "what... uh...whatever god!...I'm sorry...please...oh, oh, OH!... FORGIVE ME! she screamed before they both finally came letting her drain everything he had to give in to her body which made her feel amazing, like with every wave of energy was another orgasm rushing through her. Mike felt the same as his dick felt like an orgasming fire house draining in to her, even his hand had orgasm shooting through them as his energy flowed and flowed. After a few minutes everything subsided he fell to the floor after her body finally released him.

It took Jenny a moment to gain her composure before she saw Mike laying on the floor not moving! "Oh my god" she said jumping off the couch! "Mike? Mike?? Wake up! Mike?? Oh God oh god! Please wake up! Shit!" After a moment he took a breath and looked up at her briefly and said "that was hot!" Before he fell unconscious. Jenny fell back trying to catch her breath, soo relieved Mike was ok!

"What the fuck did she do to me?" Jenny said to herself trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened that day! After a few minutes she began to feel her pussy throbbing again! "Oh no... no no no, I can't! Not again!!

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