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More than a Butt Massage Ch. 02

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Mary gets more of Abe's tongue on her asshole.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/28/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

Well I confess it isn't a very original title. Maybe when it comes to the end I'll come up with a name for all of it and go back and create chapter titles. But seeing as people were interested in what happens next, here is the next installment of Mary and Abe. Having her ass licked is still quite new, but Mary knows she wants more and has devised another plan.

For those concerned that they wanted more from Abe or to introduce more females into the mix, let me just say I have decided this will get a few more pieces. Don't lose hope yet.


It had been days since Mary had received her very special butt massage. All the butt massages Abe gave her were special, but that last one, the one she secretly recorded on her phone, that was the first time Abe had ever licked her asshole. And it was absolutely amazing!

When she made plans to record the butt massage she had no idea it would turn out the way it had. Though it was probably her fault that it had changed, not that she thought it much of a fault to discover Abe's tongue on her asshole.

While it had been a huge turn-on for her and maybe the single best experience of her life, she wasn't sure how Abe really felt about it. He had been hesitant to focus on her asshole. The first pass of his tongue could have been seen as an accident. But once Mary felt the sensation of his tongue on her tight rosebud she knew she had to have more.

She had become a bit demanding in the heat of the moment and made it clear what she expected of him. And while he did comply, and comply quite well, she knew he had questioned whether he was comfortable with the task. Still he had done it and she achieved an amazing orgasm.

She had already decided in that moment that such bliss wasn't going to happen only once in her life. She was going to have a tongue on her asshole again. But now she was worried about how Abe felt about it and how to keep him and keep his tongue working for her newfound joy.

They hadn't mentioned it at all since that day. They had joked that it was more than the usual butt massage and Mary had hinted she wanted more of the special treatment, but Abe was hesitant to promise another go. And she didn't know how to bring it up and she didn't want to scare him off, she just kept silent. Abe also had been in no rush to discuss the details or the prospect of another such encounter.

That was all understandable and Mary needed some time to think about it all as well. But as the days passed she was more and more eager for his tongue to get reacquainted with her asshole. Just thinking about it would make her asshole pucker.

So she had decided it was time to try to get more of that tongue. But she still didn't know how well Abe would agree so she made a plan to test the waters a bit and move toward more tongue-to-ass encounters without scaring him off or causing him to outright refuse.

She was in the shower now reviewing her plan. She had already decided it was important she was sparkling clean for the next time. She felt she was reasonably clean the first time, but it had all been so spontaneous. Now she wasn't going to let the concerns of a dirty ass rob her of the pleasure of his tongue.

So she was in the shower making sure she was good and clean. It was also a good prelude to sex because they often had sex when one of them was fresh from the shower. She guessed it was just the sight of clean, naked bodies. Whatever the reason, it was another part of her plan to ensure his cooperation.

While she was thoroughly cleaning her ass, she made sure to clean all inside her crack. Not like she ever left herself unclean but she was more aware of her actions. She then began a serious cleaning of her asshole. And then, given her desired outcome she did something more.

When she had felt his tongue on her asshole it was an incredible feeling, but she knew right away she didn't just want it sliding over the outside. She had commanded him to put his tongue inside her ass. More than that, she had commanded him to go deeper.

So with that thought in mind and her choice to be clean for him, she pushed her finger inside so she could clean there as well. It was quite the sensation and immediately she had thoughts of his tongue. She wanted to feel it fill her ass and feel it deep inside her.

She worked her finger around in circles and withdrew it. But she quickly reinserted it for further cleaning. Well maybe not just cleaning. Ass play hadn't really been something she or they had really been interested in. Abe may have harbored a desire to fuck her ass, most boys did, but he was enough of a gentleman not to press the issue.

So this probing was not usual for Mary. She reminded herself it was just for a thorough cleaning for Abe but she knew some of her actions were for herself. And then, perhaps from guilt at her self-pleasure, perhaps for other reasons, she began to think again about Abe's tongue.

She imagined it was his tongue that was now cleaning the walls of her anus. She imagined giving him encouragement and direction. 'Big circles now Abe. Faster, faster. And deeper. Always deeper babe.' She was quickly getting herself very worked up.

She went on for a few more minutes but she kept trying to keep control. She knew she didn't want to reach an orgasm here and now in the shower. It would be so much better to save it and enjoy it from Abe's tongue as she had planned.

She did have some doubts about whether it would work and for a moment she almost gave in to her growing need. But with a large measure of disappointment, she removed her finger and hand and as she came back down to a relaxed calm she finished cleaning and rinsing off.

Fresh out of the shower Mary picked her outfit. She picked a pair of simple cotton panties, nothing too fancy. They had some colored dots across them and the waist and legs had a pink lace trim. Then she grabbed a t-shirt, this one a bit more important even though it appeared a simple pairing.

The shirt was white with no pattern present at all. But the shirt was a little short and would allow peeks at her midriff during normal wear. It was also a little thin and hung off her breasts and nipples quite effectively. Abe had already commented on the shirt a few times before so she knew it was a winner.

So with just a simple white t-shirt and white cotton panties she was pulling off a very effective 'casual sexy'. She adjusted her bottoms to give just the right show of cheek. A quick turn in the mirror and she knew she had the look.

She didn't quite strut into the bedroom but she was doing some cat-like stretches and she had a mischievous grin on her face. She slid onto the bed in a stretch and raised her ass behind her. As Abe turned and noticed her she wiggled her ass back and forth.

"Hey Babe, I have a problem."

"What's that?"

"Well you know I want to watch my show tonight, this night is going to be really good. But..."

"But what?"

"I'm also really in the mood for sex."

She raised an eyebrow and gave a sexy smile. She also waved her ass back and forth. He wasn't obvious about it, but she knew he was watching.

"And you need me to help you decide? Okay, I can do that. Forget the show and let's have sex."

It was rather expected and she was glad he was ready to get between the sheets. Now she just needed to shift it a little. If he was as anxious as she hoped, it should be a reasonable request.

"Well that's awfully kind of you, but I had another idea. What if there was a way I could do both?"


He looked incredulous. But he also didn't look like he was ready to give up on sex. But he was curious to know more.

"Just what did you have in mind?"

"Well I was thinking we could try something a little new. You can just lie down on the bed and I could just...sit...on...your...face."

She gave a second for Abe to consider that before she went further.

"See I could just sit on your face looking at the TV and I could watch my show while you lick me."

He was clearly thinking about what she said. While they had done oral in various positions they really had only skirted any true facesitting. She was still going to have to sell this idea.

"I won't put all my weight on you. I can raise up so you can move and get a good look at what you're working on. And as long as you start off slow, you can try to distract me from my show."

He smiled and she had all but won. Still she worked to seal the deal. She sat up on her knees. Then she raised the hem of her shirt and bit her lip and gave her best sexy pout.


"Okay, fine. Let me get in position and get comfortable."

"You're the best!"

The first stage of her plan was complete. She knew she wasn't going to be able to watch much of her show and that was a shame because she really did want to see it. But she was willing to sacrifice that for the prize she planned to receive.

It took a few minutes for Abe to get settled. He did have the forethought that he needed to be reasonably comfortable and in good position when they started so there wasn't a lot of distracted shifting and stopping later. And Mary loved his attention to detail.

As he began to question and direct her over her own positioning, it became clear a big issue for Abe was going to be what to do with his hands and arms. He didn't want her legs or knees on his arms or shoulders. And though he had originally wanted to have his hands to use, he began to think it might work out better if he just kept his hands above his head; maybe gripping the headboard.

In the end he decided that would be best. Thus his arms reached up and crossed above his head and his hands had a relaxed grip on the headboard. All of this was under the pillow. His head would rest comfortably on the pillow giving him support as well as making it easy to reach her when she was holding herself above his face.

Mary was a little surprised by his decision but she was both agreeable and encouraging. When he mentioned not having his hands available she promised she would do her part so that his tongue had access to her, and all the right spots.

Once they had tested positions briefly, Abe signaled that he was ready. Mary then removed her panties and tossed them on the floor. She then slowly put a leg over Abe and straddled his head. She was about to ease herself down when she realized she was forgetting about the show.

The remote was close enough she didn't have to fully get up and off the bed, but rather leaned over and stretched. She turned on the tv and checked the volume.

"Looks like we have a couple of minutes. Would you like to get started?"

"Gladly. You may find you can't concentrate on the show at all."

She liked his enthusiasm. She slowly lowered herself to his mouth but when he made his first lick she immediately raised up and out of reach. But just as soon she was lowering herself again. Again he made a move to lick her but this time she raised up before he made any real contact.

He soon realized it was a game. The next time she lowered herself he didn't move. When she made contact, he didn't stick out his tongue but merely gave a slow kiss. She accepted the kiss before she raised up again.

Next time she came down she rocked her hips so that she was able to brush her pussy across his nose and lips. As she made a few more passes, kisses turned back into licks. She continued this way for several minutes even after her show had begun. Occasionally she would raise up to deny him, but for the most part she was making soft swipes across his nose and mouth.

Before the first commercial break she was ready to settle more on his face. She lowered herself down but her hands and arms were behind her resting along the top of the headboard and she used that for support.

One of the first things she noticed when she sat down was the touch of his nose on her asshole. At the same time his tongue began a more serious assault of her pussy and she didn't think he was even thinking of her asshole. That was just fine for now.

She let him lick and tongue her for a few minutes. He really was doing a good job and she was quite wet already. She lifted to give him a little break and more air. She swore she heard him smack his lips.

The next time she came down she didn't stay still for long. With his tongue out she pulled herself back allowing her pussy to swallow up his nose. But she kept moving back so that his nose fell out so he wouldn't feel trapped and worry about suffocating.

Then she moved forward and dragged her pussy over his nose and then across his lips and tongue. But she didn't stop there. She kept moving her hips forward so that she also dragged her asshole over his nose. She was careful not to actually make contact with his lips, but her asshole passed directly above his mouth before she raised herself up.

Next time she came down directly on his mouth and let him work his tongue in her pussy some more. She knew she had to be patient. And then after a few more minutes she made another pass.

She slowly was working a pattern where she would rock her hips and drag herself back and forth across his face and then come to a stop for some more focused tongue work. Even when it was only his nose dragging against her asshole she found it hard to hold back.

As she made more passes she let her asshole become more involved. The first time it touched his lips she just moved on and took care to avoid contact on the return trip. She really wasn't sure how much attention he was paying to her asshole but so far everything was going wonderfully.

Then she did a small rock and pushed down harder onto his face. His nose was once again at her asshole and while she ground her pussy on his eager mouth her thoughts were more concentrated on how her asshole felt against his nose.

The next pass wasn't a teasing swipe. This was more of a grinding drag across his features. This was a hard press of both pussy and ass as she made her way across his face. At this point she was leaving trails of excitement and his nose especially was becoming slick.

"Oh god Abe that feels amazing! I love your tongue!"

He started to reply but she just dropped down onto him and told him that his tongue had more important work than talking.

She went back to rocking her hips and making long passes over his face. At this point his tongue was out almost all the time and she had already felt it across her asshole a few times. It wasn't direct tongue work on her asshole but she was able to relive some of the sensations from the first time and prepare herself for even more to come.

Next she attacked his nose with her wet pussy. She let it slip inside and just rode it for a few moments. She felt Abe was a little tense over this but he realized he could still breath through his mouth and he let her continue.

As soon as her pussy came off his nose she replaced it with her asshole. Now he wasn't as worried about breathing and maybe he wouldn't take as much notice of her asshole rubbing his nose.

And then she put her pussy over his mouth and did some grinding. She sat and twisted and rocked in place and let him know how he was getting to her. His breathing may have been a little restricted by her asshole but it wasn't swallowing his nose the way her pussy had.

And then she gave him more air by moving forward and grinding her asshole on his mouth. After a few seconds of that she felt him shifting beneath her. Seems he wasn't so sure about what she was doing. She lifted up entirely and moved back.

"Okay let's have more of that magic tongue babe. I'm getting so hot."

And then she made another pass along his face. She came back and forth a few times and each pass she spent equal time with her pussy and asshole over his mouth. He wasn't really licking when her asshole was in place, he simply allowed her to rub against his lips and mouth. That was good for a start but she was ready for more.

"Keep that tongue out. If you don't I'll take away my pussy."

It was her first warning. She passed over him again and his tongue remained out and against her asshole. Part of her desperately wanted to just park it there until he finished her off with his tongue deep inside, but she knew he wasn't quite ready. She moved on and once again gave him access to her pussy.

But she was also quick to return her asshole to his tongue. While it was there she told him how much she loved the feel of his tongue. She moved back to bring him her pussy but now as she made her moves back and forth she was spending more and more time with her asshole on his mouth.

He started shifting again and he tried to reach her pussy with his tongue. But she was in control. She was slowly allowing more and more of her weight to rest on his face and more and more she kept her asshole on his mouth.

"Uh uh babe. You can't get away from it. You know what I want."

She felt him struggle a little beneath her but he wasn't going anywhere. She leaned forward and rubbed his hard cock through his shorts. This put her asshole back to his nose and her pussy once again on his mouth.

She stroked him several times and then pulled the waistband down so his cock could spring free. Then she leaned in a kissed the glans. She felt him shudder beneath her and she knew it had the desired effect. She could see him trying to raise his hips now to meet her.

She came down again and took just the head into her mouth. Her teeth came gently closed just beneath the corona and she licked across the tip. She bit down just a little harder to get his attention and keep him from blowing right there.

Then she gave a slurpy suck as she raised off his cock and sat back up on his face. Now she shifted so once again her asshole was on his mouth.

"You like my lips on your cock don't you?"

She did some grinding on his mouth and then she leaned forward again. This time she licked down the length of his cock until she almost reached his balls. Then she slowly dragged her tongue back up to the tip.

"I'll bet you'd really like to cum with me wouldn't you?"

She heard a muffled sound from beneath her and knew he was agreeing. Well maybe not agreeing so much as pleading with her; begging her to take him back into her mouth.

"Sure would be a shame to miss out on my blowjobs, wouldn't it?"

His body stopped for a second and she knew she had his full attention. She rocked back on his face. Then she came down again and put just the head in her mouth. She licked and sucked it careful not to let him come. She even dragged her teeth across the glans as she came up and off of him.

"Well honey...if you ever want to feel my lips around your cock'd better get your tongue in my ass."

Having said her piece, she sat her asshole down on his mouth and waited for him to take action. He wasn't struggling but he wasn't working his tongue either. Then she began grinding her asshole on his lips in slow circles.

At first she was just rubbing her asshole on him, but after a few turns she was trying to push his lips open and get closer to what she was waiting for. As she was making some progress she once again felt him shifting beneath her.

She lifted up just a little but as soon as she heard him try to say something she sat back down; hard. She was letting more of her weight rest upon his face, and as such he really couldn't go anywhere. Not that he was actually trying to fight her.

"Nope. I don't want to hear you talking. Your tongue has a more important job to do, If I lift up off your face I want to feel your tongue caressing my asshole."

She didn't lift up right away. Instead she did a few more grinding circles in an attempt to pry his lips free. She was sure she had succeeded at least a little, and felt she could detect a few of his teeth moving across her muscled ring.


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