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Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 13

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Threats, warnings and a family secret is exposed.
7.5k words

Part 13 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Chapter 12: Threats, warnings and a family secret is exposed.

29 May 1944, Monday.

Among the dispatches Agatha brought in from London was word of unauthorized radio transmissions originating from somewhere in England, most likely in one of the counties around London. Those transmissions were often in German, but some were coded in English. The transmissions contained information about the weather, the build-up of troops, armaments, and other vital information related to the Allied build-up in England, especially concerning the opening of a second front in Western Europe.

It was becoming an ever-increasing priority to locate the source of those transmissions and shut them down. The date and location of the D-Day operation, also known as "Operation Neptune," was of yet unknown. It was vital that those crucial details never reach German intelligence.

Amanda and I had overheard one of those transmissions for the first time late this morning. The transmission was spoken entirely in German and both voices were male. Neither Amanda nor I spoke German and we did our best to see if we could pick up any words we could recognize, but they both spoke so fast that it was difficult even to distinguish where one word ended, and another began. We both heard "nein," "ja," and "Hitler," clearly enough, but beyond that, it was just a blur of guttural gibberish. The only other information that was even remotely useful was the fact that the transmission of one of the speakers was so much clearer than the other, suggesting that first speaker was transmitting his message from somewhere close by in England. But we already knew that.

On a more personal level, word had gotten out around camp that I was seeing Lord Ayresdon. Quite a few pilots had seen me leave in his Rolls Saturday evening and yesterday afternoon. Neither John nor I made any effort to hide our growing relationship, but I was surprised about how much attention it seemed to be attracting.

The pilots of the 5-1-2 Squadron seemed to be the most interested, probably because they regarded me as their "little sister." I did miss the campfire chats and singalongs we had, but now with the evening bombings, those were no longer possible anyway. But they approached me both as a group and later as individuals to make sure Lord Ayresdon was "treating me properly."

Of course, Lee knew all about my dates with John, including the day I spent at Ayresdon Manor, now over a week ago. He was aware of the concern that his fellow pilots of the 5-1-2 Fighter Squadron had for me, as well as the less-than-flattering gossip from the other horny men at the airfield who had been deprived of female companionship for a while. He pulled me aside before the administration briefing.

"Reena, how far have you gone in your relationship with Lord Ayresdon?"

"Lee, I'm not in high school anymore. I don't need a big brother watching out for me."

"No, you don't, and that's not why I'm asking. We're in the middle of a war and you're an attractive girl at an airfield teeming with hundreds of horny men. You wouldn't believe the rumors flying around about you. I'm just concerned, that's all," he explained.

"When I got here, there were all sorts of rumor flying around about you. You didn't seem too concerned about them, so why are you only concerned about rumors when they're about me?" I retorted.

"That's different, and you know it. Besides, I was concerned about those rumors about me, and I did my best to lay low for a while," he argued.

"There's nothing different about it. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle myself in a relationship. Besides, how can you tell me you're 'laying low' with all that time you're spending with Amanda? Have you any idea about what's being said about the two of you?"

"There's nothing I can do about that," he confessed.

"And just what do you think I can do about the rumors about me?"

He looked down at his shoes before answering.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Maybe I am a little overprotective of you, but only because you're my only sister and I care about you," he confessed.

"I know that. Maybe we're both being too defensive," I said, giving him a hug and kissing him on the cheek.

He hugged me back.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm more than okay, Lee. I think I'm in love with John - Lord Ayresdon."

"I'm happy for you, Reena. Really. I just don't like some of the things I hear a few of the guys saying."

"Thanks, Lee. Let them talk, I can handle it. Besides, why should we care? We're lucky enough to be with the ones we love," I replied cheerfully.

"Perhaps you're right, but we still need to be careful. Would you promise me that?"

"Of course, and despite what I said earlier, I appreciate your concern for me. I care a lot about you, too," I confessed.

I barely made it to the administration briefing on time. Colonel Drummond announced a change in the daily schedule to adjust to the twilight bombing schedule, allowing the pilots to sleep later in the mornings to make up for the loss of sleep at night. Meetings and meals would be delayed accordingly as a result of the change.

Amanda and I were in the communications tent testing the radio equipment and replacing the older radio tubes when Squadron Leader Porter entered the tent. He dismissed the corporals assigned to assist us and warded off the tent when they left.

He shot a glance at Amanda before turning to me.

"You could have told me you were a witch. If you had, I could have warned you much sooner," he said, testily.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied dismissively. I looked over at Amanda and gave her an anxious look.

"Don't try to be coy with me. You know what I'm talking about. Agatha told me all about it. It was bad enough that your brother played me for a fool after his escapades with Agatha and Penny Night," he continued.

"I think you should leave, Nigel," Amanda interjected.

"Not until I'm finished with what I have to say. I'm disappointed that you've been complicit in this American deception, Miss Chanter. But I need to warn both of you to stay away from Lord Ayresdon. Don't be deceived by his aristocratic charm," he warned.

"How dare you talk to us that way, especially after the way you've treated my brother! Get out of here!" I demanded, drawing my wand, and pointing it at him.

A sideways glance told me that Amanda had copied my motion.

Nigel Porter looked at my wand and then at Amanda's. He sneered. We both knew that a warlock was more powerful than two witches, but we could still do enough damage to him that would make him think twice, even if that meant the end of the two of us. But no one wanted things to go that far.

"Put those away. I'll leave, but I urge you to heed my warning, or there will be dire consequences," he said before removing his warding spell and leaving the tent.

After he left, I looked at Amanda.

"I can't believe Agatha told him. How could she betray us like that, she put our lives at risk," I lamented.

"I can't believe it either, but she must have had her reasons. She's always been the level-headed one," Amanda agreed.

We did get a chance to ask her just before noontime. She burst into the communications tent with a worried look on her face. Once again, we dismissed the corporal aides and warded the tent.

"I need to warn you about Nigel Porter," she began. She looked very upset.

"It's too late. He's already been in here," I replied.

"Aggie, how could you?" Amanda asked, hurtfully.

Agatha let out a deep sigh before she looked at me.

"Damn. If I hadn't been tied up with Colonel Drummond, I would have been here sooner. I had a big row with Nigel this morning. With all the talk and rumors about you and Lord Ayresdon, he guessed your identity as a witch. From there he realized that Lee was a warlock." Her voice broke towards the end, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Aggie, are you okay?" Amanda asked.

"Amanda, what's wrong? What else happened?" I asked.

"He was furious at me for not telling him about you and Lee. He said some horrible things to me. I'm afraid of what he might do to me or any one of us," she said, sobbing.

Amanda and I went over and put our arms around her in a hug.

"It's not your fault," I said.

"Don't blame yourself," Amanda agreed.

"I should have seen it coming. I should have done something sooner. Maybe I shouldn't have confirmed his suspicions, but what else could I do?" she sobbed.

"There's nothing you could have done," I said, rubbing her back.

"May I come in?" John's voice came from outside the tent.

"Just a sec!" I called, breaking the hug. I looked at Agatha and Amanda to see if it was okay to let him in.

Agatha wiped the tears from her face and nodded. Amanda stood beside her with her arm around her shoulder.

I unwarded the tent and the warlock entered wearing his air marshal uniform. He took one look at the three of us and warded the tent behind him.

"It looks like I came at a bad time. What did I miss?" he asked.

We told him about Nigel Porter and his threats and warnings.

"He must suspect I'm watching him. He's trying to turn you against me," John said after hearing our story.

"Maybe now is the time to move against him. Surely you can convince the warlock council to do something, can't you John?" I asked.

"I can try, but those conservative old warlocks need a lot of convincing for them to make up their minds. Taking out a fellow warlock is tricky business and can get messy. Nigel's been very clever. We still don't have enough direct evidence to convince enough of the council that he's a threat to them," he replied.

"But he threatened us," Amanda pointed out.

"From what you've told me, he could say it wasn't a threat. He could tell the council that he was paranoid about me and tried to warn you because of his own insecurities," John reasoned.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"I don't think you're in any danger yet. Otherwise, he would have reacted when you took out your wands. But I would recommend you avoid him for now and let me know if he makes any more threats," he answered.

"I should warn Lee," Amanda said.

Lee! I almost forgot about him.

"Wait Amanda. Let me tell him. He gets very protective and might do something rash. I know how to handle him and can tell him in a way he won't go off half-cocked and get hurt...or worse," I responded.

"Okay, Morina. I trust you. When are you going to tell him?" she asked.

"Right after lunch. Let me calm down and think about what I'm going to say, first," I replied.

"Are you cancelling our date?" John asked.

"Oh . . . No. I'll tell him afterwards," I replied. In all the excitement, I forgot all about our date!

"I hope you're not going to tell him before his mission this evening. He'll be worrying about us while he's escorting bombers over Germany," Agatha noted.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll wait and tell him tomorrow, after he gets back," I announced.

"I hope I can keep quiet that long. I'm supposed to meet him for lunch. Aggie, will you join me so I don't slip up?" Amanda asked.

"Of course. I could use the company myself," she agreed.

Before going our separate ways, John waited outside while we three witches cleaned ourselves up. Amanda helped Agatha wipe away all traces of her tears from her face and I took a dose of contraception potion.

This time, John took me to the pub for lunch before going to the cottage. Having been up all night because of the evening bombing mission, I was too tired to eat much of anything. When we got inside the cottage, I kissed him inside the door, but I didn't put much effort into it.

"Let's just sit you down over here and let you rest for a bit," he said, picking me up and sitting me down on the bed.

The bed was against the far wall, and I leaned back against it. He sat down beside me.

"I'm sorry I'm such poor company," I said, yawning.

"Night missions, I heard. You must have been up all night," he noted.

"They had problems figuring out how to light the field for night landings and Amanda and I had to coordinate the ground crew with the control tower and pilots. It wasn't until 0700 that they could begin refueling the Thunderbolts," I replied, sleepily.

"No wonder you're exhausted. Here, lean against me and just rest for a bit," he said softly.

We snuggled together, sitting on the bed with his arm around me and my head on his shoulder. He turned my face towards him and gave me a light kiss on the lips while I reached around to hug him.

"Mmm, this feels nice," I said smiling, after the kiss. I snuggled closer, finding a comfortable position against his shoulder, leaning in with my arm resting on his lap.

He pulled me in closer and kissed the top of my head, "I like this, too."

"I don't mean to be such a crappy date, I just need to relax for a few minutes," I said while yawning. It was the last thing I remember saying before drifting off to sleep.

I'm not sure how long I slept, I only remember feeling safe and warm against John's body. Thinking about his light kisses and gentle caresses was comforting and I felt a tingling sensation, especially in by breasts.

"I could stay like this forever," I said dreamily with a leisurely smile on my face.

"Me too, but I may have a problem if we do this too much longer," John's voice said.

I opened my eyes. I looked up into John's face and he smiled back at me. Then I looked down at my breast saw his hand, gently caressing me through my bra and uniform. That soft, gentle touch felt nice and left me with that same tingling feeling I felt when I was asleep.

Looking in the other direction, I saw that I had been slowly stroking the front of John's pants. The outline of his erection could clearly be seen beneath my hand, and he twitched beneath my fingers when I looked.

Startled, I quickly withdrew my hand. "Oh John! I'm so sorry . . . I didn't mean to . . . I was asleep . . . I had no idea . . . I mean--" I flummoxed with embarrassment.

He chuckled pleasantly and kissed me on the cheek. His arm was still around my shoulder, but he stopped caressing my breast.

"Shhh. It's alright. It felt nice. I thought you were awake when I began caressing your breast. I didn't know you were still asleep," he explained.

"How long was I out?"

"Not very long, maybe about an hour."

With his arm still around my shoulder, he drew me in closer, leaning his head against mine and cupping my breast firmly with his hand.

"You're horny, aren't you," I said, looking down at his pant-covered erection.

"You do have that effect on me," he replied, chuckling.

"What time is it?" I wondered.

"We still have plenty of time before you have to get back to the airfield. What do you have in mind?"

"I want you to make love to me," I said, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek.

He whipped out his wand, but before he could flick his wrist—

"Wait! No magic. I want to undress you," I said, giving him a mischievous smile.

He smiled back and his wand disappeared.

I straddled his lap with my arms around his neck and kissed him. His erection twitched beneath me, and I moaned approvingly as we kissed.

He wrapped his arms around my back and kissed me back, exploring my mouth with his tongue. I sucked on it briefly before pulling away.

"Patience, my Love. You need to learn to control your release and I will help you," I cooed, echoing his words from yesterday.

He smiled and held his arms up in a sign of surrender. His cock twitch beneath me when he did.

I looked him in the eye as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt. I watched him follow my hands as I slipped each button from its hole one at a time, revealing more and more of my cleavage with every button unfastened. Once the last button was undone, I removed my shirt and threw it on the floor behind me. I arched my back, giving him a tantalizing view of my chest, just inches away from his face. His cock twitched in anticipation.

"I thought you were going to—" he began.

"Shh!" I said, putting my finger against his lips, and ground myself against his lap.

Keeping my back arched, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt while watching his eyes devour my chest. When he looked up at me, I stopped and held his head in my hands and kissed him firmly on the lips, thrusting my tongue in his mouth.

He twitched beneath me as he moaned on my tongue. When he tried to kiss me back, but I pushed myself away with both hands on his chest.

"Not yet, Love. You need to control yourself," I teased.

"You drive a hard bargain," he said as he held up his hands again in a sign of surrender.

"Oh, it's going to get a lot harder. Now keep your hands there and don't move them until I tell you."

I watched his eyes as I reached behind and unfastened my bra. I held the cups in place as I removed the shoulder straps one at a time. His eyes were glued to my chest and my boobs bounced free as I threw my bra on the floor. His cock fluttered approvingly beneath me, and I slowly ground myself against the straining bulge in his pants.

"Oh, Morina!" he moaned.

I giggled a bit as I went back to unbuttoning his shirt, watching him stare at my boobs until the last button was undone.

"Put your arms down," I commanded, and I slipped his shirt over his shoulders. I helped him take his arms out of his sleeves one at a time and threw his shirt on the floor behind me. I then pulled his undershirt up and over his head, exposing his bare chest.

I paused to admire his muscular build. I leaned forward and pressed my chest against his face, twisting side to side, teasing him by sliding my hard nipples against his lips. He tried to capture them with his mouth and tongue, but I slid them by too quickly as I moved back and forth from one breast to the other. His cock twitched each time a nipple brushed past his lips.

"Ohhh!" he groaned in pleasant frustration.

I stopped. This was making my breasts tingle. I held his head up as I bent down and looked him in the eyes. We were face-to-face and mouth-to-mouth, and I felt his breath against my lips. He was panting.

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before I backed off his lap and knelt on the floor in front of him. I slowly removed his shoes and socks, one at a time. Then I stood on my knees and arched forward, keeping my breasts on display as I reached for his belt. His eyes remined on my boobs as I unbuckled his belt and unfastened the front of his pants. When I got to his zipper, I paused.

He shifted his gaze from my boobs to my hands as his pants pulsated from his cock straining against the material, anticipating it's release. I smiled and slowly pulled down the zipper. He closed his eyes as more and more of his tented underwear emerged from the unzipped opening.

I grabbed the top of his pants on either side of his hips and pulled down. He lifted his hips, and I slipped his pants down his legs and past his feet. A wet spot had formed at the front of his undershorts where the tip of his cock strained against them.

I smiled and gently stroked his erection through his boxers, calling his attention to the wet spot from the pre-cum that had accumulated there. I looked up at his face as I was stroking him and waited until we made eye contact before continuing. His eyes seemed to plead with me and that look caused my own wet spot to grow.

"Morina," he whispered hoarsely, and my nipples tingled from the sound of his voice.

I reached up and grabbed the sides of his shorts. He lifted his hips, and I pulled down, freeing his erection. I watched it bob up and down as I slipped his underwear off. I tossed the boxers aside and when I looked back, I caught him staring at my chest and stroking himself.

I looked him in the eye and shook my head slowly back and forth. He stopped and held up his hands in surrender for a third time.

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