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Mormon Lesbian Ch. 02

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What happens leaves both girls thinking about their future.
7.9k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/27/2023
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"What just happened? One moment I was mad at my best friend who is going to leave for a year, and the next we are having our first kiss. Oh my God, I can hardly think. This is amazing," Sky thought, her mind swirling with a mix of confusion and exhilaration.

As their lips met, Sky and Emma locked in a tender embrace. It wasn't an aggressive kiss, but rather a sweet and gentle exploration. To Sky's surprise, Emma didn't immediately pull away, and that gave her a surge of hope and excitement. Emma, on the other hand, couldn't believe the sudden rush of emotions. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her mind turned to mush. She had kissed guys before, but their lips had never felt as soft and inviting as Sky's.

In the midst of their passionate kiss, Emma held Sky close to her chest, savoring the warmth and intimacy. They momentarily broke apart to catch their breath, but their desire drew them back in, fueling their kisses with increasing intensity. Sky found herself leaning back into Emma's embrace, her back pressed against Emma's racing heart. The sensation sent shivers down her spine, confirming that Emma was just as caught up in the moment as she was.

With a smile on her face, Sky shifted her position slightly, placing one hand behind Emma's head and the other on her thigh, seeking a deeper connection. They continued to explore each other's mouths, savoring the taste and the intimacy of the moment. The pleasure intensified, and suddenly, Emma couldn't hold back a moan of delight, surprised by the unexpected rush of sensations.

Startled by Emma's reaction, Sky gazed at her with a mixture of anticipation and desire. Her face blushed bright red, and her eyes held a hint of something more than just curiosity or friendship—something that resembled lust.

However, as quickly as the passion had ignited, it abruptly came to a halt. Emma, coming down from her euphoric state, became aware of the magnitude of what had transpired. Overwhelmed by her thoughts, she hastily stood up and fled to the bathroom, locking the door behind her, desperately needing a moment alone to gather her scattered emotions.

Sky, left standing in the aftermath, felt a mix of emotions herself. She questioned the intensity of her own desires and worried that she might have pushed too far. Her mind raced with uncertainty and longing, hoping that Emma's retreat wasn't a sign of regret or rejection. She anxiously waited outside the bathroom, her heart pounding, wondering what would happen next and if their friendship would ever be the same.

Sky's mind was clouded with fear as she knocked on the bathroom door, desperately seeking a response from Emma. "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to hate it..." Sky's voice trembled with worry, but the silence on the other side of the door only heightened her anxiety. She slumped down next to the door, her heart aching with the fear of losing Emma's friendship.

"Emma, I love you, don't you see? Please come out," Sky pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "You kissed me. I'll go to church with you on Sunday. That was our deal!" Sky continued talking, hoping to break through the barrier of the locked bathroom door and reach Emma.

Time seemed to stretch as nearly 20 minutes passed without a response from Emma. Sky was on the verge of tears, feeling a mix of guilt, uncertainty, and longing. Just when she thought she couldn't bear the silence any longer, the doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. With her parents out, Sky reluctantly made her way to answer the door, her mind still occupied with worry about Emma.

As Sky opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of Mrs. Anderson, Emma's mother. Fear immediately gripped Sky's heart as she wondered if Mrs. Anderson knew about what had transpired between her and Emma. Did Emma tell her? Sky's mind raced with anxious thoughts.

"Is Emma feeling better? She just called me saying she was feeling super sick, so she wanted me to pick her up," Mrs. Anderson inquired, her appearance striking Sky with a mix of admiration and unexpected arousal. Sky's eyes couldn't help but wander, taking in Mrs. Anderson's natural beauty, from her flowing hair to her carefully applied makeup.

Sky was momentarily speechless, her mind distracted by her own desires. Slowly regaining her composure, she managed to respond, "Um, yeah, she's upstairs..."

Just then, Emma emerged from behind Sky, her appearance confirming her illness with puffy eyes and a runny nose. Sky's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with Emma, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

"Sorry, Sky, maybe we can hang out another time. Let's go home, Mom," Emma's voice sounded weak as she addressed Sky and her mother.

"Okay, bye, Sky! Tell your parents I said hello," Mrs. Anderson chimed in before they left.

Sky stood there, watching them leave, a mix of relief and uncertainty washing over her. Emma's illness seemed to provide a convenient excuse to avoid confronting their recent kiss and its implications. Sky's mind was filled with thoughts of regret, longing, and hope as she wrestled with the desire to apologize and salvage their friendship, all while keeping her own desires in check.

Days had passed since their kiss, and Sky found herself replaying the moment over and over in her mind, her body responding with undeniable arousal. She couldn't help but touch herself, imagining the taste and the feel of Emma's lips against her own. The conflicting emotions within her made her yearn for a resolution, hoping that their friendship could endure despite the unexpected turn of events.

Sky debated whether to reach out to Emma, wanting to apologize and express her desire to maintain their bond. Yet, she also respected Emma's need for space and the possibility that things might never be the same between them. As she sat with her thoughts, Sky couldn't shake the hope that someday they would find a way to navigate their complex feelings and rediscover the closeness they once shared.

Sky's heart was heavy with worry as she sent a text to Emma, hoping to break the silence between them. "Hey, Emma, are you feeling better?" she typed, her fingers trembling slightly. After what felt like an eternity, a response finally came through.


The curt reply left Sky feeling deflated, her hopes of reconciliation dashed. She couldn't help but shed tears as she curled up in bed, the weight of their strained friendship weighing heavily on her heart.

Days passed, and Sunday arrived. Determined to fulfill her promise and attend church, Sky woke up early and carefully chose a modest blouse and applied makeup, trying to present her best self. As she walked out of her room and entered the hallway, she encountered her mother, still in her bathrobe and returning from the kitchen.

"Oh, Sky, my little enchantress," her mother purred, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "What has inspired this sudden transformation? Are you preparing for a secret rendezvous?"

Sky couldn't help but laugh, knowing her mother's flair for theatrics. "Well, Mom, I've been invited to go to church with Emma today," she confessed, her excitement evident in her voice.

Her mother's smile widened, her charm captivating. "Ah, the lovely Emma," she mused, a playful glint in her eyes. "How delightful! It seems she has sparked a fire within you, my dear."

Sky blushed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement washing over her. Her mother always had a way of making ordinary conversations feel like a delightful performance.

"That sounds great. You should wait, your father and I will go with you," her mother suggested, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"What?" Sky's surprise was evident as she struggled to comprehend her parents' unexpected decision.

"What? " Sky could hear her father's surprise from down the hall. But her mom pulled them out after about 20 mins dressed in nice clothes. Her dad was in a suit and tie, and her mother wore a rather revealing blouse.

"Mom, I don't think you can wear something like that to church," Sky voiced her concern.

"Oh, I'm going to wear a jacket over it. I just didn't have anything... modest," her mother replied, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

They all got ready and left the house, with her tired-looking dad reluctantly joining them. As they drove to the church building, Sky's father couldn't help but joke about the unexpected turn of events.

"If we were going to do this, you should've warned us, Sky," he said with a playful tone, feigning exhaustion.

"Sorry, Dad. I didn't know you guys were coming," Sky replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Arriving at the Mormon church, they stepped out of the car and were greeted by a sea of friendly faces, all smiling and extending warm welcomes. It was evident that the community was known for their hospitality. They entered just in time for the start of the sacrament meeting, the first part of the service.

As Sky walked into the church, her gaze fell upon Emma, looking as radiant as ever in a beautiful white dress, almost glowing amidst the congregation. Emma, sitting in the front row on the podium, spotted Sky and her eyes widened momentarily before she averted her gaze, focusing on a book in her lap. It wasn't the reaction Sky had hoped for, but it wasn't anger either.

"Oh, look, it's Crissy," Sky's mom pointed out, drawing their attention to Mrs. Anderson sitting alone in a pew. They walked over and joined her, exchanging warm greetings.

"Oh my goodness! You guys came! You heard about Emma's going away talk?" Mrs. Anderson exclaimed with joy, embracing Sky's mom.

"Um, nope, I guess that's why Sky wanted to come today," Sky's dad replied, his curiosity piqued.

They all turned their attention towards Sky, who simply smiled and nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of Emma's upcoming departure and what it might mean for their friendship.

Wonderful. Well, it's about to start," Crissy gleefully said.

The older individuals at the front discussed some ward business, and then everyone joined in singing a church song that Sky's family wasn't familiar with. Mrs. Anderson kindly showed them a songbook so they could follow along.

Next, some teenage boys said a prayer over bread and water, and pieces of bread were passed around to everyone using small plates carried by boys around the age of 14. They also distributed small cups of water, and Sky couldn't help but think that it was a much more sanitary approach compared to some Catholic practices. She drank the water and passed the plate along the line.

After that, the teenagers sat with their families, and a 15-year-old girl went up to the podium to speak about missions and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sky found herself surprised but also sensed that the girl was reading from a script, which made the spiritual message sound somewhat rehearsed. Nevertheless, Sky admired the girl's courage to speak in front of such a large congregation.

The girl swiftly concluded her talk, saying, "I know these things are true in the name of Jesus Christ, amen," leaving Sky with a slight whiplash as she struggled to catch the words.

As the girl stepped down from the podium, it was Emma's turn to speak. Sky's heart skipped a beat as she watched Emma take the stage.

"Good morning, brothers and sisters. As the bishop mentioned, I am heading on a mission to Washington's east side, and I will be leaving in two weeks," Emma announced.

Time seemed to freeze for Sky. The rest of the talk became a blur as those words echoed relentlessly in her mind—"I will be leaving in two weeks."

The sacrament meeting eventually drew to a close, but Sky couldn't shake off the weight of those words. Her thoughts were consumed by the impending departure, drowning out the remainder of the meeting.

"Ah, that was wonderful," Sky's mom exclaimed, breaking the silence. "Emma has grown into such an amazing woman."

"Yes, the time flew by so fast," Mrs. Anderson added, her tone filled with a mix of pride and nostalgia.

"Sky, thank you for being my daughter's friend through it all," Sky's mom expressed her gratitude.


"Sky!?" All three parents suddenly shouted in unison as Sky's consciousness slipped away, and she passed out.

When Sky regained consciousness, her head was throbbing, and her vision was blurred. But there was a familiar scent that cut through the haze—a combination of lilies and strawberries, reminiscent of Emma's perfume.

"Emma?" Sky called out, her voice weak and uncertain.

Sky woke up with her head pounding and her vision still blurry. But she knew the smell of that perfume anywhere... Lilies and Strawberries... Emma?

"No, sorry, hey Sky, it's her mom. How are you doing?" Sky brushed her eyes off and looked around, finding Mrs. Anderson extending her hand to help her up. The touch was gentle yet lingering, and Sky couldn't help but feel a subtle electric current passing between them. She found herself momentarily captivated by Mrs. Anderson's alluring presence.

As Mrs. Anderson assisted her from the couch, Sky noticed a certain grace in her movements, a confidence that exuded sensuality. It was as if every gesture and word carried a hidden meaning, a secret invitation that only Sky could decipher.

Sky's gaze wandered, and she realized that her parents were in the kitchen, occupied with their own concerns, while Emma was absent.

"What happened?" Sky asked, her voice still groggy from her recent panic attack.

"Well, you had a panic attack, and we brought you to our house since it's closer. I invited you all to stay for dinner. Some company is nice," Mrs. Anderson said, her voice filled with a soft, velvety undertone that sent shivers down Sky's spine. Sky couldn't help but notice the faraway look in Mrs. Anderson's eyes, a glimmer of desire hidden beneath her caring facade.

"And Emma is on her way from church. You really worried her, but she had to talk to the bishop about mission stuff, so she had to stay," Mrs. Anderson explained, her voice laced with a touch of disappointment, hinting at the missed opportunity to be alone with Sky.

The arrival of Sky's parents interrupted the moment, as they rushed over to hug and comfort her. Sky's father fretted about her well-being, his attention focused on the physical care she needed. Meanwhile, Mrs. Anderson observed the scene with a mixture of longing and envy, her eyes never leaving Sky's form.

"Oh, honey, did you drink enough water? I knew we shouldn't have skipped breakfast!" Sky's dad exclaimed, his concern overshadowing any deeper understanding of his daughter's emotions.

Amidst the comforting embrace and the bustling activity in the kitchen, Sky's mom held her hand, her touch sending a surge of warmth through Sky's veins. Sky's mom looked at her with sincere concern, her eyes filled with a combination of maternal love and an unspoken invitation.

"Sky, you haven't had a panic attack in a while. What's wrong?" her mom inquired, her voice a delicate melody that resonated deep within Sky's soul. She held Sky's gaze expectantly, her touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary, as if trying to convey a message that only Sky could discern.

Sky's mind raced, torn between the desire to bare her heart and the fear of revealing her hidden desires for Emma, and the inexplicable attraction she felt towards Emma's seductive mother. She knew that voicing her true feelings would be met with confusion and potential judgment.

"I was just overstimulated... There were so many people, and I was overwhelmed with happiness for Emma. I couldn't catch my breath, and then the next thing I knew, I was here," Sky replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes downcast, unable to meet her mother's gaze.

Sensing her daughter's discomfort, Sky's mom exchanged a knowing look with Crissy, who understood the need for privacy between mother and daughter. With a subtle gesture, Crissy excused herself to attend to the meal, leaving Sky and her mom alone in the charged atmosphere.

"What happened? You don't want Emma to go?" Her mom's voice lowered

Sky sniffled, trying to hold back a tear that threatened to escape. The weight of her emotions became almost unbearable as she spoke softly, "Yeah, she's my best friend. I don't want her to leave."

"Sky, I know she means more to you than that," her mom responded, her voice filled with understanding. A knowing smile danced upon her lips, causing Sky's heart to race with a mixture of intrigue and apprehension.

Sky's eyes widened in surprise as she locked gazes with her mother. How could she know? The thought sent a wave of worry through her, fearing that others might have discovered her deepest desires.

"Well, you are kind of loud," her mom continued, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. Sky's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as the implications of her mother's words sank in. It was as if her secret world had been unveiled, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.

Sky sat there, utterly dumbfounded, unable to find the right words to respond. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Part of her felt a strange thrill at the realization that her desires hadn't gone unnoticed, while another part was consumed by embarrassment and the fear of judgment.

As the weight of her revelation settled upon her, Sky couldn't help but cry out in even greater embarrassment, "Dad knows!" The mere thought of her father discovering her hidden yearnings intensified her shame and vulnerability.

"Of course, I tell him everything, how do you think we have survived for so long this happy? No secrets and all fun times."

"Gross mom" sky covers her ears. But is slightly comforted by the fact her parents know and nothing will change with them. But then her face falls as she thinks about Emma.

Sky's mom gently caressed her daughter's back, providing comfort in her arms. "It's okay, honey. You will soon learn that maybe it's better this way. Maybe there is another girl out there, just waiting to love you," she whispered soothingly.

Tears continued to stream down Sky's face as she clung to her mother, her heart heavy with the realization that her love for Emma might go unrequited. "I don't want another girl," she managed to utter, her voice choked with emotion.

Just as Sky's despair seemed to deepen, her father popped his head into the room, calling out, "Hey, girlie! Emma is home! Wanna show her you're okay?" However, upon seeing his daughter crying in her mother's embrace, he abandoned his initial suggestion and simply walked over to join the embrace, offering his silent support.

After a while, Sky heard Emma's voice from the doorway, filled with confusion, "What's with the Browning family cuddle puddle?" The presence of Emma in the room shifted the dynamics, bringing a mix of relief and trepidation to Sky's heart.

Sky's parents excused themselves, giving the two girls a chance to talk. With a small wave, Sky managed to show a glimpse of improvement, silently conveying that she was feeling better. But the smile quickly faded as Emma's own expression turned somber.

"I liked your talk," Sky finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence that had enveloped them.

"No, you didn't," Emma replied knowingly, her voice tinged with sadness and understanding.

"Come on, let's go eat dinner," Emma says, standing up.

Sky's heart aches with desperation as she musters the courage to ask the question that has been consuming her. Her voice trembles, "Do you love me!?"

Emma's initial surprise gives way to a mixture of frustration and affection. She approaches Sky, dropping her guard, and takes her hand gently. "Yes. Of course, I do, you jerk," she admits with a hint of exasperation.

Sky's eyes well up with tears once again, but this time they are tears of both relief and longing. "But not in the way I want you to," she whispers, her voice filled with vulnerability.

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