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Mother, Daughter and Lover

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Sophitia and her daughter, Angela, visit an old friend.
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Mercy threw her duffel bag into the backseat hurriedly--the snow was beginning to fall and time was of the essence. She joined her mother in the front passenger seat, putting her extra large coffee thermos in the center console cup holder. She signed a breath of relief. Christmas break of her sophomore year of college had just began, and she only arrived late last night to her mother's house before learning that the following morning they would be traveling to an old college friend of Sophitia for a ski trip in Aspen. Exhausted, she delayed packing until the morning. Somehow, in forty-five minutes flat, she managed to shower, pack a duffel bag, and make coffee before they had to hit the road.

"I'm so sorry, mom. I was just too tired when I got in last night to pack," Angela explained.

Sophitia gave a warm smile while backing up using the rear back-up cam.

"I completely understand, darling. Believe me. I'm impressed you're awake after all that; you got, what, five hours of sleep?" Sophitia replied.

"Mmmmm, something like that. Maybe less---I had a lot on my mind."

"You mean, about the stuff we've talked about?" Sophitia said, giving Angela a glance as she dropped her right hand on her thigh.

"Yes, mom," Angela replied as she looked out the window, admiring the beautiful snow that was already covering the road.

"I can't think of something I'd rather do than to share that with you. Sheva is the perfect person for this. She may take some convincing...but I feel like it will take less than we think."

"So you haven't asked her yet? What if she rejects us?" Angela asked, half concerned and half surprised at the reveal of Sophitia not having broached the idea to her yet.

"You look like me when I was your age; that fact alone will make you irresistible to her. I like to think I've still got it myself. I'm 42 but still!" Sophitia laughed to herself.

"Oh, c'mon! Look at you! You are in ridiculous shape. I mean, look at us. We're fucking hot!" Angela exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I know. You're right. Did you pack your gift?"

Mercy froze for a moment, worried she forgot it before remembering she did, in fact, pack the lingerie her mother had gotten her. It was a white lacey piece, with generous breast support that made Angela's already large tits look absolutely massive. It included a white silk stocking garter set and a thong that hid nothing of the hard work Angela had been putting in at the gym.

Sophitia had packed the exact same set.

"Yes, sorry, for a second I thought I forgot it, but I have it---I'm positive." Mercy said with obvious relief.

"Yeah...she won't be able to say no. Should we go over the plan one more time?"

"Yes, mommy."

Sophitia took the entrance ramp to the highway.

What would be a five hour car ride turned into a seven hour expedition through the relentless snow. Angela dosed off and on as her mom deftly plowed through the quickly accumulating snow in their well-suited Range Rover.

It was a little after seven P.M. when they reached Aspen. After a quick and much needed rest-stop, they were back on the road for the last leg of the trip.

While it was completely dark, there was no issue finding Sheva's timeshare; it was an absolutely massive cabin-style home and the only one in its own little corner. A large, wrap-around deck complimented the formidable house. Making it seem even more castle-like was the ten minutes of switchbacks that had to be driven up in order to reach it. This was no small task in such wintry conditions but Sophitia was quite adept behind the wheel. As they crested to the top of the drive way, they were met by Sheva waiting on the front porch. She wore a large black parka laced with white fur around the neckline, and she sipped something from a clearly still hot mug by the way she held it.

It was full-on blizzarding at this point and visibility was poor. The heavy snow could be felt pounding down on the roof of the vehicle. The two blondes retrieved their belongings---a duffel bag each---out of the back seat of the Range Rover and retreated to the warmth of the cabin.

The cabin was elaborately furnished and immaculately clean as evidenced immediately when they entered the house. Sheva took their jackets and placed them on a large ornate coat adjacent to the front door. She was a wearing white cream colored cashmere turtleneck sweater that contrasted nicely with her dark skin. The dark pants she was wearing accentuated her clearly toned thighs and...something else.

She looks just like her mom at her age, thought Sheva to herself as she looked the young blonde up and down. She was wearing a pink Patagonia quarter-zip sweater under her jacket with some comfortable looking black leggings, quite typical of college girls these days, she knew. The sweater was loose fitting but did a poor job of hiding her considerable breasts, one of her favorite features of her mother. For a brief moment, she caught herself imagining themselves in bed together, but she brushed it off as wishful thinking.

Sophitia, however, looked exactly how she remembered from their college days. Just as beautiful both in form and face. High cheek bones and a gracefully petite nose. Heavy breasts that displayed prominently from her green sweater dress with its plunging neckline. Black pantyhose covered her muscular legs. She had the definition of an hourglass figure with hips built for breeding. Sheva knew those well. They had met freshman year at Harvard University. Both finance majors, they began studying together once discovering they lived in the same dorm hall. Study nights turned into movie nights. Movie nights turned into innocent cuddling until one particular night towards the end of freshman Fall semester. A night that changed the dynamic of their relationship entirely.

"Let me give you two a tour!" Sheva said excitedly as she came back to reality.

"Yes, absolutely! This place is beautiful!" Sophitia said. "Come, dear."

Sophitia grabbed Angela by the hand as they walked down the hall. Immediately to their left was the living room with a high ceiling and open-plan format. A loft overlooked the living room in which Sheva mentioned was the Master Bedroom. Straight ahead of the door was a foyer and hallway that led to two guess bedrooms, both exquisitely furnished with the same hunting-cabin style of the the living room. Behind the living was a large kitchen with modern and recently installed brand new appliances. Granite countertops and hanging cabinets with outstanding craftsmanship left no doubt to the fortune Sheva had spent remodeling the kitchen.

"Watch your feet; I have a fleet of these things roaming the house." Sheva remarked about the Roombas roaming throughout the house. The floors---everything really---looked immaculate and now they knew why.

Once the tour was complete, the three sat down to a duck dinner that Sheva had prepared complete with garlic mashed potatoes, Sautéed mushrooms and onions, and red wine. They took their time eating, and the red wine flowed. Much storytelling and catching up was done. Sheva and Sophitia spoke of their careers. Mercy lamented the relentless rigor of student life at Harvard, and of her goals for med school once done.

With dinner finished, the three parted ways so that Sophitia and Angela could shower after their long car ride over. This idea was Sheva's, and the two blondes were extremely grateful at this suggestion. She told them Sophitia could use her shower while Angela used the downstairs shower. Sophitia countered with them just both using the Sheva's bathroom shower instead. This suggestion made Sheva visibly flinch but otherwise she thought not much else of it. Maybe they were merely being prudent.

The two women grabbed their duffel bags and took them upstairs to the loft bathroom. It was spacious with a large, two shower-head walk-in shower. A heated tower rack adjacent to the shower was situated on the wall with fresh, clean white towels.

"She could not stop staring at your tits during dinner, could you see that?" said Angela as she began undressing.

"The dress did the trick," replied Sophitia as her dress dropped to the floor. "I'll meet you inside."

Angela reached into the walk-in shower and turned on the shower heads. The shower even had smaller panels on the walls that also sprayed water, giving the body an even more efficient cleaning. The water warmed up quickly and Angela stepped inside. Moments later, she felt her mother embrace her from behind, wrapping her arms around her and her hands settlings on Angela's generous breasts. She let out a soft moan as she turned her head to its side, their lips meeting in a long deep kiss, Sophitia's hands gently kneading and caressing her daughter's breasts. Angela's moaning began to get louder and escalate into a whimper.

"Mommy - please make me cum," Angela moaned as she guided Sophitia's left hand to her pussy.

"Not yet, dear..." Sophitia replied, bringing her hand back up to her breast. "I will soon enough. We are so close to getting what we want. Just a little bit longer."

Sophitia and Angela finished bathing in the luxurious shower and quickly toweled off. Both blondes possessed long hair and the drying process could take a while on its own, so they made excellent use of Sheva's multiple hair dryers. Why she had multiple ones they had no idea, seeing as she had quite short hair herself. Once they were adequately dried off, they rummaged through their duffel bags for their lingerie specifically picked out for the evening. They quickly put them on and inspected one another. They both were very tight in the busts of both women, as their small frames coupled with much larger than average sized breasts made finding a perfect fit almost impossible. They considered going down dressed in this way but decided against it; might be easier to talk Sheva into it without shocking her beforehand. They opted into matching grey pinstripe pajamas, the long sleeve top and pants variety instead.

The blondes started to descend down the stairs and saw Sheva on the couch in living room. A fire was lit in the fireplace that, in addition to the large Christmas tree and TV, provided the sole illumination for the room. On the end table was a half empty wine bottle that Sheva had been apparently working on, along with two empty wine glasses, presumably for them. The room smelled of wood burning and a winter-scented candle.

The girls joined Sheva on the couch, one on each side of her. Angela, closest to the end table, took the responsibility of fill her and her mom's glasses and refilling Sheva. The two of them were still buzzed from dinner, but Sheva was especially so by this point. She started to joke about how cute they looked in their pajamas. She, too, had changed into a somewhat similar pair herself.

After just a short time, the bottle was empty. Sheva excused herself to go get another. The three of them were quite drunk by this point. Soon as she left the couch, Sophitia and Angela made eye contact and knew it was time.

Sheva sat down on the couch and handed the bottle over to Angela, who was still situated by the end table.

"Angela, dear, please pour us some more wine. This should probably be the last bottle so we can start hydrating for skiing tomorrow," Sheva said with a giggle.

Angela poured the wine, looking again to her mother and nodding slightly. She handed the two of them their glasses and they drank, savoring the expensive wine.

"Actually, we had something we wanted to discuss with you, Sheva," Sophitia said, breaking the silence.

She took a long sip of her wine and Angela did the same. The fire crackled softly.

"What is it? I hope it's where you got those adorable matching pajamas," Sheva guffawed.

"No, not quite," Sophitia replied. She moved a little closer to Sheva and angled herself to face her better. During this, Angela stood up and walked in front of the center of the couch. Sheva's eyes followed her.

Angela began to unbutton her pajama top. Sheva stared in a state of shock but couldn't find the words.

She dropped the top to the floor, following with sliding her pants down with them.

Sheva continued to stare at the young blonde girl in front of her. She really did look like her mother at her age. A body toned from athletic exertion but with her large breasts spared in their voluptuous size and shape.

"Angela and I have discussed...starting a family," Sophitia continued. "We would like you to stud for us."

Sheva's cock stiffened at the words.

"You mean to..." Sheva started but couldn't finish because Sophitia cut her off.

"Impregnate her. Both of us," Sophitia said softly. "Look at her, Sheva. She looks just like me at her age. I want to watch you fuck her. Fuck her like you used to fuck me."

Sophitia took her glass before she could respond and placed them both on the end table. She could tell Sheva wanted to say something but still couldn't find the words to do so. They locked lips. Sophitia ran her left hand up and down her hard stomach, feeling the rippling abs underneath her shirt.

"Would you...would you like that?" Sophitia whispered between kisses.

"Yes...yes...very much," Sheva managed to get out.

Angela walked to the front of the couch and gingerly got down onto her knees in front of Sheva. She looked up and her mother was still kissing her passionately. Though it was fairly dark in the room, the fireplace and Christmas tree provided enough light for Angela to see what awaited her. Her mother had warned her of what to expect, but seeing it for herself found herself unprepared. It ran down her right leg like a large rod. Carefully, she grabbed the South African's pants by the waistband and pulled them down to the floor.

The large black cock, now free, sprung forward and upwards, jutting powerfully towards her. It was hard to tell in the current light and without a ruler, but by Angela's estimation, it was pushing twelve inches of hard, veiny, dark flesh. She bit her lip. It was by far the largest cock she had ever seen.

Angela wanted to stop and stare at the majesty of it, but the moment was finally here, and it was time to act. Working up a big wad of saliva in her mouth, she spit on the cock. She began to run both hands up and down the cock with slight twisting motions.

But she had to taste it. It simply looked too delicious to put it off any longer.

She imbibed the first few inches into her mouth as her hands began to work the shaft. Slowly at first but slowly picking up speed.

Sophitia looked down to see her daughter hard at work. The sight of the big black cock in Angela's mouth was inordinately hot to her.

"You're doing a great job down there, " Sophitia said to Angela before turning to Sheva. "Isn't she, baby?"

Sheva began to writhe in pleasure, her body rocking side to side and back and forth. Angela diligently followed wherever it went.

"Yes...she's so good," Sheva moaned before starting to kiss Sophitia again. She began to aggressively paw at Sophitia's pajama top.

"Oh, you want these out?" Sophitia cooed. "I know you want to suck on these. You used to love to."

"Yes, yes, please, please, please" Sheva begged.

"Awww, you're already begging. This is new; you usually take what you want without asking," Sophitia said.

Sophitia unbuttoned her pajama top, revealing the same white bra as Angela. Sheva grabbed the bra by the centre gore, the center part between the cups. She ripped it violently forward, snapping it apart, and Sophitia's heavy tits spilled out. Sophitia's head whipped back and she moaned as Sheva began to hungrily suck on them.

"Ahhhh, that's what I'm used to. Taking what you want from me," Sophitia whimpered.

Sheva simply nodded without speaking while she continued to suckle on each breast in a alternating fashion.

By this point, Sheva's foot long shaft was a wet mess of saliva and precum and still being fervently attended to by the young college blonde. Without saying a word, Sheva stood up from the couch, gestured Sophitia to follow, and told her to get on her knees.

Sophitia did as she was told, kneeling down gently before her. This was the Sheva she remembered. The Sheva she fell in love with in college before life took them their separate ways.

The mother and daughter took action without needing to be directed. They began to lick and kiss each side of the shaft, running their mouths and tongues from base to tip. Their lips met at the tip and they began to eagerly kiss before soon returning to the shaft.

"Do not forget her balls, honey," Sophitia whispered to her daughter. Angela hadn't, and immediately began to suck and spit-bathe the large black sack in front of her.

Sheva took this opportunity to aggressively fuck the mouth of the older blonde. She grabbed the back of her head for better control and to ensure she didn't try to back away from the long, eager strokes she was giving her. Sophitia gagged but otherwise accommodated her size perfectly.

"You remember when we used to cut class and head to the bathroom together? Sometimes I just couldn't wait, and every time you made me cum," Sheva said, still stroking the eager wet mouth.

Sophitia responded with little more than a wet sounded gurgle, the large cock inside her mouth and throat made speaking impossible.

Finally, she pulled her cock from her mouth. She spit on her face, slapped her cheek, and began to rub the saliva all over face before fingering her mouth with it.

"Angela, lay on your back," Sheva said, this time commandingly and with authority.

"Yes, ma'am," Angela said unclasping her bra after seeing what happened to her mother. She laid down on back, her big tits undulating dramatically. Then she grabbed them and began to playfully jiggle them for Sheva.

Sheva crouched down and got eye level with Sophitia, gently tilting her head up with a hand underneath her chin.

"I'm going to fuck your daughter's tits now. Just like I fucked yours," Sheva said.

Sophitia bit her lip at this. The intention made her wetter than she thought possible. The image of her lover's big black cock fucking her young daughter's fat perky tits was arresting.

"Please use her however you desire," Sophitia panted as she touched herself on the couch.

"Oh, I full intend to," Sheva responded without looking at Sophitia as she stared down the young blonde on the floor. Angela met Sheva's eyes with hers while she continued to knead her tits.

"You should just do it then," Angela said as she looked up at her, smiling seductively. "I've been waiting all night for you to fuck me."

"After your tits."

Sheva walked over to Angela and stood over her, straddling her, and then kneeled down, nestling her cock in between the young blonde's tits. She spit in between them, and instructed Angela to do the same. Her cock was still wet from Sophitia's mouth and she began to take long, rapid strokes as she tit-fucked the young blonde. Angela squeezed her big tits together as she did her best to accommodate the large black cock. Sophitia looked on from the couch, still touching herself, and already near orgasm at the sight of the built black woman fucking her young blonde daughter's tits on the floor. It brought back memories of dorm room escapades where Sheva would use her body to pleasure herself every way possible. Her hands, mouth, holes, and tits were all fair game to quench her insatiable sex drive.

Sophitia came on the couch, alone, as her ex-college lover fucked her daughter's tits on the floor before her. Her body spasmed violently as the orgasm took her. She laid there basking in her orgasm until Sheva's voice roused her.

"Get over here and get her pussy ready for me," Sheva said authoritatively at her as she stood up.

Sophitia did as she was told, got done on all fours, and began to earnestly eat the young blonde's pussy. Sheva walked away to grab something in the kitchen.


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