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Mother-In-Law May I Ch. 10

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The family is reunited at long last.
7.2k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/02/2022
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This is the final installment of this series. If you care to read it, my commentary about the last three chapters of this series is at the end. Thanks for sticking with the series.

Chapter Ten


Amber stood in the living room of her long-time home and looked around at the emptiness everywhere. She was happy to be letting go and moving on, but she was sad to leave all the memories behind.

"I'm sorry I have to leave you this way," she said out loud. "I may not be who you wanted me to be but... I'm happy, right? I'm happy with Mackenzie and her husband. I'm happy to carry his child, even though it's not our little girl's. I always considered how you would judge me for what I've done lately but I also knew that you always wanted me to be happy."

She looked around again. She wept silently.

"I am happy, babe. I love our children and in a weird way, I guess, I discovered a new love that I never considered before. I'm happy. Our son came back to us, and he promised me he would complete our family since it was destroyed after you left us."

Her head bowed slightly in guilt.

"I know it's not the direction you would have led us, but without you, I did the best I could. Though, sometimes I wondered if I truly did."

She walked a large circle around the room.

"I'll miss this house, but I'll always have the memories we made here. I love you."

She walked to the kitchen counter and set the remaining keys to the house on it and walked out for the last time. She shed a few tears as she locked the door from the inside and closed it, never able to open it again on her own. She pressed her forehead against the door.

"Tell me I'm doing the right thing," she whispered.

She held her stance for a couple minutes before waddling to the car where her daughter was waiting.

"I can't believe I'm leaving our home," she said to Mackenzie.

"Our home is several states away now, Mom," Mackenzie said. "This one had memories, for sure, but look how they ended."

"Yeah," her mother replied.

It was a silent drive home and mother and daughter relived the memories of old and daydreamed about the new memories they will share together. Brian came out to greet them when they arrived, and he helped Mackenzie get the boxes out of their car after helping his mother-in-law get inside and get seated.

A week had passed since Luke left to find his sister and he had not contacted them at all. Amber worried plenty enough for everyone, but Mackenzie knew he could hold his own out there since he had done it for so long already. As they made dinner, they all discussed how the remainder of their time there would go. They questioned what point there was in keeping the old phones and why they needed to change the plans they had to move their combined households. Amber and Catherine expressed concern about being in the late stages of their pregnancy, but they were calmed and told them what their doctors had already advised.

"You just need to be here," Mackenzie said to both of them. "Don't try and help us move anything and we will take care of you. Remember, you have precious cargo!"

Catherine understood the precautions that needed to be taken and took the doctor's advice to heart. Amber was a bit stubborn and persistently tried to help get things done faster. It became habit for Brian to detach himself from whatever he was doing to attend to her. When she would try lifting things or moving furniture, he would take her by the hand and guide her to the bedroom. Making her cum several times would make her tired and she would nap while Mackenzie took care of moving smaller things into the garage or packing up boxes. Amber sometimes helped on purpose just to get sex without going through the usual steps. She never caught on that even though Brian enjoyed fucking her whenever she wanted, his primary goal during that time was to get her sleepy and unwilling to help any longer.

Sometimes, both Catherine and Amber both would become bothersome as the other two tried packing and moving without interruption. On those occasions, all four of them would take a break from moving and enjoy some intimate moments in bed together.

The common practice would have Amber and Catherine on their backs. They would hold each other's hands as their daughter and son respectively dived between their legs. Sometimes they would kiss passionately as they were being eaten out, sometimes they simply enjoyed closing their eyes while they were being brought to orgasm. Of course, there were variations along the way as to how they were each feeling, but they ensured the four of them took an intimate break together and slept together that same night.

When they were three weeks from closing, they all began to get anxious about Luke's plans. He had yet to contact them. They decided that they would give him more time but after a certain point, they had to move forward with their original plans. At that moment, the house looked as empty as Amber's did when Luke arrived. Mattresses were on the floor, they were using paper and plastic utensils and microwaving most of their food, if they didn't eat out. All their other items were either in storage or in their garage.

With two weeks remaining, Luke finally broke his silence.

"Call this number in five minutes," the text message read on Catherine's phone.

Amber was anxious to call him and paced the floor as the minutes counted down. When the exact time passed, she called the number and was happy to hear her son's voice.

"Hi, Mom," he said. "I don't have much of an update for Calley. All I can tell you is that I know where she's not. Aside from that, I have the rest of the plan worked out. You may not like all the details, but I assure you, it's for the best."

She put him on speaker as he laid out the plans.

"First things first, put all your old phones in a small box and tape it up. They will be going somewhere, but not with you. When you leave for the last time, leave that box on the porch and someone will pick it up. Don't worry about them anymore. That will help take care of people being able to find you too easily.

"After that, I know half of you are pregnant," he said with a chuckle, "So, I'm sending some stand-up guys to come help you move. They have a large truck and will come when you need them. They will pick up all your stuff from storage and whatever house the rest is in and will drive you where you need to go. You can release whoever you hired to do the job.

"These guys are not dealers, users or anything else. They're good guys and will handle all the stuff for you. You can offer to help them, but they'll probably decline it all. We good so far?"

Brian stepped up and asked, "Are we really concerned with people tracking us?"

"I'm not overly concerned about it, but it would make me feel better if I took these extra steps," Luke replied.

Everyone nodded silently to each other.

"And they will take us all the way to the new house?" Amber asked.

"They will take you anywhere you want to go that a truck can get to. Just give them the address and they will get you there, unpack the truck and move the heavy furniture in for you. Everything else will be up to you guys," he told them.

"What about Calley?" Mackenzie asked.

"Like I told Mom, I know where she's not. I also know where she's been but that's only marginally helpful. I will tell you that when I find her, it will still be months before we meet back up with you. My requirement is that she is completely clean and sober and through a 12-step program before I bring her home. We will do that far away from here and still far enough from where you're going."

"Thank you, Luke," his mother said.

"Don't thank me yet, there's still a lot to do. I need something from you, Mom."

"Anything," she replied.

"None of this is free. I need money to pay people for their services, for me to live and to fulfill my plan when I do finally find Calley."

"Of course! Should I send the money to the same place I was before?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not. Get cash please and someone will be by to get it for me."

"Uh, okay. I'm curious why you're having everyone else do things for you instead of maybe coming here and visiting to taking care of things?"

Luke sniggered and said, "I've kind of made a name for myself out here and people owe me favors. I know they're being paid and that's not much of a favor but some of these guys wouldn't lift a finger for the little I will be paying them. The favor is that they're even doing it. It's a weird world out here."

They finished the conversation and Luke told him he would not be in contact with them again until they day they were set to leave. When asked if he thought that was wise considering all the plan changes and something not going right, he told them that he chose the people who would be helping and that there will be no need to worry about something not happening as described.

They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"He sounds like he's become some kind of street boss the way he's moving people and money around," Mackenzie said.

"Yeah, it does, but it also sounds like he's anxious to leave that lifestyle as well," her mother added.

The four of them did what they could in the moment. The phones were all charged, wrapped up, boxed up and the box was set near the door, waiting to be put out. They finished all the final touches in the house and the day before moving day finally arrived. They had a new schedule to keep as they were needed at the new house in six days to close on it which was perfectly within the realm of possibility given all the changes that had to be made.

The night before they were to leave for the last time, Brian and his mother shared a bed as did Mackenzie and her mother.

Brian told his mother how much he was looking forward to their new life. She echoed his thoughts and told him how excited she was to help raise the new children. She was laying on her side nude as they had all learned to enjoy. He was positioned behind her and was getting turned on by the excitement that the days ahead were bringing.

She could feel his excitement.

"Wanting one last romp before we head out, huh?" she said.

"Yeah, is that okay?" he asked apprehensively.

"You never have to ask me that. It's always okay and I'll always do my best to never deny you if you accept that while it's okay to want sex from me, there may come a time where I just won't physically enjoy it and will ask you to hold off."

"What do you mean? Like, if you're sick or something?" he asked.

"That, or if I have something on my mind that will likely preoccupy my thoughts."

"Okay, well we've all come to value open and honest communication so, I just hope you'll be honest with me if you're not wanting to," he told her as he rubbed her body up and down.

"Of course, I will. It's not like you don't have two other women in the house you can fuck," she said with a sly grin.

"That's also true," he said.

He took hold of his cock and push inside his mother, stopping only when his shaft was buried to the hilt.

"I wish I could stay hard all night and sleep while inside you," he said.

"Mmmm, yes. That does sound nice," she moaned. "Tonight, though, I'd like you to fuck me another way."

"Ah, okay."

He moved in and out of her for several strokes. He pulled out and placed the head of his cock at her tight hole.

"Gentle," she said.

He pushed in carefully and again, slowly pushed until he was buried all the way inside her and stopped.

"I love feeling so full," she said.

She lifted her upper leg and moved it behind her slightly until it rested on his as he began moving gently back and forth. She did the best she could to rub her clit around her large belly. He cupped one of her breasts in his hand and together, they moved liked a timed machine. He took short, slow strokes in and out of her ass while she slowly rubbed two fingers between her vagina and her clit.

"Are you going to cum soon," she asked.

"Probably not, I fucked Amber this morning after breakfast and she gave me a blowjob when I took a break from moving more stuff into the garage," he said.

They continued moving in sync.

"When was the last time you made love to your wife, Brian. I don't mean fuck, either. Have you been giving her proper attention?"

"Absolutely, Mom. Neither of us would never allow ourselves to neglect the other. That's one of the big talks we had before we first had a threesome."


No additional conversation was held, and they both continued their slow fucking while they listened to each other's moans and coos.

In the other room, Amber and Mackenzie had a similar conversation.

"How do you feel about leaving your home?" Amber asked.

"I'm more than okay with it. It's not like I'm leaving a place behind where we made and raised a family," she said, staring absently at the ceiling of the bedroom.

Amber was on her side with her hand on her daughter's body, rubbing her chest softly.

"Well, you kind of made a family here, but I know what you mean. What about the house you grew up in?"

Mackenzie sighed and said, "When Dad died, it was hard remembering all the good times without that event overriding them all. I have good memories of all of us and I will be much happier in a new home with all of us together moving to the future and making new memories."

Amber's hand moved a little further down until she was caressing her daughter's stomach as well as her chest.

"You're still okay with everything that's happened over the last year?" she asked Mackenzie.

"You mean like, us?" she asked.


"Of course, I am! I was always willing to experiment and try new things. That's what brought us to invite another woman into our bed that first time. I sometimes wonder if my experimentation was a way for Brian and me to get to where we are now. I know he loves the new arrangement, too."

Amber laughed softly.

"Of course, he would! He has three ladies to choose from!"

"Yeah, but in a way, we all have three others to choose from, no?" Mackenzie said.

"I guess we do, yeah. Didn't really think about that. Just so happens that us three ladies also appreciate a beautiful woman to share a bed with."

Mackenzie rolled onto her side and pressed her lips against her mother's.

"Yes, we do. I love what we have with each other, and I'll never give it up without a fight," she told her mother.

Amber leaned in and kissed her daughter while pulling her close and holding her tightly. Her hands roamed all over Mackenzie's body and the desire each had for the other was building rapidly. Mackenzie didn't wait too long before pulling away from her mother and changing positions until they were in as much of a sixty-nine as they could get with Amber bring pregnant and on her side.

They fingered and licked each other as if they were separating for a long time. It was always how they were with each other. It was passionate but hurried and rough. They lapped at each other's pussies, toyed with their puckered holes and came in each other's mouths several times that night. While Mackenzie was enjoying wearing her mother out with orgasm after orgasm, Brian was working to build his mother up to a single, monstrous orgasm.

Though he was slow and deliberate at first, he knew what she liked and changed his tactics. He reached one arm under and wrapped his fingers around her jaw and took a fistful of hair in his other hand.

"Ugh," she grunted as she knew what he intended. "Fuck me, son."

"Tell me what you want, Mom," he whispered to her as his strokes became faster and harder.

"Fuck my ass and don't pull out until you've cum," she said.

"Anything else?"

"Fuck my tight hole hard," she begged.

"What else, Mom?"

"Rub my pussy and make me cum when you do!" she moaned.

He pulled almost completely out of her, then in a sharp motion, pushed himself deep into her. He repeated this motion until the sharpness faded and he was simply fucking her with smooth and fast strokes until he knew he was going to cum. He slowed only occasionally when he needed to edge himself as he waited for her signal. It took a while, but finally the moment came, and they both did as well.

She squeaked out a warning about her impending orgasm and he moved to match her timing. His renewed energetic thrusts put her over the edge and mother and son came together. He pumped his seed into her ass and her body shook as she accepted it. He went to pull out and she put her hand on him, holding him in place.

"Stay for just a moment longer," she said.

He did and kissed her lightly everywhere he could reach as he softened. Nature took its course and ejected him from his mother's body unceremoniously. Catherine contently sighed while her son continued peppering her with light kisses.

"I'll be back. Need to clean up a bit before we fall asleep," she told him.

"Do you need help?" he offered.

"No, this old, pregnant woman can make it on her own still," she said with a smile.

He watched her waddle to the bathroom and patiently waited for her return.

Everyone slept well that night in post-orgasmic bliss.

The following morning, everything started to fall into place. Mid-morning, a large moving truck showed up at the curb and two men hopped out and came to the door. They introduced themselves and got right to work. Brian and Mackenzie helped wherever they were able while Amber and Catherine scoured the rest of the house to ensure nothing was being left behind. The two men kept a side-eye on the pregnant women to ensure they weren't over-extending themselves. Mackenzie saw this behavior and thought it was sweet of her brother to send such caring men to help them.

When all the items in the garage were in the truck and the mattresses in the house were packed up, the two men asked for the address where the storage unit was and then the address where they were ultimately headed. They were quick and quiet about their work which led Amber to wonder if they were used to transporting certain items without needing too much information and doing it as quickly as possible. She didn't care much since their purpose that day with her family was on the up and up. They told her when they expected to be there, and she agreed that it would be just fine.

Brian and Mackenzie were the last ones out of the house. They made no ceremony of locking the door but ensured they placed the box on the porch as Luke told them. They watched the truck slowly pull away from the curb and turn the corner down the street. Brian and Mackenzie finished packing the rest of the small boxes in the trunks of their cars and they helped their mothers in and kissed each other goodbye.

"Let me know when you need to stop. I have a feeling that with a pregnant woman in each car, we'll be stopping often," he told his wife.

"I'm certain of it. Are you excited?" she asked him happily.

"Moreso than I thought I was going to be. I'm ready to move on to the next step and we're finally doing it!" he said with a big smile.

Meanwhile, two towns over...

Luke was wading carefully through a drug den following up on a lead he got on his sister. On the first floor, he saw users looking half-dead laying on the floor and trash scattered throughout. He had to cover his nose to try and repel the scent of human waste, mold and decay. He carefully moved to the stairs where each step he took toward the second floor felt like a potential death trap.

He made it to the second floor and looked around. Half the walls had large holes in them with only the studs remaining. He looked through them as much as he could to see what he could find but between the trash and the zombie-like bodies lying on the floor, he couldn't identify anyone or anything. He moved from room to room when on his third look into a room, he spotted her.


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