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Mother of Love Ch. 02


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"Uh huh, so now Sean is gonna be the one bedding you like Egyptian cotton? Wonder if he's up to the task."

"Oh fuck, Caitlin, if you had any idea how eager this kid is you wouldn't be wondering."

"You're making me jealous, share with your sister!" Caitlin pleaded, balling up her fists and slamming them on her bed in frustration. I knew she wanted a picture, that part didn't surprise me. What surprised me was how quickly she took to the idea of Sean and me being this close.

I reasoned that our past together, dabbling in incestuous games and exploring each other past what most sisters would, gave her an edge that cut the judgement many people would have shown me.

Still, her enthusiasm was surprising and I felt urged to make sure it wasn't being played. "You seem a bit too excited, Cait. This wouldn't happen to be something you've already been thinking about, would it?"

"And by this you mean..." She tried to play coy.

"I mean my son, and his dick, and the fact that I can practically hear your mouth watering over the phone." Metaphorically, of course. But she didn't know that.

"Fine, you're right."

I waited.

"You're right about...yes, okay Sean is good looking but I've never thought of him like that I mean, he's my nephew." Caitlin was trying to ground herself, retreating back into what she knew as safety instead of branching out. "I just think we'd be lying if we didn't say he was growing up into quite a hottie."

"But he's my son, and that didn't stop either of us. You're curious, aren't you?" I was only half aware of it, but my index finger was now slowly circling my areola, teasing it to forming a firm, pink nub I could easily pinch between my fingers. As I seemed myself I felt the ribbons tying me to civility begin to loosen. "If he can gag his mother on his cock, surely he would be happy to choke his big-titted aunt as well."

"Would that be...okay? I'm a curious girl, we already knew that. But this might be too much for me." Her final sentence trailed off and I could tell she was thinking deeply. "Hey! I thought we had a long-standing deal that you would send me any dick pics you had of guys you'd slept with. When did that stop?"

"About 25 years ago, when Donald formally requested I stop blowing strange, well hung men and marry him instead." I blew hair out of my face, stifling the pang of guilt I felt at disparaging my husband in such a cavalier way.

She was right, though. For years, anytime I had met someone worth taking to bed, I made sure to forward all of their dick pics to my sister for approval. Not that I had actually let her judge my relationships on penis related qualities, but it was a fun little game.

"I haven't had sex with him yet, you goof. I can't just blatantly ask him for a pic of his dong."

Caitlin scoffed. "Yet, huh? Got a plan in the works, do ya, Sophie?" Shit, she caught me. I tried to misdirect her with a topic change.

"It sounds to me like you're desperate for a picture of Sean's dick, is that true? I think I have one from when he was a baby lying around, he used to love running around naked when he was a little guy." I rustled the sheets around, trying to make it sound like I was looking for something in my dresser drawers.

"NO!" She took the bait. "You know I want a recent one! Nobody cares about baby snakes, I want a python I can fucking gag on." This time it was laughter I had to stifle; after going this long without talking about sex with her, I'd forgotten how blunt our dirty talk was. It made sense, we taught each other everything we know.

"If that's what you want, then you picked the right nephew. I couldn't even stop my eyes from watering when he had his balls against my chin." I closed my eyes blissfully, rubbing my stomach and imagining Sean's semen swimming around my insides.

As for a picture, my mind continued to swim with possibilities; Sean had a great one of me, maybe I should get one of him to show to Cait. Better yet, maybe I wouldn't have to rely on just a picture to show her what Sean was packing. Theorizing that my sister was at least twice as horny as I was, and without a son for her to take it out on, I pitched an idea I knew would go over well. Caitlin listened with a patient ear, gasping and giving "ooooh, aaaah" at all the right places, until she culminated with an ear shattering; "FUCK YES!"

I held the receiver away from my ear and rolled my eyes, waiting for the fangirling on the other end to die down.

"You'd be comfortable with that?" I already knew the answer.

"I'll find the girls a sitter as soon as I can. I can probably be over tonight?" She sounded suggestive but I could tell there was a desperate plea behind her words.

Sadly, I had to turn her down. Tonight wasn't right for us to swarm Sean with Mommy-love, as per my plan. Instead, I convinced Caitlin to give the night to Sean and I, whatever I thought that meant.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Soff. Your kid has huge feet, so I can only imagine the damage he's gonna do on you if he gets in there." My sister warned me lovingly.

I chuckled at her use of the word "if", like there was any chance I'd even bother inviting Caitlin over without the promise of getting her off.

"It's getting really late, I should call it a night. I'm here if you wanna call again, I love you."

"I love you too, Cait. I'll call you tomorrow and tell you how it goes tonight, okay?" She agreed and we hung up, severing contact until our rendezvous tomorrow.

Though it was difficult, I convinced her to wait until tomorrow by promising one, very particular, condition. Much to my dismay, and Caitlin's outburst of joy, I was cornered into promising Caitlin she and my son could do the one thing I wouldn't even let Donald do.

Synapse cannons fired off in my brain, letting the stomach-churning reality set in all at once. I was going to let my Son in my ass, and I didnt know whether I was trembling from nerves, or unexplainable excitement.

But I was ready as hell to find out.


My bare feet stuck to the chestnut brown hardwood floors as I silently crept downstairs, adding little suction sounds to my small steps as I descended to the living room.

After my eventful phone call with Caitlin, I hadn't the capacity to put on anything more than a long sleeved shirt over top of my shorts. I never thought twice about how I dressed around my kids, so going without a bra wasn't uncouth. It felt different now, knowing there would be prying eyes watching me prance around half-dressed.

Sean and Lucy were taking up opposite ends of the couch, both facing the TV, leaving the middle cushion open. My theory was that they did this so when they started fighting, their insults had time to gather momentum before slapping the other person across the face. That, and a safe distance to avoid hard-flung fists.

I entered the room in the middle of Lucy giving her older brother a long, overly detailed explanation on why they weren't going to be watching anything on the Discovery Network, and why Sean should "kindly go fuck himself, thanks".

Her words, not mine.

If I hadn't broken them up, it would have escalated to a full blown slapfest in mere minutes.

"Lucy, your Brother got home today, at least wait the customary 24 hours before you start bugging him?"

Lucy flung the remote at Sean and hit him in the shoulder. "Momma's boy." She retreated into the safety of her phone screen, effectively sealing away from Sean and I.

"Damn right." Sean muttered under his breath, exchanging a knowing look with me. I gave him a little wink timed with a commanding clap to bring his Sister down to Earth. "You, with me, in the kitchen."

"What? What did I do?" She whined, flicking her phone off and casting her face in shadow.

"Nothing, yet." I folded my arms over my chest. "Which is why you're going to help me with dinner, for a change."

"Why the hell doesn't Sean have to help?" She complained.

"Because," I looked to the boy in question. "He's had a long drive back from university, which he chose to attend this year-."

"Mom, we've been over this."

"I'm not finished, Lucy." I forced my tone to grow angry, but I felt nothing of the sort. Thanks to my shower with Sean, I was feeling bubblier and happier than usual, but I couldn't tell her that. "He's been working all year, making his own meals and doing laundry by himself."

"What a fucking chore." Lucy was growing bored, I had to pull her back in before I lost her to her phone.

"Excuse me, young lady?" I let a menacing growl sneak into my voice that gave her goosebumps visible from the doorway. "He's my son, if I can take care of him, I will. Sean has been doing chores for me all day and as your mother, I'm telling you to help me. I'll find work for him, you know your Brother hates cooking."

A grumble of discontent was all Lucy fought back with, dragging herself off the couch and marching to the kitchen with heavy, grumpy footsteps.

A smile crept on to Sean's face; it seemed this commanding stance got a rise out of him. Good to know. Rather than follow hot on the heels of my grouchy daughter, I teased my Son a little bit, to feel the rush I felt on my knees in the shower, by offering him an ultimatum.

"Hey, hot stuff." I whispered, cocking my head to the side curiously. Caution told me to keep eyeing the door in case Lucy decided to make an unannounced reappearance.

"Hey, Mom." Sean said, greedily absorbing the image of my body's every inch, not bothering to concentrate on keeping his mouth from hanging open. "You look...really great."

Whether or not that was true, I appreciated the compliment. I hadn't done anything to doll myself up, so seeing such a bewildered reaction to my natural, low-effort self was something only Sean had ever shown me. "Thank you, sweetheart. I have an idea, if you're up for it."


"You don't even know what it is yet, what if I do actually make you clean the gutters?"

Without missing a beat or shifting his gaze, Sean replied; "As long as I get to have you at the end of it, I would crawl through fire."

'Have me'. Is what he had said. Not have sex and with me, or fuck me, but he wanted all of me. I choked up a bit, flustered in a way that reminded me of trying to talk to cute boys in highschool so many years ago, before I discovered how to really "talk" with them.

I seductively slid my boy shorts down over the hump of my butt, turning to the side just enough to Sean could see the swell of his Mother's round, succulent bottom silhouetted against the dim light coming from around the corner in the kitchen.

"And what will I get from Mommy as a thank you?" Sean spoke softly, no anxiety peppering his words, with a boldness I wouldn't let go unrewarded. I felt the plague of goosebumps appearing on the back of my neck and welcomed their arrival.

"What do you want from her?" I purred softly, daring to drop my bunched up cotton shorts even lower, to keep his attention where I wanted it. Even when I spoke with the sexiest voice I could, Sean was transfixed on my ass, just how I wanted it.

His gaze was unwavering, and I had the sinking feeling that my Son was wordlessly telling me he had already picked his favourite part of my body, regardless of how talented I was with my mouth. To be fair, I was intentionally swaying my butt back and forth, and I had been doing squats lately, so the attention was warranted.

Sean hadn't responded to me yet, so I subtly prompted him. "See something you like?" I bit my lower lip, waiting for his approval of me like a schoolgirl looking for attention while giving a final little dip to pop out my lower half.

"I don't see anything I don't like, you're flawless, Mom." It didn't feel like Sean was trying to swoon me, he was stating an indisputable fact that even he was having trouble comprehending. "If I clean the gutters can I have...her?" His wording was awkward; I had never had my vagina referred to as a "her" before. Seeing as "she" tightened in response, pinching out a small droplet of honey from between her creamy lips, I don't think she minded one bit.

"We'll see how clean you get the gutters, okay? I don't wanna make enormous promises just to get a lazy job out of you." What was wrong with me? I was asking myself over and over again, but nothing could compensate for the guilt, or adrenaline rush, Sean gave me.

"Wow, Mom, I've never had a girl let me...back there." He exclaimed, making me wonder why I hadn't noticed it was my bum he was gawking at. I assumed he was eager to return to his first home, but perhaps he had other plans.

"Have you ever tried it?" Sean was riddled with curiosity, tightly wound like a Hitchcock thriller.

Technically, I had. But it wasn't something I had done with a man before. Caitlin had always had a wild fascination with my ass; she said it was so thick she couldn't help but leave handprints in my flesh.

It happened one night, after pestering me for an entire hour, I finally caved and allowed my sister to play with my ass. I swear to God she was less like a kid in a candy store, and more of a kid in charge of an entire candy factory; she was in absolute uninterrupted euphoria the entire time I let her (gently) prod and push her fingers into my inexperienced hole.

Once I was used to her fingers, she introduced me to the wonders of her mouth. To this day I can't even picture anal without first imagining her tongue buried between my ass cheeks, sloppily sucking at my puckered butthole.

We only did it a handful of times after that, each attempt becoming rougher, until I finally had to stop her to save myself from being ripped in half. I'd always been interested to try it again, with a real dick, but hadn't found an opportunity where I actually wanted someone, man or woman, to really give it to me in the one spot I felt so fragile.

My stomach churned with freshly hatched butterflies as it slowly became clear that the opportunity I was looking for might have presented himself to me. Regardless, I wasn't ready for that yet, and Caitlin would have a field day if she knew I'd caved to anal sex without her, so I pushed it to the recess of my mind. Still, I left a mental sticky note on the idea that read "revisit later; with Cait."

Rather than clue Sean in on my history with anal, I let him think I was a tad more pure than I really was. "Never, not even your Father. I never let him in her." For added effect I smacked my ass and turned just enough so the light bounced off my skin, juicy handfuls of meat rippling for his amusement.

My babyboy was staring in wonder, giving more praise to my teasing than I had ever received from something so slight. Considering he'd already seen me completely naked and knew what the back of my throat felt like, I didn't imagine something so tame would rile him up this quickly.

His reactions were never disingenuous, never faked for my benefit, he was genuinely and unequivocally obsessed with seeing me naked. Much to my surprise, I had nothing but similar feelings I was aching to return in the most devious of ways. Truth be told, I felt like a teenage slut the way I was craving attention from my Son, sexual or otherwise, I found myself attracted to simply being near him.

"You can have her one day." I grabbed onto one cheek and the doughy flesh oozed over my fingers, earning saucer-sized eyes from Sean. "But not yet, despite what my shower may have implied, we're gonna start taking it slower."

That wasn't entirely true, but I needed a way out in case everything got too...real, I suppose. "So before we do anything else, I'm gonna need those gutters cleaned." I winked playfully and stomped my foot, snapping him from his daze. "So, big guy, the gutters sound like a fair chore, or what?" He nodded and took off like a rocket, not bothering to hide the enormous bulge in his sweatpants.

In fact, and I'm sure he did this part on purpose, his cock brushed against me as he slid past me until the hall, slowing down so that I could feel the heat from his crotch radiating like a furnace near to my own heat source. We were only pressed together for a couple seconds, yet it took every ounce of restraint in my soul not to collapse into Sean's arms and pin us against the wall.

When he was out of the room, I finally had a chance to catch the breath I had found so fleeting amid our palpable tension. My heart was trying its hardest to burst from my chest and I didn't want the feeling, the rush, to stop. My pulse returned to normal, but my thoughts were still whirring a mile a minute. I had to pull myself down from the clouds, where my Son proudly dominated my concentration, in order to convince myself to start dinner.

I went through the motions on autopilot, coasting through the meal-prep without a single shred of brain power dedicated to actually cooking. At the height of my fantasizing I wouldn't even be able to tell you what I had chosen to make.

I didn't feel like myself, I felt young again. The last time I had experienced this infatuation was in high school with my first boyfriend, back when making out was considered a serious commitment. These thoughts were so different from my usual harmless sexual daydreaming, featuring whatever golden bodied, pinnacle of prowess was in the spotlight that week.

No, these were moments of bliss where I imagined nothing but my Son's arms around my body, his lips latched onto a nipple like when he was my baby, and his cock stuffing me to my heart's desire.

My heavy daze prevented me from hearing my name called, even after Sean shouted it for the fourth time or so. I turned and blinked like I had woken from sleep to see my boy standing in the kitchen doorway covered in sweat, nail beds full of dirt and gunk. "What happened to you?" I asked.

He shot me a look of concern. "Gutters, remember? You do remember telling me to do them, right?" His smile dropped. "Don't tell me I did this for nothing!"

I offered him a sympathetic smile, abandoning subtlety as I dove straight for his dick, grabbing it through his thin cotton shorts and giving the spongy head a small squeeze. "Baby, I'm kidding. It's about time they got cleaned out, I've been asking your Father for weeks."

As if on cue, I heard the door beep indicating Donald had opened the front door. All he had to do was round the corner and he would see Sean's meaty cock resting comfortably in my palm. And if he looked even closer, he would have seen me salivating.

Until now, the taboo carried little weight, since it was just between us. But hearing Donald return home had made it abundantly clear that it would only take a second, one single moment, to derail everything I had set in motion. I didn't want Donald to know anything, or rather, I didn't want him to even think there was something to know about that he didn't know about. All that realization set in and I leapt back from Sean, banging my head on the cabinet behind me with a sharp CRACK.

"Sophie, honey? You okay?" Donald droned from the front hall.

"I'm fine, but fuck that hurt." I rubbed the back of my skull while Sean rooted through the freezer for a cold-pack.

"Hey now, watch your language for crying out loud, our kid is home." Donald laughed jokingly as he waltzed into the kitchen, oblivious to the boner Sean had stealthily flipped up into his waistband. He dropped his coat and suitcase, leaning in to give me a light peck on the cheek and Sean a firm handshake.

"God dammit, I wish he was Sean." I caught myself thinking sour thoughts towards Donald, so for the sake of our family I put on a brave face and called Lucy to the kitchen for dinner.

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