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Mother of Love Ch. 02


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We ate through dinner in mostly silence, save for the sound of Donald tapping away on his phone while he ate. It was set down on the table, so every touch set off a tiny vibration I could feel on the other side of the table. "Honey, do you have to do that now?" My faux smile was on full display.

"Dear, we've discussed this." He didn't grant me the courtesy of eye contact. "I have a company to help run, they need me there. So, if I'm going to be here, I also have to be there, okay?."

"I need you to be here, Donald." I said through gritted teeth. "Why don't you talk to your Son on his first night home in months?"

He rolled his eyes, hoping I wouldn't see it with his head tilted down as he begrudgingly pocketed his phone. "Okay, if that'll help get you out of this mood of yours." What an asshole. "So, Sean, what are you gonna do tomorrow with your first day back on the old block?"

Sean grumbled something about relaxing, giving his Father minimal attention. Ever the ignorant, Donald didn't notice his disinterest and kept talking about how they should go to lunch with some of his colleagues the next day, essentially inviting him to a stuffy business meeting. "Come on, it'll be good for you to make some new connections. It's all about networking, you know, Son?"

My temper reached a boiling point and I saw an opportunity to release some rage. When Donald finished, I turned to Sean again. "Actually, I think you have some chores to do tomorrow."

"Sophie, he has all summer to do chores, let me spend some time with him if that's what'll help you...settle down." He was trying to deliver his condescension gently, but I wasn't about to let that slide.

"He's staying home, and that's final. I missed my Son, I don't want you scampering off with him all day." I snarled, pushing my food around my plate to direct the conversation away from me. "Lucy, hon, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Always eager to win the affection of his daughter, Donald perked right up when she started telling "Daddy" about her upcoming day at the beach, followed by a house party that same night. She, along with Donald, would be gone all day. My nerves started buzzing at the realization, the same way they used to when my parents would leave me and my Sister in the house alone for the weekend.

I flashed my Son a smirk across the table and he caught it instantly, returning it with an unabashed wink. His foot brushed up against mine and I felt my heart flutter, reminding me of the thrill of trying to keep our secret. His toes continued to wander until they were mere inches away from by panties, testing the my warmth. I was sure Sean felt it, with the way a smile crept onto his face the longer his toes ventured.

I had to admit, I was growing fond of Sean's boldness. It seemed as though the more comfortable I made him, the less he saw me as a matronly figure, and as more of a woman. A woman who, against the laws of nature, was seriously considering having sex with her Son. Then again, wasn't this sort of the most natural thing in the world? Perhaps my brain was finding ways of reasoning to sooner get Sean between my legs, but the more I thought about it the more I began to unravel my guilt. I knew Sean wanted to do it, he'd probably even do me in the pantry if I told him I was ready to go now, but was I really ready?

The thought gave me a little chuckle, provoking interest from Donald. "Everything okay?" He hoovered down a spoonful of mashed potatoes, sans eye contact.

"Fine, sweetheart. Everything is just fine." Now it was my turn to avoid eye contact, though it was to deter my Husband from seeing how dramatically our Son could get me to blush through a burst of endorphins.

I spent the rest of the meal with my head down, pretending I had an appetite for anything other than Sean.


The clock on my bedside table brightly flashed 11:15 pm in bold, red lines. The only other light on was in the bathroom where Donald was completing his nightly ritual. I, on the other hand, was in bed going over the news he'd just dumped on me.

"I'm sorry, you have to do what?" I tried to keep my voice down, but hushed whispers couldn't contain my disdain.

"Keep it down, Soff." Donald urged, eyeing the door like one of our kids would come bursting through at any moment.

"Don't call me that, only Cait calls me that and you know that, so why do I have to keep telling you, Donald?" My voice grew louder as I spoke longer, until I was out of breath. "Explain to me why, after not seeing your son for 8 months, you would take this stupid vacation?"

"It isn't a vacation, that's what I'm trying to tell you." He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. "It's for work, everyone from work is going."

"Who is everyone, exactly?" I folded my arms across my chest and arched an eyebrow as high as I could. "Is Amanda going?"

He said nothing for a moment, like he considered lying before realizing I wouldn't have made it easy to get away with. "Yes, okay yes Amanda is going, she works with me I can't make her stay home just because you're so-."

"I'm so what? So jealous, right?" I was trying not to sound shrill. "Well fuck me for being jealous, or distrusting, or crazy, or whatever you want to call me. But when my Husband kisses another woman I shouldn't have to find out about it through your work friends."

"I told you I was sorry. We were drunk, the office went out for cocktails and the two of us just...made a mistake." Finally, I was seeing shreds of shame.

"I've heard the story, thank you, it doesn't warrant repeating." Either way, I knew Donald would continue to defend his actions despite regretting them.

"She's in a relationship now, and this isn't a vacation it's just work focused. We'll be doing team building exercises and work shopping product development all day, it's all about investing in synergy and group cohesion. Hardly the place for romance."

He threw buzzwords at me to keep me distracted, so I played along. Truthfully, I didn't give a shit what he was doing. "Fine, forget I said anything. I could use some time to myself, go on your little retreat."

He groaned like a bear and slid into bed, placing himself as close to the edge of the bed as he could. "Thanks, sweetheart. I knew you'd understand."

I rolled over and shut my eyes as tight as I could. "Goodnight, Donald."

He stayed silent.

Minutes ticked by as I tried to get to sleep, but dreams eluded me with all their might. My brain was drugged up on full blown lust and sleeping beside my snoring husband was somehow not stifling that. I was an addict in need of a fix, and admitting that to myself stung a little bit.

I knew just down the hall from me was a dick waiting to be serviced, so I did what absolutely no sane mother would do. I got out of bed, and I got dressed for my Son. I was currently wearing a baggy sweatshirt and shorts for maximum comfort, but I wanted to look good.

No, scratch that. I wanted to look amazing, for him.

I slipped into a vibrant red babydoll that cut off a couple of inches above my knees, and was stunned to find it had never been worn before. There wasn't much in the way of support for my breasts, if I spun around too quickly they would crash against each other like rolling waves. I never realized how white the untanned portion of my breasts was, but seeing them witj my bronze tan lines, contrasted with the vibrant red lingerie, they really popped. There was something extremely eye catching about seeing three different colours bouncing around when I swayed my boobs back and forth.

I did a sharp turn to see how my skirt would keep up, but ended up exposing a fair bit of my bum to the crisp night air. I gave it a light smack, relishing the sound echoing around the bathroom, challenging me to do it harder. I brought down my palm with more force this time and watched in the mirror as my bottom absorbed the impact, sending out a little ripple like a pebble in a pond.

I had hit myself so hard enough that my other cheek quaked as well. The two mounds fed off each other's energy, wobbling back and forth even after I had poised myself to take another hit. This time I nearly squealed when my hand came down with a THWACK, startling me half as much as it stung. Despite that, I was mesmerized watching my bum taking the punishment and turning a luscious, rosy pink in the process.

I felt a tad silly admiring my own body in such a way, but for years I had felt like it was something I should be neutral about. I never cared very much about how I looked, my kids always came first when I was in my prime. After Donald and I stopped being intimate (sorry, I know, I hate that word too) I fell into a lull where being attractive seemed frivolous. Sean was finally pulling me from that void and giving me the confidence I had back in university, where I was a young, dumb, hot twenty something who had no trouble getting a man.

Staring at my reflection, I could finally see that girl coming back for the first time. I tried my hardest to imagine myself in Sean's shoes, what it would be like to see his Mother dressed up, just for him. I only prayed he wasn't asleep already; I was growing as impatient as I was horny and it was compounding by the minute.

I exited the bathroom with a deep breath, hoping to steady my nerves. Suddenly every creak and groan from the floor was an alarm bell alerting the warden to my daring escape. I crept along the creaky floorboards with feather-light feet, stepping in all the right spots where I knew there would be minimal noise. Down the hall, Sean's room was pitch black, but it would take more than that to discourage me.

I reached his door but couldn't bring myself to open it right away. I had peeked behind his door while my Son was sleeping many, many times throughout his life, as most Mothers will do. But tonight it was taking every modicum of will I had just to grip the handle.

It was serene, as if I wasn't really conscious. How could I be at my Son's door right now, preparing to open it dressed in an outfit that begged him to have sex with me, knowing I had watched my baby boy sleep in that bed so many times?

"Oh, Sophie, I hope you know what you're doing." I mumbled to myself as I opened the door, holding my breath to hear if Sean was awake or not. His breathing was low and constant, taking very deep breaths. I had a few seconds to prepare before I actually woke him up. His bed was big enough for both of us to fit side by side, and then some, so he didn't even stir when I climbed in beside him and tossed the covers over my half naked body.

He was still asleep, completely unaware of my presence. I stood over him for a moment watching his shallow breathing, wondering if he was dreaming of me as much as I day-dreamt of him today.

"Okay, Sean, time to show Mommy what you can do." I whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead.

His eyes snapped open and scanned the room to get his bearings before landing on my face with a confused look. "Mom?"

"Hey, sweetheart." I combed my fingertips against his scalp and gazed longingly into his dark pupils. "Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? Your Father stole all the blankets and I need someone to keep me warm."

"But it's summer?" He gawked without a clue.

"Stop poking me with logic." I wrinkled my nose. "Can you please shut up and hold me now?"

I nestled my body into Sean's arms, burying myself as deep into his chest as I could. His massive arms encompassed me and gave me a sense of peace, rubbing my shoulders and playfully toying with my blonde hair. He was taking deep breaths with his nose pressed to my skull, savouring the mango & coconut aroma wafting towards him. "You smell great, Mom." His husky voice carried an edge to it when he kissed the top of my head, a deep rumbling I could feel vibrating out from his chest.

"I taste great too." I winked with equal parts sexy and cheesy, kissing him without warning. He kissed back with as much effort as his groggy sleep state would allow.

"You're right, you do. What is that...cherry lip balm?" He asked, nibbling on my bottom lip and tugging on it softly. "Delicious."

"I think my other lips taste a whole lot better, do you wanna find out?"

I swung one leg over Sean and climbed on top of him. His hands rested on my thighs, just below the skirt of my babydoll. "You look incredible, Mom." His eyes were wide enough to speak for themselves. "Did you buy this...for me?"

Truthfully, I hadn't. But that doesn't mean I had to let the opportunity go to waste. "I knew how much you'd love your Mommy dressed in red. I'm sorry the underwear doesn't match."

"I think it'll be fine, Mom. What, uh, what colour are they?"

I played up the teasing and kissed my way up Sean's neck, nibbling on his earlobe. "They're a really nice creamy white, almost a sort of peach, I guess?" I whispered to him, wondering if he would get the hint without having to feel around.

His interest was clearly piqued. Sean's hands slid further up my thigh and bunched up the skirt, exposing my bottom to the air. He felt around for evidence of said underwear, but instead found only bare skin. "Mom, you aren't wearing panties." As if I didn't know that already.

"I know, honey. I wanted to bring out that adorable face you make when you're speechless." I smooched him again and was greeted by the aforementioned face. "There! That's the one!" My taunting was having an unexpectedly quick effect on Sean; I could already feel his boxers tenting up. Since that's all he was wearing, Sean didn't even have to be fully erect for me to feel his cock bump against my bare pussy.

The thin barrier of fabric separating us was tightly pulled around the head of Sean's dick, keeping it from entering me, but only just. I was firmly grinding my hips against my son, pushing my weight down to stop him from springing up and losing control. I worked myself into a groove, stirring up a noticeable warmth deep in my belly that grew more intense as I gained speed.

My hands traced over my son's naked body as I felt my way around his chest like I was reading braille. I couldn't stop myself or stay in one spot for too long, I liked letting my impatience get the best of me. Sean's chest was heaving steadily with his deep, concentrated breaths, encouraging my hands to explore the muscular body I was so proud of creating. I paused for a moment when I reached his heart, bewildered by how fast the thing was beating.

Keep in mind, this is the boy I hugged after he ran his first cross country event in high school, and I remembered feeling the powerful thumping of his heart against my chest when I embraced him at the finish line. But that was still nothing compared to the machine gun speed he was experiencing now, and I felt my motherly instincts kick in.

"You're nervous, huh baby?" I cooed softly into his ear.

"A little bit, yeah." He said sheepishly. "Is that weird?"

I kissed Sean's neck as reassuring as I could, letting my lips linger. "Not at all. I'm actually kind of nervous, too."

"Really?" For some reason, he didn't believe his Mother was a nervous wreck upon inciting cowgirl with her Son. If that wasn't enough to bring some anxiety to the surface, then feeling the pulse of his heartbeat through his cock definitely was.

I was prolonging the foreplay for as long as I could, afraid that once I let him inside of me, my Son would never see me the same way again. "You tell me; feel Mommy's heart." I grabbed him by the wrist and guided his palm over my breast, placing my hand over top of his and pressing down so he could feel the rapid fluttering for himself. "I haven't had sex with anybody except for your Father since I married him, and I hate to be the one to tell you, but you're somewhat larger than him."

"I am?" Sean didn't even bother trying to conceal his pride, practically blinding me with how bright he beamed.

"You are." I smiled gleefully, feeding off his burst of happiness. "I don't know where you got this thing from, maybe it was your Grandfather?"

With our lips still locked, I tried to take off my babydoll without breaking the rhythm. I had barely gotten it up over my bum when Sean stopped me and insisted; "Let me do it."

I relinquished control of the fabric and let him take hold. Surprisingly, he didn't immediately try to undress me. Instead, he let me smother his shorts in my juices and went to work playing with my ass. Neither of us dared to be the one to break our kiss so we remained connected at the waist and lips, twisting our tongues together and swapping spit like a couple of horny teenagers.

Feeling his hands against my bare bum startled me at first; heightened sensitivity due to my spanking earlier. Still, I knew that was only part of the answer. The real reason it felt so different was the sheer passion Sean was displaying, pouring over my body with interest in every detail.

He was anything but gentle, unconcerned that it was his own Mother he was roughly toying with. My cheeks gave no resistance when he dug his palms in and took a greedy handful. The meat of my pudgy bum oozed like putty between his fingers. He lifted up the skirt of the babydoll and spanked me, like I had earlier, conjuring a yelp that was thankfully muffled by our lip lock.

Closed eyes entrenched me in the moment, letting my kissing become sloppy and lazy so I could, in turn, allow my mind to focus on Sean's touch. For so long I had felt apprehensive about my bottom half; I could never get it toned down to the smaller size I wanted it and felt like it didn't fit the rest of my body.

Sean, on the other hand, had no such thoughts. He tucked his hands under the swell of my bum, where my legs ended and curved out to form two juicy bulges, and cupped the bottom of my ass with his thumbs. I was finding it hard to maintain my balance as my butt was jiggled, accompanied by small clapping sounds when he pushed my cheeks together.

Of course, he was making it do that on purpose, but it felt oddly enjoyable being massaged with such aggression so I took no issue. All the motion stopped, however, when I felt him place his fingers deep into the crease where my pussy had created a gooey mess of honey. He managed to get a grip and pulled my ass apart like he was readying himself to enter it, but instead he kept it held wide open so the chill of the air could tickle my butthole.

Once he was satisfied he had spread me enough, he rearranged his hand so his middle finger wasn't being used to stretch me. I wasn't expecting him to be such a confident adventurer but Sean was prepared to keep going until I said stop, which I sincerely didn't want to do. I was honestly so willing to give Sean anything he wanted that I didn't know if I would tell him no, even though anal had always been forbidden to all but my sister.

Feeling his finger lingering over my backdoor gave me a rush of memories, namely my recent promise to Caitlin. I wanted her to be there the first time Sean fucked me in the ass, essentially taking my anal virginity all over again. The couple of times Donald and I had tried were trainwrecks; it hurt too much the first time when he got past the head, so the second time he made sure I couldn't resist.

It hurt, a lot, and by the end he took to covering my face with a pillow so he couldn't hear me pleading for him to stop. We hadn't done it or talked about it since, so anal was somewhat of a black mark on our history. I knew the only way Sean would ever get inside my bum was if Caitlin was helping him, and I think he could sense my reservations; I couldn't stop myself from clenching up defensively as soon as he made contact.

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