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Click hereAll characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
"Almost time... darling," Dr. Cole whispered to herself while working her pussy. Her thoughts lingered on her husband, as they often did while she pleasured herself. She looked around the spartan room the Hendersons had given her. She didn't even have a picture of her husband. But soon she would have more than memory to go on.
If her plans all came together, as they seemed to be doing, she would see her husband in the flesh soon. And she would touch him, kiss him, and spread her legs for him. She shuddered as she slipped two fingers inside herself. "Why am I... so horny?" And why were her boobs so swollen?
Something was wrong with the Errand into the Wilderness. None of the Hendersons seemed themselves. And the zealots acted even more strangely than usual. It all had something to do with that odd nineteen-year-old, Jacob Winthrop. Maybe she should do some snooping and see what was going on. Maybe she could use it to her advantage. Maybe...
An orgasm rushed into being. It was going to be a big one. She couldn't get the image of Jacob out of her mind. She tried to replace him with her husband, but found she couldn't picture his face. All she could see was Jacob. "Oh... my... fucking... God." Dr. Cole convulsed as the biggest orgasm of her life took her. There were no more thoughts, only pleasure.
"Whatever it was that I saw in the chapel... has to stop." Isaac closed his eyes and tried to recall what it was he'd seen. It was all so cloudy. The best his mind could do was give him a feeling of a twisted ritual and perverted faith. "I know... something is happening... on my ship. I don't like it." Why were the words so difficult to say?
"Your ship?" Mary arched her eyebrows and paced around their quarters. This was another instance of the men questioning Him. "This is His ship. Not yours. And we are His vessels as much as the Errand into the Wilderness. Are you questioning Him?"
"No, I'm questioning... my wife." Isaac had been the patriarch of his family for decades. While he slept in cryo, he had been usurped by a matriarchy. "What is happening with... my family and... my mission?"
"Fine. You want to know? Why shouldn't you see the true depth of the Lord's beauty?" Mary fingered the cross around her neck. "Errand? Have Jacob come to my quarters right away."
"Yes, Member Winthrop." Errand's voice was sanguine, as usual.
"We are at the dawn of His greatness. A renascent Genesis." Mary unzipped her uniform. Her expression that had soured at her husband's challenge changed as she talked about what was to come. "You should see. You should all see what God has been up to."
"What are you... doing?" Isaac's cheeks went red as she removed her uniform and stood before him in her underwear.
"I'm getting ready to have sex." She looked at her husband like he was a profound idiot.
"I'm not... in the mood right now." It had been weeks since they had bonded like that. Isaac could barely remember it. "We need to talk about..." He lost his train of thought and then picked it up again. "We need to talk about... what's happening on this ship."
"Whether you're in the mood doesn't much matter, because I'm not having sex with you, Isaac." Mary wriggled out of her panties and removed her socks. "I'll show you what's happening. We don't need to talk about it anymore."
"I... I don't understand." What was his wife talking about? He watched her remove her bra. Her boobs were enormous, and her belly very round. He stood up, took the blanket from their bed, and took a step toward her. He needed to cover her nakedness, but when she stared him down, he lost his nerve. He stood frozen in the middle of the floor.
"Even before we volunteered, you were always a day late and a thought behind." Mary turned to the wall, put her palms up against it, and stuck her ass out. She spread her legs. She knew exactly the right height to lower her pussy to line it up with her son's divine penis.
The door opened and in walked Jacob. He stopped and froze, too, when he saw what was going on. He was almost a mirror image of his father. The door closed behind him. "Um... hey..." He looked at his mother, her pussy wet and glistening, ready for him. Then, he looked at his father's uncomprehending face. "You sent for me, Mom?"
"Undress, sweetie." Mary smiled at him. She knew that Jacob liked the way her breasts dangled when she leaned forward. She wiggled her shoulders a little and her boobs shook under her, along with her dangling cross. "Your father has asked to learn God's plan for us."
"I don't..." Isaac blinked as his son undressed.
"I am God's plan, Dad." Jacob quickly took off his clothes and unleashed his cock. It was thick, turgid, and ready. "Why don't you sit down?" He was pleased when his father dropped the blanket and quickly sat on the bed.
Mary spared one last glance at Isaac before accepting Jacob. "He is the Messiah, dear. He gifts us the salvation of New Canaan. He has gifted us a child. His seed sows the fields of all the women destined for our new home. You are an attendant to Him, and to Jacob. You must accept it."
"This can't be... happening." Isaac's mind tried to deny what his eyes and ears were telling him. Unsuccessfully, he tried to look away as his son walked up behind his wife with the most ghastly penis imaginable. "I don't... believe it."
"Accept it, Dad. This is what the future looks like." Jacob grabbed his mother's hips and let his dick find its way in. It chose her pussy this time. Jacob didn't know what it was thinking, and he didn't care. He trusted his cock completely. "Shit, Mom, why are you always... ugh... so tight?"
"Stop." Isaac's blood boiled. He wanted to fly into a rage and smite both of them. But, he found he couldn't get his body to act in defiance. He simply sat there like an idiot. The ring he had given his wife in faithful devotion sparkled at him from her left hand, mocking him.
"Yes, Jake. Join me as the church is joined to Christ." Mary braced herself against the wall, her thin arms flexing with the effort. Her necklace and boobs now bounced wildly under her. "I want it... I... want... it." At one time, she had reasoned that sex with Jacob was sanctified so long as they worked toward her breeding. But she'd had to change that approach when they'd succeeded. Now, she understood that the Lord wanted her to know Him through Jacob, and this was the most direct route to viewing His works. To finding His Heaven among the stars.
"Stop... please. I'll do anything," Isaac pleaded. "This can't be the way. Give me time to find out what happened. Take one of the other women. I'll wake up a single woman from cryo for you. Please..."
"It's hard to concentrate... uh... uh... with Dad yammering," Jacob said to his mother.
"He... must... see..." She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyelids fluttering. An orgasm was already overtaking her. "Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh." Mary sang out her pleasure.
"Oh... no." Isaac watched his wife climax in a way he'd never witnessed in all their years of marriage. A deep feeling of nothingness moved through him. He could see no meaning to anything. Would God really work through Jacob in a such a way? He saw no point in questioning, fighting, or even trying to understand any of it.
"Do you feel... the Holy Spirit... uh... uh... Mom?" Jacob slapped at her wide, rippling ass.
"Oh... ugh... yes!" Another blissful wave approached Mary's fractured mind. It was almost too good.
"I am the... ah... ah... Messiah." Jacob worked his mother for a long time up against the wall. Eventually, he was ready. "Here it... comes... Mom."
"You are... the Messiah." Isaac watched them finish their coupling. His wife made the most ridiculous sounds and collapsed to the floor. Rapture had taken her. Isaac accepted that he would be an attendant to this new savior. A new purpose built within him. He would accept God's Will.
The door opened and in walked Pricilla and her husband. They took in the scene before them. Jacob standing with his cock twisting in the air, looking for its next conquest. His mother at his feet, writhing on the ground and blithering. And then at the stunned Isaac.
"Just perfect." Pricilla clapped her hands and ran over to her brother, unzipping her uniform as she moved. She threw her arms around Jacob and kissed him on the mouth. She looked over at her husband. "It's clearly time that we ended it, John."
"What?" John couldn't move. He watched his wife fall to her knees before her brother. "I don't understand."
"I'll spell it out for you." Pricilla reached out and grasped the massive cock before her. It pulsed and squirmed in her grip. "I didn't marry a dummy, but I'm leaving one. We're over, John." Pricilla opened her mouth wide and bobbed her head on Jacob's dick. It played with her tongue like it was kissing her.
Mary recovered enough to sit up and see what was happening. "You are an attendant to the new Messiah, John. This is the only time you may witness the holy joining."
"Oh... my..." John stood frozen and watched his suddenly ex-wife do the most unseemly things with her nineteen-year-old brother. It was inevitable. That was the one thought he had over and over. This was all meant to be.
The next day in Judy's quarters, Jacob took Judy from behind. She was on her hands and knees on the bed while he stood next to it. Maureen and Penny looked on. Both sat on the floor, naked, with their legs spread. Both worked their pussies as they watched.
"I've... ugh... never done it... on your ship... before." Jacob was really into the lithe, dark woman. He stared at the pink insides of her pussy clutching at his dick with every backstroke.
"We couldn't do it on this ship. She would have caught us." Penny nodded at Maureen, eyeing her mother's wobbling breasts as her arm moved furiously. The new cross pendant Maureen wore around her neck rested between her boobs.
"I'm sorry I was so... closed-minded." Maureen felt lucky she hadn't sabotaged everything. She barely recognized the woman that had hounded Penny about her new boyfriend.
"Shit, Judy, I need to... hit your pussy... harder." Jacob slapped her ass.
"How?" Judy looked back at Jacob. He had a look of stalwart determination on his face. "It's already... so... hard." Her nerves hummed with pleasure. Another orgasm built inside her. If Don could have done anything like this to her, he never would have lost her.
"I... don't... know." Jacob needed to take things up another notch. Without really knowing what he was doing, he gripped the front of her thighs and lifted her legs up in the air so that she supported herself with only her hands.
"What's he doing?" Penny looked on in awe as her boyfriend really gave it to her sister.
"We used to call that... the... wheelbarrow." Maureen's eyes went wide. "Don't break her, Jake."
Jacob turned his head and smiled at Maureen. A series of grunts were his only reply.
"It's okay... Mom... I'm going to... cum... again... eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii." Judy shook and squealed as she gave everything she had to Jacob.
A while later, Judy lay on the bed, semi-conscious. She bounced rhythmically with the movement of the mattress. Cum leaked out from between her legs. Next to her, Maureen screamed out her pleasure. It was Maureen's turn to take the wheelbarrow. She had only tried it once with her husband a long time ago, and found it to be difficult. He kept falling out of her. But Jacob had no such issues. "You must... let all women... know this... paradise."
"Yeah... about that... uh... uh... uh... what's the deal... with... Dr. Cole?" There was only one woman not in cryo that Jacob had yet to bond with.
Maureen was too busy mewling and muttering "yes" and "please" to answer Jacob.
"We don't know much about her." Judy looked up at Jacob with her soft, brown eyes. "She keeps sabotaging our plans and setting us off course. But we don't know why."
"It must be for a man." Penny was still on the floor with her hand between her legs. "I would do anything for you, Jake. It's probably like that for Dr. Cole."
Maureen didn't know why she hadn't thought of that. "A... man... ooooohhhhhhhh." She came as Jacob set her knees down on the bed and continued to plow into her.
Judy noticed a green light flash next to the door. She lifted her head to get a better look, but it was difficult with the bed shaking. "I think someone's trying to bypass the lock on the door."
"You sure?" Penny, her legs still wide, looked over at the door, too. With a hiss, the lock gave way and the door opened. There stood Dr. Cole, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Penny closed her legs and removed her hand.
"I knew it!" Dr. Cole had suspected Judy was cheating on Don with that strange teenager. But all three Henderson women? She hadn't known that. "You've all gone insane." And that was quite literally true. They had gone insane. And if the intrepid Hendersons could fall prey to whatever had happened to the Errand, then Dr. Cole could too.
Jacob stopped humping Maureen and dropped her to the bed. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Why don't you come into the room, Dr. Cole, and we can talk about things?"
"I... I..." Dr. Cole needed to distract them. She couldn't have them follow her. She settled on a lie. "I've rigged this ship's drive to blow in fifteen minutes unless you detach from the Errand." With that, she turned and ran.
"She wouldn't," Jacob said.
"She would." Maureen tried to get her bearings. They certainly weren't going to detach from the Errand.
"I'll go after Dr. Cole." Jacob took a deep breath. "You three deal with the drive on your ship." With that he ran out of the room, chasing Dr. Cole. He was naked. His fat cock slowed him some, but he spotted her leaving the Hendersons' ship and ran after her. His feet soon padded down the Errand's carpeted corridors.
Unlike the Hendersons, Dr. Cole wasn't an avid exerciser. She regretted that as she looked over her shoulder. The horrific teenager was gaining on her, his dick and heavy balls bouncing wildly. She shouldn't have waited this long to execute her plan, but she wanted to know what she was dealing with first. She regretted what she'd found. Apparently, there was some sort of teenage monster loose on the ships. And mass insanity reigned. If the Hendersons had succumbed, it was safe to assume that everyone had. The crew of the Errand were soft-minded zealots. She turned down a different corridor, trying to get the image of Jacob's penis out of her mind.
"Wait... stop..." Jacob yelled after her.
To her immense surprise, Dr. Cole did stop. Her feet just planted on the floor. It took all her willpower to move again. She broke into a sprint, reached into her pocket, and fished out the communicator. She hit the button to connect to her override program. "Ready the... course change. And lock the bridge... after I arrive." She would later regret not being more specific on the timing.
"Why... are you going... to the bridge?" Jacob had gained on her, but was still a good twenty feet behind when it became obvious where Dr. Cole was headed. It was clear she was up to no good. And, of course, she was. Jacob had followed the Hendersons' exploits for years, and Dr. Cole was always causing mischief.
"Thank... God." Every muscle in Dr. Cole's body strained as she saw the door to the bridge open for her up ahead. She swore she'd get in better shape in the future. Her boobs ached. Her bra wasn't designed for her swollen boobs, or for sprinting. But she was almost there. Once inside the bridge, she slowed to a jog, and then a walk, putting her hands behind her head and trying to catch her breath. She didn't even look back. She assumed the door had closed and locked behind her. Floating above the main dashboard in bright red was the word execute. All she had to do was swipe her hand through it.
"What... the hell... Dr. Cole?" In a mimic of Dr. Cole, Jacob put his hands behind his head to help him breathe. His skinny chest rose and fell violently. He watched her freeze when she heard his voice. Did she not think he'd follow her onto the bridge?
Dr. Cole slowly turned around. There was the hideous teenager, covered in sweat and heaving for breath like she was. His fat cock was soft now and hung heavily between his legs. Oh, God, she could see Maureen's dried juices on it. "The door was... supposed to... lock." Why had she said that? He wouldn't care that it hadn't been her fault he'd gotten in. There was no sense talking. Time for action. She lunged toward the dashboard.
"Stop!" Jacob said it with all the command he could muster. And she did stop, almost like he'd hit her with a freeze-ray. "Come... back... here." He started to catch his breath and looked around the room. There was a red execute command floating above the main console. Dr. Cole slowly plodded toward him, looking at the floor. "Errand, what is the execute command for?"
"I'm sorry, Member Winthrop, my systems detect no such command. Under Colony Control directive 4590, I cannot access navigation." The computer's voice sounded far away.
"First, that's not true. You are our navigator. And second, are you saying it has something to do with navigation?" Jacob watched Dr. Cole stop right before him. He reached out his hand and lifted her chin so that she'd look him in the eyes. She had such pretty, Asian features. He reminded himself that one could be both beautiful and nefarious. "What are you doing, Dr. Cole?"
Dr. Cole shook her head. She had no idea what was happening, or why she wasn't executing the altered course. She felt pulled by some strong, unseen current. To her complete bafflement, Jacob leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She stood there, and let his tongue enter her mouth. A surge of calm and excitement hit her all at once. They made out for several minutes, and she forgot all her pressing worries. That is, until his hardening penis pushed up against her hip and then bumped up against her repeatedly, like it wanted in on the action. She stepped back and they broke their kiss. She opened her eyes and saw that Jacob was looking at her expectantly. She tried not to look down at his penis, but she could see it moving in the periphery. It waved about in a way it should not have. Her heart caught in her throat. The whole day felt like a nightmare.
"So, what is all this? Where were you trying to send us?" Jacob reached out and unzipped her uniform. He approved of the cleavage he uncovered.
Before she knew it, secrets she'd held for years spilled out of her. "I'm married. I didn't mean to get mixed up with the Hendersons. I was just trying to escape the law on Earth and get to my husband. But things kept getting in the way. And then your ship came along and..." She didn't want him to be angry with her. She didn't know why she should care, but she did. She had never cared about upsetting people before. That was sort of her signature. The thing that made her life possible. She watched him bend down and untie her boots in silence and then pull them off her feet. When he stood up, she got a good look at his bloated, writhing cock. It coughed up copious amounts of clear liquid. She shuddered, but didn't run.
"Go on. Tell me what you did to my ship." Jacob pulled her uniform sleeves off her arms and let the uniform fall down her legs.
"I... I... um..." She bit her lip and bent down to step out of her uniform. She was so lost. She had no idea what she was doing, but she knew Jacob wanted it. "I broke into your navigation system a while ago and slowed your ship down. For a little while I got stuck on your security protocols. But your brother made it easier with his failed... attack. It showed me the weak points in the system. That allowed me to set a new course." She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She dropped it to the floor. Her chest heaved not from the run to the bridge, but from the excitement of being naked in front of this man. "I was going to finally see my husband. But before I changed course, I wanted to understand what was going on here."