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Mothership Wilderness Pt. 22

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They prepare to dock with the station.
4.7k words

Part 22 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/16/2020
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"As I explained, we are now headed for station Tigov 19. What I must add is that we do not have enough fuel to change course back to New Canaan." Mary stood next to her son under the cross in the chapel. All of Jacob's other wives filled the pews. There were murmurs of worry among them. Mary held out her hands to pacify the women. "We can refill at the station." More whispers of discontent, as the women understood their plight and the difficulties they would face without any coin.

"You've ruined everything, Dr. Cole." Maureen's face was beet red as she stared at the back of Dr. Cole's head. "And this time you've endangered His plan for an entire planet."

"Dr. Cole, please come up here." Jacob was pleased that the women quieted down when he spoke.

"Yes." Dr. Cole stood. Normally, she would have some defense. But also, she would have been convinced that she had done no wrong. That wasn't the case this time. She felt she had done something horrible. Her stomach sank. Was this what remorse felt like? She hated it. The Errand was cursed, but she had somehow fallen in love with the demon behind all of it.

"It was Dr. Cole's plan to divert us to meet with her bygone husband." Jacob took Dr. Cole's shoulders when she was close enough and turned her toward the pews. She hung her head, and he noticed rivulets of tears on her cheeks. "But I stopped her plan. It was my decision to take us to Tigov 19."

There were gasps in the pews. "But why?" Heather's forehead creased in confusion.

"To spread the word." Judy, whose genius had not been affected by the Errand, had already figured this out.

"Yes, Judy." Jacob nodded. "It is the perfect opportunity to spread the word beyond our colonists and the new colony. We will stop there, meet new wives, refuel, and be on our way."

Humility and Heather made eye contact. It was clear that they were both thinking that they didn't want foreign wives. But who were they to argue with His will?

Penny raised her hand earnestly. "How will we pay for the fuel?"

"Come on, Penny. Think about it." Judy nudged her sister with her elbow.

"Um..." Penny looked at her sister, and then at Jacob. He was giving her his thousand-watt smile. "Oh. Oooohhhhh. Right." Penny nodded. "Jacob will ask and the station will give." Penny turned her gaze to her mother, but Maureen was still staring daggers at Dr. Cole.

"It was my will that we go to Tigov 19." Jacob swept his gaze over his women. "I have forgiven Dr. Cole. I want you all to do the same." He pulled Dr. Cole into his arms and kissed her passionately on the mouth. She returned his kiss at once, hungrily gripping his ill-fitting uniform. They kissed long enough to demonstrate her devotion, and then he gently pushed her away. "Any problems with absolution here?"

"I forgive her." Maureen's face softened. There were murmurs of assent all around.

"Very good." Jacob gave Dr. Cole a smack on the butt. "You may go sit down now." He watched her hurry back to her seat.

"Well, that's resolved." Mary beamed at her son. He was wearing the Lord's mantle so well. "There will be some unexpected challenges ahead, but I'm sure we will all rise to meet them. Now, every woman with a wedding ring, please bring it up to the front." Mary reached behind her, grabbed a small bowl, and held it before her with arms outstretched.

Heather was the first to arrive at the front of the chapel. "It goes in?"

"It does." Jacob nodded.

"Okay, then." Without a second thought, Heather pulled her wedding ring off her finger and dropped it with a little clang in the bowl.

She was followed by Humility, Pricilla, Judy, and finally Maureen. The explorer and adventurer was the only woman to pause. Maureen removed the ring, but held it over the bowl without releasing it.

"It's okay, Maureen." Mary spoke in soothing tones. "John will still be an attendant to Him and to Jacob. You are not saying goodbye."

"Right." Maureen nodded. Her reservations faded. It was what her new Lord needed. And just as the church supported Christ, she would support her new husband with whatever he required. Her hand opened and her ring joined the others in the bowl. She went back and sat next to her daughters.

"Excellent." Mary removed her own ring and dropped it in the bowl. She then handed the bowl to her son. "One last order of business. Errand into the Wilderness is still out of sorts after Mason's and Dr. Cole's efforts. We need the ship to be functioning flawlessly when we arrive at the station. Who would like to volunteer to fix the computer?"

Judy's hand shot up along with Humility's.

"I was hoping it would be you two." Mary nodded. The puzzle pieces were falling into place. "Dr. Cole will make herself available to you should you have any questions about what she did. The same for Mason. Now, meeting adjourned."

A sudden wave of nausea hit Maureen. Before she could even rise from her seat, her stomach rebelled. She turned away from her daughters and threw up on the floor. Everyone in the room turned to look at her. She threw up again and then retched. She felt Penny's hand rubbing her back. Finally, it was over and she sat up. "I'm so sorry. I don't know..." She stopped when she saw everyone in the room smiling at her.

"More good news." Mary started clapping, and others joined in.

"What?" Maureen wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve.

"You carry the Messiah's child. This is a moment of joy." Mary gave her son a nudge.

"It is." Jacob walked over to her, careful to avoid the puddle on the floor. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. He then rubbed her belly through her uniform. He had knocked up the amazing Maureen Henderson. A year ago, he would never have even dared to dream of such a moment. But here he was. His smile widened when she placed her hand over his.

"It's an honor." That wasn't quite right. Maureen didn't know what to say. "I'm filled with joy." She turned to look at her daughters. Judy smiled back at her. But Penny's smile was strained. She looked a little green. Maureen leaned close to Penny. "You feel sick, too?"

Penny nodded up at her mother.

"Oh." Maureen took one of Judy's hands and one of Penny's. "If you'll excuse us, I need to help my daughters."

"Of course." Mary turned to Pricilla. "Please have one of the attendants come and clean up the mess."

"Sure, Mom." Pricilla turned and raced out of the chapel.

Jacob watched his wives leave. Heather hung back. He could see the longing in her face. "Hey, want to play a little baseball in the holopark?"

"Um..." Heather rubbed her bulging belly. "I'm not sure I can bend down for grounders right now. Not that I'm complaining." She desperately wished she'd just said yes. This was a precious chance to be alone with Jacob.

"Let's play catch then." Jacob put his hand on her belly. "I think you'd look hot in a baseball uniform with this round tummy."

Heather laughed. "You do? Well, okay then." They left the chapel arm in arm.


The pop of the mitt was loud in the empty stadium. There were no fans or other players with Heather and Jacob. Only the green grass, the blue sky, and the gray of the stands.

"I've been thinking." Heather turned her body and caught the whizzing ball behind her back. Despite her new size, she still had moves. She smiled like an idiot at her new husband as she launched a throw back to him.

"That's my girl." The nineteen-year-old Messiah caught the ball and threw it back in one motion.

"I'm the first you picked after your family, right?" Heather's body felt so wonderfully loose and full of energy. She held the ball in her mitt while she talked.

"And the first out of cryo." Jacob patted his mitt and waited for her to throw the ball back.

"And you chose me? You had Errand bring me and Max out of the deep sleep?"

"Yeah, sort of." He patted his mitt again.

"I would like to have a title, Jacob." She flung the ball back to him. "I would like to be called The First Chosen or The Chosen First. Something like that."

"Oh." It was Jacob's turn to hold onto the ball. It made sense that she would feel worried about her place when they were about to encounter many more women. "Yeah, okay. That's a good idea. You are The First Chosen." He threw the ball back to her. "And you know what else you are?" He dropped his mitt and sprinted over the grass toward her.

Heather laughed at the absurdity of her husband dashing across the expanse of green with his package bouncing in his baseball pants. She also felt a thrill at hearing her new title spoken by Jacob. "What else am I?" She said when he stopped right in front of her.

"You are very hot in your baseball uniform. Just as I foretold." Jacob stepped up, embraced her, and leaned his face up to hers for a kiss.

Moments later, they were tearing off each other's clothes. Moments after that, Heather's back was on the green grass, and her curling toes were stretched up to the blue sky.

"Oh... gosh... Jacob..." She marveled at his pale, lithe body in the sunshine. She looked down, but the view of his penetrating cock was obscured by her dark belly. "Every time... it's like the first... ugh... time. Why did you choose... uh... uh... uh... my vagina... ooohhhh... today?"

"It's not... ugh... my choice, First Chosen." Jacob slammed into her, watching her tits bounce up to her chin. He did a double take and then reached out to hold her left boob still. He was right, there was milk leaking from her black nipple. "What's... this?" His hips slowed as he collected a drop of milk with his finger and put it in her mouth.

"It's... milk. I don't know... uuuhhhhh." Her words were muffled by his fingers, and then her mind started to go as that colossal penis hunted out her weak spots deep inside.

"May I... ugh... taste?"

"Anything... and everything... that is mine... is yours." She pulled his face down to her breast as he gently continued to hump her.

"Mmmpppphhhhh." Jacob tasted her pussy with his cock and her milk with his tongue. She was warm and sweet and... He felt a tingling sensation in his balls. He swallowed some more mouthfuls and his cock convulsed, pulsing in rhythm with his heart. His desire for Heather grew and his body became even more ravenous. He drank and fucked her in the outfield for a long time. When his orgasm finally hit, it seized him like a summer thunderstorm. He released her breast and roared out his pleasure. She made the most idiotic sounds when he filled her. When he'd caught his breath a little, he rolled onto his back next to her in the grass. "There's something special... in your... milk. Like Mom's... but different."

"Aaaauuuuugggghhhhhh," Heather said. She was still recovering from her orgasm.

"We are still learning... His mysteries, it seems." He reached over and pulled on her hip. He got the nearly unresponsive woman to straddle him. His cock knew what to do. It found her ass this time, and wormed its way in.

"Yourrrrrr sssssayinnnggg I'mmmm ssssssspeciallll?" She blinked, trying to focus on his handsome face. Her butt wiggled on its own, impaling her on the impossible thing her new husband possessed.

"Well, you were always special, Heather." He laughed. "You're just even more special now." He slapped her toned thigh. "Ride me. And lean forward. I want another drink."

Heather did exactly as he asked.


"So, are there any questions about Tigov 19?" Mary looked around the chapel at the men assembled in the pews. Only Maureen's bygone husband looked confused. The others nodded.

"Um... so... well..." John Henderson looked around at the other men. He didn't know what was happening on the ship, and he couldn't put his thoughts together. It seemed like everyone else understood, which made it all the more confusing.

Max raised his hand. His wife had filled him in on his new role a few days ago. He had resisted at first, but then God's clarity had found him. "Will He allow us to talk with anyone at the station?"

"That is a good question, Max." Mary smiled and nodded. "We expect that you will have to interact with people on the station. But you cannot tell anyone about the Messiah, or His plan for New Canaan. We're not sure they would understand. Any more questions?"

John raised his hand. Thinking of Maureen and his daughters, he tried to formulate a question. "I... uh... um... well... uh..." He put his hand down.

"That is not a question, Major Henderson." Maureen's smile was serene. "Now, you all know your roles as attendants of the Messiah. He and I expect you to be faithful servants, whatever happens at the station."

Everyone but John nodded their heads. He had no idea what she was talking about. He wondered where Maureen was, and why she wasn't explaining things to him.

"Excellent. You may go." With a wave of her hand, Mary dismissed the men. She watched them wander out.


"Um... hello, Jacob." Judy's knees shook. She was so nervous. She hardly ever found herself alone with him. "I have some news." The door to lab 4b closed behind her. She stood with her hands clasped before her.

"Hello, Judy." Jacob's smile was genuine and warm. A visit was just what he needed to break up the tedium while he waited for the smelter to finish its work. "What's up?"

"Humility and I --"

"You can call her Lil," Jacob interrupted. He stood, stretched, and sauntered over to her. He was aware that her gaze was fixed on his bulge. Since he'd gone back to wearing his own uniforms, he was used to people staring at his crotch.

"Okay." Judy tore her gaze away from the squirming organ in his uniform and looked into his brown eyes. "Lil and I have sorted Errand out. That's how I found you here, actually. The ship's computer is fully functional again. We even added in some new safety features, so..." She stopped herself from bragging. She didn't want to seem petty in front of Jacob.

"That's great news." Jacob gave her a kiss on the cheek. He saw her look around the room for the first time and waited for her inevitable question.

"What are you doing with a smelter?" Judy studied the machine. Then she looked over at the laser cutter that was obviously primed and ready. "Wait. You melted down the rings, didn't you? You're making new ones."

Jacob clapped his hands in delight. "Yes! That's exactly it. I used the metal from all your wedding rings, all platinum and gold."

"But there's not enough metal for all of us." Judy eyed the smelter.

"So?" Jacob loved watching her with her mind at work.

"You wouldn't have the right proportions of gold and platinum anyway to make a proper alloy. You need ten percent gold. So, you added more platinum to get the right proportions." Judy rubbed her chin. "The wall the robot damaged when Mason was... doing what he did. There would have been platinum in the gravitational dampers."

"You are smart. It took me days to think of that." Jacob grinned. "You are incredibly attractive when you're solving puzzles."

"Oh, thanks." Judy's cheeks went hot. "Can I help you make the rings?"

"It's mostly waiting right now." Jacob drank in her nervous beauty. "But you can help me pass the time."

"I would like that." Judy dropped to her knees and waited for her new mate to shimmy out of his uniform. She gasped when his cock came into view. It didn't matter that she knew what to expect, the sight of him was always awe-inspiring. "Would you like me to -- mmppphhhhhhhh." Before she could finish asking if he wanted her to put it in her mouth, the cock pressed against her lips and pushed its way in. She met it with her tongue. It was more like kissing a giant than any blowjob she'd ever given before. The cock was playful in her mouth. The saltiness of his precum spread across her palate. She heard him groan and swooned at the pleasure she gave him.

Soon, Judy's uniform joined Jacob's on the floor. She clutched the table, bracing herself. Her eyes fixed on the smelter. All their marriages had been melted down and joined into one. They would all wear rings made from a little of each other's broken vows. Judy reminded herself that they had broken them to make a more sacred promise. They were spreading joy throughout the galaxy. New Canaan would be a paradise made real. "Oh... shit... you're about to make... make me..." Paradise was real in that room in that moment. Judy howled out her climax. And when it came time, she greedily accepted his cum deep inside her. She wanted to be just like her mom and Penny. She wanted... no... she needed to carry a divine child.


The Errand into the Wilderness continued to decelerate. Day after day, Tigov 19 drew closer. Jacob found his time spread thin. There were many wives to support and satiate. And he had his own growing desires to quell even as bellies all over the ship expanded. Despite being only a few months into her pregnancy, Mary looked to be near full term. Pricilla, Humility, and Heather were getting quite big, too.

The rings were ready. Judy had helped craft beautiful symbols of Jacob's union with the women. He was ready to bestow them.

"Where is Maureen Henderson?" Jacob asked the ship.

"She is with Judy and Penny Henderson in their new quarters." Errand sounded even more blithe since Judy and Humility had fixed the computer.

"Wait, they're moving onto this ship?" Jacob wondered that he hadn't been told.

"Your mother authorized the move, Messiah Winthrop." The computer then gave directions to the Hendersons' new quarters.

When Jacob arrived, the door opened before he could knock. He peered in and saw Maureen hugging her two daughters. There were tears in all their eyes. "What's wrong?"

They turned to face him.

"Nothing... nothing at all." Penny was smiling and crying at the same time. "Mom and I found out that we're having girls." She rushed across the room and embraced Jacob. "Errand just confirmed it."

"Oh, that's great." He could feel her belly bump pushing against him. His cock lurched in his uniform.

Maureen made eye contact with the father of her gestating child and grandchildren. She nodded at him, understanding his desires without exchanging words. She unzipped her unform and undressed. Judy, following her mother's lead, did the same. Soon, they both stood naked and waiting.

"I'm going to be a mother, Jacob. Isn't that wonderful?" Penny kissed his neck and his cheek.

"It is truly a gift from Him." Jacob held her at arm's length and smiled.

"The most precious gift," all three women said at once.

"Let's celebrate." Jacob wiped the tears from Penny's cheeks and undressed.

Penny squealed with delight. "I didn't know we'd be doing it today." She tripped and fell in her haste to remove her clothes.

"Truly a blessed day." Judy laughed and helped her sister up. She finished undressing Penny. They were all naked. "Where do you want us?"

"Let me see..." Jacob rubbed his chin.

Ten minutes later, Judy wiggled on Jacob's face, moaning as his tongue lapped at her pussy. She watched her sister's large boobs bounce before her.

Penny rode that magnificently writhing cock with great long lunges. "Oh... gosh."

"Jacob... even your tongue... is a gift." Judy leaned forward and put her hands on her sister's shoulders.

"It's... ugh... ugh... ugh... so... wonderful." Penny returned her sister's touch by reaching for and grasping Judy's heavy boobs. She used them for support as she rode, but she was careful not to pull too hard on the tender flesh.

Maureen watched all this from an armchair. Her ringless left hand rubbed her pussy with quick circular motions. Her mouth hung open. Her eyes had a far-off look.

Outside Maureen, Penny, and Judy's new quarters, John Henderson wandered the corridor. He couldn't keep his thoughts together. His feet stopped. This was the place, wasn't it? The computer had told him that his wife and daughters were in the room on the other side of that door. But he was reluctant to announce himself. He stood still, staring at gray metal. He couldn't muster the will to do anything but stand silently.


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