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Movie Night Ch. 02

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Porn film reveals family secret.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/11/2021
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As I related in part one earlier, I work with my brother-in-law. We've gotten along like best friends from the get-go, almost as close as brother though it's the girls who are blood sisters. We'd talked for a couple for years about wanting to do something together that would give us the opportunities for the families to live closer together and to grow a business that we could eventually sell to retire early. We ended up taking a hobby we both enjoyed -- woodworking -- and created a custom shop. While we did one-offs, most of our work was designing and manufacturing custom looking products for others on a big CNC router. After six months, we added a CNC laser cutter and the business has continued to grow. Life is good. Power tools on steroids, what guys wouldn't be happy?

When you work in a shop like ours all day long, you realize that there's a lot of waiting around time. Honestly, there's intensity when trying to bid a job, lots of detail work with design, but once that's set the machines pretty much do all the work autonomously. You have to be there, to be sure, but after a while you sort of are attuned to how it sounds when everything is running fine and when there's a problem. Two healthy guys with time on their hands, we both spend more time than is healthy bullshitting, playing computer games, and checking out porn.

I open most of my days by checking out to see which stars are having birthdays and photos of them if they've ever appeared nude anywhere. It's all women, I guess nobody cares if guys have been nude -- or maybe there's a site for that too?

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

Bobby looked over his computer, "What's up?" he asked from the other side of the room. "Did Jascowitz finally say yes to our proposal?"

"Uh, no. Says here today is Allison Richardon's birthday, and..."

"Yeah, I know. I left her voicemail this morning," Bobby replied, his head dropping down again. Bobby's told everyone that he knew Hollywood's number one female action star for years. Just after he got out of the Marines, a buddy had called him to come out to Hollywood, telling him that he could get Bobby in pictures. He was out there about two months, as I recalled, and then came back to South Carolina where he had grown up. He never claimed to have actually been in any movies, but did talk about Allison Richardson, I think just to yank every guy's chain. There wasn't a guy I knew who didn't think Allie was super sexy and had fantasies of what they'd love to do with her, myself included.

"Uh-huh, sure. I hope you told Allie Happy Birthday for me, too. When's she gonna visit again?"

"Fuck you, dickwad," he said good-naturedly without looking up. It had been a question all his buddies asked every time he mentioned his friendship with her. It was general knowledge that she never materialized at his place. I wasn't sure how Rita's sister, Kimberly, would react to that if it ever did occur.

It wasn't like she was jealous, or that wasn't the vibe she gave off. We all went to see every Richardson action flick that had been made, and Kimberly never shut him down when Bobby would start talking about what a nice person she was or that she was much deeper than she appeared on screen or on talk shows. Hey, it's his fantasy.

"Yo, Bro. Says here she did a couple porno films back in the day," I said aloud as I pecked on my computer.

"Mmph," he replied without looking up. "I think I got the piece for that RLD job figured out. Should be able to get about fifteen per sheet...., ah, that put's cost at......looks like 27.83 a piece. If we can get the whole job...." he trailed off.

"Shit," he exclaimed a moment later. "I'm sending this to you. Check it and see if I missed anything. Shit."

I was on my own project, looking online to see if I could find Allie Richardson's porno flick locally. Rita knew I was gaga for the woman, though I wasn't real sure how she'd feel about me staring at Allie's naked body and maybe losing focus on her.

"Fuck!" I smiled, a shop about two blocks over actually had it! Had both of them!

"Yeah," said Bobby, "but check those numbers first."

I quickly opened his email. "Fuck!" I said again. "Is this right?"

"That's what I want you to check, Bro" he said, his head looking over his computer at me.

I went over everything, and then did it again on paper just to be sure. "Geez, Bob, if we could get the whole shebang...." I started, sitting tall and looking over my computer toward him.

Bobby sat up too. "So you get the same numbers?" he asked looking back.

"Abso-fucking-lutely!" I replied.

Bobby's head went down for a second. "I just sent a bid, told them we could do the whole job. Took a little off, but... you should have a copy."

I opened the mail and read it quickly. "Bob, this could finally turn the corner for us..."

He nodded. I could see the smile in his eyes. "We gotta get the job first," he cautioned.

I laughed. "That'll be a whole 'nother level of stress. Might have to talk to Rita about mid-week porn nights..."

"She really likes that, or she just doing it to make you happy?" Then he added, "or is this whole thing just bullshit cuz you get off telling me about all you do with Rita?"

"Bro, you should see it," I smiled. It had become a near constant daydream to have Rita seen by someone, and I knew Bobby had both a bad crush on her and loved her.

"Is that an invite?" his eyes narrowed.

"You just wanna fuck my wife," I wadded up a piece of paper and tossed it at him. "You bring Kim over and we'll have a foursome."

"So you wanna fuck my wife, huh?"

Like I said, we've been close since the very first. Kim and he were married about two years when Rita and I started dating, and we were like long-lost friends. He's the buddy I share everything with, and we've been pretty frank and honest. That the sisters are both pretty, and look nothing alike, has stirred both of our lusts. Rita is shorter than Kimberly and darker, picking up the Itallian from their grandmother, while Kimberly is taller, lithe, and more outgoing -- and a ginger from the Irish side of the family. Bobby and I were both married to beautiful women whom we loved, but that didn't keep us from fantasies about others, even if they happened to be our best friend's wife.

"You guys come over Saturday. The kids can swim and we'll do burgers," I suggested.

"Sure, what time?'

"Four okay with you?" I asked.

Bobby tossed a paper ball back at me. "You're a fucking pervert, you know that? You just want to see Kim in a bathing suit."

"You know they love getting together. That's why we moved here, remember? I could have stayed where I was..." I said.

"Yeah, okay," he replied, rolling his eyes. "You loved Milwaukee, huh?"

"Hey," I said after a few minutes of both of us back on our computers.

"Yeah?" he looked up.

"I'd rather see Kim out of her suit," I smiled. "And I would so love for you to see Rita out of hers."

"Fucking sick perve," he said shaking his head. After a few quiet seconds, Bobby asked, "You guys really doing porn nights? Rita really do all that stuff you say?" came the query from behind the screen of his computer.

"Uh-huh," I replied as I confirmed the "hold" for Allie Richardson's films with the local porn shop.

"We could put a camera in there and film what you two are doing," he said casually, "then I could see Rita doing all the things you talk about. That pussy you brag on so much."

"Fucking sick perve" I chuckled without looking up. I had no doubt that he was on a porn site looking at women who resembled Rita, as I was looking for Kimberly's doppelganger.

I picked up the DVDs on Wednesday and fought with myself over watching them at the office. I really think Allie Richardson is one of the most erotic women on film. Maybe it's the character types she plays, but I like to think that the looks and the way she moves come from something seething inside, and I'd always imagined she's a tigress in bed. Though the anticipation was killing me, I waited until Friday night with Rita to actually find out.

Rita, for all her public propriety, seemed to truly like these Friday nights. Sure, sometimes the films were terrible and we'd not even pay attention, or make catty comments at the actors' expense. In the last several weeks -- minus time off during "that" time -- she'd taken to coming out of the shower and surprising me with lingerie. There's a place where women put things we've bought for them that they said they'd never wear. I don't know where it is, but when the stars align, their mood is right, - or just a craziness sparks something - out can come what they said was too slutty or wouldn't be comfortable or that they couldn't possibly dress in and we're rewarded for our foolish purchases that we'd 'wasted our money on.' Other times, even during the week, she'd drop her panties and nightshirt on the bed and curl up next to me, already turned on. Out of nowhere, her panties went from 'sensible' to various thongs. I never complained.

It also had become less important to try to emulate all the action on the screen. We'd touch and tease, maybe hit pause if something really turned us on so we could make love focusing on each other without missing anything, and then come back to sitting on the loveseat or lying on the floor to watch the rest of the film. I gotta be honest, the films were great for my recovery time! Or maybe it was Rita being much more hands -- and mouth - on. Rita wanted to know what turned me on about certain scenes, or if I liked this or that on a particular actress. I had the same interest in her reaction to the guys, asking about shape and size, or technique, what she liked and didn't. She didn't like rough for rough's sake, or when the guy seemed mean or abusive. Too often, the story lines did have some of that. It seemed that too often the guys needed to dominate the women, but I guess that's has to do with guys directing the films and the audience these are made for.

She seemed to love when the guys came on the girls, a pretty frequent occurrence in porn films, and would bring me often. I don't know if she came each time I spilled a load on her, but she really did seem to enjoy it, which seemed curious thinking back just a few months. Previously, when we made love, Rita would lay pretty still in bed afterwards , not wanting any "goo" to make a mess of the bed -- and certainly not wanting any of "that stuff" on her. I would have to go retrieve some tissue for her to clean up before she'd leave the bed and then she'd more thoroughly clean "the mess" in the bathroom before getting dressed and coming to bed.

Now she would jack me off, really skillfully from all the visual teaching onscreen, on her pussy, belly, breasts, - and just let it happen. No wiping, no curled up "eww" look on her face. She'd really taken to giving head quite well, either swallowing completely or asking me to cum on her face catching what she could. The dribbles and streams on her were no longer any concern once she knew I didn't mind holding her 'messy' like that, though the furniture always got cleaned before she came to bed. Truth be told, seeing jizz all over her turned me on one hell of a lot, though I wouldn't tell her how often I imagined seeing her like that. Most times, the night clothes were on the floor until morning.

"Would you be doing that if it was someone else's jizz all over me?" she asked a few weeks earlier as I was going down on her. To be sure, it was me who had been there earlier and my jizz that was mixed with her juices I was tasting, but I told her that I would. She looked at the screen, nodding, and asked what if "he had fucked me, not just shot his cream all over me?"

"Did you fuck willingly?" I asked, licking her hard button. My cock was immediately hard at the thought of her and some stud.

"Mmmm," she answered. Her hand was playing with that same button as I licked.

"Did you ask him to fuck you?"

She nodded dreamily.

"Did you hold him and ask him to fill your beautiful pussy, to ram his cock deep in you?"

Rita didn't answer directly. Her fingers were flying on her clit and by way of answer she climaxed, her contractions ejecting a good amount of the load I had given earlier. She looked at me, a stupid smile on my face still between her legs staring wantonly at her dripping pussy. She said, "I love you."

So things had developed in five months.

Friday night, finally. I had the DVD set up as usual when Rita came out of the shower. She glanced at the door to make sure it was closed and sauntered over to me. I mean, sauntered, she seemed already excited. She sat down on the loveseat and scooted right up to me, taking my hand and laying it on her opened legs as her other hand caressed my balls.

"Mmmmm, we could skip the movie if you want?" she purred.

I hit Play. "I kinda want to see this one." She rolled her eyes and gave me a squeeze.

"You sure?"

As with most porn films, the premise is fairly thin and there wasn't a whole lot of intro. This one was the same. Titled "Closing the Sale," the opening scene is some big mansion's driveway. There's a limo there with the chauffeur standing outside, turning his head as a sports car turns into the driveway. The camera pans as the long legs of a woman in too short a skirt exits from the sports car and strides toward the limo, full breasts only minimally supported, swaying with each step.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," she says as the client exits from the limo, a slight smile on the chauffeur's face.

"Oh my god!" Rita exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"Yeah, pretty cool, huh? Allie Richardson when she was starting out. You don't mind, do you babe? You know I have a huge crush on her," I said almost defensively.

She looked at me a little blankly, then looked back at the TV screen. "Huh? No... oh my god, it can't be...."

"Yeah, it's her. The screen credits list her as 'Amber Richards.' When I thought I recognized her, I looked it up on Google and found out that is was indeed Allie Richardson," I fibbed. "So, you okay?"

Rita just smiled and shook her head. I don't know if she was intimidated or what, but I noticed that she had closed her legs, though her hand was still on her bush. Her other one was nicely wrapped around my hard cock, gently moving me already.

Well, you know the plot. The guy seems disinterested in the house. The woman, Allie, begins to be more seductive to make the sale. At five minutes, she's undoing his pants, her boobs already exposed. Damn, they were as gorgeous as I had always imagined they'd be. It was a nice house -- I wondered if real estate agents got a cut to let porn makers to use properties that were empty listing for their movies -- there was no furniture so they were soon in the kitchen and clambering on counters.

When Allie got the rich guy's cock out, Rita drew a sharp breath. It was impressive, to be sure, but no more so than other guys we'd seen over the past few months. I guess she didn't expect to see Allie Richardson with her hands so full, or maybe she was pretending to be Allie. Rita continued to stroke me slowly, as Allie worked the guy with her hands. Allie began to lick the guy, and Rita went down on me but never took her eyes off the action.

I was impressed with Allie's acting skills, and her other skills too. This guy's cock was double mine in girth and, I had to guess, a good couple inches longer than mine too, and Allie was doing her best to get it all in her mouth. Rita had me all, she'd become an expert at fellatio in these past few months, but I had to imagine that the dude's cock would have given Rita a real challenge. Allie was struggling but making a mighty effort.

Soon, Allie Richardson was naked and onmigod! It was so much better than I had imagined. She had a thin dark landing strip that began right at the top of her cleft. The idiot only went down on her for like fifteen seconds, spitting maybe three or four times to get her just minimally wet, but when his face got out of the way, wow! I'm not sure if it was one of those cut-aways or if it was just Allie's nature, but she looked soaked and she had the most lovely, delicate labia -- almost as long and pretty as Rita's -- showing between her spread , long, muscular legs. I dreamt of those thighs warming my ears.

Rita had sat back up, and had her legs full open, slipped down a bit on the loveseat, and was playing with her own labia. On screen, that cock approached Allie's entrance, just touching her. "Please," she breathed, "but be slow, I've never...." Damn, she was so sincere, the look in her eyes. Okay, her later stuff was in another genre, but this was Academy Award worthy acting. Not that the Academy gives awards for porn. I could feel myself at her entrance, could smell her scent.... or was that Rita?

Rita was into the scene, she had herself pulled open, as if ready for that massive dick, and she was wet enough to probably handle it. I reached over and tweaked her hard left nipple, eliciting an excited cry.

"Would you like to be in Allie's place?" I teased, sliding my hand under her leg and touching her slick entrance.

"God yes!" she immediately responded.

"Um, No. No, ...I mean ... of course not," she stammered, glancing at me and back at the screen. I wasn't sure what that was about. Though she might be saying 'no', her fingers were dancing rapidly over her hardening clit and her legs were open enough to sure try.

Mr. Rich Guy pressed into Allie slowly. The cameraman either had a great lens or was inches away, cuz you could see Allie's channel slowly stretch to accommodate him and then close over the bloom of his wide helmet. The camera pulled back. Geez, Allie looked so into this, her mouth agape and her eyes locked with Rich Guy as he steadily pushed into her. Her eyes closed and her forehead wrinkled as he progressed.

I glanced at Rita. She had her legs folded, heels on the edge of the loveseat, ass right at the edge and legs almost completely open, like a gymnast doing a split. She was pressing her hand into herself, at least three fingers, as her other hand ran amazingly fast vibrations over her engorged clit. She was glistening and she too had her mouth open, eyes glued to the screen.

King Kong began to move in and out, slowly at first and then increasingly fast. Allie looked alternately in pain and in ecstasy, grunting with each thrust, her head falling back, eyes unfocused. Rita was keeping pace. I wanted her, but I was so enthralled at watching this dude fuck my dream woman.

Rita grabbed my hand and drove it to her exposed, hungry pussy. "More!" was all she said. Her one hand continued its assault on her clit, the now free hand going to her breasts, alternately squeezing each and yanking, literally, her hard nipples as if trying to pull them off.

I pressed three fingers into her without resistance, withdrew and inserted all four. "Yesssss," she hissed. I moved in unison with the actor, his pistoning hips into Allie as my hand banged into my wife.

I have no idea how long the ramming machine drove into the young Allison Richardson. Three or four times she let out long "ooooohhhhh" sounds that vibrated with the way she was being shaken. Rita at one point grunted something like "gaaafuuuuuu.....," her legs shooting straight out and twitching, her belly tightening until she collapsed back and sucked in air. I felt her vaginal muscles frenzied gripped on my finger and the rush of juices, continuing to pulse for at least a full minute.

Just as she finished, her eyes still on the screen, the actor pulled out of Allie and shot gushers of cream on her. Many of the scenes we'd watched over the last several months ended the same, but these were truly impressive. Not a splash on the belly, but thick, white ropes of semen that reached to her breasts in continuous cords. Three times he shot like that, then a couple more that "only" reached her upper abdomen.


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